Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, January 01, 1919, Image 1

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' VOL.83 . EDGSFIELD, S. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4.1D?3 T?O. 40 If' . * JOHNSTON LETTER. Valuable Red Cross Boxe Forwarded. Confederate Veterans Remembered. Appropriate Music. Several boxes of valuable and u ful articles went out from the E Cross Rooms the week before Chri mas. One hundred and fifty pairs socks and seventeen sweaters wt collected and brought in by M Mamie Huiet who has charge of tl work, and Mrs. T. R. Denny collect one hundred and fifty refugee gc ments and one hundred bags for t soldiers. The Junior Red Cross is i so actively engaged. On Sunday, December 22, Re W. S. Brooke preached a beautif Christmas sermon of the "Birth i our Saviour." Special Christmas m sic was had with anthems and tl church was decorated in holly ar other greens that were arranged vei tastefully in wreathes and garland Appropriate services were arrange for the evening, but the electri plant was out of order just at th time of the service and as no lighl were ever gotten, this service had t be called off. The Christmas nigh service at the regular time of praye service was very appropriate, "Silen Night" was one of the musical selec tions that were impressively sung. Rev. Kellar and family arrived ; few days before Christmas and ar< now domiciled in the Methodist par eonage. A large congregation greetec him on his first Sunday as pastor and he preached a very beautiful anc helpful sermon. Rev. Kellar is alsc pastor of Harmony and Spanr churches and a special committee from the three churches met at the parsonage before the arrival and had everything arranged for the comfort of the family. The pantry was well filled with many good things from a number of his flock. Next week will be the week of prayer and the women of the Baptist church have as tk<>~--r-f* foreign missions. This Society num .bers nearly one hundred, so they may go over this. On Wednesday evening, the Y. W. A.'s and G. A.'s will have charge of the programme and this will be had instead of the regular prayer service. On Wednesday evening before Christmas, the Sunbeam Band, under the leadership of Mrs W. J. Hatcher, gave a beautful Christmas entertain ment. This was had in the auditori um which was prettily decorated and each of the little ones did their part remarkably well, two of the little singers being only three years old. A playlet, which forcefully impressed missions and the giving, was present ed by the older girls. Following this the Christmas offering of the Sun beams was taken, this amounted to $56.00. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright and Wil liam spent last week at Macon, Ga., with Mr. and Mrs. Sammon, Mrs. Wright's parents. Willie Pearce Stevens was here at the home of his father last week and every one was delighted to see him. He was in service on the George Washington that carried President Wilson overseas. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. LaGrone have been for a visit to th e home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Coleman of Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Coleman of Florida are the guests of their moth er, Mrs. W. L. Coleman. Mrs. F. L. Harrison of Augusta spent last week with Mrs. Graham. Mr. Carl Gaffe of Aiken was a visi tor here last week. I Lieut. Tutt who was in business here last year, spent last week here to greet his friends. Mrs. Mary Jenkins of Pendleton, S. C. is visiting her cousin, Mrs. G. P. Cobb. One of the principles upon which the U. D. C. is founded is the care and attention to the veterans, and it is always a pleasure to the chapter to do anything that will give pleas ure and comfort to them, especially when they are sick do the chapters hold them in loving remembrance. On Christmas, two of the veterans of . Camp McHenry were sick, Mr. W. L. Quattlebaum and Mr. O. S. Wertz, so on Christmas Day, two baskets, lined with Confederate colors, deco rated with holly and filled with fruits were sent to them from the Mary Ann Buie Chap/ter, D..of C. Another very sweet act done at Christmas was by the Sunbeam Band of the Baptist church. One of the members has been an invalid for nearly four years and has just her husband to care for her. They are not blessed with all