Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, March 19, 1919, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Units of Thirtieth Division Coming. Confirming the story of The State's Washington correspondent, which was published Tuesday morning., an order was received at Camp Jackson yesterday morning from Washington naming the organizations of the Thirtieth Division which are to arrive at Charleston and which will be sent from there to Camp Jackson for de mobilization. These organizations are as follows* Headquarters Thirtieth Division. Detachment Chemical Warfare Service. Headquarters Troop. One Hundred and Eighteenth In fontry Regiment. One Hundred and Ninteenth Infan try Regiment. One Hundred and Twentieth Infan try Regiment. One Hundred and Fifteenth Ma chine Gun Battalion. One Hundred and Fifth Engineer Regiment. One Hundred and Fifth Train Headquarters and attached units. One Hundred and Fifth Supply Train. Thirtieth Military Police company. One Hundred and Eighth Mobile Veterinary section. One Hundred and Fifth Sanitary Train. Sanitary. Squad No. 27. Sanitary Squad No. 2.8 One Hundred and Thirteenth Field Artillery Regiment. One Hundred and Fifth Ammuni tion Train. These organizations are to be de mobilized here. Other organizations of the Thirtieth Division, which are to be demobilized at other camps are to be sent here also for disinfectio before being sent to the camps of de mobilization. Therefore, all the offi . cers and men of the Thirtieth Divi sion who debark at Charleston will be sent to Camp Jackson, either for demobilization or disinfection.-The State. Master of Income. Fortunate are men of any occupa tion who control their income and do not permit it to control them. Such men will not become self-centered; they will not seek special favors from the state or government, nor from individuals with whom they deal. They will enjoy their income and use it to their own interest and to advance the interest of soceity. Fortunate is every farmer who re gards his farm as a home where he may live and enjoy life; where he may read, study and meditate upon those things that are better than wealth; where he may rear his chil dren and enjoy the companionship of his family and the fellowship of his neighbors. It will require large crops and profitable animals to do this; it will demand hard work and dilligent study to supply the necessary comforts of life; it will bring hardships and de privations to meet the demands of progressive farming, but when one is free he will get pleasure and satis faction in meeting his obligations. But this is our privilege as farm ers and citizens to accumulate hon estly as much wealth as we can and | use it for th?-, benefit of ourselves, our families and for the advancement of the state and nation.-Farm and Ranch. Dairying is Profitable. Usually no division of activity on the farm is more profitable for the in vestment and labor involved than a few or a herd of good dairy cows. No Jarm, however smal], operated by the owner or a tenant, should be without a few milking cows,, properly cared for and fed. The milk or cream from a cow is marketable throughout the year at good prices, and furnishes a regular and steady income every week. Farm ers of Oklahoma can feed and take I care of milking cows cheaper than in j many other sections of our country, j Milk and cream are in great demand ; in the state, and has always received good prices. High prices of dairy j products are practically assured for j many years to come. The most profitable method of handling dairy cows by the average farmer is to market cream and use the skim-milk for bringing up calves and pigs. As the dairy grows, a mar- j ket may be found for selling sweet; cream or milk to a nearby city. I Dairying is profitable for the fol- j lowing simple reasons: 1. It provides a steady, cash in-1 come throughout the year. 2. Grass and rough feeds can be turned into a food product which commands a high price. 3. It keeps labor on the farm profitably employed during the en tire year. 4. Dairying increases the product iveness of the land by furnishing ma nure to fertilize the soil. 5. Dairying can begin with little capital, and can in a few years bring prosperity to any farmer or tenant of I limited (means.