FROM MRS. COOK itzrely Recovered From Illness, And Now Growing Stronger Each Day. I Cava Springs, Qa.--1 Bleep better ever," writes Mrs. Kate Cook no* this place, "and get stronger sry day. Before I tried Cardal, the Roman's tonic, I was very sick, and ? doctor's medicine did me no good, "can never speak too highly of your ?edicine." Sleeplessness and nervousness, >m which many women suffer, often ike living unendurable., If "you are ailing, no need to stay Most of the ailments peculiar to J?rnen are preventable, curable. Others have obtained relief by tak ag Cardui. Why not you? Cardul ls a, popular medicine with romeo. It is popular because lt has [teen found to banish nervousness, re lieve pain, bring roses back to pale cheelb, and strength to weak bodies. Cardui acts specifically on the cause of most female ills, and thus lt ls a medicine especially useful in women's ailments, in the treatment of which lt has a record of over 60 years of suc cess. At ?east it can do you no harm, to give Cardui a fair trial. It nay be the very medicine you need. Get a bottle today. .?vj N. "B.- Wriuto: Ladles'Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co!, Chattanooga. Tenn., for Special Instructions, and 64 page book. "Home Treatment for "Wom en," sent in plain wrapper on request. --9 The man who has a gc od reputa tion may not be able to realize the fun he might have if he didn't For COLDS and GRIP Hiekn' CIPCDIXE is the best remedy-re Heres the aching and feverishness-cares tho Cold and restores normal conditions. It'? liq old-effects immediatly. 10c., 25c, and 50c At dru|j stores. Thorough. "You are an optimist?" "I am," replied Mr. Dustin Stax. "I cot only hope for the best, out I make practical arrangements to get it." .TJionsands of country people know that in time of sudden mishap or accident Hamlins Wizard Oil is the best substi tute for the family doctor. That is why it ts so often found upon the shelf. Severe Punishment. Belle-And did you make her eat her owu words Beulah-Eat 'em? I made her Fletcherize 'em. TO DB IVE OUT MAILA It IA_ A>'D BUILD UV TILE SYSTEM 2nko tto Ola Standard UKOVlfllS TASTJSLb^S CHILL TONIC. Ton know what yon aro taking. The formula ls plainly printed on every bottle, .shewing lt ls simply Quinine and Iron in a taste less form. Tho Quinine drives out tho malaria and tho Iron builds np the system. Sold hy &U dealers :'or 80 years, i'rioo 50 cents. None in Stock. A veil-dressed woman paused in front of the chestnut vender's stand. "Are they wormy?" Bhe asked. "No, ma am," he answered blandly. "Did you want them with worms?" Acme of Cautiousness. Seymour-Young Ticer looks like a cautious man. ; Ashley-He is cautious; he's so cau tious" that he wouldn't ask the pret tiest girl In all the world to let him see her home unless he bad learned how far away sho lived. The Big Show. The personally conducted tourists were viewing the Egyptian pyramids. "Goodness gracious!" ejaculated Mrs. Newrocks, "it must haye cost a pile of money to build them." "Surest thing you know," said Mr. Newrocks; "but don't imagine for a ^moment that any one tourist agenoy stood for all the expense-it was probably a jackpot affair!" ?, . Saw Only Physical Idea. One of his friends once asked Mr. Darwin's gardener about his master's health, and how he had been lately. "Oh!" he said, "my poor master has been very sadly. I often wish he had something to do. He moons about In the garden, and I have seen him stand doing nothing before a flower for ten minutes at a time. If he only had something to do I really believe he would be better." THEY GROW Good Humor and Cheerfulness From Right Food and Drink. ? Anything that Interferes with good health is apt to keep cheerfulness and good humor in the background. A -Washington lady found that letting coffee alone made things bright for her. She writes: "Four years ago I was practically given up by my doctor and was not ex* pected to live long. My nervous sys tem was in a bad condition. "But I was young and did not want -to die so I began to look about for the cause of my chronic trouble. I used to have nervous spells which would ex haust me and after each spell it would take me days before I could sit up in a chair. "I became convinced my trouble was caused by coffee. I decided to stop it and bought some Postum. "The first cup, which I made accord ing to directions, had a soothing ef fect on my nerves