Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, February 24, 1915, Page THREE, Image 4

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ROAD MOVEMENT IS GROWING Question of Public Highways Now In volves Nation as Whole-Values of Farm Property Enhanced. ' Many of the southern and western ?tates have made remarkable progress within the past two or three years in the enactment of laws which provide for the extension of theil- highway .systems, and for the construction and .care of improved roads. The new con ditions arising from the development ?of automobile traffic have enlarged the question of public highways from one -of purely local consideration to an .economic principle involving not only the entire commonwealth, but the na tion as a whole. When the traffic consisted of wagons drawn by oxen, or mules, or horses, -open roads to the nearest railroad station or boat landing were all that was required. The fact that even such Toads were not well built, nor kept in repair, was duo to a variety of causes, writes Robert P. Hooper, in Farm Home. Each particular locality had an explanation, purely local, to account tor the conditions. But, as a rule, these explanations did not explain, .even to the satisfaction of those mak ing them. The fact still remained that nearly, .or quite, 90 per cent of the farmers of A Good Road I? Michigan. the country were keeping themselves ..poor by reason of the excessive cost bf marketing their products. These prod ucts could be hauled only at seasons when everybody had to haul. This resulted in temporarily overworked railway service, congested markets, and low prices. The older and wealthier states saw the- point first, and began giving aid to counties and towns in building im proved roads, so that produce could be marketed at any time in the year. The result was almost electrical in its ef fect. Thousands of farms which, be cause of their relative unprofitableness under a bad road system, had been practically abandoned, became pro ductive again. The general values of farm property were enormously en hanced. This was accomplished by the building of a few to^-n and county roads purely for local purposes. Then the automobile became a factor in the read question, and the road problem became widened and en larged. With vehicles, which would 'Cover 100 or 200 miles a day, the con ditions in each county rapidly became known to the people in adjoining -counties, and a broader comprehen sion of the whole highway question was inevitable in a country where intelligence predominates. HIGH VALUE OF GOOD ROADS .Cost of Hauling Farm Products Over Common Roads ls Twenty-Five Cents a Ton Per Mile. After careful inquiry it has been found that the average haul ol the American farmer in getting his prod uct to market or to the nearest ship ping station is 12 miles, and the aver age cost of hauling over the common country roads is 25 cents a ton per mile, or three dollars a ton for a 12 mile haul, says Portland Oregonian. An estimate places the total tons hauled at 300,000,000 a year. On the estimate of three dollars a ton for 12 miles this would make the total cost of getting the surplus products of the farm to the local market or to the railroad no less than $900,000,000-a figure greater than the operating ex penses of all the railroads of the Unit ed States. If anything could make an argument for good wagon roads this statement surely may. Important Duty of People. The making of good roads is one of the most important duties of the peo ple and their prompt repair and care ful maintenance is essential. There is probably no subject in which the progressive farmer is more deeply in terested than that of having roads connecting him with his markets over which he may be able to haul the greatest possible load. Good roads, like all ether good things, are too ex pensive to build and of too much value ?to be neglected. Tasting With the Nose. Sir Ray Lancaster, eminent man of science, asserts that the flavor of food and drink does not come to us through the sense of taste. That sense, he says, can only furnish sensations that correspond to the chemical composi tion of the substances presented to it. These sensations, while almost in finite in their shadings, are few in number. We can distinguish by taste only sweetness, bitterness, sourness, and saltness, although the various in tensities of these sensations are in numerable. The distinctive flavor of various foods is not the result of chemical action, and is not perceived by the taste nerves. Flavors excite the olfactory nerve instead, and are transmitted by it to the brain. A per son whose sense of smell is impaired is unable to detect the Savor of the food he eats, although'he has the taste sensation that it stimulates. This is an explanation of the effect that in fluenza often has apparently on the taste, but, really, on, the sense of smelt Self-Belief the Key to Success. Do you still believe in yourself? If so, you cannot become a failure. You can, at worst, only have failed to learn aa yet the science of success, of which self-respect is the key. In the great gamble of