Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, May 31, 1916, Image 5

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ZstMislpb 1B35. al J. L. MIMS.Editor <- - Published every Wednesday in The Advertiser Building at $1.50 per year ia advance. Entered as second class matter at tie postoffice at Edgefield, S. C. No communications will be published anless accompanied by the writer's name. Cards of Thanks, Obituaries, Resofu tfans and Political Notices published at advertising rates. (Wednesday, May 31 The B. V. D. season is on. t?rery bird is having its day in Co Jonbia. The physique of the girl has much te do with the length of her skirt It appears to us that the supply of fee cream has been curtailed to a gal Ian a month. j Senator Tillman punctured the *^x>rk" barrel but the public plunder ers patched it up. We haven't yet heard anything about Che dimensions of those York meals. Sot we are going on faith. The trouble about the promises of the Mexicans, like those of the Ger jztans, they are easily broken. No, the announcement that the em balmers are to meet in Greenwood next year does not mean that it is a dead town. In the popularity contest as com-( mencement orators, Governor Man aring and Dr. Currell are about to tie fer the first place. There will not be a difference of 45 ?words in the 45 speeches that some of the candidates for State office will dr iver in the 45 counties. We were not among the 5,000 appli cants for one of the 700 press seats in the Coliseum of Chicago where the G. O. P. convention is to beheld to nominate the Colonel The only way for the Republican convention to avoid a split, such gs the Roosevelt bolt of four years ago, is to nominate the Colonel unani mously by acclamation. If the people fully understood what is being done by the board of charities and corrections, not a word would be uttered against it by way of adverse criticism. ''Four bandits taken," says a head line. That leaves about thirty-odd hundred yet at large, and judging by the progress made in the past it will require thirtv-odd years to take them alb The slogan selected for the woman suffrage parade in Chicago is "Give a Woman a Man's Chance." Well, giv ing a woman Colonel Rosevelt's chance for the presidency would not be giving ber very much. No place has been provided in the bi-ennial circus for candidates for thc warehouse commissioner. This is as it should be. If the system is to be con tinued let it be kept out of politics as iar as possible. The Germans themselves haven't said so, but the impression prevails in some quarters that they would give peace makers a hearty reception at this junc ture They want somebody to help turn Verdun loose. To withd'-aw at this stage would detract from the Fatherland's prestige. To be pulled off by powerful neutrals would be less dis honorable. Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowies who has been nominated for the presidency of the General Federation of Women's Clubs at the session being held this week in New York is now a resi dent of Los Angelos, Cal., but was at one time a resi.ient of Johnston, S. C. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Cowies are pleas antly remembered by many friends in .Edgefield county. Captain W. E. Gonzales who is at lome from his duties in Cuba for a period of rest should attend the Press meeting in York next week, giving his newspaper friends an opportunity to see and greet him. The Advertiser moves that President Banks and Secre tary Sparks be appointed a special committee whose duty it shall be to :?e that Capt. Gonzales goes to York next week. Rest Boom For Ladies. A need of long standing in Edgefield and one that is altogether imperative is the providing of a rest room for la dies. It is a reflection upon Edgefield that no provision has teen made for the convenience and comfort of ladies who come to spend a few hours or a day here shopping. The re elected or newly elected coun cil-some re-elected and other elected outright for the first time-can do nothing that will demonstrate more ef fectively that they are alive to the town's interests and needs than to take ateps at once to provide a rest room for ladies and children. Practically every day ladies come to Edgefield to ?pend the day and are accompanied by one or more small children, and these mothers and children should have some place to which they can retire and rest after the strenuous hours spent|in a bus iness way. Let the council secure a conveniently located room at once and have it prop erly fitted with all modern conveniences and comforts. What they lack in funds, if any, will be supplemented by popu lar subscription. This undertaking can easily be carried to a satisfactory com pletion, if it is given the enthusiastic support of those in authority. We feel confident that the ladies of the Civic League will give their hearty co-opera tion to the enterprise, and will aleo aid materially in having the room prop erly kept after being opened. Vicious Type of Citizens. Georgia has some as good men as can be found in the Union and, unfor tunately, it is also true that some men of the most vicious type reside in Geor gia. While these despicable charac ters may be native born Americans, of Anglo Saxon blood, if you please, yet they are no less depraved than the Mexican, the Turk, or the Italian who comes to our shore. This is plain speech, but there are times when to mince words is but little short of criminal. The announcement that dipping vats are being wantonly destroyed in Geor gia, some dynamited