Office No. 61. Residence, No. 17. Wednesday, June 4. LOCAL AND PERSONAL, Miss lillian Smith has closed her school at Sylvania, Ga., and will he st home for the sommer. J. Wm. Thnrmond, Esq., and B. X. Nicholson, Esq., are io Colum bia attending the supreme court. Hr. Edward Lynch is anon g the home-comers from college, having arrived from Davidson Saturday. Mr. George Hubbard, of John sion, spent Sunday in Edgefield with his daughter, Mrs. Warren Pail. Mrs. P. A. Erwin of Atlanta if here visiting her mother, Mrs. S. A. Morrall, and sister, Mrs. Bettis C?e telos. Miss Jennie Pattison has arrived in Edgefield to remain at home for the summer, having closed her school at Elloree. Mr. Charles R. Dobson was re ceived into the Baptist church Sun day morning by a letter from the First Baptist church of Atlanta. The friends of Dr. C. P. DeVore -are delighted to see him on our streets again after being confined to his home for many months with rheumatism. Hereafter the saying In this coun . ty will be, "as many oats as Pres cott had," substituting Dr. Pres cott's name for that of the one-time famous Carter. Prof. and Mrs. P. P. Burns have arrived from Birmingham to spend! ?everal weeks here with Mr, and Mrs. Orlando Sheppard, Mrs. .Burns' parents,., Mr. Charles R. Dobson went -over to Augusta in his Packard touring car Monday, being accom panied by Miss Sophie Dobson and Mrs. P. M. Feltham. Taking it as a whole, J. W. Cheatham of south Edgefield has the prettiest corn and cotton that we have seen. His stands are almost perfect. His corn and cotton have been well worked and both are in a growing condition. Miss Miriam Norris is in Augus ta spending a fortnight with her cousin, Mrs. J. C. Wienges. Her ?tay in Augusta is being made ex ceedingly pleasant by the many thonghtful attentions that are being bestowed by her hostess. The Corner Store calls especial attention this week to its large as sortment of dress goods suitable for summer attire. This popular store Also has a large stock of white goods of all kinds, calling especial atten tion to material for sheets and pil low cases. Mr. E. J. Mims left yesterday morning to spend several days with Capt. R. B. Cain near Sum ter. He was joined at Johnston by Mr. John Mobley. Edgefieid's fishermen never fail to make a good -catch when they cast their hooks in Capt. Cain's pond of 200 acres. The Advertiser extends profound sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bryan of the Meeting Street neigh borhood in the death of their sweet little daughter. A friend of the family has written a lengthy notice of the taking away of this dear lit tle girl. This tribute appears else where in this issue.. When you lose anything or have anything for sale, bear in mind The Advertiser's column of classified ad vertisements. These little advertise ments seldom fail vto bring satisfactory results. The reason for it is found in the fact that they are read by such a large number of peo ple every week Miss S ill ie Dunovant,' accompa nied by her younger sister went to Bock Hill Monday to attend the Winthrop ool.'ege commencement to witness the graduation of hei sister, Miss Mamie Dunovant. From 1 Rock Hill Miss Sallie will go to Georgetown, Columbia and other places to visit relatives. Capt. R. B. Cain went to his home h j&r Sumter Tuesday of last week after closing up his work in connection with the S. C. C. I. He was accompanied by Rev. R. G. Shannonhouse, Dr. J. H. Carmi chael, P. B. Day and E. S. Rives. These gentlemen had a royal time catching and feasting upon the fin ny tribe. Dr. If. D. Jeffries and his family now occupy the Entzminger resi dence near the college. Buncombe extends them a cordial welcome. It has reached The Advertiser's ears that orange blossoms will be in evidence in the Pleasant Lane sec tion during the month of June. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Anderson are being congratulated by their friends upon the coming of a little lady to their home to be a permanent visi tor. Mrs. Mamie N. Tillman attended a meeting of the executive board of the State Woman's Missionary Un ion which was held in Columbia Monday. Mr. C. M. Mellichamp presents the claims of the Southeastern Life Insurance company in his advertise ment. This South Carolina com pany writes good contracts. Mr. Sam Mays, who has been in the Southern and C. ns. Call on us when you need 3 wagon. Ramsey & Jones. Why not repaint your buggy? I We can sell you enough paint to | jive it a good new coat for only 75c. j Penn