ELECT EORDS We are now getting in Fords so equipped that we can supply you a genuine Ford Starter on same-later if you so desire. This is one of the greatest things that the Ford Motor Company has ever done. Think of it! A Ford with a SELF STAR TER We are getting orders daily for Fords and Ford Trucks. Better place your orders at once if you want one any time soon. Watch us put a Ford in every home. " \ ' YOURS FOR GOOD ROADS, YONG pr _ M Office No 61 Residence, No. 17 WEDNESDAY, MAY 21. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Myra Pearce of Augusta is the guest of Miss Justine Cantelou. Miss Mamie Dunovant is spending some time in Darlington with friends. BUSINESS IS BOOMING. Get in your order for that Ford quick.-Adv Mrs. W. W. Adams has been spend ing the past week in McCormick with her parents. Hubenstein tells you of some at tractive new arrivals in his advertise ment this week. Mrs. W. B. Cogburn is spending this week in Anderson with her daughter, Mrs. S. M. Craig. Capt. Claude E. Sawyer of Aiken spent the week-end in Edgefield visit ing his sister, Mrs. L. B. Jones. When you need a spring for your car, see us, we have them for all cars. YONCE MOTOR CO. Mrs. S. McG. Simpkins and Miss Mary Butler have returned from a stay of ten days on Sullivan's Island. Mrs. J. B. Kennerly motored to Greenwood Monday to spend several days with her sister, Mrs. Lillie Cog burn. Mr. P. P. Bialock, Jr., went to Winnsboro, S. C., Monday on busi ness connected with the Addison Mills. Rev. P. B. Lanham and Rev. J. W. Kesterson attended the Southern Baptist Convention in Atlanta last week. Mrs. J. G. Edwards ot Abbeville, accompanied by Miss Helen Edwards is here visiting her son, Dr. J. G. Ed wards. Miss Miriam Norris spent the week end in Greenville with her sister, Miss Genevieve Norris, who is attending G. W. C. Mrs. J. P. Matthews of Columbia is here visiting her mother, Mrs. Kate Kernaghan and sister, Mrs. J. W. Stewart. Keep an eye on the man with the Ford Truck. Watch his business grow.-Adv. Rev. P. P. Bialock attended the grand lodge, I. 0. 0. F., in Columbia last week as the representative of the local lodge. Misses Royal and Lallie Peak are at home for the summer, having ar rived from their schools in Sumter on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Talbert and Miss Rosada Talbert came over from Parksville and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Parker. Up to Saturday night next, May 24, Mr. A. M. Timmerman will give you the government price in cash for your cotton seed. What more could you ask? Get a tube that is puncture proof from YONCE MOTOR CO. Mr. William Ross, Mr. Ikie Ora ford and Mr. Ben Talber' of Colu bia and Mr. Hack Sch?ler of Aik were week-end guests of Mr. S. Mays, Jr. Rev. Louis Peatross, the new elected rector of Trinity church h arrived in Edgefield and has enter upon his labors. He preached his fi] sermon Sunday afternoon. Mr. A. E. Padgett who was recei ly appointed a member of the boa of visitors of Clemson College ? tended a meeting of the board at t college last Wednesday. Messrs. Stewart and Kernaghi announce this week that they will si aluminum ware for ONE DAY OJ LY, Saturday next, at very attracti price?. Read what they say. Judge DeVore is enjoying a wei at home, the bar and solicitor havii requested that no court be held ti' week at Lexington on account of r pairs being made on the court hous The ladies should be interested the beautiful waist materials in sill and satins that Daitch Brothers a vertise this week. Oher attracti1 merchandise can be found at the store. Lyon Brothers-Frank and Clauc Lyon-make their bow to the publ this week, soliciting the patronage ( the people for their new garage c Jeter Street opposite the stables < Mr. Bettis Cantelou. The Corner St?re has just receive an attractive line of Middy Blous< and suits. See what they say in the advertisement this week about Pi( torial Review Patterns. They lead i the fashion world. Mrs. B. B. Jones came up fro] Beaufort for several days last wee and returned the early part of thi week. She has engaged a cottage i Beaufort for the season. Beaufort i a very popular summer resort. Mrs. D. B. Hollingsworth attende the Southern Baptist Convention ii Atlanta last week, along with th other Edgefield representatives. Mis Kellah Fair remained in Atlanta sev eral days with her brother, Mr. Fran! Fair. Mr. A. M. Timmerman announce: in his advertisement this week that hi will be in the cotton seed market pay ing the government price until Sat urday night, May 24. It is a good timi to convert the left over seed fron planting, into money. Dr. J. N. Crafton was in Edgefiek Monday. He is grealy interested ir establishing a hospital in Edgefield Dr. Crafton has, for