ROADS AS CROP PRODUCERS Government Studies Show How the Agricultural Output of Country Depends Upon Its Highways. That an Improved road will increase vastly the productiveness of the area through which it runs has now been satisfactorily demonstrated by; stud ies conducted by the United States "iepartment o? agricultural in Vii? ginia. Conditions in Spctsylvania county were investigated with par ticular ? carland the results s?1Save proved suprising. In 1909, the coun ty voted $100,000 to improve 40 miles of road. Two years after the com pletion of this work the railroad took away in 12 months from Fredericks-: burg, the county seat, 71,000 tons of agricultural and forest products hauled over the highways of that town. Before the improvement of the roads this total was only 49,000 tons annually; in other words, the quantity of the county's produce had risen more than 45 per cent. Still more in teresting, however, is the increase shown in the quantity of the dairy products. In 1909 these amounted to 114.815 pounds, In ' 1911 tb 273.02S pounds, an increase of practically 140 per cent in two years. . In the same time shipments of wheat had increased 59 per cent, tobacco 31 per cent, and lumber- and other- forest products 48 per cent. In addition io this increase in quan tity the cost of hauling each ton of produce was materially reduced. In other words,,the farmers not. only pro duced mor?, but produces more cheap ly, for the cost of transportation to market is of course an important fac tor in the cost of production. From this point of view, it. is estimated that the $100,000 spent in improving the road in Spotsylvania county saved the farmers of that county $41,000 a year In the past two years the traffic studies of the federal experts show that approximately an average of 65, 000 tons of outgoing products were hauled over the improved roads in the county an average distance of eight miles, or a total of 520,000 "ton miles." Before the roads were im proved it was estimated that the aver age cost of hauling was 20 cents a "ton.-mile;" after the Improvement this. fell to 12 cents a "ton-mile," or a sav ing of eight cents. A saving of eight cents per mile on 520,000 "ton-miles" 3^00 a-year. Because this saving, in cases of this character, does not take the form of cash put directly into the farmer's pocket, there isja widespread tendency to believe that it is ' fictitious profit, while as a matter of fact it is just as real a source of profit as an in crease in the price of wheat. In Dinwiddie county, Virginia, for example, where peanuts are one of the staple crops, the average load for two mules on a main road was about a thousand pounds before the road was improved. After its improvement the average load was found to be 2,000 pounds, and the time consumed in hauling the larger load to market was much reduced. IDEAS ON ROAD IMPROVEMENT Speedways, Joy-Ride Trails OP High ways for Pleasure Traffic Not Wanted by Farmer. Sanity has overtaken the advo cates of better rural highways. In the old days the good road advocate dreamed of nothing less than macad am, and his visionings ran often to brick-paved paths and concrete coun try lanes. All the rural world rolled smoothly by over traffic ways that would cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000 per mile. That was before the farmer had really entered into the movement and before the small town merchant, the rural banker, and the county seat cities had begun to think about good roads in terms of dollars and cents'. Twenty years of agitation has brought us face to face with the fact that the taxpayer does not want speedways, Joy-rider trails or roads for pleasure traffic, says St. 3'jouis Re public. The man on the farm wants ? good firm, well drained highway that he can use at any and all seasons of the year, and he does not want to be bankrupted or driven to the poor house in getting it. ? # Laying Pullets. Pullets very often are slow at start ing to lay owing to becoming too fat. In growing pullets