Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, February 24, 1915, Image 2

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SOLDIERS EULOGIZED. Soldiers are a Necessity to Pro. gress of World. Indispen l sable in War and in Peace. The soldier is a necessary and dis tinct character in every age and _every civilization. In the earliest records we have of any people we find among them the soldier, in war to fight, in peace to watch; in war to labor, in peace to wait. He was a product of natural evolving conditions of the world. He was produced for a distinct purpose and labored for a definite end. The sol dier was never free from the re sponsibilities imposed by the na tion or the tribe. He was often times an advanced slave, glorified by some deed of valor, -strength or strategy. A knight he may have been, wearing the spur of a king; a . laborer we see him in Egypt's great civilization when Ehupu called the "Glorious," began the construction of the great pyramid of Gezeh. We see him in Macedonia; at his home in Sparta, bidding farewell to moth er and friends, on the Acropolis and at Athens, his armor glittering in the sunlight of a Greek day. What would Ninevah or Babylon have been without him, and what did he at last do for them? He wrought cities out of chaos, and made ruins out of cities; he built empires of human suffering: and sighs, and then destroyed them with floods of hu man blood. In making a world of progress he destroyed nations, in es tablishing the religion of Christ he cut through dense pagan practices with the sword. It is at Thermopy lae that we see the Persian and Greek die like men, one rejoicing at a victory, one sighing over de-' feat, both heroes. In Gaul with Caesar, in the forum of Rome he proclaims a truth for which he will die. And so we might go on and on and show who tock part in making history for the world. In war a sol -4z&?r>&^&&2tt?28afEe.-ia every where, in every land, in every time; no civilization hes a hisfory with out the soldier. So it seems that the soldier is a part in the great economic plan of creation. We might arrange them in three class es. The soldier of fortune, the soldier, of adventure and the soldier of principle or patriotism. Now to the lastend best belong the southern sol dier of 1861. All praise to him dead or living. When the clouds gather ed and the lightning Hash of pa triotic brotherhood tingled in the breast of every southerner the thun der broke in awful cadences over the lives of these men. When the call for volunteers came echoing down through the mountain gorges of Virginia, North and South Caro lina and Tennessee, spreading ovei the lowlands ?f the coast and mid dle states; when~tiib day of muster ing in came, and our mothers and grandmothers handed to the boys in gray the sword or musket that spoke the words "war" and "death" when, with eyes full of tears-those holy crystals of the soul-they prayed God's blessings upon them; when the train moved out of the station art <d the shouts of "God bless you," when a quiet fell upon the town so appalling, so sabred; when this occured, was it anything but love, duty or patriotism that .bade the star in man's life move on to battle with a foe for a principle? What was it that took him from home and loved ones but the saving of that home, and saving of honor of a land, and the preserving un tinged the flag of a proud people. Into the war, into the night sped the cars bearing the braves. What was it that gave the men to their fate, when on the field of battle,, counting the moments bv the blood drops from his side, he called to bia comrade, "Don't give up,. boys?"; and died when man after man, yes hundreds, thousands-fell in the conflict of might and numbers against right and home. When after the struggle a calm fell, peace de clared and though it was like a dove, her wings made a shadow deep and long upon the face of our fail land over men, ragged, tired and hungry, over-powered, not beaten, turned homeward-alas, where were their homes? These men who had fought with patriotic fury, suffered privations unequaled, met the issue, and then put down Death of Mrs. Henry Me die ck. Early Sunday morning the entire community waa greatly shocked when it became known th it Mrs. Mattie Carmichael Medlock depart ed this life at six o'clock. She was the only daughter of the lamented Dr. J. H. Carmichael* who also died suddenly last February. A litr