a number oi years been as an angel of mercy ir the homes of a large section of oui county and he knows the needs of thc people. Mrsr Henry T. Medlock was a visit or in Edgefield Saturday. She and Mr. Medlock have purchased a home ir Greenwood and will move to that pro gressive little city the latter part o? the summer. Edgefield county will give them up with the greatest reluc tance. Miss Ruth Tompkins has returned from Boston, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Hortense Marshall of Boston. Miss Ruth has been in Boston since November last completing her course in physical culture, now hold ing a diploma from one of the lead ing schools of Boston. She has been very affectionately greeted by her friends. Every dollar you invest in the Sal vation Army will bring large divi dends. Some people do not want divi dends unless they come in dollars and cents annually or semi-annually, for getting that the invisible things of life are often the most valuable and the most enduring. The Dixie Highway Garage an nounces this week that they are a gents for the International trucks in Edgefield and Saluda counties. When a man buys an International he gets 100 per cent for his money. Read what is said of them this week by the Dixie Highway Garage. Sorghum cane is about the cheap est forage one can grow. At least more can be produced per acre than any other kind of forage crop and when cut and fed green as soon as it fully matures it makes an excellent feed for horses and mules. Plant an extra patch after cutting early grain. Miss Ella Belle Scurry is a student at the Due West Female College. Du ring the Commencement she has been chosen to give a reading on one of the Commencement programs, only two being selected from the Express ion class for this occasion, this being a great honor to Miss Scurry. Warren Reel has reached home with an honorable discharge in his pocket and has been very cordially greeted by his friends here. He came direct from England. For some time he has been making Southampton his headquarters, being assigned to duty on a vessel that transported troops across the English Channel. He re lates some of his experiences in the navy in a most interesting way. Willie Pearce Stevens, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stevens, was cordially welcomed as a visitor in Edgefield Friday. He volunteered for service early in the war and has been assigned to the "George Washington" the vessel which President Wilson se lected to make his voyages on, for some time. Willie Pearce was recent ly operated on for appendicitis and is at home on a furlough of two weeks. A self-starter for every Ford, is now the order of the day for this great factory. Some models are al ready equipped with a self-svarter and all cars are made so that self starters can be attached at any time. The Ford self starters are no make shift or after thought. They are made in the Ford factory and attached to the Ford cars by skilled Ford me chanics. See what the Yonce Motor Company says about Fords this week in their advertisement. RECITAL AT COLLIERS. The music pupils of Miss Bessie Ferguson will give a "recital at Col lier School House, Friday night, May 23, at 9:30 o'clock. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged. After the programme ice cream will be served. FOCH READY TO TAKE THE FIELD.' Paris, May 19.-Marshal Foch to day laid beiore the council of four his plan for military operations that are to be put in effect in case the German plenipotentiaries decline to sign the peace treaty. After the conference between Mar shal Foch and the council of four, President Wilson had a talk with General Pershing. It became known later that General Pershing's visit to London may be postponed in order to await developments. CF'TC LEAGUE RECEPTION. The members of the Civic League will give a reception in the Library, Monday afternoon, May 2Cth from 5 to 7 o'clock. All their friends are cordially in vited. A silver offering will be much appreciated. Please tell your friends about it. Every town should have a good library. Your co-operation and interest is needed in this forward move for gerater Edgefield. The Civic League will be especially glad to see all men and women who feel an in terest in the Library movement. Miss June Rainsford will explain library methods and answer any questions on the subject. DEATH OF A LITTLE CHILD. The newly made grave in the churchyard at Republican marks the last resting place of little Joe Miller, the 21-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller. The angel took its flight to the spirit land Thursday af ternoon and was buried Friday after noon, Rev. P. B. Lanham conducting the funeral. The little fellow was tak {en as a bud is plucked