CHURCH DIRECTORY OF THE COUNTY For sometime the editor of The Advertiser has been endeavoring to compile a complete schedule of all of the religious services held in all the churches of the county, but we have not yet been able to complete the list. The following are the appointments which have been sent in to us, and ad ditions will be made until the list is .complete: REV. G. W. BUSSEY, Baptist. RED ;OAK GROVE: First Sunday morning at ll o'clock, and Saturday before. DR. W. S. DORSETT, Baptist. JOHNSTON. Evary Sunday morn ing at ll a. m. and every Sunday night . at 7.30 except 5th Sundays. REV. P. E. MONROE, Lutheran ST. JOHN'S. Johns con. Preach ing 2nd Sunday 11.15 a. m. 4th Sunday 7.30 p. m., 1st 7.30 p. m. . MT. CALVARY. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays 11.15 a. m. GOOD HOPE. Preaching 2nd Sun day a30 p. m.. 4th 11.15 a, m. REV. FOSTER SPEAR, Methodist. McKENDREE. Third Sunday morn ing ll a. m., 1st Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. REV. H. E. BECKHAM, Methodist. JOHNSTON: First and fourth Sun da? mornings at ll a. rn, Second and third Sunday night at 7.30. HARMONY: Third Sunday morn ing at ll a. m. Sunday afteruoon at 3.30. SPANN. Second Sunday morning at ll a. m., 4th Sunday afternoon at 3.30. J. E. JOHNSTON, Baptist. BOLD SPRINGS: First and third Sunday mornings ll a. m. GRAVES L. KNIGHT, Baptist. TRENTON: 2nd and 4tV. Sunday mornings ai ll a. m. REV. J. C. BROWN, Baptist. PHILIPPI: Second and fourth Sun day mornings at ll o'clock. REV. J. R. WALKER, Methodist. EDGEFIELD: Preaching every Sun day morning at 11:30, and every Sun day night at 7:30, except third Sunday morning and first Sunday night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. TRENTON: Third Sunday morning at 11:30 and first Sunday af ternoon at At 3:30. MILL CHAPEL: First Sunday night 7:30. .REV. R. G. SHANNONHOUSE, Episcopal EDGEFIELD: Preaching, first and and third Sunday mornings at ll o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday af ternoon. TRENTON: Second Sunday morn ing at ll o'clock. First and third Sun day afternoons at 3:30 o'clock. RIDGE SPRING: Fourth Sunday morning at ll o'clock. BATESBURG: Second and fourth Sunday afternoons at 5 o'clock, and ?fth Sundays. DR. M. D. JEFFRIES, Baptist EDGEFIELD: Every Sunday morn ing at 11:30 and every Sunday night at 7:30, except fifth Sundays. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7:30. HORN'S CREEK: Third Sunday .afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. REV. P. P. BLALOCK, Baptist. BEREA: First Sunday at ll o'cloch GILGAL: Third Sunday at ll o'clock. REV. B. H. COVINGTON, Methodist. BARR'S CHAPEL: First Sunday at ll o'clock. PLUM BRANCH: Second and third Sunday at ll o'clock. PARKSVILLE- Second and +hird Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. DOTH AN: Fourth Sunday at ll o'clock. MERIWETHER: Fourth Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. REV. J. T. LITTLEJOHN, Baptist. RED HILL: First and fourth Sun day afternoons at 3 o'clock. Third Sunday at ll o'clock. REPUBLICAN: First Sunday morn ing at ll o'clock. ' REHOBOTH: Second Sunday at ll o'clock. COLLIERS: Third Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ANTIOCH: Fou ".) Sunday morn ing at ll o'clock. REV. P. B. LANHAM, Baptist. CLARK'S HILL: First Sunday morn ing at ll o'clock. EDGEFIELD MILL: Second Sun day morning. HARDYS: Third Sunday morning. Mt. ZION: Fourth Sunday morning. REV. R. EARLE FREEMAN, Baptist. PLUM BRANCH: First Sunday at! ll o'clock. Third Sunday afternoon at 3:45. Mt. CARMEL: Second Sunday morn ing. REV. T. H. GARRETT, Baptist. PARKSVILLE.' First