Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, April 26, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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TO KILL LOG - EAT ? Mt GOATS Lumber Company Orders Herd Exe cuted When lt Gets Entirely Too Ravenous. Goats are perfect marvels in clear ing forest lands for cultivation. They eat the brush down to thc roots, take the "slash" from lumber operations xor dessert, and prepare the forest for ag riculture in a way that no man can do except at great expense, says the "Minneapolis Journal. In northern Min nesota the homesteader or settler who has a herd of goats is the envy of all his neighbors. But when the goats begin to eat sawlogs their usefulness has passed: they become a menace to society. This i? the danger that con fronts northern Minnesota unless groper precautions ore tullen. In a semiofficial report to W. T. Cox, state forester, a district ranger tells and interesting experience. Finding that it was somewhat expensive to burn the "slash" and to carry out the orders for forest tire prevention the company decided to obtain a band of gcats to do the work. The goats d>J well. They ate all the brush, all thc slrsh. tho arass and the shrubbery. The lumber company was pleased. But when the grass and shrubbery, brush and slash were exhausted the goats tackled the pulpwood and the logs. Directors of the company de creed that the goats be slaughtered. "This will teach lumber companies not to cut their timber too small." war. Mr. Cox' comment. MOSLEMS TO BE RECOGNIZED Legislation Will Wake Their Religion Legally Recognized by Hungary. The Moslem religion will be legally recognized in Hungary if a bill intro duced by the Hungarian minister of Justice is enacted into law by the Hun garian diet. In addition to giving the Moslem religion every right enjoyed by any other recognized faith in Hungary, the proposed law will also permit the teaching of Mohammedan dogma and the founding of Moslem religious in stitutions so far as they are not in conflict with the existing laws. While Mohammedans in Hungary lave in the past enjoyed full liberty cf conscience, they were as yet de prived of certain civil rights which iunctionaries of other recognized creeds exercised. The bill now before ?the diet effaces some of these inabili ties automatically, as soon as it be comes a law, while others are removed "hy express provisions, as was done in the case of the Mohammedans of Bos nia and Herzegovina, Of Moslem communities in Hungary the Danube island of Ada Kale, near Orsova, is the largest, though groups large enough to form religious com munities are found in many parts of the country. -?<- . , - ' War Economy. v> Richard Harding Davis, the war cor respondent, said, the other day, in Pittsburgh: "The allies are getting together at last. They are working together. In their plans we see no moro selfishness. "They were pretty selfish at first Their selfishness was typical, in Cai t, hy an economy ?story-a story about a rich Englishman. "This wealthy obi fellow, when the economize-and-save movement vas at its height, said warmly over a regalia and a glass of liqueur brandy at tho ?club: ""Economize, ch? Economize, is lt? "Well, by Jove, it's incredible hov; ene can economize if one sc's one's mind to it. I lopped five pounds a week of? my household expenses at one stroke this morning by cutting off all the Mirants' meat.'"-Washington Star. 'V?** -i-: is*" $10,000,0:0 for Pccdics. "The most astounding extravagance of the women of America is that we ?pend $10,000,000 each year for poodles." Mrs. R. L. Barker told thia to the delegates to tho annual meet ing of thc Womens International Mis sionary union recently in describing kow American wemen make the money fly. She continued: "We spend more for ha!- yearly than it takes to support tho army ar.d navy and several other federal de partments. Wc a!?o spend $107,000, ?too for soft and cooling drinks ar.d #178,000,000 for candy, it is time to call a halt and to return to thc sano "ways of our mothers." Gvnless Hunter. 