there should be more nitrogenous and less carbo naceous food given them. Importance of Movement. Of the 2,000,000 miles of public roads in the United States only about two hundred thousand miles have been given a hard surface. This shows the Importance of the good roads movement. Poor Highways. * Poor highways lessen the profit of labor, increase tho cost of living^ bur den the enterprise of the people, dull the morality of our citizenship and hold down the educational advance ment of the country. H?NTS FOR HOUSEWIVES PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS PER TAINING TO THE HOME. ?Imple'; Method of 'providing for Plant? When Family Has to Leave Home J. -How to Prevent Accumula . tlon of Flies; " . - . " If you intend leaving home for a few days ao|l..^lsh^o'kee^ #pur palms and other plants well watered during your absence, take a tub and get as many bricks as you haye pots to place in the . tub. , Cqyer/f the bricks .-wttn.. "kiter, ;and>thej.p?a?$s placed on them. > will ?diraw/ail?,:rther/ moisture they re quire, and keep in good condition. Mildew stains are sometimes a source of great trouble, and are diffi cult ito :r?m?v?: unless you know just the right way. .Rub a little soap over th? ??i?d?wi sppta, and on. top -of. this a little chalk and lemon juice. If the garment is then. put. out-in the sun for a couple of hours and afterwards washed in the usual way the spots will dis?ppear. To wash a sweater knead the sweat er in warm water in which a little soap has been dissolved. ' Repeat three times j using j fresh ., suds each . time. Rinse in tepid water to which a little ammonia has befen added. 1 Press' out ' as much moisture , as. possible and hang out to dry in the wind. To prevent the 'accumulation of flies, wash the windows and frames, picture . glass and gas brackets with fluid am monia and wat?r. This will destroy the eggs. It will also produce a splen did -clearness and lasting polish to the glass and mirror. To^keep butter, put your butter-in a dish andi place: it In another one with water and: a little salt. Then place another cover over it,"and it will, keep quite fresh and firm in hot weather. Never throw small pieces of new linoleum away. Keep them in your coal box; it saves the box wearing at the bottom. Use some, to stand sauce pans' on and to line housemaid's box, also the kitchen boot-blacking and metal-cleaning boxes. . Cut in small pieces, it will make a bright fire with a few sticks added. If you want to stiffen A straw hat that has become limp, brush it over with a mixture made by dissolving a few drops of gum in a little vinegar. It is also a good plan to wire the brim with some Very fine wire, and a good black hat dye will work wonders with a black straw, but be sure that you choose a dye that will not "run" should you be caught in a shower. Brass, silver or Sheffield plate that has been lacquered should never be cleaned with metal polish, bath brick or anything else, of the kind, but mere ly rubbed with a soft cloth and fin ished with silk dusters. If the pieces are very dirty, a .little sweet oil may be used. It saves a lot of trouble if silver and brass candlesticks, etc., are lacquered. The lacquer can be bought and applied with a soft brush. The ar ticle should be perfectly clean, dry and bright. Pork Steak. Try this for a change: Roll the steaks in egg and cracker crumbs and fry a golden brown in hot fat. While they are cooking make this tomato sail ce: Fry a small onion, chopped fine, in one tablespoonful of butter; when brown, add one-half can of tomatoes and stew a few minutes,, then put through a sieve. Heat and add one tablespoonful sugar, season with salt and pepper and add a pinch of soda. Thicken with one. teaspoonful corn starch. Arrange your meat on a plat ter and pour the sauce around the meat. White Pickle. Chop 12 large, ripe tomatoes. Put 12 large cucumbers and 12 large onions through the meat grinder. Salt the cucumbers and onions and let them stand one hour. Strain off the juice, and the meaty