-Oklahoma, A. and M. Cemetery Lot Purchased. A meeting of the subscribers to the cemetery fund met Friday after noon for the purpose- of selecting a lot for a new village cemetery. Eight of ten lots had been offered to the committee and after consid?ring ail of them it was finally agreed thift six acres be purchased from Mrs. Helen S. Nicholson somewhat to the rear of her residence on the west side of the road leading from the Columbia road to what is known as the Reese place, now owned by Mr. M. P. Wells. The price paid was $400 per acre. Death of Stanmore Griffin. Tuesday morning Mr. Stanmore Griffin died in Columbia at the home of his mother, Mrs. James Griffin, af ter' a lingering illness extending through many months He became a victim* of tuberculosis which steadily sapped his strength and vitality. He was in his 25 year and was the only son of his mother. When Stanmore left Edgefield he was quite a small boy but is pleasantly remembered by many of his age and generation. His body will be brought to Edgefield this afternoon on the two o'clock train and the interment will take place in the village cemetery. He is survived by his mother and three sisters. Deserved "Well Done." After serving the Trinity Church about 14 years as rector, serving the churches also at Trenton, Ridge Spring and Batesburg, Rev. R. G. Shannonhouse left Edgefield Friday to enter upon his labors at Fitz gerald, Ga. May heaven's richest blessings accompany him and abide with him and his family. From the time Mr. Shannonhouse came to Edgefield from Union, he has been faithful in season and out of season. Not only has he served the members of his parish well but he has been ac tively identified with thc community life, having willingly put his shoulder to the wheel in every movement that had for its end the uplifting and up building the community. He will be greatly missed. Mrs. Shannonhouse will likewise be greatly missed. Like her husband, she gave largely of her life to others, using talents with which she was richly endowed for the pleasure and edification of others The best wishes of The Advertiser and other friends go with these good peo ple to their new homo. Lieut. Dunovant at Home. Last Saturday night Lisut. R. G. M. Dunovant arrived in Edgefield with his honorable discharge in his pocket. Sustaining the reputation of hi? gallant ancestor?, Gill Dunovant volunteered for military service just before receiving his. diploma, from Woffqrd College, it being issued to him later. He went at once to the of ficers' training camp and soon receiv ed a commission as lieutenant. In o bedience to the commands of the war department, Lieut. Dunovant went overseas for foreign service in the summer of 1918 and for four or five months before the armistice was signed he was in active service, being on the front line much of the time. He relates, with some degree of re luctance, many war-time experiences that are thrilling and replete with in terest. Several weeks ago his com 'pany was sent back to the United States and was mustered out. All of Edgefield honors such young men as' Lieut. Dunovant who gave up every thing for their country. Court of Common Pleas. Instead of extending through two weeks as was expected at one time, the court of common pleas, which convened Monday, will last only three or four days. The first case called Monday was the suit brought by Mr. John W. Marsh against Mr. W. P. Johnson for $2,900. Some time in 1917 Mr. Johnson-sold Mr. Marsh 100 bales of cotton to be delivered during Octo ber and November of that year at 20 cents per pound. Mr. Johnson deliver ed 40. bales and Mr. Marsh brought suit for the difference between the contract price, 20 cents, and the price at which cotton was selling at the time the cotton was to have been de livered, 29 1-2 cents, for the remain ing GO bales. The "jury rendered a ?verdict of $1,535 for the plaintiff, j The court is engaged this morning with the suit of Mr. A. C. DePass a garnst Mr. A. E. Padgett for the re covery of about one acre of land, the ownership being in dispute because of the change in the course of Tur |key Creek, this stream being the ?boundary line between the lands of I Mr. DePass and Mr. Padegtt. At the hour of closing our forms the court is engaged with this suit. All of the petit Jurors not sitting in this case have been discharged. FOR SALE: A good milch cow with young calf,' will sell for ?85 as I hav* too many to feed. GOODY LEWIS, Pleasant Lane, S. G. important! Red Cross Mem bers Please Take Notice. At a called meeting of the Ked Cross executive board on March 4, it was decided to form a class in "Ele mentary Hygiene and Home Care for the Sick." Since the great stress of war work is lessened, the Red Cross is urging the chapters to take up this form of j home service. In response, more than fifty thousand women have taken this training. The epidemic of influenza last win ter fully demonstrated thc terrible need of women who know en?njjli of the laws of health to help in prevent ing the spread of disease and to take care of those who are in distress.' This course with Red Cross ? in structors gives practical demonstra tion of how to take of sick people in the home; making the bed, preparing the proper food, doing ?he right thing in emergencies and helping in every intelligent way to save life. All members of the Edgefield chap ter, the Trenton branch and the county auxiliaries are invited to jovi the class now being Organized by the chapter. Each member of the class will pay ene dollar to help defray ex penses, and fifty-five cents for her own text book. Thc chapter will pay from the treasury all other expenses of equipment and instruction. The in structor will be sent to us from Red Cross headquarters. Each branch and auxiliary is ear nestly requested to have as full a representation as possible in this work for the welfare of our county. 