and others burn ed, is sufficient proof that Georgia has some men within her borders that are a menace to good government and to society in general. When the purpose of these vats is considered, that of eradicating an evil or pest which de prives farmers of hundreds of thou sands of dollars annually, their wan ton destruction can not be condemned in too high terms. And it is not going too far to say that the emissary of the lower regions who would apply the torch or dynamite to these public utili ties that are constructed by the gov ernment would not hesitate to blow up a home in the night time in which there were a sleeping mother and children. The State of Georgia could not make a better investment than to spend thousands of dollars-hundreds of thou sands, if necessary-to apprehend and punish these violators of the law of the most vicious type. Waycro8s School Closes Profi table Session. The Waycross school, located near the home of Capt. J. R. Block er, was among the schools in the county to close last week and, fol lowing their custom of several years standing, a picnic was given in the beautiful meadow near the bridge across Turkey creek on the Ninety Six road. While the patrons of this school are few in number, they are progressive and public spirited and are willing to spend and bi spent in order to promote the common good. Owing lo the fact that farmers are exceedingly busy at this season, the attendance was not large. It was, however, large enough to make the occasion thoroughly enjoyable. Just such a crowd as to form a con genia) coterie was present. Every body knew, everybody else present and the ties that bind neighbor to neighbor and friend to friend were strengthed by tLe day's delightful social intercourse. As the people gathered under the trees they enjoyed an intellectual treat, for there were some excellent speeches made. Reversing the order usually followed on such occasions, that of saving the best to the last, Dr. E. Pendleton Jones was the first speaker presented by Capt. Blocker, the master of ceremonies. The speaker seemed to gather in spiration from smiling nature about him and delivered a practical ad dress that was rt-plete with food for profitable reflection. Dr. Jones was followed by Hon. Alvin Etheredge, a candidate for congress. He was followed by Mr. M. P. Wells, an avowed candidate for the State sen ate. An adjournment of one hour was taken for dinner. And such a din ner it was too! Everything that the ingenuity of the housewives of the community could provide was prepared and spread upon the table to which everybody was invited. After all appetites had bpen satisfied many baskets were tilled with cakes, pies and other nice things that been untouched. In addition to the picnic baskets of the ladies, the men pre pared a bountiful supply of ha6h that wan lit for a king or a kaiser. Besides the free dinner, iced lemon' ade was served free to everybody, and as the weather was warm many gallons of it was required. Early in the afternoon Capt. Blocker again called the picnickers about the stand and presented Mr. W. W. Fuller, to whom is due a very large portion of the credit for the improved condition of the pub lic schools throughout the county. The last speaker to be presented was Hon. B. E. Nioholson, who eschewed politics and spoke of edu cation, rural conditions, etc. During the session just closed Miss Jennie Pattison has taught the Vvaycross school, and not only has she rendered satisfactory service in the school room, but has made her value felt in the community life. At the beginning of the session, Miss Jennie offered three gold med als. The one offered for the best record in spelling was. won by John Blocker, Jr., and was presented by Mr. Alvin Etheredge. The medal offered for the mo6t improvement in writing was won by Butler Bryant, a son of Mr. John Bryant. This one was presented by Mr. W. W. Fuller. The medal offered for scholarship won by Miss Mar garet Blocker, and was presented by Mi. J. L. Miras. The day was one of unalloyed pleasure to all present, and as the good-byes were said many expressed the hope that the event would be repeated in 1917. The handsome new Buick car of Mr. Bonham Hamilton contributed much to the occasion by providing transportation for Dr. Jones and others to and from Edgefield. "Cupid, the Conqueror." This comedy in four acts will be presented in the high school audi toriara Thursday night by the pu pils of the 11th grade. This splen did amateur talent will be appreci ated by Prof. Copenhaven who is exceedingly gifted. Do not fail to see this college comedy in four acts. A small admission fee will be charged but all who attend will be amply rewarded for the small ex penditure. The fuiids realized Thursday night will be used to de fray the commencement exercises. Examination For Naval Acade my. A competitive "examination will be held in Columbia, S. C., on June 28, under the direction of Hon. John E. Swearingen, .to secure eligibles for appointment by Sena tor Tillman to the Naval Academy;1 As there is a vacancy at the acade my from this district, I will appoint to fill it the boy from the second congressional district who secures the highest percentage in the ex amination at Columbia on the 23rd. Parlies desirous of entering the ex amination should write me at Wash ington for permission to stand the examination and for further infor mation as to qualification and scope of the examination. Applicants must be between 16 and 20 years of age, good character .ind physically sound. ?They will be examined