?atablifll?ril XH35. /. L. A?/.MS,.?tf/ror Published every* Wednesday in The j Advertiser Building at $1.50 per year j I j advance. Entered as second class matter at | the postoffice at Edgefield, S. C. No communications will be published anlese accompanied by the writer's! name. Cards of Thanks. Obituaries, Resolu tions and Political Notices published at j advertising rates. f Do not; fer one repulse, forego the {parp?se that you resolved to effect. -SHAKESPEARE. Wednesday, Feb. 16 People complain of cold churches but J never of uncomfortable theatres. Don't be too hard on the legislature. Better half-gallon a month than none j atalL In some instances the office seeks the man. but most candidates are self starters._ We might afford a second-hand car, lint the trouble is we can't get second hand gasoline. Who said the backbone of winter was broken? Why, bless your life, it isn't even cracked yet. It is hoped that the President will j -fill the vacancy in the cabinet with one J who is not a quitter. Won't somebody stir the coals under | the political pot? No candidate bas an nounced this week. We have placed an embargo on the spring poet To him or to her, as the | case may be, our columns are closed. Hereafter liquor sellers in South Car-1 olin a will be made to wear stripes, which means there will be fewer liquor j sellers._ And still the bearish speculators are ^hammering away, but the southern cotton holders seem to be firmly in-j trenched. Unless Georgia stems the lynching j tide, life insurance companies will withdraw from the State or double their rates. Courts are a useless expense in Georgia, as the people over there have a way of "taking the law into their own hands. Edgefield will be well represented at the unveiling of the McKie-Meriwether monument in North Augusta Thursday j afternoon. As the price of hair cutting is to be I raised to 85 cents in Augusta, we ex- J peet to see the number of long-haired men across the Savannah increase. If the pretty misses will take a little gratuitous advice, we'd suggest that the new style hoop-skirts be not worn un til the March winds cease to blow. While we regret to lose McCormick county, should it be formed, yet there is one advantage to be gained. It puts ra county between Edgefield and Georgia. Would that the South could say to the .world, "We've got our cotton stored away and the outside world can get it when it pays our price for it, and not before. ' ' If President Wilson wants a man who can fill the position of Secretary of WAR to a "t," he should appoint the Colonel, of Oyster Bay. He is to the manner born. The announcement that all single men throughout England will be called to the colors next week means that many a maiden will be led to the altar during the present week. If President Wilson didn't have to waste so much time filling vacancies in his cabinet made by quitters, he would bave more time to devote to keeping ont of the European war. Those cangressmen in Washington who are having suits made of old-time, hand-woven jeans realize that this is election year and they want to get in sympathetic touch with the people. It is hardly probable that the other comities will let Charleston have the special privilege to sell beer and wine. The trouble is, if you give 'em an inch j they'll take an "L." They tell us that conditions have already improved in Charleston, so let's keep them im proving and not take a backward step. Proprietors of southern hotels for winter tourists rejoice to see such headlines as these: "Philadelphia Iced Over," "Heavy Snow in New York," "Storm Warnings Displayed." A dispatch states that whiskey dis tilleries in England are to be converted into factories for munitions of war. Hereafter the product of these facto ries will kill men instantly, instead of by the slow piocess of the past. All lobbying should be stopped, whether it be done by a paid repre sentative of a corporation or by the president of a State college who, per chance, wants a new dormitory or an increased appropriation for running expenses. Would Vote Against lt. Had we been in the legislature, we would have voted against the forma tion of a new judicial circuit as many times as the Red Shirt citizen voted in '76. We have enough circuits in South Carolina now. Were the business of the circuit courts handled with more dispatch, there would be no congested dockets. If there is to be any further expense incurred in conducting the courts, it should be in the form of an increase in the salaries of the circuit judges. That will, however, come in time. _. _ ; y . , , Will Increase Merchant