tie less than a year ago she and Mr. Medlock were married and have since made their home with Mrs. Bessie Carmichael. Mrs. Medlock was reared in Edgefield and from early childhood has by her gentle manner and lovable disposition com pletely won those of all aeres and classes with whom abe came in oon tact. She was not only a social fa vorite but as a faithful and loyal member of the Methodist church she made her value felt in the re ligious life of the community. The influence which she has exerted up on her friends and the jonng people of the town has always been whole some and helpful, having always devoted her time, talent and efforts to those things that elevate and up lift rather than to the transitory an ? fleeting things that afford temporal pleasure alone. Although taken while on the threshold of an active young womanhood, the life of Mrs. Medlock has been a blessing to Edgefield. Sh? is survived by ' her devoted husband and an infant son whose mother was spared to him just one hour. Mrs. Medlock also leaves her mother, Mrs. Bessie Carmichael, and one brother, Mr. Hammond Carmichael, who has been making his home near Beaufort. The funeral was conducted Mon day morning at ll o'clock at the ' Methodist church by Rev. J. R. Walker, assisted by Rev. R. G. Shannonhouse and Rev. E. C. Bailey, and the interment took place in the village cemetery. "A SaJoonless Nation in 1920." The above is the name of a very elaborate and entertaining prohibi tion cantata, which will be given by the local Woman's Christian Tem perance Union in the Edgefield op era house on April 6. In this cantata, about one hun dred young people and children will appear, representing the various Nationalities and interests of Amer ica, and giving their message in song. This will be one of the most at tractive entertainments ever given in the opera house, and one of the most original. Week of Prayer. The Woman's Mission Society of theBaptist church will observe their annual season of prayer for home missions, beginning Sunday after noon at the Baptist church, continu ing through Friday afternoon, with the exception of Tuesday, when op portunity will be afforded tho?e who wish to attend the W. C. T. U. meeting at Trenton. Each afternoon prayer service will be in charge of a different member of the society. All the la dies of the church and of other churches are cordially invited to each meeting of the week. Summer Cotton Uniforms. Augusta, Ga., February 21 "'New uses for cotton" is progres sing. The civil service commission of Augusta has just ordered cotton spring and summer uniforms for the firemen and policemen. Savannah has decided on cotton, and at an early date will give her order. Au gusta wants 175 uniforms. Savan nah a larger number. The Atlanta order will be announced in a day or so. Six to a dozen cities and towns have decided to adopt cotton uniforms. The J. Willie Levy Com pany of Augusta hus done and are doing magnificent work in bringing about cotton uniforms as a new use for cotton. the musket for the hoe, the saber for the plow, the sword for the pen and revived. Who can say these were soldiers of fortune, or soldiers of adventure? Not one. They were glorious, they were grand in their efforts for a noble principle, nur tured in the pure soil of a southern heart and blossomed under the bul let showers of a battlefield. These were men the full measure and stat ure of perfect men born to meet any situation contrary to Lincoln's phi losophy. J. Russell Wright. MT. ZION NEWS. Fertilizers Being Considered. Singing Class Organized. Woman's Missionary So ciety Soon to Meet.) The farmers. of our comrannity are beginning tb ponder deeply the matter of fertilizers for the coming year. This is indeed a serious ques tion under present conditions. The general tendency is to return to the old-fashioned methods of farming* and rely more on home-made f?rtil* izere." C * . "-V '": ' " $ Another disturbing element is the i presence of bog cholera, from which [some of our farmers are suffering i serious loss. On Saturday afternoon, the 13th, Miss Mamie Cheatham gave a-party lor her school children at the home of Mrs. VV. A. Pardue. Interesting games were enjoyed, and delightful refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Mrs.W. J. Gaines has organized a singing class for the young people' of the community. This meets ev ery other Saturday afternoon at the school house. The Woman's Missionary Society of Mt. Zion will meet on the after noon of March 13, at the home of Mrs. 