Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, July 19, 1911, Image 5

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- EDGEFIELD ADVERTISER Established 1835. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1911. Office, No. 61. Residence, No. 17. ' Mr. Orlando Sheppard has return ed after a stay of several weeks at Glenn Springs. Mrs. M. E. Barker came up from Augusta last Friday and spent the ] day here with friends.' Miss Effie Griffin of Newberry is vsiting her sister, Mrs. Orlando) Sheppard. Let us have your orders for job | printing of all kinds. Satisfaction guaranteed on every job. Pr. David M. Ramsey will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday morning and probably again in the evening. Let every Baptist Sunday school send a full delegation to the con-| vention at Stevens Creek church next Wednesday and Thursdav. Mrs. J. M. Mays and Miss Ruth Mays will return to-day after a very pleasant ten days stay on Sullivan's Island enjoying the sea breezes. Mr. A. C. Hart was cordially welcomed by his friends in Edge field last week. For several years he- has been with a large mercantile establishment in McColl, S. C. Miss Estelle Sibley of Augusta is the guest of Miss Mattie Carmichael. * Miss Sibley has made many friends] during former visits among us. When you need paint for either | inside or outside work try the Acme Quality paint that is sold by Messrs. W. W. Adams & Co. It will give satisfaction. The moving picture show con tinues to grow in popularity. The educational value of some of the j view,s not to speak ? the entertain ment feature, is worth ten times the | small ?ost. Mr. Roy Armfield and Mr. Fran cis Sheppard are in Charleston par-1 ticipating in the target shooting as representatives of the Edgefieldj Rifles. The people of Stevens Creek are | making elaborate preparations to entertain the Sunday ? school con vention next week. They always make charming hosts. Mr. W. B. Cogburn has returned from the hospital in Columbia and will be able to be at his office again in a day or two. We are happy to announce that the operation was a success and that he wrill be entirely well in a short time. For Sale: Twenty-five horse boiler with fittings, in good condi tion, being but little used. Will sell cheap. J. B. Timmerman, Ropers, S. C. The session of 1911-12 of the S. C. C. I. will open on September 28th with the largest and strongest faculty in its history. Parents of Edgefield county can not do better than educate their children right here at home. We understand that Rev. E. S. Reaves of Honea Path has notified the committee declining, to accept the call to the Edgefield Baptist church. This announcement will cause very general regret in Edge field. Mr. J. G. Holland who for th< past two seasons has made a splen did record on the Norfolk ball tean has recently received a very flatter ing offer from the San Francise* team. Although the raise in salar has been considerable, it is no probable that Mr. Holland will ac ce pt the offer from the far west. Stewart & Kernaghan sells it fo less.-Adv. Notice: I have an Ox six years ok well broken; will either sell o buy one to work with him. G. R. Timmerman. Plum Branch, S. C. For Sale: 30 acres of land, hous site in or out of town limits. Term easy. A. A. Edmund; For Sale: Nine fine pigs, cro? between Berkshire and Poland Ch na. Three dollars each or two f< #5, at six weeks old. R. L. Rou: tree, R. F. D., Callison, S. C. We carry a full line of reape for the McCormick, Osborn, Char pion sind Deering mowers.-Stewa & Kernaghan. We can save you money on s kinds of Harness, have large assor ment to select from. Wilson Cantelou. Everything we sell is gu?rante4 to be as represented. Wilson & Cantelou. For Sale-562 acres of la: known as the Addison place, m iles from Edgefield; 4 tena h ouses, fine timber, R. F. D- roc through place. Will sell all f 1112.50 ?>er acre or can be divide Any terms. John Rainsford, Tn ton, S. C. Mrs. Sarauel Craig and her little daughter will arrive from Anderson this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ramsey, of Augusta, have been gueste of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Jones seveaal days. Misses Pearl and Mabel Reel, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Reel, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. W. H. Harling. The Advertiser has been request ed to announce that a meeting of the Harmony Farmers Union will be held "Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A full attendance is desired as business of importance must be disposed of. How about a nice lap robe for summer. We have them. Wilson ? Cantelou. Ice Tea Tumblers $1.00 a dozen. W. E. Lynch & CD. Mr. Bartley Announces. Mr. S. A. Bartley announces his candidacy this week for the position of cotton weigher. He is a good man and will render faithful ser vice if chosen for the place. Mr. Bartley's experience as manager of a public ginnery especially fits him for the duties of the position. Death of Dr. Jones. That the familiar face and form of Dr. W. Luther Jones will not be seen again on our streets can scarce ly be realized. So sudden was the blow to his friends that his death Saturday morning, when but a few hours before he was apparently in the full enjoyment of health, seems