Now i The people of E portation, and 1 any of the folio The worm-drive, one a full stock of all pa soon. No decline in Yonc Office No 61 Residence, No. 1 7 Wednesday, April 23. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. e_ - Mr. Albert Darlington of George- ? town is here visiting relatives. Miss Marjorie Tompkins went to Washington last Wednesday to spend several weeks. Miss Jacqueline Cooper of Colum bia was the puest of Miss Helen Till man last week. Mrs. Fannie Ouzts of Elmwood is ; spending some time in Edgefield with j her daughter. Mrs. W. H .Harling. j Have you t contributed an Edith ' Cavell? If* not, don't you think you j should subscribe for a Victory Bond? j Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carwile and I Miss Patti Major were guests at tea I with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Johnson last1 Wednesday evening. Look at your label this week. If j your subscription has expired, renew at once. We must discontinue all not paid in advar ce. I William Thurmond, Milledge Hol ston and Elwyn Moore came down from the B. M. I. to spend Saturday | and Sunday. j, r Mrs. R G. Lee has gone to Green ville to spend this week. Her sister 1 will return with her the latter part of \ the week * ; *. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Griffin motored I to Florence, Friday and from there j went tc Marion to visit Mr. Grif- ? fin's siste/:, Mrs. J. C. Mace. Miss J ulia Roddey, one of the teachers nf the graded school, went to her home in Rock Hill for the week-end. I This debt to be raised for the Vic- I tory Loan stopped the War; it is America's debt. As an American ' shouldn't you subscribe your bit? !' ? ?i I In his patriotic, half-page Victory 1 loan advertisemnt on our second page Mr. Rubenstein telle of hiss new arri- ,J vals that will please the ladies. Read 1 what he says on our second page this ? week. ^ ^ - . .. j Even though you have sold your \ Liberty bonds at a discount, you have only contributed a few dollars at best; others have contributed SONS, and DAUGHTERS. Have you done your full duty? i The next building in line for erect ion in Edgefield is the residence that Mr. Ernest Quarles will erect upon his four-acre lot on the right just be- 1 yond the bridge across Beaverdam on Jeter Street. . . Mrs. Agatha A. Woodson and Miss j Elizabeth Woodson joined Capt. W. A. Woodson at Trenton Saturday while he was en route from Camp ' Dix to Camp Jackson. Capt. Wood-' son returned from overseas duty a-' bout ten days ago. j The Yonce Motor Company pre-j sents this week the merits of the Ford , motor tuck. Read the list of recent purchasers of these machines and ask them if it is not the most satisfactory means of transportation available to our people Try a truck. Better place your nam? on the waiting list. lIl?Mll?illill is the dgefield county are r ;hey have also learnei wing recent purchase C. A. Wells F. F. Rainsford Milton Parker W. L, Nicholson i-ton truck is the one to bu rts of Ford cars and trucks, price of Fords in sight. e Motor Authorized Ford Tillaloy pictures at the Opera House Thursday night. Admission, 15 and 25 cents. Lieut. Sam Telfair, of Raleigh, N. C. was the week-end guest of Miss Nelle Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bee of Char leston are here visting their niece, Mrs. Jerald LeGrone. Splendid "Movie" program in the Opera House Friday night. It will be worth motoring to Edgefield to see it. Tell your friends about it. Mr. ano Mrs. J. T. Harling came i down from Plum Branch and spent Sunday here with Mr. Harling's pa- j rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harling. A telegram has been received in j Edgefield from Lieut. A. S. Tomp kins stating that he is en route for' the homeland. Just when his ship will reach New York is not definitely known. Hon. and Mrs. Melvin J. Ashley and Mr. and Mrs. George E. Moore of Honea Path were guests of Capt. and Mrs. L. Y. Moore Sunday. Mr. Ashley is a member of the House of Repre sentatives from Abbeville county. The attention of our Baptist read- j ers is called to the statement of Dr. A. C. Jones, educational secretary, in), this issue. He has paid for a quarter of a page to get this information be- ' fore Edgefield county Baptists. Miss Elizabeth Rainsford and Miss Sallie Mae Nicholson motor?d to Greenwood Friday to attend the In- ] tor-Collegiate Oratorical contest held ] in the auditorium of Lander College, j Miss Mazie Trammell returned with ?1 \Iiss S5W*.e Mae to be her guest. ? Florence Reed, one of the most . popular emotional actresses on tbs American stage, can be seen at the Dpera House Friday night. The mov- i ng pictures will be especially attract ive Friday. See the quarter page ad- < I'ertisment in this issue. ] Rev. R. G. Lee was invited to preach at Antioch Sunday afternoon. 