life we can afford to lose everything but our self-respect. Money lost is little lost; friends lost, much lost; but self-respect lost, and all is lost. Self-belief is the husband of self respect, just as self-respect is the mother ol self-reliance. Believe, in yourself and you will win through. For self-belief is the mainspring of human activity and the* principal source of human improvement. It inspires you to do things. It teaches you to try again. The man who retains his be lief in himself will never give up try ing. And success is the reward of per sistent effort. Self-reliance will pull us through many a struggle, from which the coward flees in vain, and in which the weak succumb. The ability to "get up again" is the reward of the self-reliant. Music and Physiology. That "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast" has usually been accepted a3 a quotation from the ad mirable William Shakespeare, when, as a truth, it should be credited to a later dramatist, Richard Congreve. The salutary effect of music in quiet ing these pulmonary disturbances has never been questioned, but the Journal of the American Medical association goes further in its claim for the be nignant influence of music and says: "Not only is music physic for the soul, dissipating mental depression, sooth ing psychic perturbations; but its in fluence may also enhance nutrition, further digestion (as by the 'liver mu sic' of the French) and restore organic equilibrium. Indeed, the entire work ing of the human mechanism, physical r.nd mental alike, may be lubricated by a stream of music, which with art and science should therefore have a place in the medical armamentarium." Rewards of the Commonplace. "If you want to go anywhere you have to start from where you are," said Burke. First steps are as im portant as last ateps. Starting from where one is involves a right under standing of the commonplace. A great motive invests every deed with sig nificance, Murillo painted Angels' Kitchen. The convent porter, faith ful to his humble duties, finds the kitchen filled with angels, each doing a simple service. The monk's vision was his reward for ordinary work well done. Commonplace tasks be come great achievements when per formed with all our might. The sol dier dying in the trench-is he not I equal to the king on the throne? To do common things in a perfect man [ ner is a truer sign of religion than to do great things in an imperfect man I ner. The despised ordinary relation ships of life may be the rounds in the ladder that reaches to the skies. Supplanting the Tallow Candle. Probably the first exhibition of in I flammable gas ever given in this coun j try was the display made by fireworks I in Philadelphia in 1796. The exhibition ?was- merely ::or entertainment pur poses. The gas v/as released through j holes in iron tubes, for the burner, as wo know it today, had not been in vented. No oiie, however, thought the illuminant would ever be generally utilized, and it never dawned upon those who saw the exhibition that the tallow candle would, in the course of i time, be dijven from the field by this i peculiar commodity. It was half a j century after this Philadelphia exhibi tion before gas had taken the place of cai.dles and oil lamps in the homes of the best people of our American cities-"New York Leads the World in Gas Development," W. C. Jenkins, in National Magazine. . Wooden Beads. Children always like beads, and I their stringing passes many hours I safely and happily. At the same time, the children gain a knowledge of color and color combination and form from the bead work. Large wooden beads are the easiest for the small child to thread on a piece of stout thread. The end can be waxed, or a blunt-ended needle can be used. These beads, half an inch in diameter, are sold at 15 cents for three dozen, or 40 cents a gross. They are shaped in spheres, 3ubes and cylinders and are colored red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. ?i It -wouldn't be possible not to b<; kind j In the Land of Beginning Aga.in; J - And the ones we misjudged, and the { ones whom we grudged Their moments of victory here, \ Would find in the grasp of our loving .. hand clasp j More than penitent lips could ex^ J plain. j CHRISTMAS DAINTIES. At the holiday season we delight) in sweetmeats, calces and homemade^ goodies. One of] the chief pleas^' ures of the sea? son is getting ready, making things, which i9 also a good way pt keeping the ?hiw dren in the house* j Interested and feeling that they have, I a part in the preparations. ( j Orange or - grapefruit peel make$ such a delightful confection whici. may be used as a garnish or as ? confection. 1 Save the skins from two or thre?, oranges, those which have thick, skins are best. Remove all the ?be? and cut the skins with a sharp knife, using a board. The English product is so attractive because it is shred ded so fine. ' Put the skin on to coq?c in cold water and allow it to boil half an hour. Then change the water, starting again with cold, repeat this two or three times until it has boiled in all about an hour and a half br un til tender. Then pour off the water, adding as much sugar as there is pe??, just cover with water and let boil rap idly until all the sirup has boiled away. During the last five minutes it must be watched constantly, pour it out on a plate covered .with granu lated sugar and toss ii rapidly over and over until every bit is covered with the sugar. Set away to cool, then put in tin boxes. Orange Fromage.