TOTAL VALUE OF * i ALL FARM CROPS Recording to Bureau of Crop Estimates Fully One-Half Is Found in Cereals. HEMP CROP INSIGNIFICANT Vegetables Appear to Be Gaining in Relative Importance-Tobacco Has Highest Value In History for Crop of 1918. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Fully one-half the total value of all farm crops in 1918 at the farm, accord ing to the bureau of crop estimates, ls found in the cereals, the crop total j being .$14,222,000,000 and the cereal ! total $7,079,000,000. The group next j below in value is that of the fiber i crops, cotton and hemp, but the latter \ is insignificant. Including cotton seed, . these two crops have a value of , $1,946,000,000, or 14 per cent of the ag gregate of all crops. The census items of hay and fora pe ; crops make a total value of $1,8S4,000,- ! OOO for 1918, or 33 per cent of all j crops, but these items do not ade- , quately cover the value of straw and corn stover and do not inciude pastur- : age. the value of which may now be j roughly estimated at $1,000,000,000 more than one-half as much as that j of the hay crop. If pasturage is in- j eluded, the value of the hay and for age of. 1918 must be nearly $3,000,000,- ?' 000-one-fifth of the crop total. Vegetables Gaining. Vegetables, subject to high variabili ty in production and price from year I to year, nevertheless appear to be gaining in relative importance. Their value in 1909, the latest census year, was 7.6 per cent of that of all crops, and in 191S it was 9 per cent, or $1,246, 000,000. The same is true of fruits, the value of which has become $03S,- j 000,000, or 4.5 per cent, in place of the j 3.1 per cent of 1909. Tobacco has the highest value in his- i' tory for the crop of 1918, and this reaches the estimate of $374,000,000, or 2.6 per cent of the crop total. The high prices of lumber and other forest products have raised the farm ' value of the year's products of "the ; farmer's wood lot" to considerable pro portions. A rough estimate for 1918 j1 computes a value of $366,000,000, or i 2.5 per cent of all crops. Value of "Seed Crops." The group called "seed crops" In the census arrangement includes beans and peanuts as well as various other seeds'. For 1918 the value of this class of produAs is $348,000,000, as estimated, and this Is 2.4 per cent of the crop total. j In the value of the sugar crops, no beet or cane sugar is Included, but only the beets and the sugar cane. Other items are sorghum cane sold and sirup made and maple sugar and sirup. The total is $137,000,000, of ] which $94,000,000 represents sugar beets and sugar cane, and this/Com pares with the value at the factory of the 1,007.050 short tons of beet and cane sugar of 1918, which may be $177,- \ 000,000, more or less. - [] HOME GARDENING IS FAVORED Likely to Prove Profitable Investment J of Effort This Year-Plan for ] Family Needs. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The home garden is likely to prove , a profitable investment of effort this j year us lt has for the past several sea Working in the Garden With a Labor saving Tool. sons, in the opinion of the United States department of agriculture. The experience of the past few years has proved that persons who have suffi cient land and spare time and who do their home gardening work Intelli gently and efficiently find It profitable. The relatively high prices of practical ly all foodstuffs tend to Increuse the saving effected, but the home garden should ta planned with a view to meet ing the family needs rather than of producing crops for sale on the market. Summer Legumes for Late Planting. The legumes are among our most valuable crops. There many uses for these crops that farmers can not make a mistake in growing them, if the land is adapted to their growth. And one of the many advan tages is that there are very few farms in the Southwest where some of the leguminous crops are not adapted to the local conditions. The summer lebumes may be plant ed late in many localities and on many farms. The season