Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, May 04, 1910, Image 7

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Buying In His Note. Colonel Bill was a pioneer legislator, merchant and banker of the vest pock et variety. It was seldom thai Colonel Bill got caught by a debtor, so unerring was his judgment of men, but his transac tion with old man Blankertou was au exception to the rule. Blankerton got into Colonel Bill's ledger to the amount of $60 and finally balanced the account with a note. When the paper was a long time overdue and there was no prospect of a settlement, to the eminent disgust of the colonel, he declared, with a strong Anglo-Saxon emphasis, that he would sell Blankerton's note for 50 cents on the dollar. The statement was not long reaching the ears of the maker of the note. He met the colonel in thc village street one day and accosted him: "BM, heard you'd offered to sell my ?bte for 50 cents on the dollar." "Yes; I will." "Will you sell lt to me at that rate?" "Yes, sir; I'll sell it to you at that rate." "All right, Bill; make out a new note." Colonel Bill's symptoms of apoplexy became noticeable from that moment. -Chicago Record-Herald. The Oldest Joke. It will be difficult to discover an old er practical joke than that of the cop persmith and the maker of brazen im ages for the temple of Osiris, which is embodied in Egyptian inscriptions dat ing from the reign of Menes, founder of Memphis, who ruled over 7.00D years ago. According to ancient rec ords, there dwelt between these two craftsmen a quiet man whose desire was for peace and who was sadly dis turbed by the noisy occupations car ried on by his busy neighbors. He therefore asked each of them to say for what sum they would change their dwellings. This they did. Each calcu lated the amount required, and he, be ing satisfied, paid it over to them. "Now," he asked of the coppersmith, "Where is your new dwelling?" "I have taken that of the maker of im ages," was the reply. "And you," queried the quiet man of the latter, "whither goest thou?" "To tbe bouse of the coppersmith!" This is one of many tales told in all ages which are woven into myth and legend and differ only in local color. He Needed the Clerk. When Tim Campbell was in the Fif tieth congress he stole a clerk from Congressman Scott. Scott was a new member and was made chairman of a committee which gave him a clerkship. He knew nothing about the clerk, j Campbell did. Through some means or another he had the clerkship trans ferred to his own committee. Six months later Scott learned of the trick. Meeting Campbell, he said: "That was a nice piece of petty lar ceny." "Tut, tut. Mr. Scott," said Campbell; "my committee needed a clerk worse than yours." Then, with twinkling eyes, he continued. "You are a mil lionaire and can afford to hire half a dozen clerks, while I must go to the government for clerical assistance." The ready reply amused Scott. The two , men'were always the best* of friends thereafter. Anxious Traveling. A traveler In Russia noticed that th? train he entered was all decorated with flags and banners, and ot every station it passed stood a company of soldiers and a band playing the nation al anthem. The traveler asked a brakeman the reason of'all this cere mony. The brakeman, lowering his voice, replied: "I don't mind telliug you. sir-but in the strictest confidence, be it under stood-that a carriage in this train has been engaged for his majesty. But his majesty, as a matter of fact, won't set off till this evening. Thus the plot hatched against him may take effect on this train, you see. and our gracious sovereign will be saved." The brakeman touched his cap and passed on, and the traveler, suddenly grown pale and nervous, stared from the window anxiously. The First Patent on Matches. Before 1833. when wooden matches with phosphorus were made lu Vienna, peopla were dependent upon flint and steel to secure a light. The first pat ent for a, phosphorus match in the United. States was taken out in lboU by A. D. Philipps of Springfield. Mass. For many years people refused to ase them, but by 1845 tbe ill smelling and clumsy old tinder boxes were generally (discarded and are preserved, like snuff boxes, as curiosities. " Out of His Line. Western Relative.-Well, Wendell, what was the score today? Little Bos ton Boy-Really, 1 do not know. Is it not j'our opinion, Uncle William, that the theism of Clement and Athanasius furnishes a much more tenable basis for a rational theory of creation than is afforded by that of Augustine? Chicago Tribune. Competent. . Irate Passenger-I believe you're driving over every stone in the road! Driver-Waal, sir, it takes a purry good drher to hit 'em ab'.