almost as a dream instead of a re ality. Yet it is true. Luther, as his closest and warmest friends delight ed to call him, has boen cut off in the prime of life and in the zenith of a successful professional and business career. Dr. Jones was thoroughly in love with his work and achieved marked success in his profession. Being well equipped by a three years' course^in University of Iowa, fol lowed by a course in the leading veterinary college of Ontario, Cana da, he had no trouble in establishing himself among the people who had known bira from infancy. He also possessed excellent judgment as a business man which is attested by the careful and prudent manage raent of his business interests. While Dr. Jones will be missed by Lis host of friends, yet nowhere else will he be missed so much as in the home, where he always proved to be a devoted husband and a kind and indulgent father. Luther will also be a great loss to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Jones, between whom the ties of affection were very strong. The funeral was conducted at the home Sunday morning by Rev. T. P. Burgess and the burial took phce immediately after in the vil lage cemetery. The friends who bore Dr Jones' body to the grave were, W. A. Byrd, J. E. Miras, Dr. R. A. Marsh, Dr. J. G.Edwards, M. W. Hudgens, H. C. Watson, Judge S. M. Smith and S. E. Morgan. Dr. Jones is survived by his wife, who was Miss Marion Hill, two lit tle sons, his father, mother and only brother, Dr. B. F. Jones of Colum bia. We extend sympathy to the grief stricken loved ones. The Piney Grove Picnic. The editor of The Advertiser spent an exceedingly pleasant day with the good people of the eastern portion of the county Saturday, at tending the annual barbecue and picnic at Piney Grove school. The Yonces, Derricks, Scotts, Wil liarases, Cullums Holmeses and Clarks always greet those who come among them with such sincere cor diality that a visit is never forgot ten-on the contrary, it is a source of many pleasant recollections. The dinner that was spread upon the long table under the trees re flected not only the hospitality" of the people but their prosperity as well. The Philippi-Piney Grove people live at home, as all farmers ought to do. The great feast also indicated that the queens of the homes in that section know how tc provide and serve a dinner thal would please a king or any othei potentate. The writer is indebted to Mrs. Mamie Shaffer for a large plate of dinner that was suflicien' for three men. After dinner Mr. George W Scott presented several gentlemer who in short, tcMhe-point addresse made the welkin ring till the crowe was forced to disperse earljr in th afternoon by threatening clouds Those who spoke were Dr. J. M Rushton, Mr. W. W. Fuller, Hon fi. P. Wells and Rev. P. E. Mor roe. The patrons of the school sol ice cream and cold drinks in ordc to raise money for further improve ment of their school buildinf which w ould even now be a credi to any community. Last year the made sufficient money at the barbi cue to have the building beaut ?full painted. The finest crops that we ha\ ever seen for the middle of Jul are in the Piney Grove vicinit and on the road leading out by D W. ll. Tiramerraan's place. It worth riding 20 railes to see ot friend Henry Yonce's crop. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of Cotton Weigher for the town of Edgefield, and respectfully solicit the votes of farmers who market their cotton at Edgefield. If elected I will give my entire time to the duties of the office and will do my utmost to give perfect satisfaction. J. G. Byrd, Pleasant Lane, S. C. 1 respectfully announce that I am a candidate for the position of Cot ton Weigher for the town of Edge field, and solicit the votes of the farmers who sell their cotton at that market. Having been the manager of a public gin for 20 years, I feel that my experience will enable me to fill the place satisfac torily. As I have a farm on hand, I will not be able to do much can vassing. If, elected will do my best to give entire satisfaction. S. A. Bartley. Cleora, S. C. Ice Cream Festival. The ladies of Republican church will give an ice cream entertain ment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wells Wednesday, July 26th from 3 to 6 for the benefit of the church. All who attend will not only enjoy the delightful cream and cake but will have an exceedingly pleasant time socially. Not only plan to go, yourself but tell your friends about the entertainment that these zealous Christian ladies have planned. Closing Out Summer Goods. The entire stock of C. H. Schnei der, consisting of dry goods, cloth ing, shoes and millinery, amounting to $10,000 must be sacri?ced for the next ten days. I am determined to dispose of af 1 stocks on hand to start the fall season with fresh, clean goods in departmeats. Never have such radical price reduction been made in this section and never has the little word bargain been so fruitful of so many rich and happy surprises in values. Don't fail to at tend this sale. Sale begins Saturday, July 22, lasts till Tuesday Aug. 2. Boll Weevil a Blessing. Mr. J. W. Lyon, of Shrevesport, La., is visiting his uncle, Mr. M. D. Lyon. It is exceedingly interest ing to converse with Mr. Lyon upon the agricultural conditions of