Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, April 07, 1915, Page THREE, Image 4

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LTowR? #JfCLP5 PAYS TO HAVE SHADE TREES Their Worth to the Owner? of Prop? ' orly Can Be Shown In Actual Dollar? and Cent?. If a real estate dealer tells you that the house or building lot you are think ing ?f buying is worth several hun dred dollars more because it is well supplied with shade trees, don't be too sure that he is trying to take Advantage of you until you have -counted and measured the trees. Very ?probably he may be telling the truth, tor it has Hately been discovered that the right kind of trees do increase the Talue of a piece of real estate. In order to determine the value of trees in residential districts the Mas sachusetts Forestry association re cently sought the advice of a number -of practical real estate men. These men were asked this question: "How much, in your judgment, do full-grown shade trees along the street improve the value of the adjoining land for ?house lots?" The majority of answers ranged from 10 to 50 per cent while some went so far as to state that a house lot would be worth 100 per cent more if full-grown shade trees were stand ing in front of it A fair average of the answers held that trees would ?Improve the value of the adjoining land 40 per cent. Expert tree appraisers say that a shade tree in good condition and well placed Is worth $1 per square inch of cross-section measured at breast "height At that rate, a tree one foot In diameter is worth $113, while a tree two feet in diameter is worth 1462. For the sake of illustration, sup* pose that we take a good-sized house lot, 50 by 100, or 5,000 square feet worth 25 .-outs a foot. The land value worth $2"> a foot. The land value is is $1.250. !f the trees are spaced 50 feet apart on the street there would be one tree in front of the property. The tree is two feet in diameter and worth $452, which would increase thc value of the lot 36 per cent. ROLES FOR THE GOOD CITIZEN Ten Commandments Formulated by Mrs. Moses L. Purvln of the Chicase Woman's Aid. ^^.l.Thou shalt honor thy city and keep its laws. 2. Remember thy cleaning day and keep it wholly. 3. Thou shalt love and cherish they children and provide for them decent bornes and playgrounds. 4. Thou sh?.lt not keep thy windows closed day or night. 5. Thou shalt keep in order thy al ley^ thy back yard, thy hall and thy stairway. 6. Thou shalt not kill thy children's bodies with potoonous air nor their eouls with bad companions. 7. Thou shalt not let the wicked fly live. 8. Thou shalt not steal thy children's right to happiness from them. 9. Thou shalt bear witness against thy neighbor's rubbish heap. 10. Thou shalt covet all the air and sunlight thou canst obta.u. Knew Your Own Back Lot? Do you, denizen of the suburb, know your own countryside? In that patch of woods back of your home there are wonders beyond compare-wild things that would be neighborly if you'd let them, Howers that are growing as na ture planned them, and that are quite as beautiful as any so carefully tended In the greenhouses of your wealthy neighbor across the street. Go to a near by woodland (better still if it's a bit swamp) some twilight soon, and listen to the evening songs of the feathered folk. You don't know what music you may have without price un til you've done thia. Explore some of the little streams that meander through meadow and wood. Learn to name the birds and the flowers, clas sify the rocks and the soils-and look up to stars now and then. See Amer ica first? Surely, that's a fine deter mination. But see your own country -side even before you see the rest of the United States-The Countryside -Magazine. Public Furnaces. A splendid way to keep the streets ?free from waste paper, rubbish, etc., has been established in Glendale, near Los Angeles, Cal. The city has built oublie incinerators or catch-all fur naces in the alleys back of Its business blocks. Four of these, paid for by an assessment levied on the merchants, have not only solved the rubbish prob lem, but have reduced the langer of fire from promiscuous bonfires. The furnaces are built ot brick and do not need watching while a fire i 9 burning inside. They are four feet high with a chimney portion extending one foot above the main furnace Rubbish to l>e burned io dumped into the furnace through a 27-inch hole, covered with a two-inch wire screen, in the top. A good draft is secured by a draft hole at the bottom, and the chiminey flue is covered with a wire screen. The