'The gunloss hunting championship ?B confidently claimed by the Beverly Dispatch for A. A. Forrest, the promi nent nimrod of Beverly, who, strolling afield the otter day, dispatched two plump and subsequently succulent rab bits by hurling apples at .em, and a third by tho digging-oui oMiole-with sharp-stick method. Mr. Forrest, who ?as a port, of primal serre of humor, afterward stated in his pithy way that ie never yet had heard of a nimrod's aotimcly demise through climbing a iencc with an unloaded apple or sharp stick in his hand.-Ohio State Journal. Some Irr provemcnt. ""Mrs. Dubwaite doesn't seem to mind how much. Mr. Dubwaite oper ates tho phonograph." "In the Ir.a^uags of a well-known advertiser, 'There's a reason.' " Tes?" ?"As a rkr;!ce between two evils, VLrs. Dubwaiio much prefers thr phono. graph. Mv. Dubwaite'n favorite dlver a?ertt ?J .1:0 evening used to be picking wai a tune on thc pi^uo with cue Snorer." More Horse Power Needed in the South. We must have more work stock per mau to do our farm work economically. Less work stock per acre and more per man, so that each man can cultivate many more acres, will come as a necessity before the earnings of the Southern farm will be such as to produce a prosperous rural south. We can no more con tinue the old methods, using single or one horse implements, than could toe modern manufacturer use the old machines and methods employed in his business 25 years ago. Some may aay we are using two horse implements. A few are, but. two trips through the south, fruin Georgia to Texas and Oklahoma, during the last two weeks during active spring work reveal by actual count mon* one-horse out lits prepar ing the land than iwo horse outfits. The one-horse farmer as indicated by these observations outnumbers the two-horse one and a half times. We ueed more horses, not so much to increase the acreage culti vated, although it is important thal the acreage cultivated per laborer be increased, but especially lo enable ?each man to do better ami more economical work. - Progressive Farmer. Union Meeting. Tilt' union meeting cf the firs! di vision of Edgeiield association will convene with Stevens Creek church April 29-30. Ali parlies on thc program please take notice and pre pare their subjects or get a substi tute and st e that he comes pre ] pared. j 11:00-Devotional, by modera I tor. j 11:15-What can we do to im I prove our Sunday schools, WT. B. Cogbnrn, J. K. Allen and others. 12:15-.Missions. (a) Heme missions, Rev. M. B. White. (b) State mission, M. IL Byrd. (c) Foreign missions, Rev. E. P. Jones. 1:15-Dinner. Afternoon. 2:30-The best methods of im proving our union services, Whit j Harting, W. B. Collins and others. 3:i5-Systematic and proportion late giving. Rev. IL 13. White, F. L. Byrd and others. 4-Business, Sunday. 10:00-Sunday school in charge of local ch uich. BS?*^? 11 ::ui-Sermon, Rev. E. P. Jones. 1-Dinner. 2:30-Education, W. W. Fuller, O. Sheppard, W. E. Lott. M. B. Hamilton, E. P. Jones. Committee. The m i SB Spring is right upo i ly increasing heat f something that is suil As outfitters for m ment. We have put fabrics und weaves-1 try. and can fit you ii our clothing departni New stylish hats ft and nobbiest shapes a summers hat. We For your spring ox and the Selz-Sehwat ?dgefiel.d people ant pair. W hat more ec For shirts, try an * on the market for tl from. Complete stock of See our beautiful sucli a large and beat if we haven't wha KEEP YOUR SKIN CLEAR AND HEALTHY. There is only one way to have a clear, healthy complexion ami that is to keep the bowels active and regular. Dr. King's New Life Pills will make your complexion healthy and clear, move the bowels gently, stimulate the liver, cleanse tiie system and purify the blood. A splendid spring medicine. 'J?c. at your Druggist. 