/ Baste: spring ? beautify' and mo: mings, S We T< same w? tial waj many bi see the ] Ci%fklif ^drrrlisrr. Long Branch Honor Roll For March. 1st gra le: Ola Mae Scott, Daisy Belle Clark and Myrtle Salter. 2nd grade: Walter Hair. 3rd grade: Lorine Scott, Pansy Derrick and Lucile Clark. 7th grade: Myrtie Clark and Ma rie Scott. 8th grade: Ellie Mae Herrin, Fannie Derrick and Eula Thomp son. Photographed Bone of Arm. Several weeks ago the little son of Capt: and Mrs. John R. Blocker fell from a horse and broke his left arm near the shoulder, and as the wound seemed to be healing very slowly Capt. Blocker carried him to Columbia last week for examina tion. The surgeon made an X-ray examination which enabled him to determine the character of the frac ture. Capt. Blooker brought home an X-ray photograph which showed the broken bone in the arm. The surgeon assured Capt. Blocker that the arm woald soon heal and leave BO permanent injury of any kind. Trenton Lyceum. The lyceum course at Trenton on Monday night was an entertainment most entertaining. All seemed we!! iepaid for their being present. S^me could not possibly be there on ac count of circumstances over which they had no control; others, sad to say, have no taste for good things; others were too poor; still, others too stingy to smell & few flowers, drink a little spring water, enjoy a good laugh, and have an innocent pleasure time while passing through life. Alas, some folks are so hard on themselves. They seem to be get ting very little out of either life. B. Responded to Our Request Last week the editor of The Ad vertiser requested those who have old copies of the paper and do not particularly prizs or value them to send them to ns. In responses to the request, Prof. G. F. Long came in Saturday and brought us about a half dozen copies of The Advertis er. One was published as early as March 1, 1843. Another highly prized copy was that published in red ink on August 15, 1878, in commemoration of the campaign ol' 187(5. We appreciate Prof. Long'8 kindness in responding to our re quest of last week. The eopies which he gave us were preserved by Mrs. Long. They bear the name of ber father, the late Samuel Marsh. Mr. Cooper's Generosity. La-t week in reporting the work that was contributed in improving the Five-Notch road through co operation with Supervisor Edmunds, The Advertiser made an uninten tional error in stating what work was contributed by Mr. John V. Cooper. We should have stated that he sent a two-horse wagon and driver 6 days and in addition gave .sn extra hand one day. This was r with all its ind summer i il foreign and rter linens in Btickerie Brai efer with plea as very prono T in which the; iiddings of spi many new thi THE COI iot all that Mr. Cooper contributed. So well was he pleased with the splendid work of Supervisor Ed munds, that he gave a hog which was barbeoued by Chef Edmunds, making: a royal feast for the super visor, foreman guards and convicts. Mr. Cooper not only contributed generously but did it in such a gra cious manner. His kindness was greatly appreciated by the supervi sor and his co-workers. Letter From Pine Grove School. Dear Advertiser: As none of ns have written a letter from our school iu sometime, I will write a few lines to you this beautiful morn ing. In spite of all the bad weather the farmers have hauled their ga ano,and are buiy preparing their land for a big crop. We have had several days of oold weather, but we trust that Jack Frost will stay away for the trees are in full bloom, and weare expecting a large crop ot fruit. We feel encouraged to write an essay for another year if we didn't win a prize this year. I expeot to follow the old motto: If you don't at first succeed, try, try, again. Air. W. W. Fuller has visited our school, and we are glad to say that he thinks we are progressing nicely. Last Friday afternoon our teach er Mrs. M. E. Thurmond, gave an Easter hunt, on the school grounds, which we all enjoyed very much. Our school will close next month, and I will be sorry when it closes. I will come again when there is more news in our neighborhood. With best wishes to you a. d to the readers cf the Advertiser. School Girl. Clark's Hill, S. C. Graded School Entertainment. A large audience assembled