y 1 EDGEFIELD ADVERTISER Established 1835. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1910 Office, No. 61. Residence, No. 17. Mr.-and Mrs. A. T. Samuel are visiting relatives in Georgia. Miss Madge-Mays is visiting) friends in Spartanburg and. Gaffney. / Mrs. W. T. Prescott will return Thursday from a visit to her parents | at Springfield. v Miss Mary Gi breath of Greenville has been i the guest of her cousin, Miss Ellen Dunovant. Mrs. J. M. Shaffer," accompanied by Miss Estelle Boukuight, was among the visitors in .town Tuesday.'] Mrs. A. M. Petty, of Macon, Ga., has arrived to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mayson. 1 'Mrs. D. D. McColbof Bennetts ville is visiting her parents, Hon. and Mrs. John C. Sheppard. Mr. J. D. May will leave this week for a vacation of two weeks, a portion of which will be spent in Augusta. - counter. "There, miss!" she said, tri-? umphantly. "Mother wants some ribbon the color of this gentleman's nose!" Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Blalock, Jr., are spending this week in Edgeneld and are receiving a cordial welcome from their friends. Dr. C. E. Burts has been, con ducting a three-days' meeting at j Horn's C reek church this ~week, doing all of the ^preaching himself. Mr. Cornelius Holmes and Miss Lydia Holmes stopped over in EvZge tield Monday while returning from a visit to relatives in Johnston. Mr.J.M.Pike of Columbia will de liver an address in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening, August] 14th, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. P. Roper \ nave their neices, Misses Ida and Rosalie Thomas, of Lynchburg, S. C;, and Mi&3 Lucy McKie, of North Augusta, visiting them. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Tompkins have returned to their home in, Connellsville, Pa., after a very) pleasant visit of several weeks to relatives in Edgefield and Saluda county. Mrs. Eugene Murphey, a most charming lady who is very promi nent in Augusta's social life, has ; \ been spending several days with her cousin., Miss Virginia Addison. The members * of Berea church ? will serve dinner to the throng that ? attend the meeting at that place to morrow. The men will furnish bar becued meats and the ladies will provide picnic baskets. Our popular young friend Ed Dukes will baye to purchase a roll ing chair as he danced his feet off at the Griffis barbecue. Ed was very much sought aftei and it must have been that the girls kept him in a perpetual whirl. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Jones spent /the early part of last week in Wage ner visiting relatives, stopping a day or twn at Ridge Spring. While away they feasted upon the choicest Ridge peaches and watermelons of the very finest quality. The friends of Mr. L. D. Hagood will regret that his death occurred recently at h is home in Montgomery, \i A;la. He was a gallant Confederate soldier'and a. brother of Col. J. P. Hagood. Mr. Hagood was a mem ber of Company D, 14th regiment. Doubtless a number of veterans throughout the county will remem ber Mr. Hagood very pleasantly. For Sale: One high posted bed, 1 feather "bed or pillows, 12 straight | chairs, 2 rockers, 1 old style side board, 2 small tables, 1 wash stand, 1 clock, lamps, ?be cream churn and other small articles. This is the last notice that will be given. Miss Mary Buford. The writer 1 ?aw Master Harry Strom's prize acre of corn Friday. It is exceedingly promising and with favorable conditions the acre will make an enormous yield. Harry has a perfect stand. The stalks are strong, well de\ eloped and the color is ideal for corn. We are ex pecting a. very fine report from Harry in the fall. Mr. J. L. Martin, of western Louisiana, is visiting his tasters, Mrs. M. DeLoach and Mrs. Abner B. Broadwater. He left South Caro liha about thirty years, ago and cast his home in the southwest. Mr. Martin told the writer that when he left hi? home about the 10th of . . Joiy-the crop prospect was very fine but that conditions have not been so favorable since that time. . The boll weevil ia doing some dam . age. - Cold Water Paints for freshening your walls. AU colors. o. Timmons. Mr. John H. May is spending some time in Edgefield and is re ceiving hearty hand-shakes from his friends. Mrs. J. P. Nixon, accompanied by her little son, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hattie Lanham, and sister, Mrs. W. H. Dorn. Ladies, call at the Corner Store and see the tailored waists that are being offered at bargain prices. They are advertised in this issue. Miss Marion Patterson, a Barn well young lady of ''sweet sixteen," is visiting her relatives in Edgefield. She is the only daughter of Mrs. j Marion Mims Patterson. Mrs. P. R. Wates and Mrs. A. A. Glover will leave to-morrow to spend a week with their sister, Mrs. Henry Forrest, who resides several miles north of Johnston. The Long Branch-Philippi section is fortunate in having such alert, active, aggressive, pillie spirited young men as George Scott, Henry Youce, Lewis Holmes, J. E. Cullum and John Bush, .j * Mr. and Mrs. John W. Adams, accompanied, by their aon,' Ernest were in Edgefield Monday. Mr. Adams was thoughtful and kind enough to bring The Advertiser some very nice peaches and apples. The stockholders of the Edgefield Mercantile Company held their an nual meeting Tue sday. The officers and directors were re-elected. The boar4 of directors was enlarged by the election of Mr. R. C. Padgett. A typical church row occurred at Mt. Olive, a negro church near Col liers, Sunday last. As a result one negro, Henry Carroll, shot and se riously wounded Elbert Dozier, an other negro, while on jiSeir way home Sunday afternoon. Would that every. boy and girl, father and mother in the county could haye heard the beautiful tribute that Mr. P. H. Bussey, Jr., paid his parents at Red Oak Grove church Sunday! Though he spoke but few words, they were like 4 ap ples of gold in pictures of silver." Col. S;'B.Mays,Edgefield's mem ber of the Heyward county commis sion, attended a meeting of the com mission in North Augusta Monday. The next meeting will be held in Edgefield Monday, August 8th, to award the contract for surveying the new road. The Edgefield Rifles returned Monday nijht from the encampment of ten,days at Chickamauga. While military duty was heavier than they are accustomed to, s yet the young men enjoyed their camp experiences. Mr. Alfred C?var was confined to the hospital with appendicitis but was able to return with his compa ny. _ I Presbyterian Ice Cream. The Advertiser has been request ed to announce that the Presbyter ian ladies will serve ice oream, some new varieties of creara, on the lawn of Mrs. Kate Mims Thursday after noon from V to 9 o'clock. They have some indebtedness that they wish to pay off at once and have adopted this means of raising the necessary funds. The time, tomor row afternoon from 7 to 9. Every saucer will be well filled. Mr. Swearingen Withdraws. Mr. Jojin E. Swearingen who was a candidate for county supervisor is holding a position as rural, mail carrier, and the post office depart ment wrote him that he could not take part in a political campaign and'hold his government position. Consequently he has been forced to withdraw from the race. He is very grateful to his friends for their support. Annual Settlement Made. The annual settlement with the county treasurer and auditor was made by Mr. Dave H. Wise for Comptroller General Jones last week. After examining all of the vouchers and records and balancing all accouuts, Mr. Wise compliment ed Auditor J. R. Timmerman and County Treasurer James T. Mims very highly upon the excellent man ner in which they haye kept their offices, stating that they were in a better condition than he had senn them in a number of years, Life on Panama Canal has had one frightful drawback malaria trouble, that has brought suffering and death to thousands. The germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassi tude, weaknes and general debility. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes ^VVm. A Fretwell, of Lucarna, N. C., "and I've had good health ever since." Cure stom ach, liver and kidney troubles, and preyent typhoid. 5pc. Guaranteed by W E Lynch