3 Fire insurance There are considerable losses by lire everywhere. Over six thousand in my agency during the three and a hall months of tins year already. Nearly all of this is in the country. Have had several lites in town, but having many people lo helu extin guish them my town losses have nol been over 8500.OU this year. 1 now have four good lire insurance com panies, though tin y "dread th? tire," and are can lui and particular as to what they insure. What insurance they do permit me to write, ? know is good. These companies are: The South Carolina ?o? Columbia, .Southern Home nf Charleston, Southern Stock Fire In surance Company and Southern Un derwriters of N. C. I have known j these old line companies for years jan>! know tiny arc reliable;. Tiny ?all write town properly, and sonic lol them write country property i where occupied by the owners, where not morl gaged, and where the stove Hues are of brick laid FLAT, and the dwellings have a value suf ficient to warrant a thousand dollars j insurance or more-say worth, *:?.0uu ?and up. I could write all classes of property in .Mail Order companies, j but the brokers representing them ? say tiley do not guarantee the pay ment of policy in case of a tire. Drop me a card. E. J. NORRIS. Life insurance The PRUDENTIAL still has the Strength of Gibraltar. In addition I lo their unusually low raies, they are j now making these rates still lower ! by giving extra and free annual div idends. Besides, they give free the disability provision, which provides that in case you are totally disabled you are excused bum paying the premiums, though your insurance goes on. Do you know of anything on earth as good as this for Life Insur ance? No restrictions except, sui cide for the first year. No here after except yuur death and the company's check. I don't know of anything iu life insurance as good as this. We have a policy which pays your beneficiary 55-?.O? per month for twenty years, and one that pays j the same amount as long a benefi ciary may live. Drop me a postal. E. J. NORRIS, A?t ii us, and, whether we wish to brees us to lay aside our win ted to the season. en and boys, our stock is com] .chased ti large line of cl ot hin; rom one of the largest manu! ii the newest and best. Come ent. >r men and boys in Felts and t very reasonable prices. Xo 1 can tit you tit too small a cost lords come to us. We have t ). These have been tested y< 1 always found satisfactory, mid you ask? 'Eclipse." They are concede? ie money. Our assortment i: underwear for men and boys. neckwear. No trouble to n itiful assortment. t you want we will order it for Citation. ?STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Coi'NTY OF EDGKKIELI?. ! By W. T. Kinnaid, Probate Judge. Whereas, Luther G. Watson, ol' 'above County and State, made suit ? to me, to grant, him Letters of Ad ministration of the Estate and ef fects of Henry C. Watson, late of above County and Stab-. These Are Therefore to eite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and Creditors of the said ll. i-C. Watson, deceased, that they bel ] and appear before me, in the Court) of Probat -, to be held at Edgefield, ! C. H., S. C., in my otlice on the (5th i day of-May, 1016, next after publi cation, at ll o'clock in the fore-j noon, to show cause, il any they; have, why the said Administration I should not be granted. f-riven under my Hand, this 18th dav of April A. D., 1916. ' W. T. KINNAIRD, P. J., ii. C. April 19- St New Through Sleeping Car. j Between Aiken and New York,! Washington, Baltimore, Phil adelphia, effective November! i':!, I!)J5 on the Augusta Spe-j; nial \ ia Southern Railway. Lv Ai kv n Lv Trenton Ar Washing Ar Baltimore Ar Philadelphia Ar New York J Drawing Ivo?.rn, .Stale Room and j Open Section Steel Electric Lighted I Sleeping Cars? Dining Car Service j For All Meals. For reservations and information, apply to J. A. TOWNSEND, Ticket Agent, Edgefield, S. C. i 1:45 p m ._' '.-l '.-. p m 7:00 a m h'::!-J a in 10:50 a m 12:57 p. tn Notice. I desire to notify my friends and the publie generally that! am agent for the National Monument, Tomb stone and Mausoleum Company of Canton. Ga , and solicit your orders. This company is located near the marble and granite quarries of Georgia, and is in a position to j make very low prices on all classes I of work. I shall be glad to call and see any one interested. J P. PARDUE, Colliers, S. C. j April 12, 1916, ^Teachers' Examination j The next regular teachers' exami nation will be held Friday, May 5. j j White applicants will report at courthouse; colored applicants at! i Macedonia school building Work: will begin promptly al 9:30 a. m. W. W. FULLER. I ! Co. Supt; Education. ? TMM PMFM w&vs ? ii' 'r eV. jj ?0. jj . j? ...?V..'; I-.