;_ ?; ^ 'i. The comet which has been eagerly awaited for many months, comes along only once every 75 years but our Bargain Days come every day in the year. We have been in Edgefield 9 years and have steadily built - up a large business* This would not iiave been possible if we did not give GOOD VALUES, make REASONABLE PRICES and stand squarely behind every piece of mer chandise we sell, Our spring stock is very large. Packed;to the ceiling! Overflowing! Every available foot and inch of space occupied with the greatest stock of merchandise ever seen-in this section-that is the condition of our store now, and during the life of this sale we will offer the best in merchandise at such sweeping reductions as will compel the admiration and quick attention of the buying public. ************************** * * i * * * -fe. -r * . * * * .;^;..;..^^^.j..;-.X-*v*''-***-I*v*v***'> Saturday April 30th "Beginning: ***-?-****44i^^?^***+^****** s SATURDAY, APRIL 30th at 8:30 a. m. ************ ?* ****** Listen: 10 yards best calicp.f or 10c with a purchase of $5 or more. You g\ will regret it if you miss one word of this record of doings. Scan each %m item carefully, taking your time, and always bring this circular with you for reference and see that you get exactly what we advertise. ' 2 dozen ladies linen dress skirts in white only" ?1.75 values at 98c 3 dozen better grade in all colors. 2.50 vahies at * 1.40c 50 dozen men's wash ties in good patterns at 3 for 25c 5 cards of good pearl buttons for 10c 1 lot whitewash belts wi^h pearl buckles 10c 1 lot embroidery 8c and 10c values at per yard 3 3-4c 12^c yard wide Cambric good as Londsdale 8_c 2 dozen R. G. Corsets. 81.25 at Real value 85c 10 dozen towels, good size, only 4c - 15 dozen linen towels, real value 25c each, at 2 for 25c 2 cases1 ladies tan and black hose 7c 1 case men's fancy hose 10 and 15c values at 8o All-over lace and net for waists worth'.upto 75c, at per"yard 25c 50c corset cover embroidery 20 inch wide at 21c 2 cards .hook and and eyes oe 100 dozen ladie's and men's food handkerchiefs at * - Sc Ladies Oxfords and Shoes 100 pairs oxfords. Si.50 values at 2 cases light calico dots and stripes per yard 4?c 5 pieces of pongee in all colors, 35c values at 17,-c 15 pieces linene white, pink, blue, brown and 15c values at ?10c 1 case best percale worth 12c yard 8^c 2 bales white homespun Gc values at 2 bales shirting in solid colors also in stripes and checks die very thing frr shirts and children suits. All over the world 10c only 7?. 20 pi?ces good soft bleaching yard wide real good quality at ci 5 pieces 10 l-l sheeting an extra good quality real value 37?c only 24c 35 white Irish table damask 22c 08:in mercerized linen damask 75c quality 47? 15c white striped Madras, only 10c 50c white imported satin finished imported Madras, only 25c 12?c white dimity, nat row cords, at lie 10c colored corded and figured Madras, at *^~*Ji?*> 25c soft finished Batiste, sheer and clear, now 15c 300 yards taifetta silks, new shades and colorings, wonderful bargains the. yard Regular 75c Jap silk, 36 inches,-white 81.35 taffetta silk, 3(3 indies wide, in black, navy, tan, special 1 "'00 yards chambray in-all colors 10c values at 25 pieces srood printed lawn. Real nice quality only 25 pieces of printed la'wn and organdy in all thc latest shades. everywhere at 15c per yard' Only 5 dozen boys 40c and 50c straw hats at Mon's and boy's 75c and ?1.00 straw hats at 1 lot mon straw hats all samples. Some retail, at ?2.50. Only Men's Hats Men's ?1.75 felt hats in all colors at Men's ??.50 in broad brim and telescope in all the now shades' at 59c 49c ,79c 7ic ifc Retails 12ic 24c 98c 89c ?1.59 Shoes 100 pairs men's low quarter shoes. Real value ?2.25 at % ?1.59 loo pairs misses ?1.50 low cut shoes with ankle straps in tans, vici and patent leather at 98c Men's oxfoids in tan, ox blood, patent leather and gun metal ?2.75 and ?3.00 values at Men's oxfords $3.50and..S4.00_.at Every Pair Guaranteed Boy's Wash Suits 59c and 75c Boys' wash suits-gingham, chambray and linene, ages 2 to 10 years, Monday, all styles, to close out at Specials 50 different styles-white washable lawn Neckwear. Lace and em broidery trimmed, new patterns. Jabots, Dutch collars. Rabats, Cascades and stocks. New fresh and stylish. Real value 25c, at 2 for 25c. Ladies embroidery collars. Retail everywhere at 25c, at 10c. 5 doz ladies Hair turbans the kind that you pay 50c for elsewhere, at 24 c Mens Pants 100 pair mens' 2.25 pants at 1.25 75 pail's " 3.00 pants at*1.98 200 pair " 3.50 and 4.00 at 2.49, . 