'Please notify your secretary, who will send a list of the names to Mrs. ?J. G. Alford, Edgefield, chairman of !the committee in charge of this-work. J All names must be given to Mrs. [Alford by the first of April. ANNIE M. CLISBY, Secretary. - The Best Laxative. "My sedentary habits have necessi tated the use of an occasional laxa tive. I have tried many but found nothing better than Chamberlain's Tablets," writes Georg? F. Daniels, Hardwick; Vt. Mr. Daniels is proprie tor of the Hardwick Inn, one of the model hotels of New England. Have you bought your Spring Dress yet? If you haven't, it will pay you to visit our store and look through our line of dresses, as we are showing a more beautiful line than ?ver before and the prices are posi tively lower than elsewhere. RUBENSTEIN. For Sale. One thousand bushels of home grown corn in the shuck ?t'my home. W. A. PARDUE, Trenton,-S. C., R. F. D. t 3-19-4tpd. DIZZINESS IS ANNOYING As Many Edgefield People Know Too Well. When the kidneys are weak or dis ordering, they fall behind in filtering the bl^d of poisons. As these poi sons attack the nerves, the result is felt - in spells of vertigo, just as drunkenness will make a man dizay from the poisoning of alcohol. Dizzi ness, headache, backache and irregu larity of the kidney secretions are all signs of weak or disordered kidneys and should not be neglected. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, the home-endors ed kidney remedy. Read this Edge field resident's statement: Mrs. J. P. Samuels, 5 Battle Row, says: "It was in 1914 that I used Doan's Kidney Pills for the first time. At that time my kidneys were giving me a lot of trouble. The most com I plaint was with my back and it felt stiff and lame all the time. I couldn't tstoop over and dizzy speHs bothered me. My kidneys acted irregularly and caused me a g-jat deal of an noyance, too. F' ally, I began to use Doan's Kidne Pills and they prompt ly relieved me of the trouble." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get' Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that Mrs. Samuels had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. A large shipment of Wath Waists arrived this week. RUBINSTEIN. Wanted. Te buy 200 bushels cf charcoal. E. W. Samuel. NOTICE! State of South Carolina, County of Edgefield. All persons indebted to the Es tate of Mrs. EUanor S. Ivey-late of said county and state-are hereby requested to make payment of the same to Messrs. Sheppard Bros., at Edgefield, C. H., S. C.; and all per sons who hci'i claims against the said estate are requested to present the same duly attested to my said at torneys. % Mrs. Eleanor I. Schnell, Executrix. Insure . Your . Tires Fix Punctures While You ' Rape id Sealer in your tires stops punctures-ensures you the pleasure of automobiling. When added to your equip ment, will overcome the great inconvenience of tire trouble. Rappid Sealer is a liquid, a , small quantity of which, when put in a tire, will heal all punc tures, even those- made by a ' twenty-penny spike. It is-a guaranteed preservative of rub ber. It will lengthen the life of any tube in which it is used. It contains no injurious ingredi ents whatsoever. Rappid. Sealer will give you every mile out of your tires that is in them. It is not affect ed by heat or cold. It is not a filler. You will ride on air, with the same resiliency you now enjoy. It will not interfere in any way with vulcanizing. Rappid Sealer at the pres sure required, keeps your tires inflated. It prevents breaking down of side walls and fabric of outer shoe, which is the cause of a large percentage of blowouts. It will save you the annoyance caused Dy your tire troubles and assures your reaching your destination on time. Rappid Sealer is guaranteed, as follows by the maunfactur er, who makes good to your dealer, he in turn making good to you: To seal all punctures above the rim from a tack to a 20 penny spike. . To preserve the rubber and give you 1,000 more miles on each new casing it is used in when directions are followed and air pressure kept up to the amount required by the tire manufacturers. Rappid Sealer is thoroughly distributed over the inner sur-. face of the tube by the motion J. G. ALFORD, . For Edgefield Yonce Motor Company . Against. Punctures Ude-The ONLY That Will of the wheel, and the moment ? a puncture is made the air pressure within the tubes forc es Rappid Sealer into the punc ture, forming a plug, stopping the leak INSTANTLY and - . PERMANENTLY: The punc ture is not only sealed in the in ner tube, but in the outer cas ing as well ,preventing mois ture or sand from getting through