HON. J. 0. PATT] HIGH INC v * The member of Congress from the second district of South Caro lina, Judge. James O'H. Patterson, | has rather upset the popular im pression that a man in order to get Congressional favors must belong to. the regular Republican organ i- | zation. Now while Congressman Patterson is a Democrat and got 8,440 votes in his district in the last election, 'against fifty-eight for the Republican nominee, yet he has done what no Republican has been able to accomplish. The established rule in connection with appropria tions for public, buildings is that they will be granted to only.' cities of ten thousand inhabitants or where the gross receipts of the office exceed ten thousand dollars per year; but 21r. Patterson got ten thousand dollars for a site and fifty thousand dollars for a building for Aiken,-South Carolina, ars in the public schools, am deeply interestedMn them, and feel that I am familiar with their needs. If elected, I pledge an earnest) discharge'of the duties of the office. W. WALTON FULLER. Judge of Probate. Thanking the voters of this County for their support in the past, I ofter for j re-election to the Office of Judge of Probate of Edgefield County, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic Primary. J. D. ALLEN. County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Treasurer of Edgefield County subject to the rules of the Democratic party. If elected I pledge my best ef fort to give the people a satisfactory administration. THOMAS E. BYRD. I herewith respectfully announce myself for election to the offiee of Treasurer of Edgefield county, trusting that my past record in said position will warrant the support of all Demo cratic voters, and am pledged to abide j by all rules and regulations of the August primary. JAMES T. MIMS. I hereby , announce myself a candi date for the office of Tneasurer of I Edgefield County, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic pri mary, pledging myself, if elected, to serve the people to the best of my ability. C. M. WILLIAMS. For Auditor. I respectfully announce myself a can didate for re-election to th? office of Auditor of Edgefield county and solicit 'the support of the people, pledging my self to abide the result ot the Demo cratic primary. .J. RANSOM TIMMERMAN. County Supervisor. I respectfully annouuee that I am a candidate for re-election to the office I of Supervisor of Edgefield County sub [ ject to the rules of the Democratic pri mary, and pledge myself if elected to continue to discharge the duties of said ; office with the same faithfulness and I fidelity that I have in the past. - R. J. MOULTRIE. I hereby announce myself for^the of fice of Supervisor of Edgefield county, and pledge my friends and the people as a whole, faithful and competent service. I know the work of the office thoroughly, and solicit your support, Sromising to abide by the result of the democratic party. WILEY G. WELLS. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Supervisor of Edgefield county/ and solicit the sup port of the people, pledging myself to abide the nesult of the primary elec tion. ( . J. W. CRIM. County Commissioner. Yielding to the solicitation of friends and voters I respectfully announce my self a candidate for County Commis sioner, pledging myself to abide the result or the Democratic primary, and promise faithful service ii elected. JOHN F. PARDUE. Collier's, S. C. Let us supply your table with new crop Georgia syrup, Blue Rib bon, Silver Drip, Silver Leaf syrup or Cuba molasses. Caji please the most fastidious taste. B. Timmons. Large assortment of perfumery and toilet water. B. Timmons. I am before the people ' aa a candi date, for County Commissioner, subject ] to'the rules of the Democratic " party. If elected, I shall look to the best in-1 terests of the people and of the county. M. L. BROADWATER. I hereby announce to the voters of Edgefield county that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of County Commissioner subject to the regulations of the Democratic primary. I pledge myself, if elected, to honest service, safeguarding the people's interest, in every possible way. JNO. 0. HEipN. I hereby announce that I am 5 can didate for "re-election to the office of County Commissioner of Edgefield coimty, pledging myself to abide the result of the primary election and to support the nominees of the Democrat ic.primary.-. ; J. NICK GRIFFIS I hereby announce that^ am a can didate for the office of County Com missioner aud pledge myself -to abide the result of the Democratic primary. JAMES DEVORE. I herewith respectfully announce : myself a candidate for , re-election for Supervisor of Registration of Edge field county, pledging myself to abide the reSnlt of the primary election and to support the nominees of the party. GEORGE W. QUARLES. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for Supervisor of Registra-) tion and pledge myself to abide the're sult of the Democratic primary. Asl must stay ?at my post, making meal for the people, will be unable.to make a complete canvass.; N. R. BARTLEY. I resp ectfully announce myself a candidate for ? re-election to the office of Supervisor of Registration, and pledge myself to abide the result of j the Democratic primary and to sup port the nominees of the same. N CHARLES STROM. S-pervisor of Registration. I hereby announce myself a candi date for/re-election to the office of SupervisoiM?N Registration and pledge myself to abide the result of the Demo cratic primary and to support the nom inees of the sam*. - G. G. WEST. I hereby announce myself a candi date for, Supervisor ot' Registration subject to the rules of the Democratic party, and solicit the support^of the people. ' C. H. WHATLEY. For Coroner. Through, the solicitation of my friends, I announce myself a candidate for the office of Goroner, subject to the D?mo cratie primary, soliciting the support of the poopfe. GIP H. SEIGLER. Large) stock of Eberson's Zinc, Lea?] aha Asbestos paint; impervi ous to water and resists the heat of the sun. IL Tim m ons. Nobby line of summer lap robes. Ramsey Edgefield, - - - S. C .Miiiiiuini!iuiiiiiKiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmii(iiii4> = The University of ? . South Carolina = Varied courses of stndy m = Science, Liberal Arts, Educa- Jj tion, Civil 'and Electrical en- = gineering and Law ' College fees, room, lights, 5 I etc., 826; board $12 per month = f. Foi-those paying tuition, $40 ?' ? additional ? = The health and morals of S = the students are the first con- {? = sideration of the faculty. 5 43 ' teachers' scholarships, *2 lg worth $1?8. For catalogue, = 5 write to ? S. C. MITCHELL, Pres.^ ? Columbia, S. C ? $IIHIIIllHIII!lllfllinilllllllllllll!Mlllllllllil(lllUII$ Better Than Lard. Wesson's pure cotton 'seed oil is a cooking substitute fer lard and butter. No greasy food, no dyspep sia. Odorless and tasteless. Benefits Leal th, pocket-book and domestic atmosphere. Try a can and you will always use it-only 25 cents. Penn & Holsteio. THE ANK EDGEFIELD, S C. v > State and County Depository DIRECTORS J, C. SHEPPARD, W. W. ADAMS,"* J. H. BOUKNIGHT, T. H. RAINSFOR, J, M. COBB, B.. E. NICHOLSON A. S. TOMPKINS, C. C. FULLER Wi E. PRESCOTT. OFFICERS. J. C. SHEPPARD, President. . W. W; ADAMS. vice-President. E. J. MIMS, Cashier. ; J. H. ALLEN, Ass't Cashier. * Pays interest on deposits by special contract. i Money to loan on liberal terms. Prompt and polite attention to business. ; YOUR Account Solicited James A. Dobey, < DENTAL SURGEON, i Johnston, S. C. Office over Farmers Bank Building Dr. Fv L. PARKER, ? Dentist, Johnston, - -SC Over Bank of Johnston. Full assortment of "Blue Ribbon" extracts, the best on the market. B. Trmmons. JAS S. BYRD. St^'o?UiN DENTIST, EDGEFIELD, S. C. ^yOfflce over Post-OfBce. Chinese Laundry : Send us your^ collars, cuffs, etc., We can laun der them on short notice, and. guarantee satisfaction on our work. John Wing*.