1 A. large congregation attended the ! services. But few, if any rural com munities have developed more rapid ly than Antioch during the past few ' fears. The modern school building near the church reflects credit upon j the community. '. Will Revise List. Look at your label this week and 1 renew at once. Our subscription list i will be revised by the 1st of May and i we will be compelled to discontinue all subscriptions not paid in advance. If you cannot come to the office in person, mail us a check or money or der at once so you will not miss an issue. We .viii be compelled to discon tinue all subscriptions not paid in ad vance. Special Service Sunday Night. An exceedingly interesting service will be held at the Baptist church Sunday night. It will be a meeting in the interest of temperance held under the auspices of the Woman's Christ ian Temperance Union. Besides ? temperance sermon by Rev. R. G. Lee, special music will be rendered and there will be several other at tractive features. Everybody is invit ed. It is expected that the church grounds will be crowded with cars from a distance, which means also that the church will be well filled with an interested audience. apidly learning that i that the Ford one-fc rs about the Ford tri Edgefield A. E. Padg W. H. Jae) i y. Durable and econ?mica] Place your order now if ; . Mrs. Manly Timmons spent several days last week in Greenwood and at Winterseat visiting her mother. Miss Lucy Quattlebaum has re signed her position as stenographer in the office of Mr. A. E. Padgett and has accepted a position in Columbia. Mr. J. H. Miller has moved his bar ber shop from over the Mitchell drug store into the store next door to the Edgefield market. He will be ready for business at his new stand Friday. Lieut, and Mrs. W. D. Allen spent last week with Mr. James Strother who resides near Chappell. Mr.- J. H. Allen went up for them in an auto mobile Sunday. Harold Norris is now at home from Washington, having secured an hon orable dise?are from the military service. He will spend several weeks at home. The entertainment given at Col lier School Friday night to raise funds with which to purchase a piano was a decided success. The sum of $75, more or less, was realized. The social feature was also greatly enjoy ed by the young people. Several stores have arranged pa triotic, Victory Loan windows. The most original and effective design is that of the Corner Store which is largely the handiwork of Miss Gladys Lyon who is very talented and posses ses remarkable artistic taste. Victory Loan Meeting. Remember the big Victory Loan Meeting at Johnston, Saturday after loon at 3 o'clock. I appeal to the peo ple of Johnston and vicinity specially, I ;o aid in making this meeting a big I success. Patriotism appeals to you | ;hrough th? voices of our dead boys )T\ the battle fields of France. Don't ! you hear them? I War Tank to Visit Edgefield. In order to promote the Victory loan drive, three tanks have been placed at the disposal of the State Campaign manager. One of these ?rreat "crawling fortresses" can be seen in Edgefield May 9. It is worth riding many miles to see one of these modern war machines. More will be said next week of its coming. Arrived from Overseas. The Advertiser was honored with a call fra m John Agner yesterday afternoon. He has just arrived from France, having secured an honorable discharge through an application from his father, Mr. Sam Agner, be cause he is greatly needed on the farm, certainly more than-the govern ment needs him at this time. John conversed freely and very interesting ly upon what he saw and actually ex perienced during the eight months that he was on overseas duty. He was granted his discharge on March 13, this being his 28th birthday. This young man was very cordially greet ed by his friends in Edgefield. There are other Edgefield boys in France that should be granted honorable dis charges, as JohnAgner was. NOTICE. J I desire to state to the public that I will throw open the doors of my new store for business Saturday morning. Many good things to eat will be ready. Will give a fuller no tice next week. A. A. EDMUNDSv west in the motor truck is th on trucks the most e( icks: Chero-Cola Co. ?tt ison I. We carry you wish one Letter from George Logue. (Continued from page One) torie interest. Before the war thousands of tour ists visited it annually and the oppor tunity to see it was a rare treat. The army of occupation has this opportu nity now. Very sincerely, Your cousin, George R. Logue, Niedervier, Germany, 342 F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 8th Div. FOR SALE: White peas for plant ing. E. S. JOHNSON, Edgefield, S. C. 4-16-4L Are Y 1. YOU OUGHT T( there are about one hui ty-five thousand white South Carolina. Perhap; than half the white ch' in the State are Baptist represent^ every class hence we may considei representative of the ] State. Then this means among our members ou illiterate and the near have more illiterates church membership thar denominations in the because there are more all the others! THIS IS CHURCH PROBLEM! 