and third Sunday mornings at 11:30 o'clock. MODOC: Second and fourth Sun days at 11:30 o'clock. Drs. J. S. & F. P, BYRD, Dental Surgeons Edgefield and Trenton Edgefield Office over Postoffice Office 'Phone 3 Residence 17-R AH. CORLEY, Surgeon . Dentist. Appointments at Trenton on Wednesdays. Crown and Bridge werk a specialty. James A. Dobey, DENTAL SURGEON, Johnston, S. C Office Over Farmers' Bank. Patapsco, Mastodon, and other famous FERTIL IZERS'of th? Georgia Chemical Works ofAugasta have an established position which is uuequaled by any other goods on the market. 38 years of exper ience and careful study of the fertilizer question back up every bag of these goods. No such reas surance as this can be furnished by others. Then why experiment with the uncertain? / For prices, terms, eto., call on THE EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE CO. Edgefield, S- C. limn nm in Ready for Delivery We have in our warehouse read)- for delivery all the popular brands of commercial fe/til izers from reliable manufacturers . We can alao supply the farmers with the necessary ingredients for Mixing Their Fertilizers at Home Drop in and get our prices before making your contracts for the year, j & Prescott Feed Tennesse Horse & Mule Feed The king of all feeds. Keeps your stock up and feed bills down. Sold by the best merchants every where. Manufactured by UNION CITY GRAIN AND FEED CO. Union City, Tennessee Wood and Coal I have opened a wood yard and ara prepared to deliver wood any size or length anywhere in town at reasonable prices. Can also fill orders for coal. Will move ray saw cut wood where lots of four or more cords are offered at one place. I also run a public dray. Ring me up. My phone is No. 32. J. R. TOMPKINS A E. Padg?tt, President * Thoa. H. Rainsford, Vice President W. H. Harting, Cashier W. A. Byrd, Asst. Cashier The Farmers Bank STATE, COUNTY AND TOWN DEPOSITORY Capital and Surplus Earnings $110,000.00 Total Resources over 300,000.00 After 20 years of successful hanking, greets the public and its patrons for the year 1912 with best wishes, thanking them for their patronage and confidence in the past. Conservative business solicited. Interest paid on special deposits. Your account ap preciated. If not already a depositor, begin now. DIRECTORS: Thos. H. Rainsford, Dr. C. P. DeVore, W. B. Penn, E. H. Folk, S. B. Mays, C. A. Wells, W. H. Harling, A. E. Padgett-f The invention that made the second and third verses possible, on one record. Edison Phonographs and Records sold by S. H. MANGET, TRENTON, S. C. Terms to suit. Free Demonstra tion any time. Correspondence Solicited. R0YST HITS Wt V The explanut? mude with the every kipped test of our c theres nohit a Fertilizers. Sold3yRelii L Sale NbrfolkVa. Tar Baltimore Md. Mont Macon Ga. FM.ofi?v??IaBleP: Lots of Organ They sm? Positr I Combahee F NORMAN H. BUTCH, President Before insuring elsewhere. We represent the best old line com panies. Harling & Byrd \ At the Farmers Bank, Edgefield | World Famous ?eds Single Comb Begin now to set hens. You will not be troubled with mites or chick en lice. Eggs $1.50 per 15. No more stock for sale this season. J. II. P. Boper Edgefield, S. C. R. F. D- 1 Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it ia the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter ER FER ? SPOT EMEk m is simple; they greatest care i lenthas topass I wn laboratories rmiss aboutBqy? ?ble .Dealers Everywhere FER GUANO C :s Offices .b oro W. C. C olumbia S. C ?orneryAla. Spartanbun) Colajnbu5 6a. [ant Food ic Matter to fermium iti badj but; they're < ? ely no filler useii