the comforts and ne cessities of life, so the little Sun beams decided to take her a Christ mas box. There are over forty chil dren and with each one bringing just a little, a large and generous box was filled and carried to the two old peo ple. The children who sang at the en tertainment went with those who car ried the box, and sang to the great enjoyment of the old people. Mr. Jerry Phillips of West Vir ginia is the guest of Messrs. John Fleming and Theodore Marsh. Mrs. W. S. Stokes and Misses An nie and Ruth Stokes of Columbia, spent the holidays with Mrs. F. L. Parker. Mr. F. L. Parker, Jr., entertained a few couples on last Thursday eve ning in a thoroughly enjoyable man ner. The vocal and instrumental mu sic was an added pleasure. Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Corn have re ;urned from a visit to Walhalla. I There was a pleasant family gath-1 ;ring during the week in the home of I Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Wertz when all >f their children gathered at the ?omestead for the Chritsmas season. Mrs. James Cullum and little An lie of Hartsville are the guests of drs. P. B. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strother and ittle Harry, spent Christmas in the tome of Mr. M. T. Turner. Dr. and Mrs. Horace Wright of Georgetown, and Miss Daisy Sawyer' if Vidalia, Ga., are the guests of j heir sisters, the Misses Sawyer. [? Mr. F. MT~Boyd, who is at Parris ( sland : or a \ Miss : it . . ?sr .-A .gusta is '.1 isiting . . hoi ie foil ?1 Mr. and Mr . p ; 257 >%\ . . nests of r \ Mr. Ch. ohnston's t. young men, was carried last Thursday in Columbia, 0 one of the city's popular young adies. j' Miss Lillian Smith of Edgefield is1' he guest of Mrs. J. W. Hardy. Miss Luelle Norris of Columbia j pent l~st week here with the home blks. j' Mr. W. E. Parduc died on last 1 today at his home in the Phillipi ection and the interment was made Saturday at the burying ground at 5hillipi church. Mr. Purdue had been n feeble health for some time, suf fering from heart failure. Honor. Roll of the Edgefield High School. Second Grade Janie Edwards Dorothy Marsh Walton Minis Martha Stewart Monroe Swearingen Mary Lorene Townsend Third Grade Fitzmaurice Byrd Carolin Dorn Mazie Kemp John Nixon George Edward Sheppard J. R. Timmerman Fourth Grade Odessa Covar Effie Allen Lott June Nicholson Margaret Strom Sixth Grade Felicia Minis Eighth Grade George Evans Lillian Pattison Mitchel Wells Ninth Grade Lois Mims Tenth Grade Ralph Byrd Money to Loan Farmers. The Federal Land Bank of Colum bia makes loans to farmers on first Mortgages at 5]? per cent interest for 35 years through "The Johnston National Farm Loan Association." The interest and one per cent of the principal to be paid annually. The loan can be cancelled after five years. Apply M. Q. NORRIS, Secty.-Treaii. John L. Holston Writes to Hi Father From France Dearest Papa: How are you all these cold days Just fine I hope. I am well and doin fine. Well, the war is over at last an you don't know how glad I am. guess the people in the States are ? bout 'as glad as we are. We don: know when we will leave for th States but we hope it will not be lonj I certainly would like to be at hom for Christmas. I certainly feel goaj that the war is over and I am stii living. I had some very close calls. ; thought several times that I vfouh never see you all again, but the goo; Lord took care of me. This war wa teach me to be a good boy. It seeaJ that it would have been impossibl< for me to have gone through wi^ what I have and not get killed. I a i hoping that I will be home befor; long and tell all about it then. Hov are all of the kids? Tell Odell I wouk like to see his girl. I guess he 5 some sport now. I have been trym? to find something to send you for i souvenir but guess I will wait and bring something with me. Have yay all heard from Monroe? I have not heard from him at all. Well, I must close at it is about time for chow and I can't afford to miss that. I will write you again in a few days. I guess this letter will reach you about Christmas. I wish it was me instead, but the old boy wi'i be home before long. With love to you all and a Merry Christmas, Your loving son, John L. Holston. Returned From Overseas Duty Willie L. Wright came over from Johnston this morning to visit his Edgefield friends. He arrived frcm averseas duty several days ago and ,+ed an honorable dis .'" ,v>onths he ia HMf'n on dirty in .....??.?! r huny :nterv"-or:v. ?vp*.'