2. YOU OUGHT TC a great responsibility as a denomination bees bove facts. We ought possible to foster the co of the State; but we i there! We must also pi and colleges of our ow educate our people in s our ideals and convicti not leave the task of ed hands of secular forces world war has taught more it has certainly t state monopoly in ed leads to a Christless ci less culture means th< Germany! If we would in America we mus strong system of d schools both for the wc themselves and for thei fiuence on the State sci 3. YOU OUGHT TC the denominational sch dering a great service church and to society a bout 85 per cent of t CHAS. A i 133 Moore St. ci Foi?d e cheapest and best i 3onomical truck on th B. T. Lanham B. B. Jones S. F. Logan Easter Egg Hunt. An Easter Egg hunt was given at the home of Miss Lottie Corley last Saturday afternoon. Quite a number of little children and young . folks gathered there to find the eggs hidden in the tajl clover and grass. While the crowd was gathering they played games out on the lawn. La'ter the eggs were found. Albert Seigler won the prize, a box of candy. After all the eggs were found, re freshments were csrvcd. All the chil dren went home happy with a basket of eggs. The hous . v a ; beautifully decorated with Easter lillies and other flowers. ?Jures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure. riie worst cases, no matter of how lonj? standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at ta? same time. 25c. 50c, ?1.V ou a D KNOW that idred and six ! Baptists in ? a little more arch members ;s! Our people of society, . ourselves as oeople of the that we have r share of the illiterate! We among our i all the other State-simply of us than of OUR GREAT ) KNOW that rests upon us .use of the a in every way mmon schools Tiust not stop rovide schools n in which to ympathy with ons. We dare ucation in the . If the great ; us nothing aught us that ucation soon llture. Christ i situation in [ prevent this t maintain a enominational irk they do in ir salutary in ?ool system! ) KNOW that lools are ren both to the s a whole. A he leaders in church work ; fields come fr schools! The than four to and women ii science, in 1 ii ship, in busim - Certainly, the splendid worl serving and s more, the den South Carolin more than ha State. Hence, the school ?ys 4. YOU 0 that Christ ha cation on his he has the du we must seel men. This is < we must not ? sd train then living and foi in the Kingdoi inations Bapti upon the inte their people. J nomination, t or we shall pe 5. YOU ( SHARE in 1 work of your your opportun paign to reli< debt and to si ter service, th Baptist in th men of large gifts, we ne means with lt we need the n their small gi as God has r. Get into it am campaign a gi , JONES, Secretary-T he Baptist Educational Boar neans of trans e market. Ask How Diphtheria is Contracted. One often hears the expressoin, "My child caught a severe cold which developed into diphtheria," when the truth was that the cold had simply left the little one particularly suscep tible to the wandering diphthera germ. If your child has a cold when diphtheria is prevalent you should take him out of school and keep him off the street until fully recovered, as there is a hundred times more dan ger of his taking diphtheria when he has a cold. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given it quickly cures the cold and lessens the dan ger of diphtheria or any other germ disease being contracted. ror Weakness and Loss oir Appetit? Thc Old StanJard general strenjrthening tonic, GROVE'S TA STELES? chill TONIC, drives out .ialaria and builds up the systsm. A true tonio ?rd <:i""e Appetizer. Vm adt4'.s and chi!/! ?n. 50o y are producing more one of the great men ii all walks of life-in terature, in statesman 's and in church work! n, in the light of their <. they are worth pre itrengthening! Further loniinationrl colleges in ia are providing for ilf the students in the they are a vital part of * teni in this State. UGHT TO KNOW also is laid the duty of edu people just as truly as ty of evangelism. Sure, k to save the souls of sur primary task. But ?top there. We must al i for larger and fuller r more efficient service ii of God. Of all denom sts are most dependent illigent co-operation of ilore than any other de herefore, must educate rish. )UGHT TO HAVE A this great educational denomination. Here is lity. In the present cam ;ve our institutions of lengthen them for bet ere is a place for every e State! We need the means with their large ed those of moderate leir moderate gifts, and len of small means with fts. Let each one give irospered him, or her! i let us make this great orious success! reasurer d Columbia, S, C.