chief advantages of the furnaces are that they are always ready for use and are perfectly safe. Some Forms of Rheumatism Curable. Rheumatism is a disease charac terized by pains in the joints and in the muscles. The most common forms are: Acute . and Chronic Rheumatism, Rheumatic Headaches, Sciatic Rheumatism and Lumbago. All of these types can be helped absolutely by applying some good liniment that penetrates. An ap plication of Sloan's Liniment two or three times a day to the affected part will give instant relief. Sloan's Liniment is good for pain, and es pecially Rheumatic Pain, because it penetrates to the seat of the trouble, soothes the afflicted part and draws the pain. "Sloan's Liniment is all medicine." Get a 25c. bottle now. Keep it handy in case of emergen cy.-3 Citation? The State of South Carolina, Countv of Edgefield. By W. T. Kinnaid, Probate Judge. Whereas, Henry T. Medlock has made suit to me, to grant him Let ters of Administration of the Es tate of and effects of Mrs. Mattie C. Medlock, deceased. These Are Tberefoie to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and creditors of the said Mrs. Mattie C. Medlock, deceased, that they be and appear me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Edgefield C. H., S. C., in my office on the 2nd day of April next after publi cation thereof, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Adminis tration should not be granted. Given under my Hand this 10th day of March A. D., 1915. W. T. Kinnaird, Mar. 10, 1915. J. P. E. C. Notice of Final Dis charge* To All Whom These Presents May Concern: Whereas, George WV Wise Jr., has made application unto this Court for Final Discharge as Ad ministrator in re the Estate of Dr. G. W. Wise Sr., deceased, on this the 16th day of March 1915. These Are Therefore, to cite any and all kindred, creditors, or parties interested., to show oanae before me at my ellice at Edgefield Court House, South Carolina, on the 15th day of April 1915 at ll o'clock a. m., why i?aid order of Discharge should not be granted. All parties concerned are hereby notified that said Geore W. Wise Jr., as said Administrator of said Estate will make a full and final settlement at said time and place. W. T. KINNAIRD, Judge Probate, E. C , S. C. March 16-4L Citation. The State of South Carolina, County of Edgefield. By W. T. Kinnaird, Probate Judge. Whereas, Eugene W. Thurmond has made suit to me, to grant him Letters of the Estate of and effects W. Eugene Thurmond, deceased. These Are Therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and Creditors of the said W. Eugene Thurmond, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Edgefield C. H., S. C., in ray office on April 9th, 1915, next after pub lication thereof, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand, this 20th day of ^larch, A. D., 1915. W. T. Kinnaird, P. J. E. C. S. C. March 24-3t. Half Your Living Without Money Cost A right or wrong start in 1915 will make or break most farmers in the Cotton States. We are all facing a crisis on cotton. Cotton credit is up set. The supply merchant cannot ad vance supplies on 1915 cotton. You must do your best to produce on your own t:cres the food and grain supplies that l ave made up most of your store debt in the past1 A r.oo? piece of garden ground, rightly planted, rightly tended and kept planted the year round, can be made tu pay half your living. It will save you more money than you made on the ')est five acres of cotton you ever grew! But it must be a real garden, and not the mere one-plant ing patci. in the spring and fan. Hastings' 1915 Seed Book tells all about the right kind of a money-sav ing gardei] and the vegetables to put in it. It tells about the field crops as well and shows you the clear road to real farm prosperity, comfort and Independence. IT'S FREE. Send for it today to H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Atlanta, Ga.-Advt BITTES? Family Medicina.' IBM m m Lessons Come Easier TF the child has a big, generous light to 1 study by. The LAMP saves eye strain. It is kerosene light at its best-clear, mellow, and unflickering. The RAYO does not smoke or smell. It is easy to light, easy to clean, ?nd easy to rewick. The RAYO costs little, but you cannot get a better lamp at any price. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Westlington. D. C Norfolk. Va. Richmond. Va. (NEW JERSEY) Chwlott*. N.e. BALTIMORE S?sY" HT M-I'H;I I Ranges, Stoves, Grates Furniture Now is the time to purchase a New Range, Stove, Heater or Grate. See Our Pretty Hockers and Full Line of Furniture Prices in keeping with seven-cent cotton. Jones & Son Wedding Presents Purchase your Wedding Presents from Augusta's Largest Jewelry Store. Beautiful assortment of SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA, CLOCKS AND WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY. NOVELTIES OF ALL KINDS. Call to see us when in the city. Order by mail if you can't come. Write for catalogue. A. J. RENKL AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 706 BROAD STREET J. C. LEE, President F. E. Gibson, Sec. and Treas. FARMERS, MERCHANTS, BUILDERS, If you are going to build, remodel or repair, we invite your inquiries. COMPLETE HOUSE BILLS A SPECIALTY. We manufacture and deal in doors, sash, blinds stairs, interior trim, store fronts and fixtures, pews, pulpits, etc., rough and dressed lumber, lath, pine and cypress shingles, [flooring, ceiling and siding. Distributing agents for Flintkote roofing Estimates cheerfully and carefully mane. Woodard Lumber Co. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Corner Roberts and Dugas Streets. Our Motto: SSS Plant Oats and Help Solve the Cotton Problem We have BEST of* all Varieties : Fulghum Genuine Texas Appier's Oklahoma Your order or inquiry will have our best attention. ARMNGTON BROS. & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS See Charlie May. AUGUSTA, GA. r NO ADVANCE IN PRICE SLUSKY'S ROOFING MATERIAL ON ACCOUNT OF WAR Our materials have advanced considerably, but having purchased im mense stock before rise of market, we are offering the SAME AT TRACTIVE LOW PRICES as formerly. Get our prices on METAL SHINGLES, TIN PLATE, GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON and RUBBER ROOFING, Etc. It will pay you to buy NOW as prices will never be lower. DAVID SLUSKY I Phone 100. 1009 Broad Street r ll If* N 'tm i *k thirst is a great blessing if you can get CheroCola. Drink it from the bottle through a straw. Alw?ys uniform. Perfectly delicious.^ OHMIC CheroCola Real Estate -FORSALE 125 acres land tear Hibernia in Saluda county. 120 acres near Monetta, Sa luda county. 330 acres in Aiken county, near Eureka. 100 acres near Ropers. 300 acres near Celestia or Davis' milln in Greenwood and Saluda counties. 50 acres near Edgefield C. H. 250 aeres near Trenton,S.C. Several tract* near meeting Street, and other tracts near Monetta and Batesburg. -Apply to A. 8. TOMPKINS, Edgefield, S. C FIRE I INSURANCE Go to see Harting & Byrd Before insuringgelsewhere. We represent the best old line com panies Harting & Byrd At the Farmers Bank, Edgefield Ideal Pressing Club NEAT CLEANING AND PRESSING. DYING AND REPAIRING. Ladies Coat Suits Cleaned and Pressed. ..75c. Ladies Pleated Skirts Cleaned and Pressed -. _50c. Ladie Plain Skirts Cleaned and Pressed._.40c. Ladies Evening Gowns Cleandd and Pressed.....50c. Ladies One-Piece Dress Cleaned s*.id Pressed._.50c. Gents' Suits Sleam Cleaned ?and Pressed._..75c Gents' Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed._.50e. Hats Cleaned and Pressed.25c. Hats Cleaned and Blocked_50c. Remember we are first-class in every workmanship and can please the most fastudist person. Work done while you wait Don't throw away that old suit or hat. Bring it to us and let us make it look like new. We appreciate your patronage and guarantee satisfaction. FRANK MAYNARD, Prop., Bacon Street, Edgefield, South Carolina. Southern Railway. N. E. Schedule figures published only as information andjare no* guaranteed. Trains depart to No. Time 209 Trenton, Columbia 7:20 a m 231 Trenton, Augusta 11:10 a IU 229 Aiken, Charleston 12:20 p m 297 Trenton, Augusta 7:20 p m Trains arrive from No. 208 Augusta, Trenton 8:20 am 230 Columbia, Trenton 11:55am 232 Charleston, Aiken 4:00 p m 20:6 Columbia, Tienton 8:05 p m For additional information, Tick ets, etc., Communicate with Magruder Dent., District Passen ger Agent, Augusta, Ga. J. A. Townsend, Agent, Edgefield, S. C. "MANYTROUBLES DUE TO AN INACTIVE LIVER S s Many of the troubles of life such as headache, indigestion, constipa tion and lack of energy are due to inactive livers. GRIGSBY'S LIV-VER.LAX ia a natural, yegetable remedy that will get the liver right and make these troubles disappear. It has none of the dangers or disagreeable effects of calomel. Get a 50c or $1 bottle of thia splendid remedy from your drug gist today. Every bottle beare the likeness of L. K. Grigsby, who guarantees it through. ! i?d? GEO. F. MIMS . OPTOMETRIST Eyes examined and glasses fitted only when necessary. Optical work of all kinds. EDGEFIELD, S. C.