Oldest Newspaper ^South Carolina. VOL. 75. EDGEFIELD, S. C., WEDNESDAY? NOVEMBER 2,1910 ESSAY THAT 1 BOYS COR] Hammond Carmicha lar Prize For Wi The essential thin? in tlie raising of corn is the soil. The soil should he thoroughly incorporated with "hnraua" or partly decayed vegeta ble matter which keeps the land in a loose, loamy condition, helps ab sorb and retain moisture and also N keeps the land from washing. As \ to the preparation of the land wo do not think excessive deep plough ' - ing is. necessary-"humus" being -more essential than deep ploughing. Judging from my experience this year I am more convinced that it is ; the condition of the soil and not the deep ploughing that makes the best corn. My land had not been broken in eighteen months and when I went in there in April it was about knee high in wild oats, clover and vetch which were very difficult to turn \ under even with two strong mules. Also harrowing thoroughly did 'pot break up the large grass turfs. &. intended planting my corn on the fevel considering the lowness of the land, but on account of the rough ness was compelled to list or bed it out which was done with ordinary - plough not so very deep. It was not bedded out to get it deep but merely to get a clean seed bed. As to the fertilizers, I applied about five hundred and fifty pounds of the low grade 8-si-l? under it at first which was mixed with the soil by running a scooter with a heel sweep. As you will see the above?fertili zer contains very little ammonia which I now think was unnecessary at that time as the soil was full of humus, the season wet, and the growth very rapid. I used Garricks /prolific f.'ora seed grown in the .: Neighborhood. They were'--drilled by hand ;o . insure a good stand. ";jl W^???? A?as~ ?>vat?t?itrt ; ?u>: row ou either side and the bed knocked off with jja board. Before the corn was up good I ran a center furrow with a scooter. As soon as it wa? up good a five tooth cultiva tor was run around it. My rows were about four feet apart and my effort was to leave it about twelve I inches in the drill which I did by. chopping it out with a hoe. After hoeing and thinning I ran around it with a scooter. In about a week I put two more furrows with half | shovel or bar wing leaving a balk about a foot wide. The corn then was about knee high. Then I ap plied on the middle about four hun dred pounds of 8-3;3 and put two more furrows with half shovel which still left a small middle of about three inches which I never had an opportunity to break out on account of the rains. After this at I intervals of about a week I ran through it twice more with five I tooth cultivator. At the last culti vation I applied one hundred and J =fifty pounds nitrate soda mixed with one hundred pounds of kanit. Af ter this the continuous rains kept the ground in such a wet condition that further work was impossible. My results were very good, part of the land being too wet. Where it had sufficient drainage I made at the ratea of ninety bushels per acre. Now I cannot see where the nitrate Mail orders j J. WILLIE LEVY Announces au ? In the newest and best things for Men, women and children to wear this fall. Our ladies ready-to-wear Suits, I furnishings show the greatest assort to.wear Goods. We've provided res their headquarters while shopping in These are our reception ?a buy, call and see us and ma I? Augusta THE J. WILL Augusta, WON THE Si CLUB PRIZE bl Won Fifteen Dol iting Best Essay of soda was of much benefit to my corn as it seemed to mature it ear lier than the com on either side which received none. Although I did not win a prize, you will note I only used twelve hundred pounds of fertilizers and did very little work but made sev enty-two bushels. It is a question with me how close to plant corn for best results. Is it easier to make two ears on two stalks on two ears one stalk? Hammond Carmichael. What the Thorn weil Orphanage Has. The Thornwell Orphanage is the property of the Presbyterian Synods of S. C., Ga., and Florida and is located at Clinton, S. C. During 35 years it has had a wonderful his Ltoiy. L It has a self-sacrificing Presi dent, who conceived the idea of the Orphanage, built it to its tremen dous proportions, and who served it all these years without a penny of salary. 