'Monroe* Padgett. At Ibis meeting the articles which the la dies are preparing for the Baptist hospital will be collected and packed ready to bc sent. All wishing to make contributions of bed. or table linen will please bring them to this meeting. We are sorry to report that Mr. Cal. Hatcher continues in very poor health. Mr. Walter Carpenter is sick with1 grippe. Mrs. E. M. Padgett and childr?n | spent several days in Bates b ur g 1 ist week. Miss Mamie Cheatham spent the week-end with Miss Ellee Swearin gen. We hear, that. Mr.^ man is mak?iSg'^freqi our neighborhood,' which are of more significance than mere "social' chats." Purchasing Power, of Farm Crops Dwindling. Washington, D. C. Feb. 22. The Federal Department of Agri culture has just issued a statement showing the purchasing power of an acre of farm crops in 1915 com pared with 1909. ,While the price per acre of several farm crops is shown to have increased to some I extent within the past five years the grain in price has not kept pace with that of some of the necessities used by the farmer. The report shows that the purchasing power ot an acre of wheat in 1909 was-98! pounds of lard while it was only 81 j pounds in 1913. In 1909 an acre j of wheat would buy 243 yards of calico while ia 1913 the purchasing power was only 178 yards. Forty nine hoes could be purchased with the proceeds of an acre of cotton in 1909 while five years later the buy ing strength has decreased three hoes. An acre of corn in 1909 would buy 79 pounds of? coffee and , only 59 pounds in 1913. Twenty seven pairs of overalls could be bought with the receipts from one acre of cotton in 1909 while the purchasing pow. ~ in 1913 dropped to 24 pairs. An 'ere of wheat in 1909 would buy t'w^ more pairs of brogan shoes than in 1913. Clemson's Income Greatly Reduced. Revenue for Clemson college from the state fertilizertax has de creased ..his year slightly more than 70 per cent, according to informa tion obtained Monday from the of fice of the state treasurer.. The re ceipts to date from this -source to talled 830., 310, as compared with $117,922 for that period of 1914 ending today. In previous years, Clemson an nually derived more than $200,000 from this tax, which constitutes the principal source of income of the institution./. The legislature last week voted'to loan Clemson $90? 000 of state funds to meet possible financial exigencies. The greater part of the receipts this .year were from the tax on cot ton seed meal it was pointed out. Columbia Record. SURPRISE MARRIAGE. Miss Marie Key Became the , Bride of Mr. Hal Beman of Augusta Monday Afternoon. . '^?/marmg? of the season will be the occasion of, a more sincere an(i widespread interest than that of j Mr. Hal De Wi it, Beman and Miss Marie Key, of Edgefield, annonoce ?p?f which was made yesterday e surprise and pleasure of Mr. rof&.many friends, who did not kDoj^jtb?t the wedding would occur bef?te April. Mr. Beman wa? spend ing' the week-end at the home of his fiancee's parents in Edgefield, and Monday he persuaded her to be) roamed at once and return with bim to his home instead of waiting until .April. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few close friends and members of the family hythe Rev. J. R. Walker, of the Metho dist nhurch, and the young couple left immediately afterward for Au gusta, and are at home at the groom's parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Be man, on The Hill, where they are receiving the congratulations of theirjhost of friends. Ha?. DeWitt Beman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ? Key, of Edgefield, and is well known tbrojhghont Georgia and South Caro ling "where she is prominently con nected in both states. She is a very lovely girl, and one whose beautiful charm of manner wins admiration as much as her personal charra, and her sweet womanly nature corres ponds with her other attractions. Mr. Hal Beman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward .Beman, grandson of Mrs. Henry Beman and the late Henry Beman, Esq , of Sparta, and a nephew of Mr. Howard Stafford, of this city. Mr. Beman is '*a wor- ? thy son of worthy sires," and is f equally well known and popular in both'the social and business world. congratulations . as the news grot | abroad that he was married. Mr. and Mrs. Beman will make their) home at the Beman residence on The Hill for the present.