A3 m? our Fal Desirable merchandise is scarce, and prices are daily advancing. You will profit by supplying your needs now. You will gain nothing by waiting, in fact, the information we have is that all dry goods will advance very much higher than they are now. Cotton, the one product of which 75 per cent, of the goods used by the average consumers, is selling very high, and we believe it will go higher, and of course cotton goods will advance. We, with many years of experience and close ob servers of the market conditions, had fore-sight enough to go in the market early, when prices were much lower and purchased our fall stock. The result is, we are now prepared for Fall Business with a very large stock of merchandise. When this supply is exhausted we have no assurance as to what the prices will be- Our customers that make their purchases early will obtain goods at practically old prices. We strongly advise early buying, whether you buy of us or not. The Corner Store W. H. TURNER, Proprietor mm wm W9M IK im&m . Bm An Interesting Letter From Mi John Lake. The following is an interest^ letter which Mr. and Mrs. W. Lott recently received from Re and Mrs. John Lake, written A gust 29 from Canton, China: Your nice, long, newsy letters two in one-have been read by with delight more than once, ar yet there is so much sadness in tl home letters and newspapers on a count of the mention of the deat of oar friends that there is, ( course, the sombre side of it to( Yours was the first news that v< had of the death of Mrs. Fann Tompkins, and what a list of ot other friends, Linie Allen, D Prescott, Capt. Gunter, Mrs. Cooi er, Miss Burton, Mr. Bussey an Mary Clyde. Of course, we ha heard of the passing away of sevei al of these, and yet it was so kin of you to mention them. Sometime people fail to do this, and what shock to their relatives if we shoul wrke to them without having hear of their loss. At one time we trie to write letters of sympathy in al such cases, but to do so would tak< so much of our time and strengti from the work you sent us to di that we have despaired of beim able to keep up this custom, an< then in case we did not hear of th death of this or that one we loved and in case our letters were los . on the long journey, we should cer tainly give offense by seeming t< overlook some. But won't yoi please express our sympathy, as yoi have opportunity, to the relative: of those you mention? The truth is so many letters we have written tc friends in the homeland hav< brought no answer tnat it almos discourages us at times with lettei writing. To write and feel that thc letters were not received and to feel that our friends believe that wc have forgotton them or neglected them, is one of the really trying things in a foreign missionarysi life. Well, no doubt you have seen in the newspapers about the third revolution we h ^e had in South China since the + .anchur Dynasty was overthrown-the growing pains of the new republic-and we too have remained on our mission com pound through all three of them. When Yuan Shi-Kai died, having faild to make himself emperor we mig! t have had peace but for fact that he had appointed so many men to high office who, like him, cared nothing for the liberties of the peo ple. If politics can be so bad in a land of churches, what must be the conditions out here at a time like this? They are horrible-indescrib able. The late president appointed as military governor of this prov ince-state-a man who was thor oughly hated by its probably 25 million people. Certainly the two million or so people of this city , bate him as only heathen can hate. Well, since the new and better president has takeu office this mili tary governor refuses to give up his office to his successor, and until three or four days the new governor in trying to take his office has been besieging the city with rifles, raa I chine guns and cannon, for more than three weeks, night and day. we heard the roar of battle, for the Chinese are now armed with modern equipment and they are learning how to use it. The only members of the mission of the compound, we two, have watched from our veran da the bursting of shrapnel shells. All of the hospitals in Canton are crowded with the wounded and a state of anarchy exists. Fortunately for us, the attack centered chiefly in the westend of the city, while our compound is in the east end, so that our chief danger, humanly speaking, has been and still is from the large bands of well armed rob bers that night after night are killing and looting, sometimes in the city itself, and even worse, in the de fenseless villages. Our compound is especially exposed and for many nights a lone ex-Citadel cadet (an ex-member of the Edgefield Rifles) contented himself with two or three hours sleep a night and did sentinel duty for a compound of twenty acres, where were the temporarily deserted buildings (this is summer vacation time, and frightfully hot) of the theological seminary, the girls' and boys' academies, the wo men's training school, etc. The twenty-odd girls in the school for the blind next door to us could not leave, they have no homes to which to go, so think of the responsibility. But God has taken care of us thus far, and we are not afraid. We know that you too and the other friends at home are praying for us as we are for you. Remember us most kindly to Dr. and Mrs. Jones and all the members of the church and community, especially give our love to your own Elizabeth and Effie Allen. Faithfully your friends, John and Carrie Bostick Lake. SLOAN'S LINIMENT FOR NEURALGIA ACHES. The dull throb of neuralgia is quickly relieved by Sloan's Lini ment, the universal remedy for pain. Easy to apply; it quickly penetrates without rubbing and soothes the sore muscles. Cleaner and more promptly effective than mussy plas ters or ointment; does not stain the skin or clog the pores. For stiff muscles, chronic rheumatism, gout, lumbago, sprains and strains it gives quick relief. Sloan's Lini ment reduces the pain and inflam mation in insect bites, bruises, bumps and other minor injuries to children. Get a bottle to-day at your druggist, 25 cents. 