2. It has twenty-three buildings on the "grounds: Cottages, Church, Library, Museum, Schools, Infirma ry, Assembly Hall, Kitchen, Laun dry, etc. 3. It has Manual and Collegiate Courses. 4. It has 300 children that are being cared for and educated. 5. It has very little endowment and need of at least 8150,000. 6. It has a promise of ?5,000 on condition that wo mise ?20,000 by the last of the year. 7. It has friends in Darlington County who gaye #2,000 as their ^hvire ofthe^l5^0?O;... 8. IL had sot" a?iTe lhe 9th day of -Dec. as Thornwell Orphanage Eu ri o\vmemTDay, nnrrorrrttiat'Uay' fiax> men will canvass in your town ii. tiia interest of the Endowment. And finally in ' ou we have friends who will s?e that the badly needed endowment is raised. J. B. Branch, Assistant to the President. Clinton, S. C. Success. A kind lady, as she gave a tramp a large piece of cherry pie, said : "But have you never made an effort to get work?" "Oh, yes, ma'am," said the tramp, balancing the pie skillfully so that none of its contents spilled. "Oh, yes, ma'am. I got work for three members of my family last week, but none of them would take it.-Minneapolis Journal. In Society. Pat: "An' phwat the devil is a chafin' dish?" Mike: "Whist! Ut's a fryin' pan .what's got into society."-Boston Transcript. For Rent: My five-horse farm three miles north of Meeting Street on the Ninety-Six road. Apply to Mrs. M. Kate Mims or E. J. Mims, Edgefield, S. C. >romptIy filled CO., of Augusta, tu mn opening Suits and Over coats for men and boys. Not only the best but the most of the best. Raincoats, Shirts, Shirtwaists and meat of High-class women's Ready t rooms for ladies to rest and make the city. We want you to use them. y8. Even if you don't want to ? this your headquarters in I? LEVY CO., Georgia. ROTATION OF C30PS. Timely Article Published in The Progressive Farsner Concerning Proper Ro tation cr Cor:? Throughout a largo aroa ol the Colton Bolt thor? will h?' praeti 'cally no top crop. Hence if the supply of labor permits, many :\ held will bo cleared ot' cort?n at an early date. This early removal ol cotton permits a greater range of choice as to thc best crop tb grow next year where cotton grew this year. If we were asked to irvine what might be called a standard rotation for the cotton states it would u-ad like this: First year, cotton. Second year, corn with cowpeas between the rows. Third yeai", oats followed by cow peas. Fourth year, cotton. This gives half of tho land in cotton, and is general!;, recognized as a very practical plan. The chief' reason why cotton is here followed by corn lies in the fact that corn is easily removed, whatever the char acter of the season, in time for the planting of fall oats, while Cotton usua'ly occupies the land too late for the best growth of oats. However, the exceptionally early date at which mauy fields this year will be free of cotton makes it pos sible to construct a rotation just as good or better than the above be having oats instead of corn to fol low cotton. As between the two crop?, the ad vantage ot' the .-mall grain iies large ly in the fact that it ?vtiuiris the expenditure of less lab >r per acre than does the growth of corn, li-nc*, thc larmer in a locality where labor is scarce or growing scarce! ... 1 year by yeai: substitute small grain: for a part of bis corn. i ?lis by no means implies that mo pr duerion of cuni will bu necket-d or C ? creased. Un thc 01;.. !. . tb? Condition just nifia:..:.(.ri , * > every inducement io n.ake'a uia.\.? ' ;rqni?.yjeldj>f com On. a mininiup'! amount i':' land. An iu'tditional . lyanUj. . wi) ic ii Ort ts ha v ? iii* comp red will, con., ;s the fact timi a in ; ... growl! cf cowpva.^ isi itsuaiij ;;, -.iiK-d ;?;. sowing these alter otis than b; planting them h: e i v :v. this is by no means a uni verrai .nie. Moreover, the wow peas th in grown as the cxc?n-dvt ? -.. y. , oats, may bu much u-.