part of the toma toes, and cover with vinegar. Season with two tablespoonfuls of sugar, two teaspoonfuls of celery seed, one tea spoonful of red pepper. Mix all the ingredients in the preserving kettle, bring to a boil and can and seal while hot. Suggestions for the Cook. There is a popular prejudice against fried food, but food perfectly fried is not harmful to a healthy person. Fry ing can be perfectly done only when the fat is smoking hot. Croquettes or other food coated with eggs and crumbs and immersed in smoking fat will not be greasy, and may be eaten with impunity. Currant Fluff. Beat white (allow one egg to a per son) of egg to stiff froth, add knife tip of salt and scant dessertspoonful of home-made currant jelly. Beat till smooth and rosy. Pile on slice of cake or sugar cookie. This amount is really enough for two persons if egg is large. Peach Croustades. Cut stale sponge or delicate cake Into blocks, remove a portion from the center" of each to make a well, fill with half a preserved peach, pour over a spoonful of the sirup, cooked until well reduced and crown with a spoonful of whipped cream. Saving Milk. When making tomato bisque use the water in which rice has been boiled instead cf milk. It will not curdle and is much cheaper to use than milk, besides being fully as good. COVER CROPS FOR ORCHARDS Any Plant Producing Large ''?mo'?ni of Green Material to Be Plowed Under Can Be Used. . (By B' P. SANDERSTEN, Colorado Agri cultural College.) What crop to use in orchards can best be determined by?local conditions and chsracter'OFspil. -|In other words, the choice of ' plants \s a local Prob ien?.. Any crop that will produce a large amount of green material to be plowed under can be used. Oats sown early in the sprjing will form :a heavy mat of herbage and should be plowed .under when in milk. Red clover is an other excellent crop, trat in this ease the clover crop should regain in the -orchard for two years: - The" .3rst--crop cl clover should be cut and left on the ground, while; the second crop should be plowed under when in blossom. The fruit growers should bear in mind that the orchard is not a hay field and that very little good will result from th?'-use-of "cover crops if the crop is cut for hay. Besides, there-is danger 'from poisoning " if the orchard is .sprayed with-arsenical poisons. Al falfa; is not. adapted to orchards, as it is difficult to eradicate and no orchard should b? left permanently in sod. . The question, is sometimes asked: Why cannot weeds be used as cover crops? The objection to weeds is mostly 'from tli'? fact that they do net mature at the same time and in order to get the. best results they* have to be* cut. too early; and' ev?n then some species of plants will have already matured--their seeds; which- afterwards? may be difficult to eradicate. Field peas is another excellent crop for the orchard. The point that the writer wishes to emphasize is that the use of a cover crop is not primarily to in crease the fertility of the land, but to add vegetable matter. STRAWBERRIES UNDER GLASS .-j'; i ; J_\ j ?? j Choice Fruit for Family Table May Be Raised by Use of Cold Frames -Use Any Variety. Choice fruit for the family table may= be raised by the following method: Strawberries for winter fruiting, stouts stocky plants of this year's growth,, should be carefully taken up with balls of earth and placed in the cold; frames before the ground freezer, manure should be spread between" the rows. Slide on the sash at night and cold, wet days. Cover with' straw'; mats at night, but give an abundance Luscious Strawberries. of air when the weather is mild. Keep the soil moist and mellow. The latter part of January the outside frames should be lined with 20 inches of horse Manure should be spread between heat from the manure will start the plants into growth. Air in the middle of any mild day. Put on extra mats when nights are frosty. Any good, perfect, flowering variety may be used. When plants are in bloom take a whisk broom and