Offine No 61 Residence, No. 17 Wednesday, March 6. LOCAL AND PERSONAL, Mrs. Bettis Cantelou is in Colum bia visiting her sister, Mrs. S. M. Rice. Mrs. Mattie Jennings of Augusta visited Mrs. B. B. Jones for several days.lau week. Little Miss Corrie Thomas of Cleora visited Miss Ethel Cheatham last week. Mrs. J. L. Hart has returned from a short visit to Augusta and a week's stay at Chappells. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Cooner and the children were gilesta of Mrs. Mary Norris for the week end. Mr. Charlie Morgan has been en joying a furlough at home, having returned to Camp Jackson last night. Mr. J. G. Shannonhouse of Char lotte spent several clays here last week with his son, Rev. R. G. Shannonhouse. Mrs. L. M. Wilkins of Greenville is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Jerrold LaGrone. Her husband is stationed at Camp Sevier. Dozier Tompkins celebrated his thirteenth birthday by entertaining about a dozen of his friends at a de lightful dinner party on Saturday. The friends of Dr. J. R. Beall throughout the county will regret to learn of his death, which occurred suddenly Friday night at his home in Cornelius, Ga. Jjie.t. Arthur S. Tompkins, who was recently ill with pneumonia at Camp Wadsworth, will come home to-day on a furlough to remain un til he regains his strength. Mr. W. C. Madden, a brother-in law of Capt. L. Y. Moore, is now tilling the place of engineer on the Southern. He will move his family to Edgefield in a short time. Mr. Claud Eubauks enlisted in the navy Monday at the naval recruit ing station in Columbia. He was permitted to return to his home to await orders which will probably be received within a fortnight. Miss Sophie Abney has returned home after an extended visit to her niece, Mrs. Ives, in Savannah, and also to attend the marriage of Miss Marguerite Paschal, now Mrs. Ru fos Howard, in Rockingham, N. C. Sergeant Warren Hill is down from Camp Jackson on a furlough of 10 days. Sergt. Hill has been ap plying himself very closely since he has been in camp and we confident ly expect to hear of further promo tion for him. We regret that it has been found necessary to take our good friend Mr. O. J. Holmes, of Red Hill, to the hospital in Augusta for a surgi cal operation to-da}-. We trust that the reports from him will be favor able and that he will soon be fully restored to health. Mr. M. D. Lyon has purchased the handsome residence of Mrs. M. C. Turner on Main street near the i station, paying ?0,000 cash there- < for. Capt. Moore will continue to i occupy this residence until October, i when Mr. Lyon will move his fami- < ly back to town. < ""Millers can only issue certificates 1 on the printed form provided by 1 the government and .merchants are * not authorized to sell rlour upon the presentation of a certificate of any other form. These printed forms can be obtained by millers from the local food representative ( or the county food administrator. , Mr. J. G. Rolland, Mr. T. J. ' Paul, Mr. J. T. Mims, Jr., and Mr. Jerrold LaGrone will leave this morning for the Buick automobile factory in (^Michigan to bring four cars back for Mr. W. J. Hatcher of Johnston. Freights are so un satisfactory that Mr. Hatcher has adopted this means of delivering his cars. This quartette of long-distance joy riders will require about eight days foi their return trip. Mr. Rainsford Cantelou recently went before the State board of ex aminers of Alabama in Birming ham securing a license as pharma cist. He has?ilready passed the ex amination in this State. and will soon be examined in Georgia, which is a fine record for this Edgefield young man. But Rainsford Cante lou comes of good stock and for him to have made a less creditable record would have been a disap pointment to his Edgefield friends Attend the auction sah of Jersey cows. See D. A. Coleman's adver tisement in this issue. Attention is directed to the fol lowing new advertisements this week: The Cornerstore, D. A. Cole man, I. Mukashy, Rubenstein, Tren ton Fertilizer Co. Mrs. T. II. Rainsford will attend a meeting of the mission societies at Graniteville on Saturday, as president