has been late and those who have land yet un planted might well afford to consider the value of the summer legumes such, for instance, as cowpeas, soy beans, peanuts and velvet beans. Those who have liberal acreage in wheat and oats will find it highly de sirable to turn the stubble and if the season is at all favorable plant some of these legumes. There will be a de mand for feed and no crops are bet ter than the legumes for late plant ing and for scant rainfall which is to be expected during late summer when legumes are at their best. The soil of the grain field will need humus and nitrogen which the legumes might furnish in addition to feed, conse quently it will be worth an effort to plant these stubble fields, even though seed and labor may be expensive. Farm and Ranch. Do Your Best. Everyone should do all he can to provide for his family and in order to do this he must keep his physical system in the best condition possible. No one can reasonably hope to do much when he is half sick a good share of the time. If you are consti pated, bilious or troubled with indi gestion get a package of Chamber lain's Tablets and follow the printed directions, and you will soon be feel ing all right and able to do a day's work. SECOND DIVISION EDGEFIELD W. M. U. The second division of the Edge field W. M. U. will meet at Trenton, Friday, June 6, Mrs. Henry Medlock, presiding. The following churches will be expected to send representa tives to report from all grades of their mission societies: Antioch, Red Hill, Rehoboth, Hardy's, Horn's Creek, Mt. Zion and Republican. Programme. ll A. M. Devotions-Mrs. A. B. Young. Verbal reports from each Woman's Society. Mission Study-Mrs. Lovick Mims. Personal Service-Mrs. W. 0. Whatley. Standard of Excellence-Mrs. J. L. Mims. Music provided by Trenton society. Impressions of Southern Baptist Convention.-Mrs. D. B. Hollings worth. Memorials of Church Building Loan Fund-Mrs. J. L. Mims. Hymn. Address-Rev. R. G. Lee, "The Im portance of Woman's Work in the Essentials of the Lord's Work." Dinner Afternoon Session. Y. W. A. session in charge of Miss Smmie Lanham. Y. W. A. and G. A. reports. Vocal solo-Miss Ellen Prescott. Southern Baptist Convention from i young woman's viewpoint-Miss .kathleen Kenrick. Sunbeam session in charge of Mrs. II. N. Tillman. Roll Call of bands, each society esponding with report and a song or .ecitatiort. New Plans of Work for Young People's Societies from Southern 3aptist Convention. Demonstration by Trenton Sun beams. Adjournment. Grist Mill. When you come to Edgefield to laul guano, freight or on other busi less put a sack of corn on your wag in and bring to my mill. I have just lad my mill rocks sharpened and I nake better meal now than I have ;ver made. You can save time by patronizing my mill. Your corn rround while you wait, practically no ;ime lost. Give me a trial. Satisfac en guaranteed. A. L. KEMP, Edgefield, S. C. LET THE Aiken Gift Shop AIKEN, S. C. Do your Kodak work. Best mate rial and workmanship. Mail your orders to-day. Sr, lung's Hew Discwsn KILLS THE COUGH. CUHES THE MORE "FLUE" COMING. Leading Physicians say we . are to have a repetition of "Flue conditions this Fall and Winter. You can wait till you are sick to call a doctor or get a square in the cemetery, but the only time to get Life Insurance is to do so before you are sick or dead. I have the Best Policy at LOWER rates. Will take Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps in payment. The PRUDENTIAL has the strength of GIBRAL TAR over 1-2 Billion Dol lars Assets. It is the Com pany that can stand the great drain by "flue" losses. Amount of policy is doubled if death by acci dent. Also splendid extra Benefits if Disabled by Ac cident or Disease. Write for cost at your age. E. J. NORRIS. JOHN A. HOLLAND, The Greenwood Piano Man. The largest dealer in musical instru ments in Western South Carolina. Sells pianos, self-player pianos, organs and sewing machines. Reference: Tho Bank of Greenwood, the oldest and ttrongest Bank iu Greenwood County Reasons ! Why you should use ,Cardui, the woman's tonic, for your troubles, have been shown in thousands of letters from actual users of this medi cine, who speak from personal experience. If the results obtained by other women for so many years have been so uni formly good, why not give-Carduiatrial? Tr'"* itt The Woman's Tenis Mrs. Mary J. Irvin, of Cullen, Va., writes: "About ll years ago, 1 suffered untold misery with female trouble, bear ing-down pains, head ache, numbness ... I would go for three weeks almost bent double ...