-Boston Herald. The Real Trouble. "Woman's ignorance of cooking is the bane of married life." "No; it's woman's ignorance of her ignorance of cooking."-Boston Tran script. Kindness has converted more sin-. ners than zeal, eloquence or learning.-?1 F. W. Faber, Insurance I represent a strong line of Fire In surance Companies and can insure your property. Your patronage will be appreciated. H. A. Smith. LIVERY STABLE I lake this means of announcing to the public that I have opened up a first class livery business in the stables at the place formerly occu pied by Mr. E. J. Mims on Main street. First-class teams furnished un short notice. I will make a specialty of break ing and handling colts. Have had considerable experience in this kind of work. Call in person or order teams by telephone. J. E. MIMS Light Saw, Lathe and Shin gie Mills, Engines, Boilers, Supplies and repairs, Porta qle , Steam and Gasoline En gines, Saw Teeth, Files, Belts and Pipes. WOOD SAWS and SPLITTERS. Gins and Press Repairs. Try LOMBARD, AUGUSTA, GA. We are justly proud of our stock of buggies. We carry Columbus. Babcock. Tyson cfc Jones, Rock Will,Hackney and Sandford buggies. The variety of styles, makes, etc., will enable us to suit every taste and every purse. Hundreds of satisfied customers praise the quality ol* our vehicles. Ramsey cfc Jones. FOR SALE SOUTH GEORGIA FARM My Country home of 550 Acres land, rich loam soil, 5 miles south of Valdosta, Ga., on G. S. ct F. railroad, half mile from Railroad Station, with 275 acres in cultiva tion all stumped except few recently cleared corners, all in high state of high cultivation, growing both long and short staple cotton, corn, pea nuts, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, velvet beans, hay, etc.-will grow anything. All practically under wire fence. The best, quail hunting in Geor gia, also good duck shooting on two natural connecting lakes of about 100 acres supported by springs, making running wrater nice and fresh at all times. The lakes abound in fish of all kinds, and are famous for the quantity of large trout that thrill the sportsman's soul and try his skill. The entire track is nicely drained and has nice improvements, vis: One 7-room dwelling, one 5-room dwelling 4- tenant houses, a large barn and stable, smoke house and two good out-houses. The best equipped cotton ginnery for both long and short staple cotton in this whole section; steam evaporating syrup plant; nice fruit trees and vineyard; good wells of water, and everything that goes to make an ideal home-PERFECTLY HEAL THY. Such an opportunity presents it self once in a life time. Come and see it. Seeing is believing. Price, as described above, *-20, 000.00, cash or terms. ED. L. THOMAS, Valdosta, - - - - Ga. S. H. cfc M. guaranteed taffeta silk waists on sale at thc Corner Store. Augusta's Leading Jewelry Store. UU assortment of Jewelry, cut glass, silver ware and fine watches is unsurpassed. Many new and original designs from the lending manufacturers in the country. LET US SUPPLE YOUR NEEDS. 'FINE WATCH REPAIRING ? SPECIALTY SAT 1 SF ACTION GUA R A N 'J'E E D. .J. 708 Brond ! Street Augusta, Ga. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium.) . HAKES POSITIVE CURES OF ALL POEMS AND STAGES OP' Physicians endorse P. P. P. as a splen did combination, and prescribe it frith great satisfaction for tho cares of all forms and stages of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Syphilis, SyphiliUo Bheu matlsm, Scrofulous Ulcers and Bores, Glandular Swellings, Bheumatism, Kid nsy Complaints, old Chronic Ulcers that nave resisted all treatment, Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Eczema, Chronio Female Complaints, Mercurial Poison, Tetter, Scaldhead, et:., etc. P. P. P. ls a powerful tonio and an excellent appi?zer, building np the system rapidly. If you are weale and feeblo, and fool badly tr? P. P. P., and yon wiU regain flesh and strength. Waste of energy and aU diseases resulting from over taxing the system are cored by the use of P.P. P. Ladlee whose systomsaro poisoned and whoso b Icod i s in an impure conditlondne to mon B t ruai irregularities are peculiarly bene?tod by the wonderful tonio and SCROFULA blood cleansing properties of P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke Boot asd Potassium, Sold by ail Druggists. F. V. LIPPMAN Proprietor Savannah, - Ga. cr:-:., ? 3zks3iSISS5SBE23ia I i ?. - Nfc i Wie! tk :? R lie iHiirea m U Scteo?! 1 J Yon have a ?eelino- of secur i 0 1 itv if tnerc are telephones in the community. As a j means of protection the telephone is of inestima ble value in rural districts liv widely separated dis ^ tricts. neighbors cnn communicate quickly with j each oilier and with the nearest town, ?j Under the plan of the Bell System any farmer can secure telephone service at iow cost. For information write to nee rest Bell Tele phone Manager, or address Farmers' L2ne Dzpzvlmzn? S0BTSEEN SEIL ?ELEPE?KE M3 TEIECR?FS ?0. SOUTH PP.YOI? STREET, ATLANTA, GA. < U 1 in mu BB-B3-BB SSaBSn-BBBBB Announcement1. 