00 pairs mens' pants, 1.50 at 98c Remarkable Values in Ladies Waiata 1.50 Batiste Waists, Eton-front, trimmed back and collar, long sleeves, 89c ?1.75 Black Sateen and Heather bloom, Waists, size's up^o 46, 98c 25 doz men's summer underwear with and without sleeves, 50 and \ 60c value, at . 42c Glance Over These 'Spend! Your Money Where Money Goea \ . _ Fart heit "4 Men's Handkerchief^ at! 8c Men's 75c Pongee Top Shirts with collars, strip.s :.or plain color, at - \ - '42c Men's ?1.50 Silk Pongee Top Shirts, cream, pink or blue, at 89c. Meu's 29c Balb^gaa. Underwear, at ^ -> 21c. 1 lot combs, back and side, also barretts. Same retail at 35c. Your choice for 10c Men's ?1 overalls at 79c 50 dozen of the best brand overalls ?1.25 values at 84c Men's 59c overalls at Men's 50c suspenders at Men's 25c suspenders, at 35c 19c. 50 dozen children's overallc al; 29c. Ladies' lisle Hose open or. closed W?rk best 39c in town. 24c Linen torchon lace worth.up to 10c at 3c Ribbons. 25 pieces ribbon all good shades all silk 12ic values at 8? 60 pieces of 15c ribbon at 10c. 50 pieces 25c ribbon at 19c 35 pieces ribbon 35c ribbon at 27^. 98c 150 pairs tan, patent leather, vici and gun metal in pumps with ankle straps or without. ?2.50 values at $1.75 150 pairs of tan and patent leather. Real values ?3.00 at $1.98 A big lot of children's sandals with ankle straps at 49c a I Speeial On Saturday and Monday, the first two days of this great sale, we will sell all calicoes at 2c pei yard, 10 yards to customer. Only ffom 12 o'clock to 12. 10; 2 to 2.10; and from 4 to 4.10. * Remember the day and hour! Clothing, A saving of k r.o one-third on what this great sale offers yoiiW Men's ?7.50 flannel suits, skeleton'lined $3.98 ?15,00 worsted suits, serge lined, gray, brown, olive an&eUisp ?9.85 Men's ?16 blue serge suits, "Rochester Make" positiveflfega^Bnteed not to shrink, nicely tailored $10.98 25 suits jnen and boys with satin lining real value $6.-50,Ta|),loflg as they last at ?>- ? *2-49 Men's ?8.50 snits in light, dark, stripe and plaids only $4.98 50 men's blue serge suits.- Real value $10-50 at .' $6.98 50 men's black suits in thibets and granites real values $-5$)0 flftly $8.50 Boy's knickerbocker pants, ages up to 17 ?1 value at ?*r * 50c Boy's $3.98 two piece, doubled breasted worsted kjnckeri>ooa*fr pants, dark brown and fancy mixtures ?jj $2.98 Our Millinery Seetion. Never have we been better equipped than we are this season We have better styles, better assortments and better values. Trimmed hats in an endless variety of exclusive and popular styles. It dosen't matter whether you wiah to pay much or little, you can fine! hats here that auit the puras for we are con3taatly producing new and beautiful thinga to be sold at such a wide range of prices that all who come may be perfectly satisfied Ladies and Misses ready to wear hats in solids, white, black and - brown in plain -or rough straw, 1.50, values at, * 98c. 25 doz mushroom sailors in all col ors and shapes 75c, values at 49c ..adios 85c mushroom sailors, at 21c Ladies trimmed hats prices from 1.00 to lO.OO.Misses hats from 75c to 5.00. Children's hats from 45c to 2.50. Remember yqu can buy any of these trimmed hats at a big re duction. 2 doz ready made veils 2.25 values at 1.39. 3 doz. of 75c veils* in all colors at 4 uc. 10 doz. children's straw hats for bows and girls 35c values at 21c 10 doz. of 50 and 65c values at 35c. t lot nice veiling in all shades, reg ular price' 22c at . 12+c 2 dozen mourning veils, extra large. Real value ?2.50 at ?1.49 2 dozen ladies values at ?urban hats $2.10 $1.49 dozen turbaos in solid black and also in colors. 2.?0 vataw $1.05 We want you to be with us on the opening day even though you don't want anything. You'll enjoy the crowds-arrange to meet your friends here. Bring this circular for reference, if you value money-come! The Time is now. The place is here ?.OG O? EIN, Advertiser Building, Edgefield, S. C ijasii