Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, February 19, 1919, Page SIX, Image 7

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VEGETABLES IN FOWLS' DIET Feeding Tests Made With Laying Hens by United States Department of Agriculture. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Scarcity of beef scrap, together with its high price, has ied poultry special ists of the United States department of agriculture to conduct feeding tests with laying hens in which cheaper and more plentiful kinds of protein feed -are tried. In these tests feeds rich in vegetable protein have been used in connection with beef scrap to make up the laying ration. ' One pen of hens, fed a mash con taining 20 per rent beef scrap, pro duced the greatest number of eggs, but a second pen. fed a mash consist ing of 30 per cent peanut meal and 10 per cont beef scrap, produced an average of only 10 eggs less during the test period of 5% winter months. Mashes made with soy-bean meal, cot tonseed meal, and velvet-bean meal, in combination with beef scrap, have been fed with fairly satisfactory re sults. PLAN FOR POULTRY SUCCESS Suggestions Sent Out From Washing ton for Benefit of Practical Chicken Grower. Government poultrymen are appeal ing to the American people, both in the country and in the cities, to increase poultry production as much as possi ble. Tire following nine suggestions have been offered as a means to attain ing this end : 1. Keep better poultry; standard brod poultry improves the quality and increases production. 2. Select healthy, vigorous breeders to produce strong chicks. 3. Hatch curly to produce fall and winter layers. 4. 1'reserve eggs when cheap for home use. 5. Produce infertile eggs, except foi hatching. " C. Cull the flocks to eliminate un profitable producers. 7. Keep a small back-yard flock tc supply the family table. S. Grow ns much of your poultrj feed as possible. 0. Eat more poultry and eggs to con serve the meat supply. PULLETS FOR WINTER LAYERS Weight of Fowl ls Sometimes Good Indication of Future Egg Pro- ; ducer-Use Scales. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Poultry keepers may plan to hater, all their pullets early, but it always happens that a good many pullets are not nearly grown in September, oi even by the first of November. Obvi ously these will never make earls winter layers. They may make profit able layers, though not likely to paj as well as the earlier-hatched hena With the age of the undersized pullets known, and by the use of the scales it is a simple matter at this season to cull out those that it will not pa} to feed through the fall and earlj winter, unless waste feeds are sc abundant that no feed need be bough! for any of the poultry stock. A Plymouth Rock pullet that is fiv( months old in the early part of Sep tember and weighs less than foul pounds is not promising material foi a winter layer; a Wyandotte or Iihod< Island lied pullet that is five month.' Early-Hatched Mature Pullet old at this season and weighs undei three pounds is not a desirable bir( to keep; a Leghorn that is foul months old and weighs less than tw< pounds should also be classed as i cull and used for the table. Birds hav ing these weights with less age ar< desirable in proportion to their age Many poultry keepers who do no mark their chicks when hatched an< let broods of different ages run to gether in the growing season canno tell the age of a pullet with certaintj in the fall, and take it for grantei that the small birds are the late hatched. This error leads to the hold ing of many pullets which, if thel true age were known, woult1 be dis carded for poultry. Have Wandering Spirit. The young turkeys have a wanderin spirit, characteristic of their kind, s be sure that the coop is tight aroun the bottom so they cannot get out ai* wander away from their mother. Haul Fertilizers, While You Can Get Them The Edgefield Mercantile Company announces that it has on hand a large stock of the BEST BRANDS of MIXED FERTILIZERS-16 Per Cent Acid Phosphate, Cotton Seed Meal, Nitrate of Soda for Grain. Call on MR. R. C. PADGETT or MR. A. E. PADGETT Augusta Packing Co. Augusta, Ga. On New Savannah Road, on Belt Line Phone 518--P. O. Box 818 We