gently shake the flower stems to distribute the pollen. FRUIT IN ATTRACTIVE FORM Never Pack Wormy, Badly Bruised and Poor Apples in Same Package -Make Quality Uniform. (By R. S. MACKINTOSH.) The way fruit is put on the market determines whether it will sell at the highest figure. If we are to be suc cessful in disposing of the surplus Fruit we must be sure the fruit is packed in an attractive manner. The package often sells the fruit. " In the first place the apples should 36 hand picked. In the'second place, 2lean boxes or barrels should be used. Do not put choice apples in old boxes, sacks or barrels. Pack th& apples :ightly to prevent bruising. Select the type of packiige best raited to the demands of the market. Some markets want apples in boxes, A'hile others prefer the bairel. Al vays consider the other fellow. Would rou want to buy apples that were -vormy, badly bruised, good and bad n the same package? No! j'ou want ipples of Uniform quality, put up in LU attractive form. Sod-Mulch Treatment. The sod-mulch treatment of the soil n apple orchards cannot be generally .ecommended for our state .conditions, ?ays a New York state bulletin. Occa donally, however, in exceptional loca ions, it proves more profitable to leave m orchard in sod, and cut the grass to ;erve as mulch over the tr?e roots, haix to plow down the cover crops in he spring and keep the sort clean an? veli stirred during the summer. SO?THER? ? R??t SCHEDULE CHANGES Effective Sunday? Oct. 18, Colum? bia Division. Trains Nos.-19 and 20, between Columbia and Augusta, discontinued ' Trains Nos. 23-24 and 121-124, between 'Columbia, Savannah and Jackson ville, discontinued. 'Tiahi No. 131, Southeastern Limited Ieav? Columbia 9:20 a m., Lexington," 9:46 a m.. Leesville 10:27 a m., Batesburg 10:35 a m., Ridge Spring 10:55 a m., Ward ??:?6 ? m.. Trenton 11:35 a m., Grariiteville 12:15 p rai, Warren v?ll? 12:20 p m., arrive Augusta 12:50 pm. ' Train No. 132, Southeastern Limited l?averA?gusta 2:30 p in!, Warrehv?ll?, 3:00 p ml, Cfranitevijle 3:4Vm., Trenton 3:40-p m., John ston 3:55 p m., Ward 4:05 p m., Ridge Spring 4:15 p oi.,~ Batesburg 4:35 p m., Leesville 4:40 p m., lexington 5:22 p m., arrive. Colura bia'OiOO pir?:' ' ; '?*'. . . Between Aiken a'ndEdg?fi?ld. ", Train No. 2 ? 0 between Aiken and E.lgefield, discontinued. Train No. 231. leave Edgefield' '11-10 a m.. arrive Tren Lon 11:30 m. ' ' .. Trafn No. 231, between Trenton an;d Aiken, discontinued. 1 ' Trahi'Nb. 229, ' leave Edgefield 12:20 p rn;, Trenton 12:40 p m., ar riv?" Aiken 1:40 p m. I Traiii No. 207, leave Ed'gefieid 7:20 p m., arrive Trenton 7.:4? p ni Tiain No. . 208, "leave Trenton 8:00 a in., arrive Edgefield 8:20 a m Train No 230, leave Trenton iil:3'5 a m., arrive Edgefield 11:55 am. Train No. 232, leave Aiken 2:30 p m.', Trenton ?:40 p m.,. arrive Ed gefiel cl 4:00 p m. Train No 206 leave Trenton 7:45 p m, arrive Edgefield 8:05 p m. Between Batesburg and Perry. Trains Nos 135 and 136, between Wagener and Perry, discontinued. Train No 149, daily, exoept.Sun day, leave Batesburg 7:00 a m., Wagener 8:50 a m., arrive Perry 9:10 a m. Train No 51, Sunday only, leave Batesburg, 7:40 am., Wagener 8:55 a m., arrive Perry 9:10 i ra. Train No. 151, daily, leave Bates burg 2:30 p m., Wagener 4:15 p m., arrive Perry. 4:30 p m. Train No. 148, daily, except Sun day, leave Perry 10:20 a m, Wage rer 11:00 arrive Batesburg 12:55 pm. Train No 50, Sunday only, leave Perry 10:20 a m, Wagener 10:82 im, arrive Batesburg 11:55 a ra. ^Train No 152, daily, leave Perry 5:05 p m, W?ge?ef, 5:17 p rn, ar rive Batesburg 6:30 p m. Augusta-Aiken-Jacksonvil.le, Pull man Drawing Room Sleeping Car, handled on trains Nos 24 and 25. discontinued. Schedules between intermediate stations adjusted accordingly. For additional information, res ervations, etc., communication with: Magruder Dent J. A. Townsend District Pas. Agent Agent Augusta, Ga. Edgefield, S. C. To Head-Off a Headache Nothing ia Better than Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pul? They Give Relief Without Bad After-Effects, **l can say tliat Dr. Mlle*' Rem edies have boen a godsend to mo and my family. I used to have such terrible headaches I would al most be wild for days at a time. I began using Dr. Miles' Anti-Vain Pills and never have those h?cvf? aches any more. I can speak highly of Dr. Miles' Nervine also for ft cured one of my children of a terrible nervous disorder. I can always I speak a good word for your Rem edies and have recommended them to a good many of my friends who have been well pleased with them." MRS. GEO. H. BRYAN. 