and I liked the taste. Fer a time I nearly lived on Postum and ate little food besides. I am today a healthy woman. "My family and relatives wonder If I am the same person I was four years ago, when I could do no work on ac count of nervousness. Now I am do ing my own housework, take care of two babies-one twenty the other two months old. I am so busy that I hard ly get time to write a letter, yet I do lt all with the cheerfulness and good humor that comes from enjoying good health. "1 tell my friends it is to Postum I owe my life today." Read "The Road to Wellville," In pkgs. "There's a Reason." Cver read the above letter f A new one appear? from time to time. They are grenuiae, trae, and full of - hac?an Int?r?t t. . DEATH OF NOTABLE LADY MPS. Mary Baker G. Eddy, Head of Christian Scientist Church, Passes at Age of Ninety. Boston.-Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science is dead. "Natural causes" explains the death, according to Dr. George L. West, a district medical examiner, who was summoned a few hours after Mrs. Eddy died. Later Dr. West added that the more imme diate cause was probably pneu monia;. Sketch cf Her Life. Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Eddy, the "discoverer" and founder of Chris tian Science, was born in Bow, N. H. Her father was a man of some property ard local distinction. He was a friend of President Franklin Pierce and other well-known men of his time. Mrs.. Eddy was related to Gen. John McNeill, a hero of the battle of Lundy's Lane. On her father's side she was relaf.ed to Gen. Henry Knox of revolutionary war fame. She was a first cousin to Governor Hoke Smith of Georgia.. As a young woman she was a confirmed invalid until thc healing incident which ushered her to thc threshold of Christian Science. In 1843 Mrs. Eddy married. George Washington Glover and removed with him to Charleston, S. C. A few months after their marriage Major Glover was stricken with yellow fever and died in Wilming ton, N. C. Mrs. Glover returned to the home of her relative in Tilton, N. H., where her son was born. In 1853 in the hope of regaining possession of her son, from whom she had been obliged by circumstan ces to separate, Mrs. Eddy married Dr. Daniel Patterson, a dentist of Franklin, N. H. It was in 1866 that Mrs. Eddy met with the accident which was the im mediate cause of her "discovery" of Christian Science. She was living at that time at Swampscott, just outside of Lynn. She fell on the ice and was injured internally so se verely that the physician who was called gave no hope of her recovery. Ignoring the medicine which had been prescribed, Mrs. Eddy, in her extremity, turned to her Bible and cal ?med to have received such in spiration and spiritual enlighten ment from the account of thc heal ing of the man with the palsy that she arose from her bed a well wo man. Following this remarkable incident Mrs. Eddy spent three years in seeking an explanation of her healing. She had always been a stu dent of philosophy, was acquainted somewhat with homeopathy, had ex amined thc claims of animal mag netism and spiritualism and was an earnest student of thc Bible. After her discovery of the healing power of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy made frequent applications of her theory to existing '. conditions. She tested her metaphysical system in the treatment of disease and it is said to have met with remark- ; able success. Mrs. Eddy secured a divorce from Dr. Patterson and in 1877 married Dr. Asa. C. Eddy, one of her early students in Christian Science, who died~in 1882. For some years Mrs. Eddy taught Christian Science in Lynn. In 1881 she chartered the Massachusetts Metaphysical College In Boston. The charier for the first ! Christian Science church was ob tained in 1879 and in that year Mrs. Eddy was called to become the pas tor of the church. She was ordain ed in 1881, although she had preach ed Ave years previously. Appealing For Panama Exposition. New Orleans.-Headed by Mayor Martin Behrman of New Orleans, a large delegation of Louisiana citi zens are in Washington to press be fore Congress the claims of this city for an exposition. Fought Duel With Swords. Paris.-A desperate duel with swords v?as fought in the outskirts of Paris by the light of torches and automobile lamps. The principals in "the duel were M.. Raucourt, an actor, and M. Champagne. China Will Expand Navy. Peking.