buy Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Calves. In the market at all seasons of the }Tear. Car load lots or less. We charge no commission SHIP US YOUR CALVES The More You Use Your Car The More You Need Good Tires Your car's usefulness is increasing every day. It is becoming more and more of a real necessity to you-both in your business and home life. For that very reason you need good tires, now, more than ever. The out-and-out dependability that created so tremendous a demand for United States Tires in times of war is just as desirable today. It reduces tire troubles to the vanishing point multiplying the usefulness of your c zr and putting^ the cost of operation on a real thrl't basis. United States 'Nobby', 'Chain', 'Usco',and 'Plain' are the most popular fabric tires built. They have all the strength and stamina our years of experience have taught us to put into tires. There is also the United States 'Royal Cord', the finest IZLZ built for passenger car use. Our nearest Sales and Service Depot dealer has exactly the treads you need for your car and the roads you travel. He will gladly help you pick them out. United States Tires are Good Tires ??}?'-'^r,JSpSM?7jf*%--1 rs';; pt ga >g $ f JJ J I pjii I ll .- .' ..?.."i'.Ul.^- ^ . .. ,t i .'1 If HP fopynuiii u.iuy n.J. Hey nolds Tobacco Co. .I||,". ... ijj,, TALK about smokes, Prince Albert is geared to a joyhandout standard that just lavishes smokehappiness on every man game enough to make a bee line for a tidy rei tin and a.jirnmy pipe-old or new I Get it straight that what you've hankered for in pipe or cigarette makin's smokes you'll find aplenty in P. A. That's because P. A. has the quality! You can't any more make Prince Albert' bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water ! Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process ! ' You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back ! Buy Prince Albert everywhere tobacco is sold. Toppy red bags, tidy red lin:; handsome pound and half pound tin humidors-and -that clever, practical pound crystal glass humidor with-sponge moistener tap that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. $200 4 Reward For the recovery of Mr. Law rence Schweersi 27 years old; 5 feet 10 inches tall; weighing 120 pounds; wearing dark blue coat and vest, dark gray trousers, tan shoes' and dark blue hat; wandered away on Wednesday, January 22nd, suffering from a nervous dis order. Notify CHIEF OF POLICE Augusta, Ga. HARRIS' PRESSING CLUB I take thiV;means of letting the people know that I have re-opened my pressing club, and will appre ciate their patronage. I am better prepared than ever to clean and press all kinds of garments, both for ladies and gentlemen. All work guaranteed. Let me know when you have work and I will send for it and make prompt delivery. Wallace Harris Sheppard Building Down Stairs Ford Tractors. Have arrived the FORD TRACTORS THE LABOR SAVER that you have been looking for. Write us or come to Greenwood and see what they will do. Will give you any demonstration you want to see. They will pull anyplace a mule will. JOHN I. CHIPLEY, Greenwood, S. C Piles Cured in O to J4 Days your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching:, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in.6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. OME STRIKE IT RICH TO PUT A LITTLEl IN THE B?NlM EVERY WEEK X Cflonifbt 1909. bf C. E. Zi<o?Derniir Co.-No. SJ THERE is no doubt about money in the bank, it is sure and positive. Maybe slow, but there is the satisfaction that it is sure. Posi tive in every way, both that it will grow, and that it is s^afe. BANK OF ED GE FIE LD OFFICERS : .1. C. Sheppard, President; B. E. ^Nicholson, Vice-PreBident E. J. Minis, Cashier; J. H. Allen. Assistant Oashier. , DIRECTORS : J. C. Sheppard, Thos. H. Rainsford, John Rainsford, B. E Nicholson, A.S. Tompkins. C. C. Fuller. E. J. Mims. J. H. Allen ARRINGTON BROS., & CO. Wholesale Grocers and Dealers in \ Corn, Oats, Hay and all Kinds of Seeds Corner Cumming and Fenwick Streets On Georgia R. R. Tracks Augusta, Ga. Distributors of Marathon Tires and Tubes. None better, but our price is less YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED See our representative, C. E. May.