of the Columbia district societies. Mr. H. IT. Smith who was recent ly employed by Mr. S. F. Logan is now vvith Mr. E. S. Rives and will give his friends who call a cordial greeting. If you haven't tried a pair of the Martha Washington ladies' shoes it will pay you to do so as there is none better. Rubenstein. Auditor J. R. Timmerman has called the County Equalization Board to' meet in his office Saturday at 10:00. As this is the most im portant meeting of the board that has been held in'four years, a full attendance^ desired. Flour Reports. All flour reports must be in the hands of the county food adminis trator, J. L. Miras, by Saturday, on which day a report for the entire county will be compiled and for warded to Mr. William Elliott, the Mate Food Administrator. A prompt response, please. Attention Woman's Mission Societies! Remember the meeting of the 2nd division Woman's Missionary Union which meets at Antioch on Saturday the 9th. Antioch, Republican, Re hoboth, Trenton, Hardys, Mt. Zion, Horn's Creek and Red Hill are ex pected to send delegates. Any other societies in the association are cor dially invited to attend. Mr. Tompkins Nearly Recovered Mr. Arthur ,'S. Tompkins has al most recovered from the injury re ceived in the wreck near Columbia about 10 days ago. The writer stop- ; ped over in Columbia Sunday while en route from Washington to visit him at the Baptist hospital, finding him well enough to go out to hear Dr. C. E. Burts preach. Mr. Tomp kins says they have so many pretty nurses at the hospital to wait on him that he can say in the words of the sor>tr: '"Oh, I don't want to get well!" Ile will probably conn! home today, and hi* Edgefield friends will give him an affectionate greet ing. A Deserved Promotion. Sergeant W. D. Allen has been presented with a commission as sec ond lieutenant of Company F, Sec ond South Carolina Regiment, be ing stationed at Camp Sevier, Green ville. He volunteered for service in this company as a private early last summer and was soon made a ser geant. In recognition of his splen did record, he was promoted last week to a lieutenancy. Capt. Wil liam M. Carter, another Edgefield man who has made good, is captain of this old company, which has made history for South Carolina as the "Governor's Guards." Capt. Carter and his company did border duty at the time ?the Mexicans be came obstreperous and he is recog nized as a very fiue commanding officer. The Advertiser confidently expects to hear of additional pro actions from both of these very -vorthy sons of Edgefield, Capt. Jarter and Lieut. Allen. Edgefield County Pig Club Members. H. F. Cooper, Jr., J. W. Roper, Jr., 3eo. W. Rauton, LeRoy Satcher. Cecil Scott, Clinton Yonce, Velma Derrick, Martha Cullam, Raby Yonce, Perry Hamilton, Myrtis McLendon, William Wood, Julian Talbert, Oliver ?ussey. Elizabeth Brunson, Zola Walker, Lena DeLaughter, G. W. Wood, W. C. Ham mond, Albert Walker, Robert Eubanks, Ettie Yonce, Margaret Courtney, Reo nard W. Taylor, Padgett Herlong, Ho mer Herlong, Samuel Smith Ouzts, Ellen Prescott, 0. 0. Padgett, Braxton Wood, Manly DeLoach, JohnT. Barnes, Geo. M. Williams, Hartwell Gardner, Janie Burnett, Arley Hamilton, Dab ney Talbert, Paul Eubanks Amos Bus sey. W. E. STOKES, County Agent. EDGEFIELD COUNTY CORN CLUB MEMBERS. H. F. Cooper. Jr., J. W. Roper, Jr., Lean Cullum, Homer Derrick, Elijah Derrick, Horton Carpenter, Robert Stone, Tom Willis, P. B. Stone, Ansel McLendon, Perry Hamilton, Garrett Quarles, Dabney Talbert, Paul Eu banks, G. W. Wood, W. G. Hammond, Albert Walker, Robert Eubanks, Aron Bussey, Willie Callaham, Roy Gardner, Claud Quarles, Geo. M. Williams, Hartwell Gardner. Medal Contest at Johnston. Edgetield was represented at Johnston on Simd iv night at the medal contests by Dozier Tompkins, Corrie Cheatham, Julian Mime and William Jones in the cold medal song contest and by Mitchell Wells in the declamation contest for the silver medal. Mrs, J. L. Mims, Mrs. Mamie N. Tillman and Miss Patti Major accompanied the boys and swirls to Johnston. In the song contest, Dozier Tomp kins received very houorable men tion and Mitchell Wells won the