2 LOST: On road comiug from Greenwood to Edgefield, about three miles from Edgefield a child's suit case. A reward of $3.00 will be paid for it? return to the office of this paper, within two weeks. Parade Committees For Coun ty Fair. The ladies who have always giv en the fullest possible co-operation in making the county fair a success are already at work planning the best parade yet held at the county fair. The following committees have been appointed: FLOATS. Mrs. J. L. Mims, Miss Sarah Collett, Mrs. Marie Abney, Mrs. E. J. Norris, -Miss Sadie Mims, Mrs? Mukashy, Mrs. W. L. Dumovant, Miss Kellah Fair, Mrs. N. M. Jones. TRAU KS UlSPLAY. Mrs. P. M. Feltham, Mrs. T. H. Rainsford, Mrs. J. R. Tompkins, Airs. E. S. Johnson, Mrs. James Tompkins, Mrs. J. H. Cantelou, Mrs. J. W. Stewart. Prizes will be awarded for Farm Wagons. AUT0M0IULES. Mrs. Mamie N. Tillman, Mrs. A. E. Padgett, Mrs. B. E. Nicholson, Mrs. J. S. Byrd, Miss Sophie Dob son, Miss Mae Tompkins, Mrs. W. R. Swearingen, Mrs. B. Cantelou. KICS. Mrs. Agatha Woodson, Miss Ruth Tampkins, Mrs. N. G. Evans, Mrs. B. B. Jones, Mrs. W. B. Cog burn. CIIILDREX's BIGS. Mrs. WJ E. Lott, Mrs. R. G. Shannonhouse, Mrs. J. G. Edwards, Miss Fannie Sheppard, Mrs. Maner Lawton, Mrs. P. B. Mayson. Wednesday Afternoon, 2)30 p. m. FLORAL PARADE. Adult Rigs Children's Rigs Thursday Afternoon, 2:30 p. m. AUTOMOBILE PARADE. Trades Display Floats Friday Afternoon, 2:30 p. m. Farm Wagons. School Wagons. Land For Sale. I shall offer for sale at public auction at Edgefield Court House, South Carolina, on Sales day in No vember 1916, after Master's Sales, the following tract of land, situate on line of Edgefield and Saluda counties, containing 248 acres, more or less, and bounded North by lands of W. P. Johnson; East by Estate of James McManus; South by Wiley Timmerman and West by R. L. Faulkner and others. Dwelling and out-buildings; splendid well; place well watered; about 90 acres in cul tivation, balance in oak and natural pine forest; good community, and near 3 churches and good school. Easy terms. H. Y. Dorn. Edgefield, S. C. For Sale. One good mule, nine years old. Will sell cheap. Apply to 10-17-2t. Louis Tucker. Mr. Lott's Exhibit. "Mr. P. N. Lott, the efficient coun ty demonstration atrent, is planning to make an extensive exhibit at the county fair in the agricultural build ing, showing the different depart ments of his work, and also show ing some of the results achieved through the methods which he ad vocates. This will be a splendid feature of the fair, one whose agri cultural value can not really be esti mated. It will also give Mr. Lott an opportunity of reaching people in remote parts of the county., among whom he has been unable to labor or visit satisfactorily. Adams-Mims. The followiug is a copy of invi tations that have been issued to the approaching nuptials of two Edge field young people who are held in high esteem and whose marriage has been a leading topic of conver sation in social circles for some time: 'Mrs. Hattie W. Adams requests the pleasure of your company at the marriage (?of her daughter, Emily Octavia, to Mr. James Talton Minis, Jr., on Wednesday evening, Octo ber the twenty-fifth at eight o'clock at home, Edgetield,South Carolina." Attention-Pastors, Deacons, Clerks and Treasurers, of Edgefield Baptist Assn. Owing to many causes, the meet ing which was to have been held with the Edgefield Baptist church, will have to be postponed until on Tuesday, November 28th. E. Pendleton Jones, Pastor, Edgefield Baptist Church. It's Five Years Old. But Mr. Dorn Says it's Just as Good Today as When it Was First Made. Five years ago Mr. Dorn testified to complete relief from kidney ills. Later he says that there has not been the slightest return of the trouble. Edgefield sufferers will take a deal of comfort in Mr. Dom's state ment. Read what he says: W D Dorn, Edgefield, says: "I recommend Doan's kidney pills for ODO box of them did me so much good that kidney and bladder troub le have never returned." (Statement given April 12, 1931.) A lasting cure. After a lapse of over three years, Mr. Dorn said: ' The cure Doan's kidney pills gave me is still lasting. I always recommend them to any one suffering from weak or disordered kidneys." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's kidney pills-the same that Mr. Dorn has twice publicly recommended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. New Line v Sterling Silver -and Cut Glass We have just received our Fall and Holiday line of Silver and Cut Glass, which embraces all the newest things in this line to be had in New York. We invite your inspection. Our prices as usual are right. - Penn & Holstein. -UTI--imnHMIIM.Illlllll lill-?uiumiiim Augusta's Leading Jewelry Store We want our Edgefield friends to come in to see us at our new store, 980 Broad Street, We have in creased our stock, and are better prepared in every way to serve them. We are showing the largest assortment of Jewelry, Silverware. Cut Glass, Clocks, Watches and Novelties that we have ever shown. We desire to call especial attent'. to our repair de partment, which has been improved in every way. We now have new and improved machinery, and can do the most difficult and most delicate repairing here in our store. Send us your watches by express and we will return thejn promptly repaired in the very best manner. Call Upon Us at Oar New Store A. J. Renkl 980 Broad Street Augusta, Georgia FARM LOANS! Long-Term Loans to Farmers a Specialty. Your farm land accepted as security WITHOUT ENDORSER or other COLLATERAL. Unlimited funds immediately available in de nominations of Three Hundred and up. Established 1892. JAMES FRANK & SON, Augasta, Ga. i