Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, October 26, 1910, Image 9

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Notice is ?hereby given th?it the General Election for Repre senta tive in Congress will ' be held at the voting precincts fixed by law in the county of Edgefield on Tuesday, November 8, 19?0, said day being Tuesday following,the first Monday, . as prescribed by law. The qualifications for suff rage are as follows: ( Residence in state for two years, in the county one year, L? the poll ing precinct in which the elector offers to vote, four months, and the payment six months before any election of any poll tax then due and payable: Provided, That ministers in charge of an organized church and teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after six months' residence in the state, if otherwise qualified. . ' Managers of election must require of the voter the production of a registration certificate and proof of the pnym?nt of all taxes, including poll fax, assessed and collectible during the previous year. The pro duction of a certificate or the re ceipt of the officer authorized to collect such taxes shall be oonelu ? sive proof of, the payment thereof. Before the hour fixed for. opening the polls managers and clerks must take and subscribe to the Constitu tional oath. The chairman of the' board of managers can administer the oath to the other managers and to the clerk; a notary public must administer the oath to chairman. . The managers elect their chair man and derk. Po'.?s at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a m., and closed, at 4 o'clock p. m., except in the ci ty of Charleston, where they shall be opened at T a. m. and closed at G p. m. The managers have the no wer to fill a vacancy ; and if none of the mana gers attend, the citizens can appoint, from among the qualified voters'/ ,The managers and clerk must pro-,, .ceed publicly' to. open the ballot boxes and count the ballots therein and continue without adjourment f? until the same is completed, and make a statement of the result for ?ach office, and sign the same. With in three days thereafter. The chair man of the board,' or some one des ignated by the board, must deliver to the commissioners of eleotion the poll Hst, the boxes ' containing the j ballots andi written statements of the result of the election. Managers of Election. The following managers of ele tioD have been appointed to hold the election at the various precincts in. the said county: Managers of Federal Election 1910. Plum Branch: J, P Hading, J C Wells, T E Joiner. 1 1 Modoo: J H Elkins, J M Bussey, J..M Holson. ., Redbill: W H Quarles,J H Bosse^v H H Smith. ?heatham:T A Williams, LR Branson, C M Williams. <- Mathis: E B Mathis, T E Miller, T C Mathis; Liberty Hill: J D Hughey, W M Corley, A G ?heatham. \ Meriwether Hall: R W Glover, H TMedlock, H A Strom. Landrnm: Hugh Harrison, W E Ousts, Robert Timmerman. Tim mer m an: J W Scott; M H - Williams, F E Randall. Johnston: . A M Clark, W L Der riok, W J Padgett. Edgefield No. 1. J A Mays, W S Covar, R C Padgett. Edgefield No. 2. R T Hill, H C sWatson, J M Cobb. Meeting Street: J F Payne, J K Allen, A G Ouzts. . ' Pleasant Lane: J B Minniok, S T - .Williams, T J McDowell. V- .Rehoboth: ?) I Morgan, P P . Doolittle, Charlie Strom. Elmwood: J M Bell, J R Block er, J R Bryan. Trenton; A ff Swearingen, B W Bettis, BJ Harrison. Gregg: Geo'. Swearingen, John Curry, Sr., W J Gaines. Ropers:Thoa. Timmerman, JW Lanham, John Rains ford. The managers at each precinct named above, are requested to dele gate one of their number to secure boxes and blanks for the election," at Edgefield court house, on the 31st day of October 1910. S B Mays, z B D Etchings. Commissioners of federal election for Edgefield county, S. C. Reaching The Top in any calling of life, demands a vigorous body and a keen brain. Without health there is no success. Bat Electric Bitters is the greatest health builder the .world has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver, kidney? bowels purifies and enriches the blood, tones and invigorates the whole sys tem and . enables you to stand the wear and tear of your daily work. After months of suffering it rom kid ney trouble, writes W M Sherman, of Cashing, Me., "three bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a. man, 50c at Penn- & Holstein, W E Lynch & Co., B Timmons. Surveying. I offer my services as surveyor to tbs people of Edgefield county. A.I1 wo *k carefully and satisfactorily don?. Rates reasonable; J. H. Cantelou, Edgefield, S. C. Sale of Real Estate.' Notice of Sale of R ?al Estate, Belonging to the Estafe of mediate R. J. John son,,. Decaased, by His Heirs at Law.. / Notice is hereby giveta that.