-An important step has been taken by China with the object of expanding and increasing thc ef ficiency of her army and navy. The throne bas issued edicts creat ing a Navy Department, which up to the present, has consisted merely of a tentative board for the conduct of naval affairs. Prince Tsai Suun. uncle of the Emperor, who recent ly paid an extensive visit to the United States, has been appointed president of the new department. Confederate Reunion May 16-18. New Orleans-George W. Gordon, general commanding thc United Confederate Veterans, announces that the date of the next annual re union of United Confederate Veter ans, which will be held in Little Rock, Ark., have been fixed for May 16, 17 and 18, 19H. He announced also that the Confederate Southern Memorial Asociation would hold its meeting in Little Rock simultan eously. This is expected to be one of the greatest reunions. Preacher R?tracts Public Statement. Blairvilie, Pa.-In his pulpit here Rev. W. L. Barrett, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, publicly retracted thc statement made in a recent sermon upon which Gover nor-elect John K. Tener based a suit for criminal libel. The minis ter said that the statement he made in.his pulpit on October 23, to the effect thal the then candidate for Governor had benn peen in an intox icated eondilion in Ki Maning, wa? based on information gi', en by Rev W. A. Roulston of Vandergrift. GAVE UP BUSINESS. So Weak He Could Not Work. Philip Huber, 351 Cummunipaw St, Jersey City, N. J., says: "Three years ago I was compelled to sell my busL ness. Kidney trouble had made me so sick that for eight months I was too weak to work and al most too miserable to live. I began using Doan's Kidney Pills at that critical pe riod and the results were beyond my ex pectations. I have bought back my business and occa sionally work 18 hours a day without ill effect. Doan's Kidney Pills have made this possible and I cannot rec ommend them too highly." Remember the name-Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. As Time Passes. "Before you were married you used to send your wife flowers." 'Yes," replied Mr. Meekton. "Now it takes a diamond necklace to make her as enthusiastic as she used to be over a five-dollar bunch of roses." 16 YEARS OF SKIN DISEASE "For sixteen long years I have been suffering with a bad case of skin dis ease. While a child there broke out a red sore on the legs just In back of my knees. It waxed from bad to worse, and at last I saw I had a bad skin disease. I tried many widely known, doctors in different cities but to no satisfactory result. The plague both ered me more in warm weather than in winter and being on my leg joints It made it impossible for me to Walk, and I was forced to stay indoors in the warmest weather. My hopes of recov ery were by this time spent. Sleepless nights and restless days made life an unbearable burden. At last I was advised to try the Cuticura remedies [Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills] and I did not need more than a trial to convince me that I was on the road of success this time. I bought two sets of the Cuticura Remedies and after these were gone I was a differ ent man entirely. I am now the hap piest man that there is at least one true care for skin diseases.. Leonard A. Hawtof, ll Nostrand Ave., Brook lyn, N .Y., July 30 and Aug. 8, '09." Repentance as a habit would keep one turning in a circle. Constipation causes many serious dis eases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One a laxative, three for cathartic. > It's no use praying to be delivered from temptation unless you want to be divorced from sin. For HEADACHE-Hicks? CAPCDINE Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capudino will relieve yon. It's liquid-pleasant to take-acts immedi ately. Try it. 10c, 25c., and 50 cents at drug stores. The man who thinks more of his pigs than he does of bis wife and babies is the devil's idea of what a husband and father should be. important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Signature of C&//?fM^SSlV. In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have AlwayB Bought. Some Consolation. Mrs. Gramercy-My husband is anxious to get rid of me. Mrs. Park-Don't cry, dear. In that case be won't haggle over the ali mony.