-Augusta Chronicle. County Equalization Board. Auditor J. R. Timmerman has called a meeting of the county equalization board to meet in his i??ice Saturday, March 6. The fol io whig are the members of the township boards, the chairman of each composing the county bo.ard: Blocker township: M B Byrd, uhairmrn, Pierce Timmerman and N F Manley. Collier township: D T Mathis, chairman, T L Miller and H W McKie. Collins township: H E Quarles, chairman, J L Bailey and C C Jones. Edgefield town: J L Mi ms, chair man, LT May and B L Jones. Elmwood township: J H Cog burn, chairman, J H " Payne and J M Shaffer. Hibler township: W E Sheppard, chairman, J K Corley a nd WT Reynolds. Johnston town: J Neal Lott, chair man, W S Mobley and J W Mc Creight. Johnston township: P N Lott, chairman, E R Clark and W M Saw yer. Meriwether township: H F Coop er, chairman, H L Bunch and J O Scott. Moss township: L R Brunson, chairman, R W Christie and J J Griffie. Pickens township: Jas. B. Tomp kins, chairman, H W Dobey and W S Marsh. Plum Branch township: J C San ders, chairman, W R Freeland and J L McK?nney. Shaw township: P B Day, chair man, I A Webb and H W Jackson. Talbert township: R ? Cochran, chairman, W A Winn and D. I Morgan. Wards township: J E Cullura, chairman, Lewis Holmes and J O Herin. Washington township: J W John son, chairman, W McDaniel and W N Elkins. Wise township: Geo. T Swearin gen, chairman, J M Mays and Joe S Smith. ? Death of an Aged and Honor ed Citizen of McKendree Community. An old and honored citizen of the McKendree section has passed off the stage of activit?. He played his part in the affairs of life hnmbly, peacefully and winhout great noise or ostentation. S. W. McDowell (Wright Mack) was born September 29, 1848, and was in his 67th year. He lived and died in the home of his grand pa rents which is in a stone's throw of the site of the first McKendree church. Mr. McDowell was a son of J. T. McDowell, -grandson of Mr. Wm; McDowell and Elizabeth Ouzts, and great grandson of old Peter Ouzts who immigrated from Germany just prior to the Revolu tionary war. In 1871 he married Miss Mahala Parkman, daughter of the late Jefferson Parkman, who survives him. From this union three chil dren were born, Messrs. Rufus and Tolbert J..Mc Do well and Mrs. Fan nie Pardne, all of whom are living in the McKendree section and have families. In the latter years of the eighties under the preaching of the late Rev. R. P. Franks, the pastor of McKen dree, and much beloved, Mr. Mc Dowell was converted and became a Christian and member of that churoh, and needless to say remain ed a consistent member to the time of-his death. . For the last several years Mr. McDowell's suffering had been great, continued and often excru siating. He bore it with patience and christian fortitude. Au affliction of a complicated nature-asthma, rheumatism and an affection of the i heart had kept him confined to the house for the last three or four years. After a con pie of days' lapse into unconsciousness he passed peaceful ly away at 9 p. m. February 15, 1915. On the following afternoon his .?y^B^^?m-w^Hr' therein;^ family burying ground on the premises in the presence of a large number of relatives and neighbors. In the absence of his pastor, the Rev. Mr. Brabham,. Mr. J. M. Shaffer conducted the funeral.ser vices. The beautiful cross of hyacinths and violets that was gracefully laid upon the shapely mound expressed that all was done that loving hands or human kindness could do. W. D. O. . Petit Jury, Second Week. J E Reynolds, Hibler, J M Bell. Elmwood, M N Parkman, Blocker, J M Bu8sey, Washington, W P Johnson, Johnston, J E Yonce, Ward, J B Miniek, Blocker, Pierce Boyd, B R Smith, Pickens, B L M i ms, Wise, John Rainsford, Edgefield, J E Barnett, Washington, C W Owdom, Elmwood, S E Posey, Shaw, L R Brunson, Jr., Moss, W A Stevens, Meriwether, G D Rhoden, Ward, W H Pardue, Shaw, A G Cheatham, Hibler, J F Burton. Blocker, P B Day, Jr., Trenton, W RE Winn, Talbert, B F Lewis, Johnston,^ R W Glover, Meriwether, W L Rutland, Ward, P J Coleman, Shaw, L B Derrick,. Ward, G H Waters, Johnston, C R Holmes, Callier, N C Long, Moss. D B McClendon, Collier, G W Miller, Shaw, H M Self, Plum Branch, J P Strom, Jr., Talbert, A G Ouzts, Elmwood, N J Parkman, Elmwood. Notice to Baptist W. M. U. Or ganizations. Every society of the Baptist W. M. U. is urged to set apart Anarch 10 or some day of prayer and es pecial effort to win the unenlisted women of the churches. On this date visit these homes, distribute < home mission literature which can be secured from the Home Board - and secure, if possihle, a gift for this cause. e JOHNSTON LETTER. Dr Poteat Preached. