Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, April 26, 1911, Image 2

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while IF ree To any man making a pur chase'of $5 the last 3 days will be given a nice dress shirt. Have you visited our store yet? If you have not arrange to be here the last three days as we have some extra specials to offer you for the last three days, Friday, Saturday and Monday, APRIL 28th, 29th, and MAY 1st Free To any lady making a pur chase of $5 the last 3 days will be given a nice dress pattern It will pay you to prepare your purse and come to this sale. You will always be glad you did. Right in the opening season when every merchant is and should be reaping a profit. We offer all that is new in seasonable merchandise at our store at less than cost. /?_ / . Friday. Sat? m urday And 9 Monday April 28th. H ? ? Shoes, Shoes One lot ladies shoes in patent leather, gun met al and vici, in small sizes, nothing larger than 5. All $3 and 3.50 to close out at $1.50 Men's Shoes I Ono Inf. mor.'~ -i-? al and vici. Real value $3 at $1.79 JUST ARRIVED, l lot men's oxfords in pat ent leather and vici. Rea value $3 at $1.98 One lot ladies' shoes and oxfords in broken sizes, prices ranging from $1.50 up to $3. Your choice 75o One lot men's $2.50 shoes, no boxes. Your choice $1.25 Clothing One lot men's and young men's suits in all wool fabrics and cash meres, light weight and colors. Sell from $7 up to $12, sale price $3.49 To Clear out With out Reserve $2.25 plumes in black and white at 75c 4 25 plumes in black and white at $1.50 7.50 plumes in black and white at 2.5? 50c belt buckles at 10c Brretts at 20o " at 50c lace collars 75c corsets at Hooks and eyes 65c umbrellas 5c handkerchiefs at 5c ladies handkerchiefs at $1.25 parasols at Ladies 10c hose at Men's 15c " at " 20o " " 25c 6c white homespun 3*c Percales in all the latest patterns, 15$c grade at , 8c 2 bales blue chambray. The very thing for ladies dresses and men*B shirts 10c vilues at 7*c 8 pieces brilliantine in solid and fancy 75c values at 42io 1 Ctn ?-3 ? ?WILL ALSO GIVE YOU A NICE % J. HAT ABSOLUTELY FREE, EITH- ? ER STRAW OR FELT 1 150 24c 50 10p 21o 49c lc 44c 2c lc 74c 7c 8c 12c 18c Dress Goods. Calicos, standard brands at 4ic Yard wide bleaching, good 10c quality at lie White Goods. 40-inch white lawn 15c values, ?i " 20c ", 17*0 15 pieces white waist goods in the very latest 25c value at 17c 10 pieces white waist goods 15o values at 9*o Men's Dress Shirts 25 dozen men's dress shirts 50c values af j 29c $1.25 dress shirts at 69c 50 dozen men's work shirts in all colors at 240 Boys Knee Pants 50 dozen boys knee pants at 16c Men's Underwear Men's jeans drawers 18c Men's 50c shirts and drawers in Balbriggan at 29c 4* WITH ANY SUIT OF CLOTHES * * u BOUGHT OVER $7.50 + jul i i A i..frfl it,"M"t"I"t"I"l"I' -fr.{..frfrfr-frtfrtf--fr Just Received 10 dozen ladies nn? r?io/?o w? 3.49 Special 1 dozen dresses in solid white only, beautifully trimmed, real value $6.50 at $3.50 Linen skirts in solid white, tan and blue, well made, either plain or em broidered. Prices as follows: $2.25 values sale price $1.39 j 2.75 " " " 1.79 3.74 values at 1.98 Millinery We have a complete line of ladies' trimmed and untrim med hats, which we have not space to mention prices A H Of c 50 $2.00 Specials We have just received 2 cases of men's and boys straw hats, all sam ple prices as follows: $1 hats at 49c *2 " J 98c 3 " $1.25 5 " 2.50 Nothing to beat (hem. Ask to see them even if you are not ready to buy. LO O K FOR THE BIG SIGN _____ ? . Clothing, Continued . Men's and yonng men's better grade all wool suits, well tailored $10 and $12 values at $4.98 Men's and young men's suits in the latest spring styles, sell for $13.50 and $15, at $6.98 One lot men's blue serge suits $13.50 values at $8 One lot men's blue serge suits, better grade *18 50 values at $12.50 , JUST ARRIVED, 1 lot men'jr^Kits in all wool fabrics and' cash mere, the very thing for spring and summer $22. 50 values at $13.49 One lot men's black suits in tibets and cash meres. .$17 and $18 val ues at $8.75 Boys suits in blue serges of the very latest models. $6 and $6.50 values at $3.98 Boys suits in light col ors and knickerbocker pants. Latest styles $4.50 $5 values at $2.98 One lot boy's suits. Latest styles, $2.50 val ues at $1.59 refield Mercantile Co. South Carolina. ? ? V J '. v bs?*