-Smart Set. Lady Uses Tetterine For Eczema. Edgar Springs. Mo., July 15, 190S. The Eczema on my face usually appears in the spring and your salve always helps lt. I use no other preparation but Tet terine and find it superior to any on the market. Respectfully. Elsie M. Judvlne. Tetterine cures Eczema. Tetter, Itching Piles, Ring Worm and every form or Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterine 50c: Tetterine Soap 25c. At druggists or by mail direct from The Shuptrlne Co., Sa vannah, Ga. With every mail order for Tetterine we give a box of ShuDtrlne's 10c Liver Pills free. May Be Wooden-Headed. Caller-I didn't know your Bon was at college. Is this hi? freshman year? Mrs. Bunderby-Ob, no, indeed; he's a sycamore. MIX THIS FOR RHEUMATISM Easily Prepared and Inexpensive and Really Does the Work, Says Noted Authority. Thousands of men and women who have felt the sting and torture of that dread disease, Rheumatism, which is no respecter of age, persons, sex, color or rank, will be interested to know that it is one of the easiest af - filetions of the human body to con quer. Medical science has proven it not a distinct disease in itself, but a symptom caused by inactive kidneys. Rheumatism Is uric acid in the blood and other waste products of the sys tem which should be filtered and strained out in the form of urine. The function of the kidneys is to sift these poisons and acids out and keep the blood clean and pure. The kidneys however, are of sponge-like substance, the holes -or pores of which will some times, either from overwork, cold or exposure become clogged, and failing In their function of eliminating these poisons from the blood, they remain in the veins, decompose and settling about the joints and muscles, cause the untold suffering and pain of rheu matism and backache, often producing complications of bladder and urinary disease, and general weakness. The following simple prescription is said to relieve the worst cases of rheumatism because of its direct ac tion upon the blood and kidneys, re lieving, too, the most severe forms of bladder and urinary troubles: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com pound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bot tle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at b?dtime. The in gredients can be had from any pre scription pharmacy, and are absolutely harmless and safe to use at any time. A.C.L.&S. A.L. INDICTED Charged With Violations of Sher Anti-Trust Law.-Grain Carried at Illegal Rates. Savannah, Ga.-After hearing tes timony for several days the Federal grand jury of the United Stales court for southern district of Geor gia has handed down indictments charging infringement of thc anti trust laws on the part of three large corporations and two individ uals. The Atlantic Coast - Line Railway and Seaboard Air Line Railway were each jointly, indicted with the Merchants and Miners Transportation Company for spe cific violations of the Sherman anti trust and Elkins laws, while Harvie Miller and Morris Miller, grain mer chants and members of the firm bf L. F. Miller & Sons of Philadelphia. The Merchants and Miners Trans portation Company was. indicted three times, once as a sole offen der, and twice in connection with the Seaboard Air Line and the At lantic Coast Line railways. Morris F. Miller and Harvie C. Miller, of Philadelphia, were immediately ar rested and placed under bonds of $25,000 each. f The indictments are lengthy, covering in one instance 75 pages. In each indictment specific allega tions are made of the acts which constituted the alleged infractions of the trust laws. Dates are given when the de fendants are alleged to have, u;..! shipments over the lines named al rates less than those on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission". The Miller brothers put them selves in thc jurisdiction of the Uni- ' ted Stales court for the southern district o' Georgia through their shipmenls into this district over the lines of thc three corporations indicted. ' , The beginning of the investiga tion against the defendants arose from complaints registered with thc Interstate Commerce Commission during the summer, to the effect that the Miller firm had effectively destroyed competition in groin shipments over an enormous terri tory embracing points along the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, and in the Soulh Atlantic Stales., The first connection of the . rail roads and the Millers arose during