medal for oratory over some yery worthy opponents. Billy Sunday a Great Evangelist. Occasionally a critic will rise to make derogatory remarks concern ing the great evangelist, Billy Sun day, and his work. For several years wre have read much of the work of this servant of God as he has labored here and there over the country and have always been im pressed in his favor. Not until Saturday afternoon laat have we had an opportunity to make a first-hand estimate of this great preacher. The writer sat for more than an hour in the large tabernacle in Wash ington, where he was .just closing an eight weeks' campaign and heard every, syllable that he ut tered. Our opinion of Billy Sun day is still favorable. Of course, he says and does things in his own way. But if he didn't he would not be Billy Sunday. It requires dif ferent types of preachers and teach ers to reach and save different types of men. Just as the Lord chose the impulsive and impetuous Peter along with John, the Apostle of love in the days of his person:.' ministry, so be to-day needs men of widely different manners and employing al together different methods to reach men. We believe the Lord has called Billy Sunday to be a laborer in his vineyard just as surely as he called the fisherman, the collector of customs or 'the tent maker of "Bible times," as we frequently re fer to the early period of Christian activities. Be very slow to place your finite stamp of disapproval upon a man whose labors bear the stamp of approval of the Infinite. Marion A. Wright at Harmony. Many friends at Johnston, Tren ton and Edgetield and other points in our county will be delighted to hear that Marion A. Wright will deliver a lecture at Harmony church at S o'clock on the evening of the .J?th of March, this being Monday night. Marion Wright is now a student in law at the University of South Carolina and is on the extension work of the university. It has been a number of .years since he was a boy in Edgetield county. When we knew him then he iwas winning all the prizes in the county in the W. C. T. U. essay contests, and later at the University he was winning rn in all the oratorical contests. Now, after a long absence he is I coming back to his own, and the subject of his address will be "By Products of the War." Everybody is invited to attend this occasion at Harmony on the 25th, and we are sure many will be anxious to go. Program of Work for the Home Demonstration Organization For the Year 1918. 1. Food production: (a) Gardening. (b) Poultry. 2. Food conservation: (a) Canning, preserving, pick ling. (b) Drying. (c) Brining. (d) Preserving eggs in water glass. 3. Food study: (a) What the body needs. (b) How much the body needs. (c) How the body uses food. 4. Food economy: (a) The use of substitutes Wheat, Meat, Fats and sugars. (b) Utilization of milk pro ducts Cottage cheese, Home butter-making. We have received a complete line of Martha Washington oxfords in plain, strap, lace and button, high or low heel. Runenstein. Lost or Strayed-One red year ling,left ear cut off. Strayed from my farm about the 1st of January. S. W. Miller, Edgifield, S. C. R. F. D. 2. 2-27-4t. FOR SALE: Nice lot of female Duroc pigs entitled to registration. Apply to T. L. Miller, Collier, S. C. 3 6-2t-pd. On account of the early spring season we will not have our millinery opening as usual. We are glad to announce to the public that our hats are ready for inspection. We have the largest and best assorted stock of shapes, flowers and ribbons than ever before. Miss Holland, our expert trimmer, has charge of this department, and she will be glad to show you all the new stlyles. We have also received a large shipment of Ladies' and Misses' Dresses in Taffeta, Messaline and Crepe de Chine. Sizes to fit every one. Prices reasonable. Edgefield, South Carolina Spring Dry Goods j Come in to see our early spring arrivals in Dry Goods. We are showing the newest and prettiest things of the season's offerings. Every - department of our store is being daily replenished with the best merchandise from the leading markets of the country. COME U TO SEE US Daitch Bros. Bargain Store