-- J .. ?o .. cali;/ harvested than iii os? i i.? corn field. Thc point of this article i-. not to imply that an acre of oats i* bettci than acre of corn, bu:, that those farmers wiro wish to increase . acreage of oats have this year an unusual opportunity to cio so. The error that too m no ' rmei will fail into ucxi ye tr ; ill be in planting too larg, an acreage in . ton. This wili probaoiy ;e espec* ially fatal at that time, since we may expect a universal attempt to produce a large cotton crop in ID L1 induced by lim present high uric; of the staple.- Ir the atleinpi ii successful, there H the probabilit: of lower prices next year than now prevail. Hence, the wisest policy is slightly to rea.ice th? aereado in cotton aud to alteinpi to make ... least the same number of b.tles by more intensive cultivation ol int smaller area, it is none loo early now to make plans for this reduc tion, the first atep in which con sists in putting into profitable use the poorer acres now in cotton. This may well be done by sowing them ia oats, to be followed by any of the legumes next summer, for example, by cowpeas or velvet beans, or soy beans or peanuts. Witty Toasts. A publisher once gave the follow ing: "Woman, the fairest work in all Ceation. The edition is large, and no nun should bu without a copy." Further in regard to the fair sex, we have: Woman-she needs no eulogy. She speaks for herself." "Woman, the bitter half of man." In regard to matrimony some bachelor once gave, "Marriage, thc gate through which the happy lovel leaves his enchanted ground and returns to ea tn." At the marriage ?d' a deaf and dumb couple some wit wished them "unspeakable bliss." At a 6upper given to a writer of comedies a way said: ''The writer's very good health. May he live to be as old as his jokes." From a law critic: l'l'h? bondi and the bar. If it were not for the bar there would be little use for the bench."-London Tit-Bits. i Z?GEZLELB'S MARKET; ; P.?:pre?-:n?.-.riv'e Citizen Directs J ?ttertl?oii to TI-? C^r.di'Jon'l, of Edge?k ci?5 Cotton ' ' ! :- - - J . ' -.-- . : j ? Mr. Ediior: j lt70??:ht bc ;v,..??. ot cotton passed right." thro tish 1 - >.'..?'.:? "?ju'are a:id in? lt:. tiXlo.-. v.-rr-? i'?*.'.-.T r?l?rSi a- .. . h ?tim eui bft - n g.V crti; .....?,. ' W^-wood nr. - ,i. !.l. . ??>iper;f> ^ro-.ig else where. Plenty ot cotton has gone from D. B. Hollings worth's -jin to other markets. Why is ii that we get so little cotton from beyond Huiet's ('ross roads? Where has all of that Meeting Street, Elmwood, and Pleasant Laue cotton been marketed? And why has it not been brought to l?dget?eld? These people buy their supplies and borrow their money here and they bring their cotton here if our market was as good. It need not be any bcttei-only as good. Will these L'armera return next spring to buy groceries, guano, implements and dry goods or will they continue to patronize other towns? Isn't it very logical for them to burrow their money here when they lind a better market for their colton? It might be worth while to see how the bank deposits of November 1st, 1000. and Novem ber 1st, 1U10, compare. Thc result may not sh??w its full i\?ree until November 1st, 1911, but it must ie sooner or latvr, i J : preso: d::i,m> -v.il. E. Ed; NOTICE. I have my gasoline engine now instail .(: rt::d am pi up in ii to do all grinding. Thanking my friends and patrons for waiting so patiently on me, W. R. Parks. Parksville, & C. JOHNSTON LETTER. Many Delightful Attentions ""Showered" Upon .Miss Wertz. Chrysanthemum Show Saturday. ? .One of the pleasantest affairs of ?the past week, was the miscellane ous shower given Miss Dosia Wertz, ?1Q bride-to-be, by the D. of C., on Wednesday afternoon. The home of ?irs. Wm. Lee Coleman was thrown open for the occasion, and was very attractive with tall vases of red and white roses, with here and there an intermingling of the small Confed erate flags. A very enjoyable pro gram was arranged, . Variations, "Old black Joe," Miss Gynn. Vocal solo, "A garden of roses," Mrs. Boyd. Vocal solo, "Oh, Dosia, my heart's queen," Mrs. White. Instrumental solo, "Love's valse," Miss Gynn. In tho corner of the parlor was a Confederate tent, with floating flags, tnd Miss Wertz was seated in front jf this and with red and .white Streamers drew forth the gifts. To