Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, February 06, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Office No 61 Residence, No. 17 Wednesday, February 6. LOCAL AND PERSONAL, Miss Janie Hunter of Ora is vis iting lier sister, Mrs. L. T. May. Miss Jennie Ruth Able of Lees ville is here visiting |Mrs. A, L. Gunter. S. McG. Sirakins went, over to Aiken on professional business Monday. Col. F. N*. K. Bailey and Mrs. Bailey are spending the winter in Florida. Mrs. B. B. Jones and Miss Nell Jones have been spending the past week in Beaufort. District Attorney J. Wm. Thur mond is in Greenwood this week conducting court. Have you made your tax returns? Only about two weeks remain be fore the time expires. Mrs. Richard Cain of Wedge field, Sumter county, is here visit her daughter, Mrs. E. S. Rives. Mrs. A. R. Brown of Columbia, the wife of Engineer Brown, spent the week end with Mrs. J. L. Hart. Mrs. Hal Beman of Augusta has been spending the past week here with ber, parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Key. Mrs. W'alter McDonald of Au gueta is spending this week here with her mother, Mrs. Agatha A. Woodson. Miss Gladys Padgett is visiting friends in Spartanburg and also her sister, Mrs. Norwood Cleveland, in Greenville. Sergt. Flahiff is a hero of the trenches. Hear him in the opera house Friday night of next week the next lyceum entertainment. The IL D. C. will meet at the Red Cross rooms Thursday after noon, February 15, at 3:30 o'clock. The members are requested to bring their dues. Mr. A. S. Tompkins received al telegram Tuesday from his son, Gus Tompkins, stating that he was then en route to a Northern port to em bark for Europe. Miss Lillian Smith has arrived from Co'umbia to spend several days at home, her school being tem-, porarily closed on account of the, quarantine against meningitis. There will be a box party at the residence of Mr. M. A. Watson on Friday night, February 15, for j the benefit of the Waycross school. The public is cordially invited. Mr. E. S. Rives is now in New York making large purchases ol' spring merchandise. He is a buyer of large experience and knows how and where to buy to the best advan tage. A cold church curtails attend ance upon public worship. Persons who are seeking an excuse to re main away can easily rind an ex cuse upon this ground-a very good excuse, too. Farmers are so eager to get their fertilizers under the sheller on the farm that they are not wailing for the roads to dry thoroughly. The public square has scores of guano wagons on it this morning. The Edgelield teachers have res ponded to the appeal of President Wilson and Governor Manning and are making a card index of the .?jHesiiouuair?s. They have voiun ?tered for this patriotic service. Mr, Carroll Rainsford who has been making a good record at the Citadel for the past two years spent several days at home last week, ile has gone to Annapolis to study for entrance at the Naval Academy. The coming of Sergt. Flahiff of Canuda for the Lyceum entertain ment is creating considerable inter est. He has been "over the top" in several drives and will give his personal experiences in trench war fare. Unless the roads improve rapidly fertizer hauling will be greatly de layed. Every pound of fertilizer should be hauled to the farm as early as possible, giving the stock a rest period before the plowing begins. Civic League will meet Monday, lith inst., at four o'clock. Each member is urged to attend, as there is business of importance to attend to. The meeting will be at the home of Mrs. R. G. Shannonhouse. Let's greet the young Canadian with a large audience Friday night of next week, thus showing; our pa triotic interest in the cause of the Allies. A small audience will lead him to believe that we are apathetic and lack interest in the war. On account of the severe weather in December and .January, there is more "scattering" cotton in the fields than usual at this season. The prevailing; price will cause every lock to be picked as soon as the weather is favorable. N Mrs. C. W. DeLoach now occu pies tho residence on Columbia street which she recently purchased from Mrs. S. A. M orrall and Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Blalock, Jr., will move into the brick residence near the Methodist church from which Mrs, DeLoach moved. The lyceum entertainment Fridav night of next week will be the most thrilling- and most interesting ever given in Edgefield. A brave young Canadian soldier will bring the trench warfare to us. This learn ing of actual conditions by proxy is the only way that most of us want to learn. The beautiful sunshine of this morning is infusing new life into everything- and everybody. The man^who has grown lazy during the long period of hibernation is stretching: his limbs and feels the blood circulating again. If this favorable weather continues, there will not only be "something doing" but something done in every line of business. False Impression Corrected. ?Some persons are under the im pression that a registrant who has a wife and children should not be given deferred classification by a local board if a relative will,.con tribute to the support of the depen dents should the registrant be drafted for military service. The regulations plainly state that case of dependent wife and children support from other sources should NOT be considered. Classification Completed. The local board has completed the classification of all question naires that have been returned. Some of the colored registrants who have not yet received questionnaires are being located everv day. The board appreciates the co-operation which has been given by a number of citizens over the county in loca ting registrants who seldom receive mail, and for that reason cannot be located by the mail carriers. Up to this time, not including the ques tionnaires that have not been deliv ered to registrants, the board haa placed about 4t?u registrants in class one, this being about 30 per cent. These men will be examined next week. Examinations were com menced last Friday, but owing to the issuing of new regulations for the physical examination, General Crowder telegraphed the local boards to hold up on the examina tions until the new regulations were received. The men who were noti fied to appear for examination last Monday will report next Monday; those who were notified to report to-day will report next Wednesday, [and those who have been notified to report Friday of this week for ex lamination will report Friday of next week. Other registrants will i be ordered to report Tuesday, I Thursday and Saturday of next week also, which will enable the board to examine all of the men in Class I next week. The remainder of the present quota will be ordered out during the live days following February 23. It has not been announced what day Edgefield will mobilize men for Camp Jackson. This county is yet due 102 colored men on its first quota. The local board had this number of men ready for mobilization in October, but they were never ordered out. The men will receive notice what day to re port for mobilization. One solid car of buggies just un loaded and two more on the road from the best factories. B. 13. Jones. Wanted Cedar posts delivered at Edge field. Apply to ADDISON MILLS. FOll SALE-Lon g StAple Weber Cotton Seed No. 82. I made 70 bales on ?30 acres last year, and will plant my entire cotton crop in it this year. Two dollars (s2.uu) per bushel in small quantities. Burrell T. Boatwright, Johnston, S. C. 2-0 3t-pd. ST WVfl ?