to adorn the heavenly home where he will await the coming of the devoted mother and father and other 'loved ones. Thc Advertiser joins the hose of friends in extending sincere sympathy to this grief-stricken home. DESERVE HIGHEST COMMENDA TION. Rev. A. L. Gunter and the members of his churches, Edgefield and Tren ton, deserve the highest commenda tion for the manner in which" they have responded to the Centenary ap peal. Mr. Gunter's charge was asked to subscribe $8,135, and the total a mount they have subscribed is more ! than $16,000-double their allot-' ment. We rejoice with them in their, success. They have gone the Bap- ' tists more than one better, if you will pardon the expression. We are glad ' to live in a community and in a coun-1 ty with such people. The war has 1 taught all of our people to do large things in a large way. The members of the Trenton church deserve each, a service medal of large proportions, the 40 members Bfl^SmnHHBSnHHOSHBSSIBi ! Specia We give the ladies beautiful assortment Crepe de Chine and ? We have a strom Worsteds, and also i see them. Our stock of SlipjM shown. It will be a DAIl having subscribed $4,000, which is a bout $100 for each man, woman and child in the church. We doubt if a better record will be made in the en tire conference. RED CROSS WORKERS PLEASE READ. Miss Butler, Director of Woman's Work, has just received a letter from Mrs. Grant, Division Director, asking that the allotments of mending and knitting be finished and shipped as soon as possible. Ii this is done promptly, no fur th or allotment will be sent until next fall, and the work rooms may be closed during the sum mer. The Trenton branch, the auxili aries, and individual helpers will please bring in the work taken out as soon as it can conveniently be finish ed. Members of the chapter are re quested to come to the rooms on Tues days and Fridays to mend sweaters, and to do as much knitting at home as they can so that all work may be finished early in June. ANNIE M. CLISBY, Secretary. ATTENDANCE OFFICER CHOSEN. At a meeting held Friday the coun ty board of education, acting under the terms of the recently enacted com pulsory education law, selected Mr. Pierce Timmerman if Pleasant Lane as attendance officer for Edr.efield county. It will be his duty to see that all children who should attend school under the compulsory school attend ance law attend at least four consec utive months of the school term. The board acted wisely and well in select ing Mr. Timmerman. We believe he will do his full duty without fear or favor. The extent to which the com pulsory school attendance law is ef fective and accomplishes the purpose in Edgefield county for which it was enacted, depends largely upon the manner in which Mr. TimmerPian dis charges his duty. The trustees and patrons should give him their full co operation. CR.KING'S NEW SiiSC?VEW* KUI Surely Si oo Tfaat Cou oil. ls in Waisl s a special invitation of silks for waists, Satin in all the popiilai y line of Skirts in Si n Wash Skirts. We irs and Oxfords is the pleasure to show yon. CH BROTI Next door to Lynch Drug Store ?SECOND DIVISION EDGEFIELB W. M. U. The second division of the Edge field W. M. U. will meet'at Trenton, Friday, June 6, Mrs. Henry Medlock, presiding. The following churches will be expected to send representa tives to report from all grades of I their mission societies: Antioch, Red Hill, Rehoboth, Hardy's, Horn's Creek, Mt. Zion and Republican. Programme. ll A. M. Devotions-Mrs. A. B. Young. Verbal reports from each Woman'? ?Society. Mission Study-Mrs. Lovick Mims. Personal Service-Mrs. W. .0. Whatley. Standard of Excellence-Mrs. J. L. Mims. Music provided by Trenton society. Impressions of Southern Baptist Convention.-Mrs. D. B. Hollings worth. I Memorials of Church Building I Loan Fund-Mrs. J. L. Mims. Hymn. Address-Rev. R. G. Lee, "The Im portance of Woman's Work in the Essentials of the Lord's Work." Dinner Afternoon Session. Y. W. A. session in charge of Miss .Emmie Lanham. Y. W. A. and G. A. reports. Vocal solo-Miss Ellen Prescott. Southern Baptist Convention from [a young woman's viewpoint-Miss Kathleen Kenrick. Sunbeam session in charge of Mri. M. N. Tillman. Roll Call of bands, each society responding with report and a song or recitation. I New Plans of Work for Young ? People's Societies from Southern Baptist Convention. I Demonstration by Trenton Snn j beams. I Adjournment. For Sale-33 squares of corrugat ed galvanized roofing, 6 and 10 feet lengths, $6.50 per ?square f. o. fe. Edgefield. A bargain while it lasts. Call upon the Yonce Motor Compa ny of Stewart & Kernaghan. t Silks to call and see our Taffetas, Georgette, r colors. Iks, Satins, Serges, invite the ladies to largest we have ever