-Strain the juice of five oranges and a lemon. Boil to gether one cup of sugar and one cup of water three minutes. Pour this over a tablespoonful of gelatin which has been softened in two tablespoon fuls of cold water, stir until dissolved, then add the fruit juice. Put this in a two quart ice-cream brick. It should be about half i'ulL Whip a pint of cream until stiff, sweeten and flavor to taste. Fold a buttered pa lper over the mold, put on the cover and pack in ice and salt for four hours. Tear off the paper that pro jects, and grease with sweet lard. This prevents the salt water from soaking into the frozen mixture. " | What use for the rope, if lt be not flung Till the swimmer's grasp to the rock has clung? What worth is Eulogy's blandest breath When whispered in ears that are hushed in death? No! no! if you have but a word of cheer, Speak it while .1 am alive to hear. -Margaret Preston. NEW WAYS WITH CHESTNUTS.. At ( this season of the year, when chestnuts are fresh and plentiful, some different ways of using them in dishes for the table may be accept able. After cooking un til tender in boiling water the nuts may. be added to any fruit salad. Cut in small pieces and mixed with apple and celery, with mayonnaise!, a most ap petising salad may be prepared. Chestnut Fritters.-Cook the nuts, peel and blanch them and pound or mash fine. Add a fourth of a pound of butter to a pound of the nuts, two ounces of sugar, a beaten egg and four ounces of flour; roll with the hands into little balls, dip in egg and crumbs and fry to a delicate brown in butter or oil. Preserved Chestnuts.-Roast or boil the nuts, shell and remove the inner skin. Make a sirup of* a pint of water and a pound of sugar, the juice of two lemons and the rind of one. When the sirup has boiled well, add a pint of blanched chestnuts, let sim mer gently for half an hour or more, then seal up boiling hot in small jars. These are delicious served in sherbet glasses filled up with ?ce cream or sherbet. They are used over ice cream or lemon jelly, or may be put into a mixture of any gelatin jelly and served with cream. Chestnut and Apple Dessert.-Boll a pound of chestnuts, remove the shells and skins and boil again in a cupful of milk until soft enough to press through a sieve. Butter a mold well and line it thickly with sifted nuts, then add a layer of thick sifted apple sauce, sweetened and colored pink with currant jelly; then add an other layer of nuts and one of apple, squeeze over a little lemon juice and bake in a moderate oven. Serve with whipped cream. Inconsiderate. Pup-Great cats! That's a nerve! Somebody has put up a building right where I buried a bone!-Puck. I j "Are yea s oing to the mceunj ? Yes, I'll be ready when yon come." Women living on farms and in rural districts h aves't rime to seek and enjoy social pleasures. Distances are too great-the work is too urgent. Women grow lonesome and listless when robbed of these pleasures. solves the problem. It enables women to talk with neigh bors and friends and keep alive to the news of the day. Our free booklet tells how you. can have a telephone in your home at small cost. Women living in the country should write for it Address e Farmers Linc Department SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY SoaSii Pryor St, Atlanta, Gs. MANY TEOtTBLES DUE TO AN INACTIVE LIVEE Many of the troubles of life such as headache, indigestion, constipa tion and lack of energy are due to inactive livers. GRIGSBY'S LIV-VER.LAX is a natural, vegetable remedy that will get the liver right and make these troubles disappear. It has none of the dangers or disagreeable effects of calomel. Get a 50c or fft bottle of this splendid remedy from your drug gist today. Every bottle bears the likeness of L. K. Grigsby, who guarantees it through.. . Light Saw, Lathe and Shin gle Mills, Engines, Boilers, Supplies and repairs, Porta ble, Steam and Gasoline En gines, Saw Teeth, Files, Belts and Pipes. WOOD SAWS and SPLITTERS Gins and Press Repairs. Try LOMBARD, j AUGUSTA, fi A 4 Auditor's Notice. All persons owning property of any kind whatsoever, or in any capacity, as husband, guardian, executor, ad ministrator or trustees are required to make returns of the same to the Audi tor under oath within the time men tioned below and the Auditor is requir by law to add a penalty of 50 per cent to all property that is not return ed on or before the 20th day of Febru ary in any year. All male citizens between the ag?S of 21 and 60 years except those ex empt by law are deemed taxable polls. The 50 per cent penalty will be added fer failure to make returns. For the convenience of tax payers. I or my representative will be at the following appointed places on the