^the undersigned heirs at law and dis tributees ofl-the late R. J.' Johnson, deceased/ will, on the 7th day of November,'?. D., 1910, the aime being the first Monday before the court house door, at Edgefield court house, S. C., at the hour of ll o'clock, a. m. of said day, offer for sale the following described tracts of land, both being situate in tlie county of Edgefield, in the state of South Carolina, and be longing to the late R. J. Johnson^ deceased. Tract No. 1 Containing 233 1-3 acres more or less, and bounded by lands of T. L. Miller on the north; on the east by lands of M. C. Jack son and Mrs. Mary Middleton, on the Bouth. by lands of Jas. E. Mil ler, and on. the. west by lands of J. L. Miller, D,;T. Mathis and T. B. Lanham. Tract/No. 2. Containing 220 acres more,or less in Colliers town ship, and bounded, on the north by lands of Alice S. Norris, on the east by lands of the estate of R. J. Johnston, deceased, on the south by lands of W. E. Prescott and T. H. Rainsford, and on the we?t by lands of W. E. and L. H. Prescott. ? Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Mrs. Emma Johnson, Mrs. Mattie J. Mundy, Mrs. Anna West. 1 Heirs at law and distributees of R. J. Johnson, deceased. October 6th, 1910. Notice of Election. State of South Carolina, ( County of Edgefield. Whereas there has been filed with I the county board of education of Edgefield county, S. C., a.petition of more than onerthird of the resi dent electors and a like proportion of the resident free holders of the age of 21 years of the Trenton school/?istrict No. 27 fin said coun ty and state asking an electfon m said district for the purpose of vot ing upon the question of levying and collecting a special tax of two mills on the dollar of all the taxable property of said district to supple ment ^he school fund of said dis trict. Ordered tbat T. P. Salter. M. M. Padgett and T. J. Hunter as board of trustees of said schcol district are here ordered to hold an election at J. M. Wise's furniture store in I th? town of Trenton in said county I and state on Tuesday, the 8th day of November, A. I)., 19 lOi?f^ergiving, notice of the time and place of said I election in some newspai>er. publish ed in said county and by posting notices thereof in at least three (3) public places in the said district for two (2) weeks before said election. At this election only such electoip as return real or personal property for taxation and who exhibit their tax receipts and registration certifi cates as required in, general elec tions shall be allowed to vote. The board of trustees shall act as mana gers and the election shall be con ducted as provided by law for gen eral elections. At said election each elector favoring the proposed levy shall cast a ballot containing the word "Yes" written or printed thereon and each el?ctor opposed to said levy shall cast a ballot con taining the word "No" written or printed thereon. Within ten days after such election if a majority of those voting shall vote for such levy the board of trustees shall fur nish the county auditor with a state ment of the amount so levied. "The polls shall open at 8 o'clock a. m. and close at 4 p. m. and in all respects compiy with section 1208 code of laws of South Carolina. ?A. R.Nicholson, Supt. c G. F. Long, Edwin H. Folk. Members county board, of education ! Edgefield, S. C. I Notice of Election Trenton School Dis trict No. 27. Special Tax. . . Pursuant to the order of the coun ty board of education in ?nd for Edgefield county, state of South Carolina, an election will be held at Wise's furniture store, in the town of Trenton in the county of Edge field state of South Carolina, on Tuesday, the 8th day of November, A. D. 1910, for the purpose of vot ng on the question of levying and collecting a special tax of two mills on the dollar of the taxable proper ty of Trenton^ school district No. 27. In holding' said election the terms of ttjS-^.above order of the county Board bf education will be strictly enforced. i ' . M. M. Padgett, T. J. Hunter, T. P. Salter. Trustees Trenton school district! No. 27. Edgefield, S. C. Trenton; S. C., Oct. 15, 1910. Kills a Mur derer. A merciless mutterer is appendij citis with many victims. But Di Dr. King's New Life Pills kill i| by prevention. They gently ?timi late.stomach, liver and bowels, pre venting that clogging that invit appendicitis, Curing, constipatioi headache, billionsness, chills; .25c WE lynch & Co., Penn &T He stein, B Timmons. CORN EXPOSITION (Continuedfrom. page l) Best' single ear of corn, any va riety: Doris swing churn, value SIS, by Vermont Maohine company. Best individual display: Cash, *25. . ' Nights of IJnrest. Jo Slee p, Nc Rest, No Peace for the Sufferer From Kidney Troubles. No peace for the kidney sufferer, Pain and distress from morn to light, i . Get up with a lame track, Twinges of backache bother.you ill day. Dull aching breaks your rest at light. Urinary disorders add'to your lisery. Get at the cause-cure the kid ?eys. Doan's kidney pills will work the cure. They're $or the kidneys only- . Have made great cures in this locality^ rery glad to say that I have used m's kidney -pills with great >enefit. I was a sufferer from back |ache and pains through my loins ind kidneys and l eonid hardly get wound for days. . It was aim ost im Ipossibleior me to rest, I had but little strength or energy and suffer-, sd from.headaches. ; I spent a lot of money doctoring, but did not get satisfactory results until I heard about Doan's kidney pills and.pYo cured a box. Since using them my back does not pain me and my kid neys are normal.' I now feel like a different woman and have told many of my friends about Doan's kidney pills." Fur sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,. Bufr falo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Doaq's-'? and take no other V. A. HEMSTREET & BRO. CHEAP AND HIGH GRADE GUNS AND REVOLVERS, AND SUPPLIES REPAIRS CORRECTLY DONE ! 