-, i ; RD buy or not, thc stead ier toggery and don )lctc in every depart rr-al! ol' the popular act u re rs in the eoun in and look through LJfcwJ strtr.vs. The newest use to try to wear last for that. he celebrated Crossett ear tilter year by the We guarantee every il to be the best shirt s very large to select lake a selection from m CTgajtajgjgvgreaa gswsra. ww waa* ww ; vi 'ord C I The experience of scores of own I ers of the Ford Automobiles has I proven that there is nothing better I made for the Edenfield roads. Ford | ears will carry you safely over any I road that a buggy or any other ve hicle can travel. ri ? ? TB J 1 Tl A Tl J" ^ ?i.u iuiio" i vo^,?"Ai i>mill vdi I They are light, vet substantially I built. They are cheap, yet the best I of material is used in their con ! structicn. Are you contemplating I purchasing a car? Let us show I you a Ford Run-About or Touring S G. W. ADAMS Edgefield Auto Repair ! Next to Court House ARRINGTON BROS. & CO. Wholesale Grocers and Dealers in Corn, Oats, Hay and all Kinds of Seeds Corner Cumming and Fenwick Streets On Georgia R. R. Tracks Augusta, Ga. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED' pJUF" Sec our representative, C. E. May. l /'CNIA.^ ~i*u io)^. A?5k i R^<i^<y?v-- ": Ar.r.cu'.cinn 'iht; <1/^/A\ Afr, '^S? How to Grow Bagger Crops of Superb Fruit-FREE YOU ?icrd this practical, expert information. Whether yon own or intend to plant a few trees or a thousand, it is infor mattun that will .- ave you limo, labor and money. Get it ! Simply send us your name and address on thc coupon-or on a postal, if you prefer. We will ffiadly mail you a free copy everywhere arc irettinsr prodigious of our New C?talos-aa 11 :: 3 in. b< > :c cr. ;js and ?arpe casli profits from crops that is (simply packed with hints cf younsr, thrifty, jgettuitu Stark Bro's will enable you to secure bumper crops trees-facts that emphasize thc tn:th of :ir<::;t irait-and seil thom at top- of the axiom "Stark Trees Bear Fruit, nm ret?ricos. Thc whole hook is Tilled Beautiful life-size, natural-color photos with fncts that will interest and instruct oflcwllns fruits all throutrh the book, you-iaets about hov/ fruit-srowera Send for your copy today to Stark Ero9s Nurseries at Louisiana, Mo. IR<-:u1 it and learn about thc new fruit- Grimes Golden-thc tree development I tree triumph of Stark BroV. lons C n- that resist:-, "collar rot." Get thc New ra tury ot Succei? -thc "Double-Life" F.-.cts about "Stark Delicious." Stark H Early Elberta, and all the latest fl ^*ms9trwr^f?a-%1~'i;i*-Vm**r*$b peaches,StarkBro's-grown.J.H.Hale Jp jdZf^P&^^'.Q:;') ;? 51 .W. ?'.Ul roaches, also Lincoln Pear. Stark WA I ?N ?j?m Bro'.fruits.berriesandornamental, * \mSM% i ^M?m^ Get Our New Catalog ^StaA ^^^J^^S^^^ *MM 9 FREF H x 8 inches-filled jf Bro's $%m mmnwll r '?ii\.rrnl? / Dept.A fewKW&S Tsar? WP! ;i " * cover with beautiful p.;o- * .. " Vmw8?nS!g tojrraphs. Mail us tl* ^Louisiana,?!?. mfj-^aTOilIOTrTE*^ coupon or c postal, - Sw,,} mc tit enc*. ??srT^Tr^rT5^5^^ bearing your nunie ^pr..-tpu..l. your Now 9SS^^?^?^?^^^^^9^ and addles,. ^Cat^sr. tollimr just ^^^^g^^l^^^M Stark Bro's ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^?"'3'ana ^> I expect to plant.trees DR J. S. BYRD, Dental Surgeon OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE Residence 'Phone 17-R. Office 3. A. H. Cori ey, Surgeon Dentist Appointments at Trenton On Wednesdays. Sr Sisg's ???M EHseweir; ::?.;.? T::I COUGH, CUHE?. THE LUNGS. Kow To Give Quinine To Children. FEBRILTNH is the trade-murk name jriven to an improved Quinine. lt is ii Tasteless Syrup, pleas nut to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults who cannot fake ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor cause nervousness norrineiuR in the head. Try it the ne^t time you need Quinine for any pur pose. Ask for 2-otince original package. The lame FEBRILINE is blown in bottle. 25 venu. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properticsof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Wiioic System. 50 cents.