dates mentioned to receive tax returns: Roper, W ednesday Jan. 13. Meriwether, Thursday Jan. 14. Collier, Friday Jan. 15. Red Hill, Saturday Jan. 16. Clark's Monday Jan. 18. Modoc, Tuesday Jan. 19. Parksville, Wednesday Jan. 20. "Plum Branch, Thursday Jan.i21. Morgan's Store Friday?Jan.f22. Liberty Hill, Saturday Jan. 23. Cleora, Monday Jan. 25. Pleasant Lane, Tuesday Jan. 26. Meeting Street, Wednesday Jan. 27. Johnston, Thursday Jan. 28. Herrin's Store, Friday Jan. 29. Trenton, Saturday Jan. 30. The office will be open to receive re turns from the first day of January till the 20th day of February as prescibed by law. J. R. TIM MERMAN, Auditor, E. C. S. C. BiTTERb Family Medicine. I_ PM" RI fi THE BEST FOB hJzSsfS ?FJL ? BILIOUSNESS BITTERS AND KIDNEYS. J Guard Your Children Against Bowel Trouble Many children at an carly age become constipated, and frequently serious consequences result. Not being able to realize his own con dition, a child's bowels should be constantly watched, and a gentle laxative given when necessary. Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are especially well adapted to women and children. The Sisters of Christian Charity, 531 Charles St., Luzerne, Pa., who attend many cases of sickness say of them: "Some time ago we began using Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets and find that we like them very much. Their action is excellent and we are grateful for having been made acquainted with them. We have had good results in every case and the Sisters are very much pleased." The form and flavor of any medi cine is very important, no matter who is to take it. The taste and appearance, are especially important when ? children arc concerned. All parent? J:now how hard ii is i? give the average child "medicine," even though the taste is partially dis guised. In using Dr. Miles' Lax ative Taileis, however, this diffi culty is overcome. The shape of the tablets, their appearance and candj'Tiike taste at once appeal to any child, with the result that they are taken -without objection. The rich chocolate flavor and absence of other taste, make Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets the ideal remedy for children. s If thc first box fails to benefit, the price is returned. Ask your druggist. A box ot 25 doses costs only 25 coins. Never sold in bulk. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Colds should be "nipped in the bud", for if allowed to run unchecked, serious results may follow. Numerous cases of consumption, pneu monia, and other fatal dis eases, can be traced back to a cold. At the first sign of a cold, protect yourself by thoroughly cleansing your system with a few doses of TURD'S the old reliable, vegetable liver powder. Mr. Chas. A. Ragland, or Madison Heights, Va., says: "I have been using Thed ford's Black-Draught for stomach troubles, indiges tion, and colds, and find it to be the very best medicine 1 ever used. It makes an old man feel like a young one." Insist on Thedford's, the original and genuine. E-67 A. H. Corley, Surgeon Dentist Appointments at "Trenton On Wednesdays. "k thirst is a great blessing if you can get Chero-Cola. Drink it from the bottle through a straw. Always uniform. Perfectly delicious. DRiNK Chero-Cola 5* Real Estate ( -FOR SALE 125 acres land near Hibernia in Saluda county. 120 acres near Monetta? Sa luda county. 330 acres in Aiken county, near Eureka. 100 acres near Ropers. 300 acres near Celestia or Davis' mills in Greenwood and Saluda counties. 50 acres near Edgefield ?C. H. 250 aeres near Trenton, S. C. Several tract5? near meeting Street, and other tracts near Monetta and Batesburg. -Apply to A. S. T0MP; Edgefield, S. C Ideal Pressing Club NEAT CLEANING AND PRESSING. DYING AND REPAIRING. Ladies Coat Suits Cleaned and Pressed.__... ..75c. Ladies Pleated Skirts Cleaned and Pressed .__._ _50c. Ladie Plain Skirts Cleaned and Pressed.40c. Ladies Evening Gowns Cleandd and Pressed._.50c. Ladies One-Piece Dress Cleaned and Pressed.50c. Gents' Suits Sleam Cleaned rand Pressed._.75c Gents' Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed_50c. Hats Cleaned and Pressed_25c. Hats Cleaned and Blocked_50c Remember we are first-class in every workmanship and can please the most fastudist person. Work done while you wait. Don't throw away that old suit or hat. Bring it to us and let us make it look like new. We appreciateyour patronage and guarantee satisfaction. FRANK MAYNARD, Prop:, Bacon Street, Edgefield, South Carolina. Southern Railway. N. E. Schedule figures published only as information and are not guaranteed. Trains depart to No. Time 209 Trenton, Columbia 7:20 am 231 Trenton, Augusta 11:10 a m 220 Aiken, Charleston 12:20 p m 297 Trenton, Augusta 7:20 pm Trains arrive from No. 208 Augusta, Trenton 8:20 am 230 Columbia, Trenton 11:55 a m 232 Charleston, Aiken 4:00 p m* 20:6 Columbia, Tienton 8:05 p m For additional information, Tiok ets, etc., Communicate with Magruder Dent, District Passen ger Agent, Augusta, Ga. J. A. Townsend, Agent, Edgefield, S. C. BUCKLEN'S GENUINE BS THE ONLY Er, King's New Dsscovei KILLS THE COUGH. CURES THE LUM