Vessels. Congressman Byrnes, who is always alert and active, has hit upon a plan , for increasing the number of vessels fer transporting Amer ican agricultural products and man ufactured goods to other coun tries. The European war has ta ken hundreds of the vessels of commerce from the high seas, as meet of them were of British ownership. Mr. Byrnes has introduced a bill provi ding that tbs secretary of war and the secretary of the navy shall turn over to the department of commerce such auxiliary vessels as will not be needed by them at the present time, and the secretary of commerce will be empow ered to lease these vessels to shipping interests. If Mr. Byrnes' suggestion or bill be adopted, many obsolete vessels of the navy can be turned to practical com mercial account at a time when the need is so great. Physical Training is Public Schools. More and more the matter of proper ly developing the bodies of school chil dren is being stressed. And very wisely so. With the view of properly devel oping the bodies of the children, the public schools of Charleston have in troduced the military setting-up exer cises. We aire .convinced that this is a wise innovation, one that should be adopted by every public school in the State. The well-poised head and erect bearing of cadets of military schools never fail to call forth admiration. When these young men first enter school they are round-shouldered and are often ungainly in physique. What has wrought the transformation? Noth ing except the setting-up exercises. Writers on physical culture may pre scribe numerous ways of exercising the body, some of which may be more graceful in their execution, but none of them have yet improved upon the long-time-ago-adopted setting-up ex ercises. Let the present system of calisthenics be abolished and have the boys use the exercises prescribed for the military. A short time of each school day devoted to the setting up ex ercises will develop the bodies of the boys and give them the coveted sol dierly bearing. More Complete Cotton Statistics. As cotton is one of the world's lead ing crops and one also that means so much to a large part of this country, we believe that all possible informa tion concerning its production, mar keting and manufacture should be col lected and published. With this end in view, Congressman Lever has in troduced a bill providing for the gath ering of statistics ' 'covering the produc tion and consumption of cotton and cotton goods and the demand therefor in various parts of the world." It is proposed that monthly reports be made of the number of spindles in activity, mill consumption of cotton in 500 pound bales, cotton on hand in 500 pound bales, cotton gooda on hand and their value. , With this official information at hand, it will be impossible for unscru pulous ?peculators to give so many groundless reasons for market fluctua tors, At present, "bearish" specula tors gather such information as is fa vorable to their side of the market and give it out to the public, when if all the facts bearing on cotton conditions were known, such manipulations ot the market by men who sit in offices in skyscrapers in New York would be im possible. We hope the bill introduced by Mr. Lever will become a law. We believe it will be of real benefit to the producer, manufacturer and consumer of cotton. FOR SALE-My ll... farm containing 2uu acn?s i ., ticulars and terms apply toni.- at I Edgefield. N. L. Brimson. MT, ZION COMMUNITY, ?~-- . - v.: Sunday School Flourishes. New Families Move In. Good Work Being Done by Supervisor. Some one has said that opportu nity is like a horse, which, saddled and bridled, presents himself to you. If you will leap on at once, you may ride him to fortune: but if you dally and hesitate, be dashes away and is gone forever. It han been many weeks, however, since such a stud has presented himself to your scribe to bear a message to The Advertiser. He left me away back in the fall of the Old Year, and now we are getting well around the curve of the New Year. Well, there has been nothing of importance to relate, any way. It is said that "no news is good news." That has certainly been true of oar neighborhood as it hau lived through the past weeks of delight fully mild winter weather. We have had several cases of grippe, but no serious sickness, no deaths, no disasters, all have been allowed to live on peacefully, pursuing the even tenor of their way. So it is with gratitude and hopeful hearts that we look forward to tbe coming days and opportunities of this good year of 1916. Our Sunday school has kept ever green during the winter. The day school, also bas been well attended,, the numbers at each having been increased by the acquisition of some new families to our neighborhood, One of these is the household of Mr. Pritchard,. another is that of Mrs. Weeks and her children, who are spending the winter with her father, Mr. J. C. Whitlock. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Wall,: from Elbert county, 6a., will make their home this year with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gaines. Our church sarvices, too, have been regular, faithful, Bro. Lanham having been with us at each appoint in 3 nt. And now old Mt. Zion is looking forward to a few touches of much needed care, as on' last Friday eve ning the ladies of the W. M. S. held a bazaar at the school house, for the benefit.of the church. There was a very good attendance, much enjoyment of the "cake walk," the consumption of the good things purchased at the booths, and the acquisition of many dainty, hu morous, or useful articles fished from the fish-pond, $15.00 or more was turned into the treasury of the society. ' One feels like making th is.pared Vj on the famous blessing of . Capt. Jones, (or was it Lorenzo Dow:) The Lord be praised, for we're are amazed To see how things have mended; Cast looks of clay, from day to day, Upon our road expended. Mr. Gus Edmunds has come at last, and brought the chain gang with him. The neighbors are help ing, and it really looks like our road is going to be clayed. We are holding our breath to bee if they will go on till they meet the clayed road at the Aiken county line. Miss Bessie Gaines is much pleased with learning to be a nurse, in Highland Hospital, Asheville, N. C. Recently, in an essay con test among the nurses of the hos pital, she, with another nurse, won the premium for the best essay ou the subject given by Dr. Carroll, 1 How can we best secure tho co operation of the patients in our work for them?" Mt. Zion. COUGHS AND COLDS ARB DANGER OUS Few of us realize tho danger of Coughs and Colds. We consider them common and harmless ail ments. However statistics tell us every third person dies of a lung ailment. Dangerous Bronchial and Lung diseases follow a neglected cold. As your body struggles against cold germs, no better aid can be had than Dr. King's New Discovery. Its merit has been tested by old and young. In use over 45 years. Get a buttle to-day. Avoid the risk of serious Lung ail ments. For sale by all druggists-1 An Acre in Fruit. You may be surprised at the num ber of fruit plants you can place on an acre. You should not limit yourself to an acre, but here is a list for that much ground: 14 plum trees set 15x15 feet. 28 peach trees set 15x15 feet. 14 Japan persimmon treen set 15x15 feet. lb" apple trees set 26x20 feet. 16 pear trees set 26x20 feet. W fig bushes set 12x10 feet. 50 blackberries set 4x4 feet. ?u dewberries set 4x4 feet. 20 hunch grapes set 10x10 feet. 1,050 strawberry plants (? rowe) . i 3 ?Vet by 1 foot. Salomen Wanted to solicit or ffH for lubricating oil, greases arid aints. Salary or commission. Ad rea* Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, Resolutions on the Death of Mrs. J. H. Allen by W. C. T. U. Whereas, the Master has called from,earth to beaven our beloved co-worker, Mrs. J. H. ALLEN; and, Whereas, God in his omniscience and unerring wisdom 'knows when to receive his own into larger fields of usefulness; therefore, be it Resolve^, That while we, the members of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, deeply deplore the severing of those ties which sep arate us forever from one we love, yet we bow to His Will. That we shall strive to think not of our loss, but of her great joy in the presence of her Lord in his heavenly king dom. Be it further Resolved, That we shall remem ber her good example in always do ing honestly, lovingly and well the part God gave her to do in this world, at home as wife and mother and in the community. That we shall strive to show our apprecia tion by letting her character plant seed in our lives which shall spring into faithful and loyal service to oar Master. Be it further Resolved, That these resolutions be recorded in our minutes and a copy sent to the bereaved family. Mi?. W. B. Cogburn, Mrs. Abner Broadwater, Mrs. Mamie N. Tillman. Committee. Bordeaux Mixture. Formula Stone Lime (unstacked) 5 pounds. Bluestone 5 pounds. Paris Green 5 to 8 ounces. Water (to make) 50 gallons. , Important Note-If it. is to be used oil peach, plum, cherry or apricot, use only 2? pounds blue stone sud 2ti or 3 ounces of Paris .Green". Directions for Making.