the hearing before Commissioner Clements at Philadelphia in which it developed that the Pennsylvania system had sold its Philadelphia elevator to the Keystone Elevator Company. L. F. Miller & Sons con trolled this latter company and were responsible for shipments to the South over both the railroads indicted and upon vessels of the steamship company nt rates much less than those on file with the commission. In addition to this infraction of thc law, it was found that grain shipped from Western to Eastern points enjoyed thc export rales -in stead of domestic, a M a saving of from one lo three cents on each hundred pounds was effected by the Philadelphia firm. Tillman's Son .Sued by Wife. Columbia, S. C.-Mrrs. Lucy ?Sgas Tillman has begun proceedings in the Edgefield county court lo re cover from her husband, B. R. Till man. Jr.. Senator Tillman's son, S13.730.08 which she alleges the de fendant owes her from the income from her property. The suit is an outgrowth of the sensational habeas corpus proceedings which Mrrs. Lucy Dupas Tillman brought against Senator Tillman and his wife for the ret ivory of her two children, whom her husband had deeded to tho Senator. The "action resulled in a victory for young Mrs. Tillman. End of Denominational Schools? Fitzgerald, Ga.-That within ten years there would be little use for the denominational seminaries and colleges scattered through the States, as their places would be filled by the modern high schools, and that only the higher institu tions of learning would be kept up by the Churches was the statement made herc by Dean Walter Agnew of thc Chattanooga University as he spoke before the Georgia Confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in session here. Church Union Committees Action. Baltimore-Thc joint commission of twenty seven, representing thc Methodist Episcopal, the Methodist Protestant. and the Southern Methodist Churches appointed a committee of nine to further con sider the matter of union or closer relations of the churches and re port lo another meeting of the whole commission which will be held at Chattanooga, Tenn., next spring. The committee was in ses sion here three days. Calhoun Family Contest a Will. Washington-Members of the Cal houn family that John C. Calhoun made famous came before the Su preme Court of the United States in an endeavor to regain possession ol' the "Calhoun plantation" in Green wood county, Soulh Carolina. The arguments were made in the Su preme Court Chamber, formerly the Senate chamber, (he very room in which John C. Calhoun so offen triumphed in debate. The planta tion was owned by Downs Calhoun when he died in 1850. School Marni's New Method. Asheville, N. C.-There is one school teacher in the public schools of Buncombe who believes more education is necessary than that gleaned from books. Miss Josephine Bundy has induced, the boys in her school to grow corn; she has taught them the science of corn growing and with the aid of experienced fanners has made a success nf thc ven I ure. The boys of her school have grown corn I his year on va cant lois and early this monlli a corn show will bc held at the school RED CROSS SEAL IN HISTORY First Used During the American Civil War-Now an Aid in Fight ing Tuberculosis. Red Cross Christmas seals date back in their origin to "charity stamps," first used for the soldiers' relief funds in Boston in 1862, during the Civil war. After the war, this method of raising money was discon tinued in this country for a genera tion, although lt found vogue In Por tugal, Switzerland, Australia, France, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Sweden and other European coun tries. There are now several hun dred different types of charity stamps used in all parts of the world. Stamps or seals were first used to get money for the anti-tuberculosis crusade in Norway and Sweden in 1904. After being used in theso coun tries for three years, as a direct re sult of the interest of Jacob Riis in this movement, the Delaware Anti Tuberculosis association, headed by Miss Emily P. Bissell, and the ned Cross society of Delaware combined In issuing a tuberculosis stamp. So successful was this campaign that nearly $3,000 WLS realized, and the next year, in 1908, the American Red Cross was induced to issue a national Red Cross tuberculosis stamp. From this sale,^ $135,000 was realized, that amouui. ieing almost doubled In 1909. This year, for the first time, the sale ls organized-on a comprehensive basis, taking in all parts of the United States. A million for tuber culosis work is confidently expected. THEIR FATE. Mrs. Crow-William, hav? you ever stopped to think what will become of us when we are old? Mr. Crow-Oh! I suppose wee'll wind up as quail on toast at some ta ble d'hote restaurant. YOUR STOMACH FEELS FINE. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sourness, Gas and All Stomach Misery Ended In Five Minutes. This harmless preparation will promptly digest anything you eat and overcome a sick, sour, gassy or out-of order stomach within five minutes. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have hcartbuni,thatis a sign of Indigestion. Gc? from any drug store here in town a 50-cent case of Pape's Diapep sln and take a dose Just as soon as you can. There will be no sour ris ings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the- stomach, Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain regula tor for out-of-order stomachs, and be Gldes it take3 hold of your food and digests it just the same as If your stomach wasn't there. These large 50-cent cases contain j more than sufficient to thoroughly ; cure any case of Dyspepsia, Indiges- : tion or any other stomach disorder. Remember, if your stomach feels j out of order and uncomfortable now, you can get relief in five minutes by taking a little Diapepsin. Discouraging. "George," 6aid her husband's wife, "I dou't believe you have smoked one ol' those cigars I gave you on your birthday." "That's right, my deaf," replied his wife's husband. "I'm going to keep them until our Willie wants to learn j to smoko " SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE will cure any possible case of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, and the like nmong horses of all ages, and prevents all others in the tame stable from having the disease. Also jures chicken cholera, and dog distemper. Any good druggist can supply you, or send to mfrs. 50 c:mts and $1.00 a bottle. Agents wanted. Free book. Spohn Medical Co., Spec. Contacious Diseases. Goshen, Ind. The humble man never believes he ls wortil less or he would have noth ing worth being humble about. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens thc gums, reduces lnflainina tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, Soc a bottle. It is no use sighing to be a sun if you are not burning the little lamp you have. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pi Is thc best of all medicines for thc disorders and weaknesses peculiar to only preparation of its kind devised by ated physician-an experienced and si thc diseases of women. It - j a safe medicine in any conditio THE ONE REMEDY vrhich cont and no injurious habit-forming di creates no craving for such stimul THE ONE REMEDY so good ti aro not afraid to print its even each ou tside bottle - wrapper ant truthfulness of tho same under oi It is sold by medicine dealers every* ?et it. Don't take a substitute of unk ?NOWN COMPOSITION. No counterfeit is who says something else is "just as go< or is trying to deceive you for his own 6 trusted. He is trifling with your mo: may bo your life itself. See that you gi Co!or moro ooodt brighter end faster colors than any ol an; garment without ripping apart Write Ipr free fccok 9 Eminent Doctors Qt Your Service Free NOTA PENNY TO PAY FOR FULLEST MEDICAL EXAMINATION BY MAIL If 3'ou are in jloubt as to the cause of your disease, or fed the need of medical advice, address a letter to Munyon's staff of eminent special ists, and they will send you an examination blank, which you will fill out and return to them. They will then diagnose your case and tell you what to do, absolutely free of charge. You do not put }*ourself under any obligation to them, and they will not feel hurt if you do not follow their advice. If they prescribe Munyon's Remedies and you decide to . take the treatment, it goes with a guarantee of satisfaction or money refunded. Address Munyon's Doctors, Munyon's Laboratories, 53d & Jefferson Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Willi Tiietr Hands Seamstresses, watch-makers, art ists, draughtsmen, and many others, Cannot properly handle their tools with cold, stiff hands. Many a lost hour or two on cold winter morn ings results from the delayed heat of furnace or stove. The Perfection Oil Heater in a few minutes gives the tempera ture that assures the worker warm hands and pliable muscles. The Absolutely smokeless and odorless quickly gives beat, and with one filling of the font burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. Has automatic-locking flame spreader which prevents thc vick from being turned high enough tc smoke, and is easy to remove end drop back so the wick can be quickly cleaned. It has L mper top and ? cool handle. Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The f --cap does not need to be screwed down ; it is put in like a cork in a bottle, ana is attached to the font by a chain, and cannot get lost. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new device In construction, and consequently, it can always be easily unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection is finished in japan or nickel, is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dealers Everywhere. If r.ot at yours, artie for descriptive circuler to the nearest cheney of the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) ?Ul as a wire Sold by ?DeaSore Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Doilsrs Everywhers sehold Lubricant THE ALL-AROUND OIL SN THE HANDY, EVER-READY TIN OILER \ Is specially selected for any need In the home. Saves tools from rusting. Can can not break. Does not gum or become rancid. {STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) _ NOW; ?10 to $30 an acre, according to location. Tvro crops a year; 00 to 100 bushels of corn or oats to acre. Fine fruit country. Mild winters; pleasant summers. Best and cheapest lands in U. 3. To locate in section with brightest future, write Frank Weldon, Atlanta, Ga. Keeps the spindle bright ?nd free from grit. Try a box? Sold by dealers everywhere; STANDARD OIL CO. ?IncorsoratadJ 9 Restores Cray Hair to Natural Color/ nCRI0VC8 DANDRUFF AMO SCURF loTicorr.tcs and prevents tho hoir from falling ofll For 831. by Druggists, or 8ont Direct by XAFJTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia 7iUc tl Per Bottle; Jampia Dollie 35c Send (or Circulan You start sickness by mistreating natnn and it generally shows first in the bowell and liver. A ioc box (week'streatment) of CASCARETS will help nature helf you. They will do mort;-using thea regularly as you need them-than anj medicine on Earth. Get a box today; take a CASCARET tonight. Better in the morning. It's the result that makes millions take them. gg] CASCARETS ioc a box for a week's treatment, all druggists. Biggest seller in the world. Million boxes a month. DEFS?HCE ST?RCSS-ruSS .-other Ftarch??J only 12 ounces-fame price and "DEFIANCE" CS SUPERIOR QUALITY. .e : cure of diseases, women. It is the a regularly gradu? lilied specialist ia n of the system, nins no alcohol rugs oed which ants. lat its rockers r ingredient oa 1 attest to tho nth. herc, and any dealer who hasn't it can nowa composition for this medicine OP as good as the genuine and the druggist yi es Dr. Pierce's" is either mistaken elfish benefit. Such a man is not to bc st priceless possession-your health ?t what you ask for. ITCH CURED IN 30 MINUTES, By One Application of ( Dr. David's Sanative Wash We guarantee DR. DAVID'S SANATIVE WASH to cure any case of Itch in SO min utes, if used according to directions, or we will refund your money. If your Dog has Scratches or Mange Dr. David'? Sanative Wash will cure him at once. Price, 50 Cents a Bottle It cannot be mailed. DeliTered at your nearest empress office free, upon receipt of 75 cents. OWENS & MINOR DRUG CO. Richmond Virginia GET A SAW from Lombard Iron Work?, Augus ta, Ga. Make money sawing neigh bor's timber when gin engin? is idle after the crops are laid by. jsM^BBMi R H C 14/0 M A SJ AT EVERY POSTOFFICE H RC I'/'I I"! Wis to furnish uame6ofrespon. W,,,? nUlfinil BlD|eV?.0ple. Goodpayfor regalar correspondent. Write today sending m.mes of six families. Oriental Art Calendar Free. J. s. OGDEN, 816 Main St., Lynchburg,Va. wanted in every town. An oppor tunity to earn big money. Kxclaslvo territory. No experience necessary. ?.lalllcHit.< o., t OEFMNCE STARCH S?Sf VY. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 50-1910. YES ?her djp. One iOc oackaga cojera sil fibers. The: dye in cold water ?.eller than any other dys. You can dra lot-How to DM, Bleach and Mis Colon. MONROE flfWL CO., Quincy, /WooferT JLi?L? Si