the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march all went out to the lining hall where refreshments *ere served. As Miss Wertz entered the doorway, rice was showered up on her from a large red bell sus pended. Toasts were given by Mes dames Ivy, Cobb Coleman and W-hite&.Souvenir3 of this happy c&flpon wero white bells, with "D. zes m The V Oafs Contestl ;?' : : <\ \ E. ?. XiTCHII\G th" vi s S prizo, $10 in gold, i an aero, and Mr. B. D. \?iiz?, ?5 in gold, made 52 3-8 j v C., Oct. 2Glh, '10" in red letters. The red clappers were filled with i'ioe which the departing guests showered upon Miss Wertz. On Saturday afternoon, Miss Wertz was given an apron shower) by Mrs. William Len Coleman and this occasion v' was happiness ali merriment. .Miss Wertz was verv aiuvictiva in a gold tinted crepe-de-oliine with yoke and trim ming bf gold sequims.With this she wore a large plumed velvet hat. Musical selections with a reading, "The honey-moon," by Mrs. Cole man was enjoyed, and all were in vited by the hostess into the sitting room, where she said, was some ono she wished all to meet. There stood a most life-like figure of "Aunt I Dinah," whose ample body was covered with a dusting apron. Miss j Wertz removed this apron, and there appeared another, and still another, until 18 aprons, of every variety was hers. From here, ali were seated in the dining hall where I a salad course with sweets and coffee served. At each cover, was a receipt book in white and gold, the colors of the approaching marriage, which the guests filled with useful receipts and presented Miss Wertz j for future use. Mrs. Frank Crouch, of Ander son, is spending some time at the home of her father, Mr. S. J. Wat son. Mr. Will Hoyt, of Asheville, N. C., is here for a visit. Mrs. Laura Read3r is quite sick al her home near town. The union meeting held with Dry Creek church on Saturday and ?Sunday was largely attended by members of the Baptist durch here. Dr. Dorsett preached the ser mon on Sunday morning. Miss Josie Mobley has gone to Athens, Ga., to attend the marriage [Continued on page 8} THE SECO? EDGEFIEL1 Fair Brilliant Suc< Exhibits, Li The second annual county f has been held and a new reci made, a new standard set for Ed: field. The exhibits were more i nierons, of greater vari:ty and o higher class than those of last ye The people of the county should very proud of the success that 1 been achieved, and the officers a managers are entitled to sinc< thanks and grateful appreciation : their increasing efforts, which mc than anything else made the fai; success. The weather was ideai throughc the three days, and the attendai was highly gratifying to the rm agement. The gate receipts whi will five some idea of the inures in at endancc day by day were follows: 1st day, ?140.85; 2nd da S350.50; 3rd day, $513.55. Besid these amounts, the sum of $111. was received from the carnival. T fair association will meet all ct rent expenses this year but, owii to the permanent improvemer made, chiefly the erection of an a ditional large building, a debt w be carriid over to next year. It should be distinctly understo< that the fair was never intended bea money making enterprise 1 those who originally took stock the association. Kot a gingie oflic receives a penny for his service Several of Edgefield's busiest rn? have for several weeks been ne lecting their private interests in o der to give their time and attentic to the fair. There was one disappointment the management in connection wii the fair and that was the carniyt The aggregation of shows proved be a disapointment but efforts a already being made to secureMghi class carnival for next year. The music, which was furnishc by the band engag^?