in the college auditorium Monday evening to witness the entertain ment which was given by the pupils of the graded school. Each number on the carefully prepared program was thoroughly enjoyed, the per formers winning many honors for themselves as well as reflecting last ing credit upon the corps ot lady teacher who have worked so un selfi ?lily for the success of the school from every standpoint. Tho pro gram of the entertainment will be found on the 2nd page of tins issue. ! We reg ret that we have not the J space to make a personal reference Wall of the little folks and young people who presented their parts so faultlessly. Edgetield children are in t (1 fin their gifts as entertainers, and on .\londay evening they kept the splendid record unbroken. The teachers ?ealized about $05 from the door -eceiptf?. The Advertiser's wnly regret ?B that the sum was nv>t twice as large. Then it would have been more in keeping wita the efforts that were put forth in train ing the children for the entertain ment. A feature of the entertain ment that must not be overlooked was the mnsic supplied by the or chestra. Prof. Entzrainger and his corps of musicians were compli mented on every hand. "he Corn granduer has necessaries, domestic wag a range of pi d, Buttons anc sure to the n unced, and wt y contributed .ing headwea rigs that ar riv Respectf WER STORE, Letter From Antioch School. Mr. Editor: I have enjoyed read ing the school letters so mnoh, in fact, ali of ns do. There are 28 pu pils in our school and the mail al ways comes at the noon hour so on Thursday we all rush for The Ad vertiser to see who has written this week, so maybe some other children would be glad to see a letter from our school. We have a right' good time at school, but have to study mighty hard I think. Our teacher's motto must be "work while you work and play while yon play," so we do both. We had a nioe egg hunt last Friday afternoon. The prize was awarded to Aleen Bussey, the one who found the golden egg. Every Friday afternoon we have a nice program and very often have lots of company. We enjoyed "Sohool girl's" let ter from White Town sohool and I know they do enjoy hearing their teacher tell about her trip to Wash ington, and all about the inaugura tion of President Wilson. We are planning for a pionio at the close of school and I know we are going to have a nice time. I think we have about three more weeks to go to school. Mr. Editor, I don't keep up with the news of the neighborhood, but Messrs. West' & Jones have put a piazza to their store. Their store is almost in our school yard, and that piazza is a good place for the men to sit out in the sun. Pupil. Tidings From Red Hill. Mr. J. H. B'issey says that all the fruit Ls killed, so that means we will have to look to the blackberries this year. Yesterday afternoon ,at 3:30 o'clock the only child of Mr. arid Mrs. Warren Winn was buried at Rehoboth. The child did not live in vain. It accomplished ita work in this world then the Lord took it himself in Glory. We extend our deepest sympathy to the heart broken parents. Rev. J.E. MoManaway, a repre sentative of the Home Mission Board of Atlanta,will preach at Re hoboth Sunday morning at ll o'?iook, also at Parksville at 3:30 in the afternoon, and at night at Plum Branch. Boee Cottage. Held Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Fanners Bank was held in the directors' room of the bank last Thursday. The bank has had an exceedingly prosperous year. From the net earning a dividend of 10 per cent, was ordered paid at once to the stockholders and the re mainder of the earnings for the year was passed to the surplus ac count, whioh together with the un divided profits, now amounts to $*?l,024.05. The bank has loans ag gregating $323,888.27 and deposits of ?222,335.38. The bank only owes $30,000 for borrowed money. The officers and directors were re-elected for another year. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drivas out Malaria \nd builds up the system. A true tonio ftad cure .\fpetixcr. For adults tod cUfclw. Ho. er Store 3 passed. 