--.?ees to re ce, it *3^ttefedicas to .".?, t'. :T. nf. nv j E .gt./jpi'J ir.cr:'.-: - - '? ** _ _" ....nam Traylor Briggs. Death, when it comes, brings a sad knell to some heart, but in this in stance it envelopes the entire com munity in complete and deep sadness. On Tuesday afternoon, November 2G, 11)18, at four o'clock, God in His wisdom removed from these earthly scenes, the soul of Dr. W. Traylor Briggs. Indeed, no greater sorrow has ever come to the people of Meri wether township than that of being ealled upon to give up this noble young physician. Why he died in the thirty third year of his life, we cannot tell, but can only be reconciled with the thought that "Jesus doeth all things well." To know him was to love him, and those who know him best loved him most. He is gone, but the influence from such a life shall ever live. In the summer of 191G, he gave his heart to God, and has since been a consistent member of the Sweet water Baptist Church. He was the efficient teacher of the advanced Bible class for some time. He was ever gentle, sympathetic, kind and loving, always the true Christian spi it. The Church has lost a consistent member, the community a worthy physician, and in the Christian home a vacancy has been made that can never be filled. We may not speak of the immeas urable loss to his devoted and idoliz ing family. We will not run the risk of offending or wounding by any in trusion upon their sorrow. We leave them to Time, the Heal er, and to the Divine Comforter, but we will not refrain from the expres sion of our own loss as our friend and as a co-worker in the Master's vineyard. "Friend after friend departs. Who has not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end. Were this frail world our final rest Living or dying, none were blest. There is a world above Where parting ia unknown A long eternity of love Farmed for the good alone; A faith beholds the dying here, Translated to that glorious sphere" M. SHAW. Resolutions Adopted by Sweet Water Church on Death of Dr. W. T. Briggs Whereas, an all-wise, omnipotent Father in His merciful providence, has deemed it best to remove from this transitory scene one of our mem bers, Dr. William Traylor Briggs, and whereas in the demise of this beloved brother, Sweet Water Church and Sunday School have lost one whose place it is impossible to fill and by J reason of this, there is sadness in our Church and Sunday School, for to ! have known Dr. Briggs was to love .,-him. i Resolved, that while his family are J not members with us, yet we deeply ffeel with them in the grief that has j come over them and that while we ?bow in humble submission to the will of our Almighty God who doeth all things well, yet we sincerely, deeply and most affectionately sympathize with the sorrowing family in their afflictive bereavement and remind them that He who "tempers the wind to the shorn lamb" looks down in in finite compassion upon the bereaved in their hour of desolation and will fold the arm of His love and protec tion around those who put their trust in Him. Be it further Resolved, That in extending our sympathy to the family we clo so with i the confident belief that the beloved brother has gone to his just reward as a result of a short but well spent ! life, be it further ! 1 Resolved, That out of sympathy j for the bereaved family, that our j 1 Church adopt this tribute and send j i a copy to the bereaved family an J f one to the county paper for publica tion and also place one on the Minute Book of the Church. * C. B. Murrah. D. A. R. Meeting. The December meeting of the ^ Daughters of the American R?volu-1^ tion met on Monday afternoon with ! B. E. Nicholson. Each m^fber!r :-red the roll call with ^B?ota- j ? . m^r---^^^vV^^S-pne ! the prevalence of influenza1; thepTro=-r~ gram which would have been carried , out then was used for the November meeting and Mrs. Nicholson who was to have entertained at that time was hostess f'.r the deferred meeting. A letter was read from Madam Gauyer of France thanking the chap ter for the quarterly gift to her daughter, Louise. The papers of Miss Hortensia Woodson and Miss Helen Tillman had been returned to the chapter regis trar Mrs. J. H. Cantelou accepted. ^By vote of