655 Broad St. Below Ga. R. R. Bank AUGUSTA, GA. We tyaye a few care of newflour attractive p rices. A word to the rise is sufficient. W. W. Ada ms & Co. I KENT UCKY HORSE* ust received a few High Class driving orses. They were sent to me direct from Lexington, Ky., by Mr. B. B. ilson^who is well and favorably nown throughout Edgefield county. They can be seen at my farm. This is good opportunity to get a high class orse B. CANTELOU Fine Pianos Reduced $100 A Quarter oi a Century of "Knowing How" The delightful tone of Farrand Pianos has spread their fame througho at America and England. 25 years of "Knowing How" mixed with expert workmanship and the finest materials, has : made the 1910 "FA RR AND" Model the ideal ofjPiano Perfection The Construction and Materials >From far-away Germany are imported the most expensive Felts and Wires-for the Germans are Past-masters in the sci entific manufacture of these materials which are to the highest degree essential to the flexible responsiveness of action and ? the superlative tone of high class pianos-giving these inst ru ? m en ts a mechanical atrengh that makes frequent tuning unnecessary. Their structural beauty is an. y artistic triumph. the Guarantee, Free Timing and free Hre Insurance * As representatives of the FARRAND factory, ^ w? are authorized to, and DO warrant its 1910 Model Pianos for a term of 10 years. This guar antee, backed by a concern worth millions of dollars, is your absolute surety of satisfaction. Also for a period of two years from the time you receive it, we will keep the piano in tune, and insure it against fire at OUR expense. Price and Terms THE FARRAND COMPANY has, as a fitting; occasion to inaugurate a great special sale, Instructed us to sell to the people in this terri tory, upon this the 25th anniversary of the founding of the great con cern, 100 ol their 1910 Model $400 Upright Pianos for $300 which ls an absoluteroductlonof $iooeach. The remarkable offer holds good only tm 100 instruments have been sold: then the price will go back to S-in>. It ls an opportunity of a Hf etlmo to Ret a fine piano at three hundred dollars, and one hundred shrewd householders wm take advantage of lt. Act qu?clcl y-bc one of the hundred. During this great sale, we will furnish, without cost,afine Bcarf, a nice stool and an Instruction book, with each plano. We are In a posi tion to sell these pianos on easy terms, if preferred to a cash trans action.'' . ? .. ..c.viy.?; .?'?....?? ' I Information for Out-of-town Buyers If you cannot come to Greenwood, we shall be glad to select one of these splendid pianos and ship lt to you. Write us for further informa tion. ^Youc Inquiry wUl be answered with a personal letter by a mem ber of this firm, giving you full descriptions including a paper pattern showing exact floor space required, and naming very attractive plans for periodical payments. Write UH TO-DAY-a postal will do. HOLLAND BROS.; Greenwood, S. C. TWO IMPLEMENTS The Farmers Need When you buy an implement you want the best, especially when you can gej the best on the market at a very reasonable price . We want to call your especial attention to Deere's Universal Disc Harrows. They are not only strong, being made of the best material, but they are Adjustable and Rever-, sible. Call and let us explain to you the advan tages that the Deere harrows have over other har rows on the market. Can furnish any elise. THE DEERE STALK CUTTER/ is an implement that is being appreciated and- yak ued more highly by farmers each succeeding year One great advantage that this^cutter offers is .the elimination of the jolting and'jarring to both, driver' and team. Heavy springs are so attached and ad justed as to break the force of the constant jolting of the blades. The Deere St?lk Cutters have steel frames and can stand the roughest use. We want to keep ?n, close touch with the farmr ers and will always take great pleasure in explain- ' iDg every detail of the implements we sell. It should be the chief airn of the progressive farmers to equip his farm with implements and machinery that will minimize, labor and at the same time do the ?work in the best possible man ner. We stand ready to co-operate with them in accomplishing this purpose. Cali to see us when you come to Edgefield. 'Ali points for this plow that break will be replaced with new ones. Stewart & Kernaghan, Edgefield, South Carolina