'Tis We are show: ?h fabrics. B< 'ices, together 1 neck fixings, aillinery openi * thank our fr: to this succ?s ,r. Step in fro e weekly, ully, W. H. Turner, I Red Hill School. Dear Advertiser: Messrs. Marcus Timmerman and Charlie Morjran were among the visitors at Red Hill Sunday. Miss Mae Adams is visiting friends and relatives on Blue branch this week. On account of the burial of the child of Mr. Warren Winn of Re hoboth there was no preaching at Red Hill Sunday. Mr. Homer Williams made a fly ing trip to Red Hill Sunday. Rev. J. T. Littlejohn and family spent a most enjoyable day at the home of Mr. Press Stone on Satur day last. Mr. Walter Holston of your town was ?moog the visitors Su nday. Mr. Hampy Hugh Smith has pur chased a new horse. M/s. J. H. Bussey and I-iiss May bell Strom spent a pleasant day at the home of Mr. Marcellus Talbeit on Saturday last. Miss Lula Q'iarleR who has been teaching the Beaver Dam sohool has returned home to the delight of her many friends. Our sohool is in a flourishing con dition. It will last 3 weeks longer. NEW ? In every depai late novelties of tl Men's Wear Dep? We are handling the McKenney shirt. Whe the name on each si enough said. Starting ward and guarantee col< Men's B. V. D. under sizes. The best lisie t sold over the counter tor weights and all colors, si at 35e and 50c. Men's spring shapes and cr collars for men and boys Sho In thif-tlepartment 1 wes'and behind every know what we are se and misses oxfords an and tans. American Call's patterns carried In 1 ices and embroil bought, consisting of e flouncing. Our line c and we can please the RIVES BR( T2E now time to i ing many choi ordered voils, with the ne"v lng. The sue iends for the s ?S in the buyii m time to til 'roprietor r Treat yoar eyes fairly. Do not deny them the help of a pair of classes if they need it. Remember yon will need them for a loner time. Geo. F. Mims. In preparing; for your spring cleaning don't forget Lucas furni ture polish. A magic remover of dirt. For cleaning arid renewing! the finest of furniture of all kinds, pianos, woodwork, varnished floors, etc W. E. Lynch & Co. Now is the time to begin the ear ly garden. We can supply you with seeds of all kinds from the i seed farms of Buist and Ferry, both are thoroughly dependable. Timmons & Morgan.^ Now is the time to put out onion sets. We can furnish you with fresh sets. Timmons & Morgan. Puffed wheat and rice, shredded wheat and instant postum. L. T. May. A large assortment of Iron and Enameled beds just received. Pret tier than any we have ever had be fore. Ramsey & Jones. PRING < 'tment we are now he season for your in artment. : Ferguson ;n you see birt that is at 50c lip ers and fit. wear in all hread hose 25c in light Ik half hose lek hats in )lor.s<> New just in. 1 This dej grown ever} the reason styles, colon ming done that has be each season new goods t week as the milliner)'. es, Oxfords and Pur ne handle them directly from t pair we sell as they are mad liing. Men and boys oxfords cl pumps in white canvas, pate lady corsets models for figure I in stock, Buster Brown hos< Aeries we have the largest st< :dge8, bandings and 27- and if white and colored wash goc : most fastidious. OTHERS, Edg plan for .ce and ratines, 7 trim, cess of ubstan ig of so ne and We always carry a large assort ment of fresh cakes and crackers from the National Biscuit Com pany. Timmons & Morgan. Have you tried that delicious boneless ham, -SOc per pound, st Bright's. Fresh shipment breakfast strips and premium hams. L. T. May. See our beautiful 13-piece toilet sets for only $5.00, w?th a slop jar included in the set. Ramsey & Jones. New crop Irish Potatoes and snap beans this week,* at Bright's. Home canned string beans, 15o a can. . . . L. T. May. Two cars of wagons just unload ed-one car of Hackney wagons and one car of White Hickory wag ons. Call on ns J when you need a wagon. Ramsey & Jones. Try Gold Medal Flour, or Merry Widow and "Mothers" Self Rising, Oo. sack, at Bright's. GOODS ready with all the spection. Millinery )aitment has steadily r since we started it for we have the correct s, quality and the trim by an expert trimmer en trained to trim for i. In season we receive wice and three times a late styles come out in rips he manufacturers and e up for us and we in all leathers, ladies nt leathers, gun metal s, none better. Mc t for all. occk we have ever 45 inch embroidered ?ds is most complete e field, ?^^J