. THE CLEMSON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Enrollment over 700-Value of Property over a million and a quar ter-Ninety Teachers and officers. Seven full four years courses, in Agriculture, Engineering, ete. Cost per session of nine months, including all fees, board, heat, light laundry, and necessary uniforms $121.87. Students who. are financially able, pay $40.00 tuition additional. Scholarship and Entrance Examinations TKe College maintains, 124 Ag ricultural Scholarships, and 43 Tex tile Scholarships, worth each ?100. 00 and free tuition. (Students who hav<3 attended ? Clemson College or any other Col lege or University, are not eligible for the Scholarships unless there are no other eligible applicants). Scholarship and entrance exami nations will be held at the County Seats July 14th, 9 a. m. Next Session Opens September 13, 1911. Write at once to W. M. Riggs, President Clemson College, S. C., for catalogue, scholarship blanks, etc. If you delay, you may be crowded out. Are Your Kidneys Well? Many Edgefield People Know The Importance of Healthy Kidneys. The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day. Well kidneys remove impurities. Sick kidneys allow impurities to multiply. No Kidney- ill should be neglect ed. There is grave danger in delay. If you have backache or urinary trouble?. If you are nervous, dizzy or worn out. Begin treating your kidneys at once; Use a proven kidney remedy. None endorsed like Doan's kid ney pills. Recommended by thousands. Proved by home testimony. Mrs. J. T. Pattison, Edgefield, S. C., says: "I have given Doan's kidney pills a thorough trial and I know them to be a splendid kidney remedy. On several occasions I used them and have received lasting re lief from kidney trouble. I do not hesitate to recommend this remedy as the best one I know of for kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf falo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Doan's and take no other AIL CORLEY, Surgeon . Dentist. Appointments at Trenton on Wednesdays. Crown and Bridge werk a specialty. James A. Dobey, DENTAL SURGEON, Johnston, S. C. Office over Farmers Bank Building J AS. S. BYRD, SURGEON DENTIST, EDGEFIELD, S. C. gjtFO??Lce over Post-office. CALHOUN A. MAYS ATTORNEY AT LAW EDGEFIELD, - - - S. C Escaped With His Life. "Twenty-one years ago I faced an awful death," writes II B. Mar tin, Port Harrelson, S. C. Doctors said I had consumption and the dreadful cough I had looked like it, s ure enough. I tried everything I could hear of, for my cough, and was under the treatment of the best doctor in Georgetown, S. C., for a year, but could get no relief. A friend advised me to try Dr. King's New Discovery. I, did so, and was completely cured. I feel that I owe my life to this great throat and lung cure. Its positively guaranteed for coughs, colds and all bronchial affections. 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tle free at Penn & Holstein, AV E Lynch & Co., B Timmons. FOR ADVERTISING REASONS the SPARTANBURG BUSINESS College will give free Tuition to One Person from each County who enters the school on or before June 20th, if accompanied by One Student who will take a Full Course, or by Two Students who each will take a sin gle course, either bookkeeping or shorthand. For catalog, etc. address L. NEEL VERNON, Principal, Spartanburg, :-: :-: s. C. Parson's Poem a Gem. From Rev. II Stubsnvoll, Alli son, Ia., in praise of Dr. King'? New Life Pills. "They're such a health necessity. In every home these pills should be. If other kinds you've tried in vain use Dr. King's and be well again. Only "c at Penn uth Carolina HOME INSURANCE York, and the old ctford, Connecticut. greater Capital and 1 than any other s the leading corn Id, doing a greater i any other Co. nee Reports 3NTI?L FE TH OF GIBRALTAR." Norris, 7E INSURANCE. Bl Southern Railway Schedules, Arrivals and Departures Edgefield, S. C., Effective May 15, 1911. (N. B. These schedule figures shown as information only and are not guaranteed.) Departures. 8:10 a. m. No. 209, daily, for Tren ton, Columbia, points North and West. 10:05 a. m. No. 233, daily, for Trenton, Augusta and intermedi ate points. 11:00 a. ra. No. 231, daily, for Ai ken and intermediate points. 1:50 p.m. No. 229, daily except Sunday for Aiken and intermedi ate points, Connects at Aiken for Charleston and way, Connects at Trenton with the Southern's Southeastern Limited for Colum bia, Charlotte, Greensboro, Wash ington, New York and points East. 0:50 p. m. No. 207, daily, for Tren ton, Augusta and intermediate points. Arrivals. 9:00 a. m. No. 208, daily, from Augusta and intermediate points. 10:55 a. m. 230, daily, connecting at Trenton with the Southern's Southeastern Limited from New York, Washington and points East. 1:35 p.m. No. 210, daily except Sunday, from Aiktn and inter mediate points. 4:40 p. m. No. 232, daily, from Ai ken and intermediate points. 7:40 p. m. No. 206, daily, from Trenton, Colum bia and interme diate points. For further information, call on ticket agents, or, E. H. Coapman, VP&GM., Washington, D. C., J. L. Meek, AGPA., Atlanta, Ga., A. H. Acker, TPA., Augusta, Ga. Something New. Those who pass sleepless hours after drinking coffee and suffer oth er ill effects from this popular bev erage should try our ' Pathfinder" coffee, from which the injurious properties have been removed. This is entirely new and will prove to be a great boon to many lovers of coffee. Penn f? * Your; 'House does not mean buying the paint sold at the lowest price' ' per gallon. It means getting the paint that covers the most surface per gallon and gives the greatest number of years of service-in other words, the best value for your dollar. & ACMEQUAUEf HOUSE PAINT costs less because it takes less and lasts longer. Let us i you pleasing color combinations, ced* mate quantity needed, or be of any othc service we can, whether you buy or noUyi Come in and get an Acme Quality Painting Efl Guide Book and some color suggestions,) ffij W. W. ABAMS & (30 Hot Weather Goods come Don't you want ti Of course you do in a thin suit of serg assortment of light weight two-piece suits Alpaca and siciliun coats all sizes. Stylish oxtcrds latestjstyles in all of the] popular leathers. ?STFuli line of underwear, shirts and hosiery. Drop in and let us us fit you cassimere. Full Dorn & Minis. Fire Insurance Go to See Harting & Byrd Before insuring elsewhere. We represent the best old line Companies HARLING & BYRD At the Farmers Bank of Edgefield. Tmlt^ lld 5 fl? ? in'JJiiNini Es METAL MW THE TIGHT ROOF 3 , Never Leak-Never Need Repairs-Fireproof^Stonn proof-Handsome-Inexpensive^-Suitable for all kinds of Diiildings. For further detailed information apply to Stewart & Kernaghan Edgefield, S. C. ! Stock Feeds VTJ are distributors for the highest grade feeds on on the market. fWSUCRENE-both dairy and hoise Tennessee horse and mule feed which is ground corn oats and alfalfa. Dried beet pulp-5 per cent, to your dairy feed daily will increase milk supply very materially. ERRINGTON BROS. & CO. P. S. Mr. M. Gary Satcher ia with us and will be glad to see his friends