his section. He reports all crops, not only in his state but in Alabama and southwest Georgia through which he passed, as being unusually fine. Mr. Lyon says new cotton was being marketed before he left home two weeks ago, picking actually commencing a month ago. The early maturity is due to an exceptionally early variety that is now very gen erally planted in order to combat th2 boll weevil. Mr. Lyon says the weevil has proven a blessing in dis guise in that it forced farmers of the weevil-infested region to aban don ah cotton and diversify their crops. Instead of buying meat, corn and potatoes from the northwest, farmers who previously suffered from the weevil are now 'shipping corn, hogs and beef cattle in large quantities. For two or three years after the weevil first appeared the cotton acreage was reduced, but since it was learned by actual ex periment that a yery early variety would mature before the ravages of the weevils began, the planting has increased to the former or original acreage. Tribute to an Aged Colored Woman. Dear Mr. Editor: Will you kind ly give a brief space to this notice of the death of a worthy colored woman, Frances Oliphant, eighty two years old, died on Wednesday 12th inst., at ber home eight milei above Edgefield. She was an ex slave of the family of the writer and having known *her from infan cy, we can confidently speak of hei worth. As a slave she was faithful and when freedom came to her sh< assumed no airs, but was alway humble and courteous toward th< white people, particularly to th members of the family to which shi had belonged. Ever ready am more than willing co do a servie for those whom she called "youn master and young mistress," sh had firm friends who in turn gladi did her kindness. She lived hai moniously with her husband fo sixty-five years, and that husbanc now eighty-six years old, and wh is totally blind, will Badly miss tl wife who gave him in his helplei old age the loving attention his a flicted condition required. Her children loved her sincere! and gave evidence of it while si lived, and particularly in her la sickness and death. They spoke < her as "our mother, our' be friend," and while they mourn th loss they believe she has gone < her reward. She was a consiste member of the church where al was buried, and had many frien among her own race who will mi her many kindly words and deed I. L. M. Old Gent-Pon my word mada I should hardly have known yo you have altered so much. Lady-For better or for t worse? Old Gent-Ah, madam, y could only change for the better. Date Changed to Aug. 2nd. Mr. Editor: Please announce that owing to a misunderstanding in dates the annual barbecue of the Savannah Valley Associated Fawn ers Clubs, which was announced for August 3rd, will be given in stead, on Wednesday Aug. 2nd. Clubs will please be gov?rned ac cordingly. J. W. Johnson, Sec'ry Clark's Hill A. S. I Summer School For Colored Teachers. The colored teachers have raised I funds themselves for a teachers' summer school, which opens Mon day morning, July l?th. The color ed teachers are notified that due consideration according to law will be given those who attend, and ap ply for renewal of certificates. W. W. Fuller, S. E. E. C. For Sale: A good milk cow I with calf two weeks old. Mrs. Emily Johnson, Edgefield, R. F. D. No. 2 Autoing and Optics "Is not auto driving terribly bard on the eyes?" we asked. "Well, I guess not!" replied the chauffeur, withering ns with scorn. "Wy, before I got to runnin' a car I was thinkin' o' gettin' specs; ray eyesight was th it poor I could n't see the contribution box in church until it was so near past me it was too late to dig for any monpy. But I hadn't been runnin' that wag on two days till I could see a po liceman s little fingers stickin' out from behind a tree four miles away. I could even see which way a cop per's eyeballs were turned if he was standin' in the sh.ide three miles off. Hard on the eyes! Well, not much! I It's the best medicine for weak eyes that was ever invented, don't you forget it."-Baltimore Sun. TTTTTTTTTVTVYVVTTTTTTTTTTT SH ?I? t Business Locals. % + + ?..s..?..t. t..?..?..?. # .t._t..t..?_.t.f ti Ji t ? t li t t ililli TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Large assortment of iron and en ameled beds to select from. Ramsey & Jones. Begin now to prepare and plant your garden. We can supply you with the celebrated Ferry's seed that are fresh and will not fail to germinate under pioper conditions. We have a large stock of paints for j inside and outside work in white and all the colors. Full supply of oils, varnish and painter's supplies j of all kinds. B. Timmons. Let us sell you a refrigerator. They are a necessity as well as real luxury in hot weather. Stewart & E?r?aghan. Biggest stock of harness we have ever carried. Single and double, all | weights and prices. Ramsey & Jones. Remember we still sell Rock Hill, Tyson & Jones, Columbus and Hackney buggies. Nothing better on the market for the money. Ramsey <fc Jones. We sell the celebrated Babcock buggies and carriages. They never fail to give satisfaction. Ramsey & Jones. The season for ice cream and ice cream freezers is here. Let us sup ply you with a freezer-the kind that does th? work quick and satis factorily. Stewart & Eernaghan. Try our new perfumery Blockis-in all of the popular odors. B. Timmons. There is no syrup better than our Blue Ribbbon and Georgia Cane syrup. B. Timmons. Large shipment of matting just received. New and attractive de signs. Ramsey & Jones. Drop in and see our "Baby Won der" ice cream freezer. Stewart & Eernaghan. Stewart & Eernaghan sells it foi less.