the chapter, the present term of office of all officers was ex tended to July instead of April as has been customary. Mrs B. E. Nicholson read an ex cellent paper on "America's debt to France" and the Marseillaise was sung, Mrs. J. L. Minis previously reading a sketch of this national song or hymn. Mrs. B. L. Minis and Mrs. P. M. Feltham were guests of the occasion, Mrs. Minis bringing a suggestion that the chapter go on record as favoring a simplified Christmas. This was u nanimously agreed upon by the mem bers present. Since the last meeting four sweaters , the quota of this chapter, has been sent to the Battle ship "South Carolina" and a package of scrap books sent to a base hospitai for convalescent soldiers. It was also decided to collect the names and a sketch of every man who had died in the world war in the service of his country, and keep the record as well as have it published. For this service, the historian, Mrs. D. B. Hollingsworth, Mrs. J. W. Peak and Mrs. J. L. Mirns were appointed a committee. At the clo'se of the meeting, char lotte russe and cakes were served. W. L. Bryan Writes to His Parents. Somewhere in France November 17, 1918. Dearest Mother and all: Your sweet, welcome letters were received. I was more than glad to hear from you. I would have ans wered your letters before now but have been too busy. I am well and feeling fine and dandy, trust this will find you the same. Say, ? guess you all have heard the good news, yes news came through a few days ago that made the whole world rejoice. I know I am the happi ?est mortal on earth. I will board the ship for old karolina in the near fu ture. Mamma, tell all of the mothers a round Edgefield not to worry, all of the boys from old Edgefield are doing fine. I don't know of a single boy from the towri that has been wound ed except my pal Prescott, and he has only a slight wound. He is doing fine now. We boys sure have been blessed. I haven't gotten a scratch and I have been in every battle in which our Di vision has fought. I got the papers you sent me, sure did enjoy reading them. We are having some cold weather in France, the clouds look like it will snow this morning, I do hope it wont though. No right to grumble as we have had so much pretty weather. I have plenty of cover, six blankets so don't worry about me sleeping warm. We also have good billets to stay in and have fires too. Mamma, I will have to close as I have to go to preaching.' I will write more next time. Write soon, and a long letter. Give all of the colored people my best wish ss. I got a letter from Henry, tell him \ I will answer it soon. i You said you thought Henry would : ;oon go in training, don't worry a- 1 lout him, he wont have to cross the < vater. We boys have put Old Kaiser ' Bill so deep in H- that he will never >e able to scratch out. r Bye, bye, give Grandmother my * ove and kiss her many, many times v 'or me. Much love and many kisses s or you all. ^ Your devoted son, r W. L. Bryan. r _ a Week of Prayer at Baptist d Church. e V The annual week of prayer of the n Voman's Missionar^ Union will be J t eld beginning with Monday after ' u loon at the Baptist" Church at '? u - u lock. 1 As Monday is the time for the Jan- j p ng~of IdTthe ^ssw^fisurrt^^^-'^ Edgefield and the Woman's Christian r. temperance Union. ? c Programme Devotions, Mrs. E. J. Norris. Song, "Thc Son of God goes forth r o War." J A message from Rev. E. T. Snuggs y >n the evils of tobacco in China, by r Urs. B. E. Nicholson. Vocal solo, "Home's Love Light," -Miss Miriam Norris. Address, Intemperance, an obsta- ( :le to the spread of the Gospel, Rev. ( R. G. Lee. . j Song, "The Morning Light is ireaking." Colleution for French Orphan. Tuesday Afternoon Subject-Japan and Italy. U Devotions, Mrs. J. W. Peak. L Location of S. B. C. stations in Ja- j, pan and our missionaries. Hymn, "Sun of my soul." Woman's work in Japan-Mrs. Broadwater. Vocal solo, "Doing His Will," Miss Eliza Minis. Two weeks in Japan, Mrs. R. G. Lee. Hymn, "Jesus keep me near the Cross." Prayer. "In as much,"-Mrs. J. P. Nixon. Hymn, "I gave my life for thee." Reading, "A Maid from Spain," Mrs. D. B. Hollingsworth. Prayer. Wednesday Afternoon. Subject-China. Devotions, Mrs. B. Lovick Minis. The Life of Miss Lottie Moon, by Mrs. W. C. Tompkins. Hymn, "Wher .