Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, June 26, 1918, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Honor Ro?l of States That Have Ratified Federal Prohibi tion Amendment and Date of Ratification. 1. Mississippi, January 3. 2 Virginia, January 10. 3 Kentucky, January 14. 4 South Carolina, January 23. 5. North Dakota, January 25. 6. Maryland, February 13. 7. Montana, February 19. 8. Texas, March 4. 9. Delaware, March 18. 10. South Dakota, March 20. 11. Massachusetts. Prohibition States and Territo ries and Date of Going Into Effect. Maine (Con.) __ __ _. __ -.1851 Kansas (Con.) __ __ - -- __1880 North Dakota (Con.)-1889 Oklahoma (Con.)_1907 Georgia ^Stat.)_"19 OS North Carolina (Stat.) __ "1909 Mississippi (Stat.)_1903 Tennessee (Stat.) _._1909 West Virginia (Con.)_197.4 Alabama (Stat.) __ __ __ "1915 Arizona (Con,) __-1915 Virginia (Stat.)_1916 Colorado (Con.) __ _. "1916 Oregon Con.)_" "1916 Washington (Stat.)_-1916 Arkansas (Stat.)-1916 Iowa (Stat.)_1916 Idaho (Con.)_1916 South Carolina (Stat.)_1916 Nebraska (Con.)_" "1917 South Dakota (Con.)_"1917 Utah (Stat.)_1917 District of Columbia (Stat.) "1917 Alaska (Stat.)_1918 Indiana (Stat.)_..April, 1918 Michigan (Con.) _ . April 30, 1918 New Hampshire (Stat.) May 1, 1918 Montana (Con.) " Dec. 31, 1918 New Mexico (Con.) __ Oct. 1, 1918 Texas (Stat.) __ "June 27, 1918 Porto Rico _. "March 2, 1918 Canal Zone States Having Temperance Day in Public Schools. Alabama, Tennessee, Kansas, New Mexico, Oregon, North Dakota, Mis souri, South Dakota, South Carolina. The Flag Salute. "I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the republic for which it stands-one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." jState and Senatorial Campaign Meetings. The following is the schedule for State and Senatorial campaign meet ings as arranged by the State execu tive committee : Senatorial Campaign. Winnsboro, Tuesday, June 18. Chester, Wednesday, June 19. York. Thursday, June 20. Lancaster, Friday, June 21. Camden, Saturday, June 22. Chesterfield, Tuesday, June 25. Bennettsville, Wednesday, June 26. Darlington, Thursday June 27 Bishopville, Friday, June 23. Sumter, Saturday, June .29. St. Matthews, Monday, July 1. Orangeburg, Tuesday, July 2. St. George, Wednesday, July 3. Columbia, Thursday, July 4. Manning. Monday. July 15. Dillon, Tuesday. July IG. Florence, Wednesday, July 17. Conway, Thursday, July IS. Marion, Friday, July 19. Kingstree, Saturday, July 20. Georgetown, Monday, July 22. Monck's Corner, Tuesday, July 23. Charleston, Wednesday, July 24. Walterboro, Thursday, July 25. Ridgeland, Friday, July 26. Beaufort, Saturday, July 27. Hampton, Monday, July 29. Barnwell, Tuesday, July 30. Bamberg, Wednesday, July 31. Aiken, Thursday, August 1. Edgefield, Friday, August 2. Saluda, Saturday, August 3. Lexington, Tuesday, August 6. Newberry, Wednesday August 7. Laurens-, Thursday, August 8. Greenwood, Friday, August 9. Abbeville, Saturday, August 10. McCormick, Tuesday, Auggust 13. Anderson, Wednesday, August 14. Walhalla, Thursday, August 15. Pickens, Friday, August 16. Greenville, Saturday, August 17. Union, Wednesday, August 21. Gaffney, Thursday, August 22. Spartanburg, Friday, August 23. State Campaign. Barnwell, Tuesday, June 18. Hampton, Wednesday, June 19. Beaufort, Thursday, June 20. Ridgeland, Friday, June 21. Walterboro, Saturday, June 22 Bamberg, Tuesday, June 25. Aiken, Wednesday, June 26. Edgefield, Thursday, June 27. Saluda, Friday, June 28. Lexington, Saturday, June 29. Newberry, Tuesday, July 2. Laurens, Wednesday, July 3. Greenwood, Thursday, July 4. McCormick, Friday, July 5. Abbeville, Saturday, July 6. Anderson, Monday, July 15. Walhalla, Tuesday, July 16 Pickens, Wednesday, July 17. Greenville, Thursday, July 18. Union, Friday, July 19. Spartanburg, Saturday, July 20. Gaffney, Tuesday, July 23. York, Wednesday, July 24. Lancaster, Thursday, July 25. Chester, Friday July 26. Winnsboro, Saturday, July 27. Camden, Tuesday, July 30. Chesterfield, Wednesday, July 31 Bennettsville, Thursday, August 1. Darlington, August, 2. Bishopville. Saturday, August 3. Sumter, Tuesday, August 6. Dillon, Wednesday, August 7 Conway, Thursday, August 8. Marion. Friday, August 9. Florene?. Saturday, August, 10. Manninj.% Tuesday, August 13. Kingstree, Wednesday, August 14. Georgetown, Thursday, August 15 Monck's Cerner, Friday, August 16. Charleston, Saturday, August 17. St. George, Tuesday, August 20. Orangeburg, Wednesday, August 21. St. Matthews, Thursday, August 22. Columbia, Friday, August 23. CANDIDATES' COLUMN. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the House of Representa tives from Edgefield county and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary election. S. T. WILLIAMS. We respectfully announce J. L. Minis as a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the rules and regulations of the Demo cratic party and pledge him to sup port the nominees of same. CITIZENS. FOR JUDGE OF PROBATE. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of probate Judge of Edgefield county and pledge myself to abide the result of the primary election. W. T. Kinnaird. FOR AUDITOR. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for re-election to the office i of auditor of Edgefield county and pledge myself to abide the result of j the primary election. * J. R. TIMMERMAN. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for .the office of County Treasurer of Edgefield county, and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary. JOE LAKE PRINCE. I hereby announce that lam a candi date for re-election to the office of treasurer of Edgefield county, pledging myself to abide the result of the Dem ocratic primary. JAMES T. M1MS. FOR CORONER. j I hereby announce that I am a candidate for re-election to the of fice of coroner of Edgefield county and pledge myself to abide the re sult of the Democratic primary elec tion. T. E. Byrd. For Magistrate. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for re-election to the of fice of magistrate of the 6th district of Edgefield county and pledge my self to abide the result of the Dem ocratic primary. A. GILCHRIST. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for the office of magis trate of the first magisterial district of Edgefield county and pledge my self to abide the result of the Dem ocratic Primary election. N. L. Brunson. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for the office of magis trate of the second magisterial dis trict of Edgefield county and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary election. Wallace W. Wise. For Congress. I am a candidate for Congress from the Second Congressional Dis trict, composing the counties of Sa luda, Edgefield, Aiken, Barnwell, Bamberg, Hampton, Jasper and Beau fort, subject to the present and fu ture rules and laws of the Democrat ic party. Platform-One Hundred per cent American. G. L. TOOLE, Aiken, S. C I I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to Congress, pledging myself to abide the rules and regu lations of the Democratic party, and to support the nominees thereof JAMES F. BYRNES. NOTICE We pay the highest cash prions for guano, cotton seed meal and oat sacks. See me at Hubenstein's store at Edgefield, or L. Weiner's .=tore at Johnston. L. WEINER. Winthrop College Scholarship _and Entrance Examination. _ The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and for admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday, July 5, at 9 A. M., and also on Saturday, July 6, at 9 A. M., vf or those who wish to make up by examinations additional units required for full admission to the Freshman Class of this institu tion. The examination on Saturday, July 6, will be used only for making admission units. The scholarships will be awarded upon the examina tion held on Friday, July 5. Appli cants must not be less than sixteen years of age. When scholarships are vacant after July 5 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, pro vided they meet the conditions gov erning the award. Applicants for scholarships should write to Presi dent Johnson for scholarship exam ination blanks. These blanks, proper ly filled out by the applicant, should be filed with President Johnson by July 1st. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open Sept. 18, 1918. For further .in formation and catalogue, address President D. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. DROP US A CARD We will send you' sample of a Composition Roofing for your barns or tenant houses that will absolutely last from twenty to thirty years. Neponset Paroid Roofing an extra heavy, fire proof, long wearing material'. Has stood the twenty-year test proven by govern ment and railroad use. Price $3.50 per Square YOUNGBLOOD ROOFING AND MANTLE COMPANY 625 Broad St. AUGUSTA, GA. Light Saw, Lathe and Shin gle Mills. Engines. Boilers, Supplies and Repairs. Porta ble. Steam and Gasoline En gines, Saw Teeth, Files. Belts and Pipes, WOOD SAWS and SPLITTERS. Gixs and PRESS REPAIRS Try LOMBARD AUGUSTA, C?A. Here is a message to suffering women, from Mrs. W. T. Price, of Public, Ky.: "I suf fered with painful..." she writes. "I got down, with a weakness in my "back and limbs... I felt helpless and dis couraged...! had about given up hopes of ever being well again, when, a friend Insisted I Take The Woman's Tonic I began Cardul. In a short while I saw a marked difference... I grew stronger right along, and it cured me. I am stouter than I havo been in years." If you suffer, you can appreciate what it means to be strong and well. Thousands of wo men give Cardul the credit for their good health. It should help you. Try Cardul. At all druggists. E-73 HPS- Umii ? raSw fceiwTtfCBV -MIS THE COUGH. CURES IKE LUKGS. ..rtt'.-Mit,St?tt.'X;'.'.V;..V,T ,;?X>'K f>j~ JOB OFFICE DO YOUR PRINTING We are equipped with the most modern facilities, and can do your printing in the most up-to-date man ner on short notice. 0 Our New Linotype Machine fl!]? ?fbi! ?3a ^3^.L^ ^ - 'atara ,V>-..\." . v ...... * T'?-? I will set type from the small type to the heavy display S type. . All kinds of work done in the most ap proved manner. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Send your orders to The Edsrefield Advertiser EES