-Adv. We carry a stock of dynamite caps and fuse. Stewart & Eerna ghan. For Sale: A good family horse For further information apply a The Advertiser oifice. Beautiful assortment of summe buggy robes at reasonable prices Edgefield Mercantile Co. Stewart & Eernaghan sells it fo less.-Adv. Wanted: You to see our line o refrigerators from $10 up.-Stewai & Eernaghan. Just received a large shipment c trunks and suit cases. All sizes i very reasonable prices. Edgefiel Mercantile Co. We sell the Vendor porch shae or screen-just the thing you nee to make your porch comfortable i the afternoon. Edgefield Merca tile Co. Just received from Lexingto Ky., a few extra nice driving ai saddle horses, city broke. Wilson & Cantelou. We havejust receivedour eelebiate Studebaker wagons, all sizes. W son & Cantelou. |5 REASONS Why You Should Send Your Sons and Daughters to the South Carolina Co-Educational Institute S* C% C% !. 1. Because only a limited number of boarders is taken, thereby mak ing it possible for each student to receiva the personal attention of the Faculty. 2. Edge fi eld is noted for its health-being situated in a high dry, roll ing country. ' 3. Handsome brick buildings with modern improvements and up-to date equipments. 4. Extensive grounds-beautiful oak grove-ideal surroundings. 5. High-toned, cultured, Christian men and women compose the Fac ulty; fifteen teachers, each a specialist. 6. Greatest care in used in selecting teachers whose personal influence over the students will be elevating. 7. The president and nine teachers live in the building with students. 8. From the time students reach Edgefield until they take the train for their homes, they are under the watchful care and close personal at tention of the President and Faoulty. 9. Regular study hours morning, afternoon and night under the direct supervision of the teachers. 10. High standard-therough study-our work bears cloae inspection. 11. In competitive examinations for West Point, Annapolis and other scholarships, our students have always been eminently successful. 12. On account of our thorough Literary Course, excellent training in discipline and the general upbuilding of character, morally and religiously, onr graduates are alwaye in demand as teachers, stenographer, book keepers, etc 13. Table supplied with good, wholesome and properly prepared food; seven teachers in dining room with students 14. Comfortable and home-like bedrooms. No crowding allowed in departments of ,the Institution 15. Because for twenty years our school has been in successful ope ration under the same management, thereby proving itself worthy to ask for your patronage 16. Notwithstanding the expensive faculty employed, the wholesome and abundant table fare and other home comforts, the charges are moderate Next Session begins Thursday, Sept. 28th. For [Catalogue address Col. F. N. K. BAILEY, Edgefield, S. C. -FORD AUTOMOBILES We are exclusive agents for Edgefield county. If you would like for us to demonstrate the features of a Ford to you write us and we will take pleasure in showing you what thousands of autoists consider one of the best and certainly the cheapest car on the market. Let us prove a few things to you before you buy. LOTT-WALKER CO. ? When in need of axle or harness oil call on us. Wilson & Cantelou. Everything we sell is guaranteed to be as represented. Wilson & Cantelou. We carry a full line of extra parts of harness. Wilson & Cantelou. Stewart <fc Kernaghan soils it for less.-Adv. If you want the best buggy on earth for the money, try a Colonia. Wilson & Cantelou. Try our breakfast and Oolong tea for ice tea. B. Timraons. We always carry a full stock of buggies, such as Moyer, Smith and Oxford. Drop in to see the different styles to select from. Edgefield Mercantile Co. Our hack '.. ill answer all calla phone 84 R. Wilson & Cantelou. Try our "Hero" ground coffee it will go almoat twice as far as the ordinary. B. Timmons. Everything we sell is guaranteed to be as represented. Wilson & Cantelou. Don't buy old style Jars, when you can buy the new Sanitary wide mouth all glass Atlas E-Z Seal Jars. We have them in pint, quart and half gallon sizes. W. E. Lynch &Co. When in need of farm wagons try an Old Hickory or White Hick ory. They have stood the test on Edgefield roads for many years. Ramsey & Jones. Toilet Articles,'Etc. Ladies, call at Mrs. N. M. Jones1 and see the beautiful line of French toilet articles that Mrs. W. C? Hatcher has on hand. Her hair tonic surpasses anything she Las ever tried before. Mrs. Hatcher will take your measure for a beauti ful French corset. She guarantees a perfect fit. These corsets were awarded a gold medal at the Lon don and Paris dress exhibition held at Earl's Court, London.-Adv. 4-t If you want a nice surrey see ours. Wilson & Cantelou. If you care to freshen up your old buggy top and make it look new, as well as preserve it, use Frank Miller's top dressing. Wilson & Cantelou ;