^^iependentl o? the carnival, was good but vei Expensive. Some idea of the expel see of conducting a fair eani.T gained by the cost of thc b&n< which was about f'230 for the thrc days. Wednesday. The exhibits having been receii ed and placed in proper position th afternoon before by thc several su perintendents, the gates to th grounds opened Wednesday mon ing to admit visitors. The feature o the forenoon was the exhibition o stock in the arena. At noon Senato E. 1). Smith delivered a very prac tical address inhis accustomed vigoi ous style. The automobile parade took plac in the afternoon. Five cars in gala attire entere? the arena, presenting a sight neve before witnessed in Edge-field. Tb car of Mr. J. D. Holstein Jr., wa awarded first prize by the judges all of whom were non-residents o the county. Mr. Holstein's car was beautifully decorated with pink ant evergreens, with dozens of yarde ol festooning gracefully draped aboul it. The young ladies who occupied the car with the handsome young driver carried large Japanese um brellas. The car to win the second prize was owned and driven by Mr. H. W. Hughes, the popular and effi cient young cashier of the Bank of Trenton. This large Rambler was entirely covered with yellow, the marvelously beautiful effect of the whole being heightened by the scores of large yellow Chrysanthe mums that adorned, the prominent parts of the machine. Four lovely Trenton young ladies occupied the machine with Mr. Hughes. Thc car to receive the third prize was that of Dr. S. A. Morrall, being occupied by its owner and Mrs. Frank Miller. The color scheme of this dainty little car was red and white, being arranged with wonder ful taste and skill. Dr. J. S. Byrd's car was also very attractively decorated, and was occupied by Dr. Byrd and Mr. L. T. May. The car that entered at the eleventh hour, too late for elaborate decorations, was that of Hon. W. A. Strom driven by his litt.e nine year-old son, William, accompa nied by little Miss Ouida Pattison. The skill with which this little chauffeur handled his machine caused both surprise and admiration. Floral Awards. The following is the premium list for the floral department of the county fair: No. 1. For best eight varieties one bloom each: First prize, hand some dresser given by the Edge field Mercantile Company-Mrs J. i J ' ANNUAL COUNTY FAIR s, Highly Creditable e Attendance. D. Holstein. Second best: handsome rocking chair given by Ramsey Sc Jones.-* Mrs. A. B. Broadwater. Third best, bolt of cloth given by Beaver Dam Milk-Mrs. Kat? Mims. No. 2. For best three varieties j? white, one bloom each: First prize, box octagon soap given by May di Prescott-Mrs. A. S. Tornows. Second best, one pair of blanket* given by J. Hubenstein-Mrs. A? B. Broadwater. Third best, fifty pounds of Ome ga flour given by R. L. Dunovant -Mrs. W. B. Cogburn. . No. 3. Finest collection of pink: First prize, piece of out glass given by Penn S: Holstein-Mrs. Kate Mims. -1 ' Second best, fifty pounds floor given by Bi. L. Dunovant-Miss Sophie Dobson. , Third best, fifty pounds flour .giv en by R. L. Dunovant-Mw. R. 8* Anderson. No. 4. Finest collection of yellow? - First prize, ladies' hand bag given by W. H. Turner-Mrs. Kate Mims. Second best, orange bowl (rivets' j j? by Lynch drug store-Mrs. J. H. Allen. Third best, fifty pounds of Ome ga flour given by R. L. Dunovant -Mrs. \V. B. Cogburn. No. 5. Greatest number of fine ones on one plant: One pair of ladies' Red Cross shoes given by Rives Bros-Mrs. A. B. Broad water. No. 8. Finest single white: Fir? prize, one sweater given* by W> A%. Hart-Mrs. T. J. Hunter. , Second best, Swift's premium ham given by H. H. Sande? Mfgr-Av-B. Broadwater. Third best, twenty-five pounds ol? Grandeur flour given by W. W. Adams & -Co.. No. 7. Finest Bingle yellow: j?iiBtt prize, one umbrella from Dorn ifs Mims Mrs. Robert Marsh. Second best, twenty-five pounds of Grandeur flour given by W. W. Adams & Co. No. 8. Finest single red: First prize, one picture given by J. W? Peak-Mrs. A. S. Tompkins. Second best, twenty-five pounda of Iris flour given by May & Pres? cott-Mrs. A. B. Broadwater. No. 9. Finest single pink: First prize, one picture given Timmons drug store-Mrs. A. B. Broadwater Second best, twenty-five pounda of Iris flour given by May & Pres cott-Mrs. Kate Mims. No. 10. Finest two on one stem: First prize, pair of vases by M.. A. Taylor-Mrs. J. H. Allen. Second best, box of starch given, by L. E Jackson-Miss Lena Hol stein. No. ll. Finest single bronze: Ona pair of scissors given by W. L? Dunovant-Mrs. A. B. Broadwater.' No. 12. Finest collection of roses: Fifty pounds of Iris flour giv en by May