- He leads me, I will follow." Selection, Ai Su and her gift of pearls, Miss Kellah Fair. Duet, "fie is so precious to me," Mrs. R. G. Shannonhouse and Mrs. R. G. Lee. The Cry of China's Children, . .-s. M. N. Tillman. Ingathering of Envelopes. Hymn, "Blest be the Tie that binds." Prayer for the United States and Allied Forces. You can change your bicycle into a two-cylinder motor-driven machine by adding the Johnson Motor Wheel. Come in and see them. Stewart & Kernaghan. Miss Sue Sloan Writes Confederate *. Reunion Before I tell of my visit to Tulsa during the Re-union of Confederate Veterans, I will tell something of the wonderful state of Oklahoma which was set apart in 1832 as a residence for the Indian tribes. They were re moved from the state, and guaran teed that they should be allowed to exercise their tribal form of govern ment undisturbed. The territory was much larger than they could occupy with prorlt. Attempts were made by , white adventurers on the territory which was afterward formed into Oklahoma territory. This could not be done without the consent of the Indians. \ The region was purchased from them by the government in ?889 and thrown open to settlement. There was the greatest rush for land ever known in this or any other cduntry, more than 50,000 claims on the day of opening. Cities arose in a night. Just before the final adjournment of Congress in 1906, Oklahoma and Indian Territory were combined, oroviding for their admission into ;he union as one state, the new state leing admitted by "proclamation in L907. This does no violence to the indian tribes accordance with previ )us arrangements ceasing in Indian reritory in 1906. Edward Marston intuitively recog lized opportunity in Texas. He is ar seeing. He has courage of his con dctions and he says that thirty years igo he alighted from a train at Fort Vorth, Texas unknown, no one to neet him, newspapers did not an iounce his arrival. Not long ago, he lighted no longer unknown,- and resi ents of 'tjthat city viewed -him as a enius, not as a malefactor of great -.ealth, not gleaned from the toil of jany r*??? hut by wresting from na &rr ' . . ;?kv wealth and are i'f?f. '"?ncr.i) bod Fi* ' >'' ..? ? ' ;"J ."' aper v.. en said,: "1 op. irove to be our most urities." His prediction has ceriam y come true. Some say food,., some ay coal was necessary to win the var, and Oklahoma furnished not on y both of these but oil, and in the . 'essels the boilers used for"; oil were auch larger than could be fitted if oal was used and it would mean hat the ship would have to be made ,wice the siz? to get the same speed >ut of her. Some of the big war ships jonsumed over 1,000 tons of oil per lay when steaming full speed To mild ?- coal ship that would give the ?ame horse power is an impossibility. Et required oil. It required a great rmantity of oil fo?J making^gasoline, vhich propels aeroplanes and motor :rucks to provide^fuel for thousands of war craft. Many depend exclu sively upon oil for-"-"fuel. Food, coal ind oil are most vital. When an oil famine was predicted four years ago, Cushing, Oklahoma ?ame to the rescue with a high grade crude petroleum, improved methods now enabling refiners to take out a larger^percentage of gasoline. The readers of this paper may re call the letter I wrote while in James town, Va. My chaperone being presi dent of the D. A. R. of Atlantic City, had permits and carried me through many of the large war vessels, which was quite interesting to me even then during the exposition, but I fully real ize and appreciate their great value during the present crisis. During my recent visit to Texas, I considered it a great privilege to go to one of the places where the aero planes land and see these wonderful inventions of man. Texas was chosen . for the practice of aeroplanes, the prairies being so level, affording a good place to start and land. San An tonio is the most important place for them to experiment with these white winged birds, demonstrating the in genuity of man, and I trust will no longer be needed for purposes of war since peace is declared and we look forward to seeing these white winged vessels returning over land and sea as Noah did the dove returning to the ark bearing in its mouth an olive branch which asssurerd him there was still hope after the gre?test dis aster in the history of the world. We will likewise rejoice when (Continued on page two) . .. .