NO CHEAPER COUPE SEDAN PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR A FORD No eheaper ear will be made in two or three years. The following letter just re eeived from the Ford Motor Co. is self-explanatory: "On account of recent newspaper articles and the many rumors circulating over the country concerning a proposed new car to be manufactured by Mr. Henry Ford, we believe it advisable to inform our dealers gen erally, in order that you may intelligently and uniform ly answer all inquiries. "In the first place, a large majority of the reports a float are greatly distorted and exaggerated. A new car may be manufactured but as to when it will be manu factured we are not in position to say, except that we do know a new car could not possibly be designed, test ed out, manufactured and marketed in quantities un der two or three years' time. "There is nothing, however, in de fin bout the present Ford car. There are over threr ,ion in daily use at the present time; and every one of our dealers, through their continued enthusiastic efforts;, can dis pose of our product as rapidly as manufactured. We in tend to continue the production of the reliable Model T as aggressively as in the past, and feel that we have the co-operation of our entire sales organization n forcibly impressing upon prospective buyers the exceptional high quality and dependability of the present Ford car, backed up by the entire strength of an organization al ready established. "Our factory and assembly plant production is being pushed to the limit, with the thought in mind of reach ing our normal capacity of three thousand cars per day as quickly as possible, in order that the demands of prospective buyers might be met to the fullest possible extent." Better place your order now for a Ford car. We have a large number on hand and in transit, but we have orders ?S ahead for these cars. The sooner you place your order the sooner you will get a car. Yonee Motor Co. TOURING Authorized Ford Dealers RUNABOUT mm Mrs. Abernathy of Anson, N. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robinson, in Buncombe. Mr. Butler Thompson is at home for a few days from the University. ' Miss Eileen Harling came down from the Greenville Woman's College and spent several days at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kesterson of Red Hill were among the visitors in Edgefield yesterday. Miss Rosa Hill, Mr. Hal Hill and Mr. George Schley of Augusta were week-end guests of Miss Sadie Mims. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ready, Mrs. Sadie Hill and Miss Nora Stubbs mo tored to Edgefield from Johnston Monday afternoon. Mr?. Ida Sheppard is visiting her daughters, Mrs. W. S. Cogburn and Mrs. E. C. Brown in Greenwood and Greenville. Mrs. C. E. May and Mrs. J. B. Ken nefly spent Monday in Augusta where they went to visit their first great nephew, William Sheppard Stevens. Mrs. D. T. Mathis, Miss Ellie Math is and Mr and Mrs. D. T. Mathis, Jr., of Colliers motored to Edgefield Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Julius M. Vann of Trenton were among the visitors in Edgefield Tuesday. Mr. Vann is one of the best farmers in the county. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Harling, Miss Nita Ouzts and Miss Fannie Ouzts, al so Miss Mary Adams spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Fannie Ouzts. Unless somebody' builds more . houses in Edgefield to rent, a requi sition will have to be made upon the government for tents to shelter folks. The demand for houses greatly ex ceeds the supply. At the hour of closing our forms, the colored people are arriving in large numbers from section of the county for their annual ninth of ? pril celebration. A programme has heen arranged and dinner will be aerved to the colored soldiers. If the record of the past for such occasions be sustained, the best of order will prevail threugfceat the ?lay. ---, Miss Hattie I*v ""'runson, a daugh ter of Mr. Wal . r. Brunson of Cle ora, has a position as copyist in the office of Clerk of Court, W. B. Cog burn. She entered upon her duties Monday morning. . . - .<..-.. i The local board has received official information to the effect that dis charged soldiers and sailors may re tain their uniforms, instead of re turning them to the government as announced some time ago. All persons who are collecting funds for. the Jewish relief work will please make a report to 1' E. J. Norris by Saturday of this 'eek, so J. L. Mims, the county chairman, can make a full report to the State chair man in Columbia. Mr. W. W. Fuller has sold his cot tage on the hill to Mr. Pierce Thomas who will move his family to Edgefield before the close of the year. Edge field extends a cordial welcome to all good people such as Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. He is the brother of our fellowtownsman, Mr. Charlie Thomas. Having become home-sick Satur day afternoon, Miss Pearl Padgett hied herself away on the early train Sunday morning to the good town of Saluda and thence by auto to the ru ral fastnesses of that splendid section known as Mt. Willing, where she spent the day amid the scenes of the years gone by. Not many years, however. i While our friend Gus Edmunds is arranging to prolong the lives of his fellowmen and women by supplying them with the best of everything to J eat, he is also mindful of the-dead (and has accepted the local agency of Mr. C. F. Kohlruss, the noted sculpt or, granite and marble worker of Au gusta. See what Mr. Edmunds says in his advertisement this week. The friends of Dr. Eustace Pres cott will be pleased to learn of his re cent promotion in the navy. He has made a good record since he volun teered and now has the rank corres ponding to that of a captain in the infantry. We do not know just what this rank is designated in the navy. IS TME OWLY 357JU?NE flHH53*A 3ISL^ ni Lieut. W. D. Allen is at horne from Camp Jackson enjoying a furlough of fifteen days. It is probable that he will secure a discharge soon after re turning to camp. He has been very warmly greeted by his Edgefield friends. . . .. ..... ' ...:-. ? ?i -? jJr Mr. T. B. Lanhanl received an af fectionate greeting when he surprised his friends and relatives by dropping in on them this morning. He was call ed to Columbia to attend a confer ence ofY. M. C. A. \vorkers and came by Edgefield en route to his home in ?Columbus, Ohio. He will leave for Columbus to-night, being unable to I prolong his visit at this time. Dr. James S. Byrd has let the con tract for the erection of his store and office building to Mr. W. B. Summer isett of Columbia. The building will j be completed, if all material can be ?promptly secured, by September 1. Mr. H. E. Quarles of Red Hill will oe leupy the store and the second floor I will consist entirely of Dr. Byrd's dental suite. Messrs. Stewart and Kernaghan ?solicit your order in their advertise 1 ient this week for a New McCormick ider. If you have much grain, you j had better place your order at once I for a machine. The scarcity of labor j makes their use imperative. The sup ply of binders is limited. Better see Stewart and Kernaghan at once. D. A. R. Meeting. The Daughters of the American Revolution will meet Tuesday after noon, April 15, with Mrs. Wallace C. Tompkins at 5 o'clock. All members please attend. Notice. The play at Colliers, announced last week for April ll, is being post poned until the night of April 18 at 9:30 o'clock on account of illness. Admission 25 and 35. cents. Re freshments will be served by the la dies after thc program. Come! For Sale. One thousand bushels of home grown corn in the shuck at my home. W. A. PARDUE, Trenton, S. C., R. F. D. 3 3-19-4tpd. New McCormick Binders The grain crop will be good in Edgefield county and a number of faamers will have to buy a binder or lose some of their grain. Labor is scarce and it will be im possible to harvest much grain with a cradle. Better place your order at once for a binder. The demand will be great, and doubtless some who want binders will be unable to get them. The supply is limited, as our allotment for this territory is only six machines, and unless orders are soon placed for these we will lose them. They will be transferred to some other territory where the demand is greater. We can sell you the New McCormick Binder, which is a light t machine. Will sell for cash or on easy terms within reach of all We carry a full line of parts and repairs for binders. Drop us a card if you want a binder and we will call to see you. STEWARD & KERNAGH?N seam