on the subject of English grammar, geography, United States history, arithmetic, algebra through quadratic equations and plane ge ometry. James F. Byrnes. That Morning Lameness. If you are lame every morning, and suffer urinary ills, there must be a cause. Often.it's weak kidneys. To r.trengthen the weakened kidneys and avert more serious troubles, use Doan's kidney pills. You can rely on Edgeneld testimony. Mrs. G T Padgett, Edgefield, Bays: "My back ached and pained all the time. In the morning when I got nj), I was so sere and stiff that I could hardly bend over. I tired easily and it was an effort for rae to do ray housework. I also had headaches and dizzy spells and ray sight blurred. I got Doan's kidney pills at Penn & Holsteins drug store and they relieved me from the first. Whenever my back gives me auy trouble now, Doan's kidney pills never fail to give me relief." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't j simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's kidney pills-the same that Mrs. Padgett had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Prudential Rates: Age Whole 15 Life Payment Life 18-20 $14.83 827.08 22 15.49 27.97 25 16.61 29.43 30 18.91 32.26 35 21.90 S5.70 40 25.85 39.91 50 38.83 51.91 60 . 63.08 72.60 65 82.86 89.33 Disability clause free. Reduced by annual dividends. E. J. NORRIS, Agt. Notice of Enrollment Committees. Opening Books For Voters In The Democratic Primary Election, Etc. Notice is hereby given, that the following: committees for enrollment have been appointed to enroll the voters of Edgefield county in the Democratic Primary for the year 1916, and said books of enrollment will be opened at the places design nated for each club Tuesday, June 6th, 1916. Bacon: J M Wright Secretary; G M Smith, J H Bouknight; at Bouk nighl's store. Cleveland: CC Jones, Secretary, J W Qoarles, T L Talbert; at C C Jones' store. Colliers: Dr J M Crafton, S'ecre ary; D T Mathis E B Mathis; at Mathis' store. Edgefield Democratic Club No 1: Walton Fuller, Secretary; A E Pad gett, W E Lott; at Jones' store. Edgefield Democratic Club No 2: J W Kemp, Secretary; T A High tower, J D Kem^; at the Edgefield Mercantile Company. Lee: W L Coleman, Secretary; W M Sawyer, John Wright; at G P Cobb's store. Calhoun: A M Clark, Secretary; J A Lott, J W Hardy; at store of Lott-Walker Company. Long Branch: E L Scott, Secreta ry; Luther Yonce, L C Clark; at Lewis Clark's store. Meriwether: H F Cooper, Secre tary; A A DeLaughter, J O Scott; at A A DeLaughter's Btore. Meeting Street: J K Allen, Sec retary; J R Blocker, George Logue, at J K Allen's residence. Moss: P W Cheathara, Secretary; T A Williams, W A Reel; at Reel's store. Pleasant Lane: J T McDowell, Secretary; S T Williams, F L Tim merman, at F L Timmerman's store. Red Hill: H E Quarles, Secreta ry; H VV Quarles, R M Johnson, at H E Quarles' store. RoDers: J E Dobey Secretary; B T Lanham, R A Timmerraau; at Timmerman's store. Shaw: W W Wise, Secretary; G F Long, J R Moss; at J R Moss' store. Talbert: J D Hughey, Secretary; A Gilchrist, E P Winn; at E P Winn's Store. The qualifications for member ship in any club of the party and for voting ata primary are as fol lows: The applicant for member ship, or voter, shall be 21 years of age, or shall become so before the succeeding general ^election and be a white Democrat. He shall be a citizen of the United States and of this State. No person shall belong to any club or vote in any primary un less he has resided in the State two y^ars and in the county six months prior to the succeeding general elec tion and in the club district 60 days prior to the first primary following his offer to enroll; provided that public school teachers and ministers of the gospel in charge of a regular organized church shall be exempt from the provisions of this section as to residence, or otherwise quali fied. Under the rules of a new en rollment i* required. B. E. NICHOLSON, County Chirman. May 29, 1916. Bank of Parksvilie Established 1908 Capital $18,000.00 Resources $47,370.00 Pays Five Per Cent, on Time Deposits There is ?300,000,000 in some body's stocking. If any of it is in yours it's in the wrong place. Why not put it in our care. We are Conservative We are Safe Buildings For Sale. I ara authorized to offer for sale the two wooden buildings on the school grounds that were formerly used for the graded school. Persons contemplating building should see me. J. C. Sheppard, Chairman of Board of Trustees. Walk-Over Shoes Try a pair of the cel ebrated Walk-Over Shoes. Have them in all the Stylish Lasts and Leathers IRAK HARK RfGU.S.PAT.OfF. I Mukashy Bargain House Edgefield, South Carolina Cerealite! Cerealite! We are prepared to fill your or ders for Cerealite for corn and cot ton. The yield of both crops can be largely increased by the use of this popular fertilizer which con tains a very high per cent, nitro gen. Ask those who have used cereal ite as to the results obtained. Try it this year, if you have never used it before. .W. Adams & Co. Land for Sale We offer for sale one thousand acres of land in Burke County, Georgia, the same grade as land in your section, in large or small lots, as desired, healthy location, convenient to church and school, at ?40.00 to $50.00 per acre. Correspondence invited. CITIZENS BANK OF WAYNESBORO WAYNESBORO, .GA. SMMBHMBBMHlBBMBMMMBMMMi WM Prescriptions . Compounded WITH THE UTMOST CARE Any Hour of the Day or Night Only the Purest Drugs are Used Your Patronage Solicited Complete Stock of Fancy Groceries COLLETT & MITCHELL