*1 Tho jtfest Tonic, vSUmQ Miid-LttMin Bil i h&O Family Medicine. TELLS HOW SHE MOVE AWAY DI GESTION TROUBLE. Prominent Veterinarian's Wife Tells of Long Suffering, Despaired of Finding a Cure. TOOK ACID IRON MINERAL AND IS PRAISING IT NOW. "I bad almost despaired of ever being relieved of my indigestion trouble," writes still another lady who at last found relief, Mrs. Lula Lee Morris, of Elizabeth City, wife of a well known veterinarian there. Thousands of women drag about lintier, lacking life and vitality, all because their digestion isn't good and they get no strength from the food and things they eat. To gain relief, read what she says. "I despaired of being relieved. I suffered a long time, but after hear ing so many words of praise favor ing Acid Iron Mineral I started taking it and each bottle I took im proved ray condition until I feel perfectly allright now and go about ray work with so much more pleas ure. I was truly miserable before I took it, but now I recommend it to everybody as it will do so much good for those troubled with ail ments it is intended to cure." Th? above tribute to this remark able highly concentrated product of a really wonderful mineral de posit located in Mississippi and sold under the thirty year old A-l M trade mark proves that people troubled with that draggy, worn, weak rundown feeling due to stomach digestion, blood and uric acid troubles. Thousands of people know how it drags them down to feel half sick the whole day long and their praise of Acid Iron Mineral proves it builds folks up rapidly again A dollar bottle can be procured at drug stores. 12th Annual Session Negro Race Conference of South Carolina Meets Wednesday February 13 at Zion Baptist church Columbia, S. C: The twelth annual session of the Negro Race Conference of South (..arolina will meet at Zion Baptist Church, ?05 Washington Street, Columbia, S. C., February 13. Matters of great importance con cerning the Race in South Carolina ire to be discussed by leading men, white and colored. The committee Df arrangements is very anxious for Dnly leading Negroes to come to Lhis Conference, Wednesday Feb ruary 13, such as, preachers, teach ers, farmers and heads of societies. For further information concern ing the Conference colored men jan address the Rev. Richard Car roll or the Rev. J. C. White, D. D. jr any of the following named nembers of the committee of ar rangements: James A. Brigman, 130li As sembly Street. I. S. Leevy, 1221 Taylor Street. \V. II. Thomas, 1217 Washington Street. Among the speakers on the pro gram for Wednesday are Dr. B.D. i-Jray, Seo. Home Mission Board, Atlanta, Ga., Richard I. Manning, Hon. Wm. Elliot, Chairman Coun cil of Defense, R. W. Westberry, Chairman Negro Council of De fense, C. C. Bobo, Laurens. iS. C., loseph McCullough, Emmett J. Scott and others PROUT BY THIS. Don't Waste'Another Day. When you are worried by back aches; By lameness and urinary disor ders Don't experiment with and an nutried medicine. Follow Edgefield people's ex am pie. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Edgetield testimony. Verify it if you wish: W. I), Dorn says: "I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Kidney and bladder trouble has not bothered me 6?nc? I used this remedy." A LASTING CURE. After a Lapse of Over Three Years, Mr. Dorn said: . The cure Doan's Kidney Pills gave me is still lasting. I 31 ways recommend them j to anyone I know to bc suffering from weaK or disordered kidneys." Price '?Oe. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that cured Mr. Dorn, Foster-Mil burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. "jtj \?"w ''"fir" We call the attention ol' our fanner friendo throughout Edgefield county to our large stock of Plantation Hardware ?*jg|j Can supply them with plow steels, plow stocks, plow gears, harness, shop tools, and everything in our line at veiw reasonable prices. We buy in large ^quantities and can sell very close. 3 Large Stock of Winchester Loaded Shells for Hunters Call to see US when in Augusta HARDWARE DEPARTMENT OF E. M. Andrews Furniture Company 1289 Broad Street AUGUSTA, GA. m. BS2?BS3 T IHE demand for cotton is urgent. What price it may eventually bring is problematical. But it is vitally necessary that every grower make an extra effort to increase production-it means dollars to you. For many years, Planters Fertilizer has been used with re markable success throughout the South. It enriches the soil, furnishes the plant with soluble and available food until maturity and improves the quality and quantity of the crop. If you are getting less than one to two bales to the acre-try Planters see how Planters Fertilizer has proven its worth, over and over again. You cannot afford to experiment with unknown, untried brands, when you can get th*.- genuine, with thc Giant Lizard Trade-Mark, stamped on each bag. See our agent in your town for free advice, information and prices-or write us di rect. But don't delay-do it at once, for the present un certainty of deliveries-clue to thc heavy demand upon freight and transportation facilities makes early or dering imperative. Planters Fertilizer & Phosphate Co. MANUFACTURERS Charleston, South Carolina The Prudential Life insurance Co. writes more Life insurance than any company in America except one. They have lowest rates with dividends and free disability clause of all companies in the United States. The Hartford Fire Insurance Co. is one hundred and seven (107) years old. Writes more Fire In surance than any fire insurance company in America. You will be perfectly safe with a Hartford Fire Policy. E. J. NORRIS, Agt. E. J. NORRIS, Agt.