's Janesville, Iowa. For Sale by AH Druggists. 25 Doses, 25 Cents. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. ?"or Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonic qr'' ei^re Appetizer. For adults and children. 50c To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and* Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c PROFESSIONAL BR J. S. BYRD. Dental Surgeon OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE. Residence 'Phone 17-R. Office 3. A. H. Corley, Surgeon Dentist Appointments at Trenton On Wednesdays. ELROY G. SMITH Hydralic arid "Sariitary Engineer: " Water Supply,, Good Roads, Land Sub division arid Surveys. Investigations, Reports and Plans. 316 Harrison Bldg. Augusta, Ga Make the Old suit Look New i ICllllS THE COUGH. CURES THE LUNGS. We are better ; prepar?? >jvi than ever to do first-olaSs'^ll work in cleaning and preiss^' lng of all kinds. Make your .' old pants or suit new by let ing us clean and press them. Ladies" skirts and suits al [ so cleaned- and pressed. Sat^0 . isfaction guaranteed..^m?Ai Edgefield Pressing Club WALLACE HARRIS PRO?. To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once the wonderful old reliable DR. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL, a sur gical dressing that relieves pain and baals at ie sama time. Not a liniment. : 25c. fry^K?O Cures ?ii Sores, ?tnt,, nc.iiedies Won't Curs. The worst cases, no matter of howlong staiuline are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relievei Tain and Heals n t the same time. 25c, 50c, $!.(/? to sell the most remarkable bargain in-.the ^ magazine world this year. ? ?? ul" sai di?f Regular Price Everybody's $1.50 Delineator $1.50 T/i.'.:. L '.ii Total $3.00 BOTH Women Wanted T?'ONE PERSON A monthly salary and a liberal commission on each order. Salaries run up to $250.00 per, month, depeuding on the number of orders. ? . This work can be done in your spare-time,: and need not conflict with your present du ties. No investment or previous experience. . necessary. We furnish full equipment free. Write for The Ridgway Company ?i Spring and Macdougal Streets, New York niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiniiiiiiiiiniiii!ii!i Lessons Come Easier J F the child has a big, generous ligh t to 1 study by. The i/S?J'?! LAMP saves eye strain. It is kerosene light at its best-clear, mellow, and unflickering. The RAYO does not smoke or smell. It is easy to light, easy to clean, ?nd easy to rewick. The RAYO costs little, but you cannot get a better lamp at any price. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D.C (NEW JERSEY) Charlotte. N. C, Norfolk,Va. nit T?T?ADT Charleston, W. Va. Richmond, Va. BAL 1 IIVIUKE. Charleston, S. C ^niniiiiiuiiiipnuHiiiinniiiiiiiniwniiuiiiiniuniiiiuiiuiiii RhUHMIIUlUillfflS EjaumtaBBan Ford Automobiles We have accepted the agency for the P'ord Automobiles for Edgefield County, and will have constantly on hand a stock of Touring Cars and Run-Abouts. Shall be pleased to show them to those who contemplate buying a car. The Ford cars defy Edgefield?s winter roads. They are an AlI-the-Year-Round Car We will also carry a full assortment of | all parts of the Ford cars, and can fill or- ; ders at our Garag ;. without your having to wait to get extra pai\s by express. Make your auto wants known to us, and we will satisfy them on short notice and at reasonable prices. Edgefield Auto and Repair Shop Edgefield, South Carolina