'I beg to announce that 1 am how associated with BROS &C0 363 S3r?a;2 St., Augusta, tta. ??nd invite all ray friends and acquaintances in Edgeficld and Saluda counties to write or call on rae when in need of Gro ceries or stock feed any kind. T will make it tb your interest to patronize rae. M. Gary Satcher STAR PIANOS Thc Starr Piano Co., are the larg est manufacturers of strictly high -grade pianos in the world. Have eleven acres of floor space in their factory. Thirty acres in their lum ber yards. Several millions of feet of choice piano lumber always on hand. Over five thousand pianos aro. under construction at all times. This company has a large num ber of medals and other awards for the highest merit. Took the gold medal last year at the Seattle Ex position. We arc expecting several of those instruments in this week, (.all and see them next door to thc postofiice. uu= ? _ --ax ? : " : HMM '? Next Door to Postoffice H Am Island Pur? Breed e^gs'fer hatching, $1.50 fper 15. Your orders solicited. JOHN R. TOMPKINS WE ARE READY FOR You and the Boy For Spring Clothes Don't forget our ladies Ready-to wear department. When in Augusta, call herc, leave your packages with us to send to the train and make our store your headquarters while in Augusta. Augusta's largest clothing store. The J. Willie Levy Company 824 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. KEEP OUT THE FLIES Now is the time to screen your I house. It may save a doctor bill. Write for our screen catalogue. R. J. HORNE & COMPANY 643 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. I /Building material from foundation to roof." 'METAL SHINGLES . agi . ? & m ?iWlulfMm mp m RE Wim npHEY will not burn. Will r.ot split or curl like wood shingles. Will not crack and roll off like slate. Will not rip at the seams like plain tin. Neither will they rattle during high wiud storms. They never need repairs and last as long as the building. And last j jf all, they make the handsomest roof and aro not expensive. TEWART & KERMGHAN, Edgefield S.C. NOW is THE TIME To buy a Cole Combination Planter. Now is the time to apply .Nitrate of Soda, we have it. Just received a car of Dried Blood. We have all the seasonable goods, such as corn planters, cotton planters, Guano distributors, and farming im Iplements generally. We also carry in stock a general line of hardware. We solicit your business, drop in and Stalk the matter with us. Yours truly, W. W. Adams & Co. Spring Arrivals. We aie now showing many new spring goods in all de partments, with others arriving and being displayed daily. Beautiful assort nent of white madras, white lawn, long cloth. Nainsook, dimities, checked muslin, linen lawn for shirtwaists and suits. We are showinp: manv new weaves in spring s??tings. Large assortment of silks of all colors. Fuller announcement will ht made later after all of our stock arrives J. W. PEAK Your fertilizers for tins season be sure to see us. We are handling all the standard grades, made by several of the leading manu facturers, and can fill your orders promptly. We can also supply you with ingredients for mixing at home any formula you desire, Here's to a fine crop for Edgefield county Ifor 1910. May & Prescott. HEAVILY STOCKED I desire to announce to the people of the western side of the county that I have the largest stock of merchandise that I have ever carried, and with expenses reduced to a minimum I eau inabe prices very low-my insurance is elieapj only small amount for clerk hire and no rent to pay. Heavy and l aney Groceries, Plantation Sup plies, Dry goods, Notions, Clothing, shoes, hats We have a large assortment in every department to select from. Let us supply your needs. We can save you money in addition to the time saved in going a greater distance to do your trading. The ladies are invited to call. All we ask is for you to see our goods and get our prices. > Large Stock of Nobby and stylish Low (mi shoes from the best factor ies In the Country. W. E. PRESCOTT, Modoc, S. C., R. F. D. 1 m Students in our Model Office Department earn money while pursuing their course. We ; uaran?ee positions because wo have more eilis .cr book keepers, stenographers, cashiers, eic, than we can supply. Our work is so thorough und ocr students so well (rained thai business man seek thom. We also teach bv nail. ?ic illustrated cai.:!o;ii:c Voe. Dragon's Practical Business College Atlanta, i; .. OJ Mstw, (.'.-., cr w!c.n.?gtr? eiy, .Ma., cr Kr.cxv!l!cf Teanf