-Put the Bluestone in a cloth sack and hang it in a tab or keg of water, so that it is just below the surface. In this way it will dissolve mujh more rap idly than if thrown in so that it sinks to the bottom. Warra or hot water will dissolve it much more rapidly than cold. Put this to dis solve in the evening before it is in tended to spray and it will be dis solved by morning. This should be iu a wooden receptacle. After the, Bluestone bas dissolved, add water to make 25 gallons. ' Slake the lime slowly (preferably with hot water) and when com pletely slaked add water to make 25 gallons. Keep this in a separate jkeg or barrel. r We now have 25 gallons of the bluestone solution and 25 gallons of lithe lime solution. We now take equal parts of each of these solu tions, and pour them together into a third tub or barrel. Do not pour a bucketful of one into a half-bar rel of the other, but mix them al ways in equal quantities. Thus, we may take two buckets and fill one with the lime solution and the other from the bluestone solution and then pour them both at the same time into the third barrel or keg. This little point of always mixing them in equal quantities results in a better mixture than when they are carelessly mixed, or when the whole mass of one solution is poured bodily into the whole mass of the other. Always stir the solution well before dipping out, so that the liquid you take out shall be fully charged with the ingredients of the. solution. It now remains to add the Paris Green cf which from five to eight ouncs are used for the 50 gallons. Mix the green first with a little wa ter in a cup or dish (using the fin I ger or a small stick) until it is thoroughly wetted to a thin, wa tery paste, in which there are no dry lumps or bubbles of the Paris Green. Then wash this into the mixture and stir thoroughly. The Bordeaux Mixture and Paris Green is now complete. Before using, the mixture must be carefully strained through a cloth or fine wire gauze. Remember that all the spray must come out through the small hole in the end of the nozzle; therefore, to avoid clog ging, strain carefully before using. Care in the thorough straining be fore spraying will pay for the trouble 'many times over, and it does no harm to have both the blue stone and lime solutions strainod before they are combined. If one uses considerable quanties of the mixture, it is well to have a large ! funnel strainer made, fitted with two nettings, one of iron wire win dow screening and the other with much finer gauze,, preferably of brass. Having strained the pois oned mixture, it is ready to apply. Buildings For Sale. I am authorized to offer for sale the two wooden buildings on the school grounds that were formerly used for the graded school. Persons contemplating building should see me. J. C. Sheppard, Chairman of Board of Trastees. JOHNSTON LETTER. (Continued from First Page. ) president, found it would be impos sible to be present, so Mrs. Brenner, an active club woman of Georgia, will be tbe guest of honor. The pro gram committee has a good pro gram arranged. Mrs. J. A. Dobey, aa leader of for the lesson study made it very?interestingand the dis cussions were full. Mrs. H. D. Grant gave a life sketch of Mrs. Humph ry Ward; "Mrs. Edith Wharton," Mrs. W. F. Scott; "Beatrice Har raden," Miss Eva Rushton; "Ger trude Atherton," Miss Zena Payne; "Amelia Rives (Princes Troubetz kay)" Mrs. J, W. Marsh; selected reading, Mrs. W. F. Scott; paper, "Do women write more bad books than men?" Miss Clara Sawyer. During the latter part of the after noon the hostess assisted by Mes dames Olin Eidson . and John Wright served a prettily arranged salad course with coffee. On the evening of Feburary 22, the Emily Geiger chapter, D. A. R., has planned for a delightful colonial entertainment, "An old time colonial hot supper,"1 the oc casion to be held in the home of Mrs. James White. All who par ticipate will be in colonial costume, and the viands served will be of the times. A most, interesting debate was held at the high school on Friday afternoon at the meeting of the Woodrow Wilson society. The query was, resolved, "That the po sition of trustee, in the schools, should be open to women." There were six debates and the arguments of eaoh side were so good that the judges decided that it was a tie. The society is doing splendid work and they had an excellent picture of Woodrow Wilson, hung upon the walls of the library. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Turner cele brated their golden wedding on Tuesday. A pretty incident of the day was the sending of a large bas ket of fruits and flowers to them by the Mary Ann Buie chapter, D. of C., Mrs. Turner being one of the elderly members of the chapter and i Mr. Turner a veteran of McHenry. At the meeting of the W. C. T. JJ. on Friday afternoon with Mrs. Hattie Parrish, there was a splen did gathering, Mrs. T. R. Denny conducting the meeting. There were good reports of the officers and su perintendents and Mrs. James White superintendent of rescue work, stated that the box for the Door of Hope was being packed.The subject for the afternoon was Sci entific temperance Instruction, this being chosen as the matter was now being presented in the schools, sev eral of the grades using this subject in regular eesay work. Miss Eva Rushton stated that she had given this subject to her pupils of the 10th grade and that they would compete for the medal. A beautiful prayer was offered by Mrs. A. P. Lott that temperance might be well presented in the schools. Several good papers weie read. "The best methods of teaching effects of narcotics," Miss Eva Rushton; "Hygiene and its im portance," Mrs. L. C. Latiraer and "Community responsibilities," Mrs. O. D. Black. One of the prettiest afternoon parties of tbe past week and one that was greatly enjoyed by each guest was of Wednesday, when Mrs. W. F. Scott entertained the Pi Tau club. Mrs. J. G. Edwards of Edgefield was a guest in the home at tbe time and it was a genu ine pleasure to all to meet with her. Bright spring flowers adorne 1 the rooms and after the gaests all ar rived several tables of rook were enjoyed, Mrs. Oliver Hamilton re ceiving the prize a box of corres pondence cards, and Mrs. J. W. Cream of tartar, is used in Royal Ba it is the best and mo: known for the purpo Phosphate and ? rived from mineral some baking powder tartar, because they If you have been powders made from use Royal Baking f will be pleased with difference in the quali ROYAL BAKINI New Mish was given the consolation. The hostess assisted oy Mrs. Edwin Mobley and Miss Zens Payne, serv ed a three course repast. Mrs. Scott is a most charming and cordial hos tess and her guests enjoy every mo ment with her. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Schnell who have been spending awhile here with Mrs. Eleanor Ivy, the mother of the latter, have returned to Greenwich, Conn. Mrs. Ivy accom panied them and owing to her fee ble health, will make her home with her daughter for awhile. ALL TIRED OUT. Hundreds More in Edgefield in the Same Plight. Tired al) the time; Weary and worn out night and day; back aches; head ache?, Your kidneys are probably weak ened. You should help them at their work. Let one who knows tell yon how. Mrs. M W Padgett, Cedar Row, Edgefield, says: "I bsd torturing pains in my back and general weak ness came over me, causing me to feel depressed and tired daring the day. At night, I couldn't get mach (sleep, owing to kidney - trouble. Nothing gave me relief until I ased Doan's kidney pills, i This medicine brought quick and prompt relief." ((Statement given April 13, 1911). Doan's never fail. After a lapse of over three yearn Mrs. Padgett said: 'Whenever I have backache or any other signs of weak kidneys, Doan's kidney pills never fail to relieve me." Price 50c, at all simply ask for a get Doan's kidney thst Mrs. Padgett Holy recommended. dealers. Don't remedy pills--the same has twice pub Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Turn On the Lights! Th? Invincible Dayton Electric Lighting System will gire jen Better Serries-Last Longer Cost Leas Thun tiny other kind of Kg-htlEg: plant .n the market.1 It is cheaper than acetylene-cleaner, safer, less expen sive to operate, and will last a life time. WE HAVE A VALUABLE BOOK that .tell? you all about Electric Lights for the Farm. Write for a copy or call and see ns. ?The Dayton Electrical Mig. Co. Dayton, eide, U.S. A. R. H. MIDDLETON, Clark's Hill. S. C. Dealer in ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS;AND WATER WORKS. FOR SALE-Egg of Barred and Buff Plymouth Rock, Rlhode Island Reds and White Minorchas for hatching, ll.00 for 15. Mrs. E. J. Munday, Edgefield, S. C. 2-16-2t. FOR RENT-A five-room resi dence near the high school. Pos session given at once. Apply to J. L. Minis. Second-Hand Cars: We have 4 sec ond-hand Ford cars that we will sell at a reasonable price. Edgefield Auto and Repair Shop. H FW derived from grapes, kine Powder because st healthful ingredient se. tlum, which are do sources, are used in s, instead of cream of are cheaper. induced to use baking alum or phosphate, 'owder instead. You the results and the ty of the food. 3 POWDER CO. York \