the shoe and destroy ing the fabric. Rappid Sealer will give you at least 40 per cent, more mile age out of your tubes than you are now getting, because ycu cannot run your tires partly in flated, nor are yoif able to heat them up, regardless of weather or road conditions. It is not \ sticky or gummy and will not dry up m the inner tube. It positively will not stick the in ner tube to the outer casing. Rappid Sealer will solve; your tire problems. Investigate now. . Install it or have it installed TO-DAY. Without Rapid Seal er in your tires, you may have trouble any minute. With Rap pid Sealer installed, your in surance against these troubles begins at once and cc ;tinues for the life of your tires, whether it is one mile or 10,000 and the manufacturer guaran tees to seal all punctures above the rim from a tack to a 20- . penny spike. Rappid Sealer has been on the market for the past six , years, and has given entire sat isfaction to users. It has- been thoroughly tested and tried un der hardest conditions and stands the test every time. Once used you will not be with out it, and we feel safe to state that in the next few years it will be'a rare thing to find an . - automobile tire not equipped with Rappid Sealer. County Dealer \ For Jphnston Eidson Motor Company Notice to Colored People of Edgefield County. There will be a meeting held in the town of Edgefield at Macedonia Bap tist ehurch Friday, April 4th, at ll o'clock, for the purpose of forming a Council of all the best thinking Negroes of the County. There will be a similar Council of the White people of the County, and the two Councils will co-operate in studying the economical and indus trial conditions, and bring about a more friendly relation between the two races. Every colored man that hopes for a better future, should lay aside the plow, shovel and hoe and all other duties, to attend this meet ing, for it is of vital interest that we get together for Reconstruction Work. We have arranged to have a nice program, which will be beneficial to all concerned, and will also outline in detail the future workings of this Council. COME and HEAR for yourself. Remember the PLACE and DATE, at Macedonia Baptist Church, Friday before the first Sunday, April 4th, at ll a. m. J. S. RAMEY. A Timely Suggestion. The next time you have a cough or cold try Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy. It is pleasant to take and you are sure to be pleased with the relief it affords. This remedy has a wide repu tation for its cures of coughs and colds. Millinery. We have a complete line of La dies', Misses' and Children's Hats. We have everything ycu can mention in the line of shapes, flowers and rib bons. Look through cur line before you get your hat and you will find what you like for less than elsewhere. RU?ENSTEIN. Ha? Had Stomach Trouble for Seven Year?. Theodore Sanford of Penmore, Mich., has had stomach trouble for seven years and could not eat vege tables or fruit without pain in the stomach and restless nights. By tak ing Chamberlain's Tablets he is now able to eat vegetables or fruit with out causing pain or sleeplessness. If troubled with indgestion or constipa tion give these tablets a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. Suciiiew's ?rnfica ?aSve fbe Scsi Salve Sn Tbs Wcr??. Notice to Veterans and Wid ows. - In compliance with the pension act passed at the recent session of the legislature and following instruc tions from the State Pension Com missioner, I hereby give notice that all Confederate veterans and widows of veterans enroll their names with the Judge of probate, Mr. W. T. Kinnaird, by April 1, in order that their names may be forwarded 'to Columbia to be placed on tho State pension roll. J. N. FAIR, Pen. Com. Edgefield Co. i Ferry Notice. I hereby give notice thal tie o o tia ty board of eommisaionanr -will re ceive sealed bids for operating the Ferry at the Shz-w-Mekit Mill for th? ensuing year. All bids must be filed with the county board of commission ers by th? first day of April. We rs sprve the right to reject any and all bids. R. K. BROADWATER, Supervisor. J. 0. HERRIN, J. N. GRIFFIS, Commissioners. George Heintz . AND HIS BARBERS HAVE MOVED FROM THE ALBION HOTEL TO THE STAG 750 BROAD STREET Where we will be pleased to see our MANY FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS TOM HARRIS, E. M. HEATHCOCK, R. DUERRELL GEORGE HETNTZ You Should Be Considering the Screen Question We believe our mill-made screens will more than inter est you. Wt manufacture them of various woods and of bronzed, galvanized or black wire. Every order is special for either windows, doors or porche!;. We carry no stock . of made up screens. Write for Free Gatologue and Prices. .1,7, s5?OTT?"ptt??>i?:v: wm "??tm lr.*: -::. . ? .Lj.ii-': r .. ?? '1 .' .?. - r\ \?'".11L1_ _ WOODWARD LUMBER COMPANY QUALITY AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Phone 158 SERVICE