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Entertained. Apollo Music Club Met D. A. R. Meeting. Dr. E. M. Poteat, presiden tl of Forman university, preached onSun day morning at the Baptist "church, the auditorium being filled with an expectant audience. It was the 1 pleasure of many to again, listen to him and those who had never heard him preach were impressed and de lighted with bim. His sermon was characteristic and inimitable. The next sacred musical concert j will be on the 2nd Sunday evening | in March. Mr. Boyd .has added the piccolo to the orchestra, using this on Sunday for Sunday school music J instead of the flute. The members of the . woman's missionary society Of the Baptist church will observe the first week, in March as a special week of prayer r for missions. Mrs. W. L. Coleman returned on Saturday from Wright's hospital \ Augusta, where she has been under treatment. Her friends are delighted that she is again back home. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. | F. M. Boyd entertained in a very ? elaborate manner for their friend and guest, Miss Gladys Chappell of ? Edgefield. The interior of the home presented a very festive appearance and an air of patriotism pervaded, for numerous flags were used with the fern decorations. A cordial greeting was given the guests at the front by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lott I and in the parlor stood the receiv ing line, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Mis ses Chappell, Harmes, Willis, Mr. Paul Cqgburn and Dr. W. C. Stone. After a short while of social, chat eight tables of progressive rook were enioyed, on the center of each* table being a flag'. The score cards were in red, white and blue, and a picture of; Martha , Washington, was i?i^t?^veoIor-.on the.. eard5v.,;Af~ : an hour or more1 with this pleasant occupation, a two course repast was served in which these patriotic col- < ors were well carried out, ti ny ?flags v -r being the favors. While the guests were enjoying the refreshments, Mr. Boyd gave seveial vioiin selections accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Boyd. The evening held many pleasures for every gueBt present. William Wright celebrated his seventh birthday on Wednesday af ternoon and a number of his little friends gathered to help make merry the time Games and pastimes dear to childish hearts were indulged in, but nothing was more enjoyed than the refreshments s erved. Many pretty gifts were brought to him. The Apollo music club met with . Mrs. E. R. Mobley on Friday af ternoon, and after a short business period conducted by the president, Miss Lila Maud Willis, the study of the two masters was taken up, these being "Verdi and Gounod." > Mrs. James Strother had charge of this part of the meeting and was a very able leader. The music was compositions of -these two masters. "Facts in the lives of Verdi and Gounod," Miss Martha Watson; "Stabat master," Miss Elise Crouch; synopsis of the opera, Mrs. L. S. Stansell; vocal solo, Mrs. F. M. Boyd; instrumental solo. Miss Em ma Bouknigbt; synopsis of "Il Provatore," Mrs. M. T. Turner; Duo, (Il Trovatore), Misses Willis and Sawyer; synopsis o; Rigoletto, Mrs. W., F. Scott; piano solo, Mrs. J. M. Cul lem; synopsis of Faust, Mrs. O. D. Black; vocal solo, Mrs. ; James White; chorus, "Praise ye. the Lord," club. During: the social " half hour the hostess served a sweet course in which the club colors, gold and white, were prettily car ried out, the china used being in gold and white. She was assisted by Misses Josephine Mobley and Louelle Norris, who also served re freshing nectar to the gueste. Miss Josephine Mobley was hos- \ tess for the Kill Kare club on | Thursday afternoon, and the hours proved most delightful ones, for many pleasures had been arranged for the guests. The rooms were prettily decorated in jap?nicas and ferns and the tables upon which progressive games were played, each holding a bowl of these lovely flowers. The game was an animated one and Mrs. Allen Mobley made (Continued on Eighth Page.)