* My husband went to Dr. - for Cardui . . . After taking about two bottles I began going around and when I took three bottles I could do all my work." E-80 FOR SALE: Plants have been in spected. Ready to ship. Porto Rico, Jerusalem, Triumph, and Pumpkin Yams at $2.00 per thousand. E. A. Williams, Sylvester, Ga. HARRIS' PRESSING CLUB I take this'meana of letting the people know that I have "re-opened my pressing club, and will appre ciate their patronage. I am better prepared than ever to clean and press all kinds 'of garments, both for ladies and gentlemen, All work guaranteed. Let me know when you have work and I will send for it and make prompt delivery. Wallace Harris Sheppard Building Down Stairs For Sale-33 squares of corrugat ed galvanized roofing, 6 and 10 feet lengths, $6.50 per square f. o. b. Edgefield. A bargain while it lasts. Call upon the Yonce Motor Compa ny of Stewart & Kernaghan. NOTICE TO 7"B HAVE ACCEPTED for the Internationa Edgefield and Saluda cou is nothing better on the r the men who are using th( Let us overhaul your car for you-i as good as new. If you have a second-hand car for i and let us sell it for you. DIXIE HIGHWAY Crouch's Market 9 We now!have in our new refrigerator and keep fresh meats of all kinds every day in the week. All steak for 30c. a pound All roast for 25c. a pound We have also added a line of FANCY GROCERIES. We make specialty of White House Tea and Coffee and Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon. Phone us your orders. G. V. CROUCH Lyon Brothers' Garage We take this means of letting people know that we have opened a garage op posite the stable of Mr. Bettis Cantelou and are prepared to do all kinds of re pairs on automobiles, trucks, gasoline engines and other machinery. We give personal attentional to all work entrust ed to us, and can therefore guarantee every job that leaves our garage. Call us up on phone 63 when you need our services. Prompt attention given to all work given us. A trial is all we ask. Lyon Brothers' Garage ALL the Agency bl Trucks for nties. There narke! Ask 3m. can make it almost sale, list it with us GARGAE Abbeville-Greenwood ka tuai Insurance Asso ciation. ORGANIZED 1892. Property Insured $4,268,300. WRITE OR CALL on the under? signed for any information you may desire about our plan of insurance. We insure your property against destruction by FIRE, WINDSTORM or LIGHT NING and do so cheaper than any Com pany in existence. Remember, we are prepared to prove to you that ours is the safest and cheapest plan of insurance known. Our Association is now licensed to write Insurance in the counties of Abbeville, Greenwood, McCor mick, Edgefield, Laurens, Saluda, Richland, Lexington, Calhoun and Spartanburg. The officers are: Gen. J. -Frases Lyon, President, Columbia S. C., J. R. Blake, Gen. Agent, Secty. and Treas., Greenwood, S. C. DIRECTORS, ..i. 0. Grant, Mt. Carmel, S. C. J. M. Gambrell, Abbeville, S. C. J. R. Blake, Greenwood, S. C. A. W. Youngblood, Hodges, S. C. R, H. Nicholson, Edgefield, S. C. J. Fraser Lyon, Columbia, S. C. W. C. Bates, Batesburg, S .C. W. H. Wharton, Waterloo, S. C. J. R. BLAKE, GEN. AGT. Greenwood, S. C. j February 1st, 1919. FOR SALE: One Sterling Thrash er mounted on trucks for $300.00. Guaranteed to be in first class condi tion. Suitable for six-horse power en gine. STEWART & KERNAGHAN. FOR SALE: Nineteen thorough bred O. I. C. pigs, now rjady for de livery. Apply to J. E. MIMS. BucStieirs ?rnica Salv fte Best Salve lo The World.