Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, April 06, 1910, Image 8

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M?DOC MOVES FORWARD. Good Prospect For Fruit. Mr. and Mrs? Nabstedt Return. J Candidates Must Hoe 1 For Votes. The land is getting pretty bard and dry and ploughing is what we term bard work, but rain will come in due season. Pear trees are well fruited and we hope the May frost will not injure them. Mr. Gordon Boswell has-pulled up and gone from among us to live ( with his parents. However we may expect bim at any. time, for where ; your heart is* there you may be ' found. V . Mr, and Mrs. Nabstedt are back with ns again, glad. to see them; in deed they are good citizens and no ble church .workers.' Mrs.. Nab stedt* is teacher in the Advanced quarterly and.tis needless to add that she is a most excellent instruc tor. To hear her-is. sufficient. M od oe church perhaps in the near future will dress up iq a coat of white paint. At any rate there is a movement on foot to that end! - - x Fishing is lively: Som? how?ver r^urn with notching while others have better luck. So wags-the world. Dr. T. E. Jennings who has been to Augusta for treatment is back home again. His many friends are ever ready, to welcome him. - . Later on all. candidates can help' us to battle with Gen. Green, a day's hoeing for a vote. What say you, Johnnie Bailey? We notice that tJncle Ev. Mor* gan is over on this side. He is'help ing to build Mr. Milton Bussey's dwelling-. To look at" him now : and think of 35 years ago when He taught school, seems as if- we can see his eye glancing at our school mischief. While ^*he is over the shady side, he isactive. . Corn planted in March is up look ing well'but gardens so far are off considerably. Last year at this time cabbage plants were growing to please, now they are just as they . were when set out, small. > ," Oats, are coming right along. Season'to suit, w_e expect a good crop. li To Mr. and Mrs. Byer Morgan a Jboy to help them Bing, and it makes the writer feel quite.old to think he is that' boy's great nncle. Well, thank God. I have lived to know I am old enough to* be great "uncle. Will write again soon. 1 Dutch. Rehoboth Farmers Well Ad vanced With Their: Work. GoodB.Y. P. ?. Sleet ing. Sipce pur last communication spring has come with aUr&ef'wcm7 drous glory of .bright sunshine, of ?palmy' air, oi budding leaf and . bloon?n^' flowers, which seem to give new life and energy to all man kind. : Never in our "recollection has the weather been more favorable for farm work and - our farmers Lave made good use of the time,-every one being well advanced for the sea son, also giving the soil arnot? thorough preparation than usual. The grain ci op looks very promis-, ing, though heeding rain badly. I Last Sunday was not: our preach - ing service but quite a large crowd was present, and we were delighted to have with' us Several visitors, among: them being Dr. and .Mrs. Bell and littje daughter of Parks ville, Misses "'Long, Bailey,. West and Mrs. McDaniel, and Messrs. McDaniel, West and Bailey, all of ,Red Hill. Dr. Bell met with ns by invitation from our B. Y. P. IL, which met just after Sunday school. After a short program . in which 'Miss Fannie Joe and Mr. Rudolph Strom read excellent pieces, Dr. Bell made an interesting talk, which was both encouraging and instruct ive, and we hope to have him meet' with us again.. Last Friday the Morgan school, in charge of Miss Janie Rosenwikc, . and the Cleora school, in charge of Miss Alma Williams, and joined by quite a number of other.young peo ple, met at Turkey Creek bridge and spent the day fishing and boat riding. We understood that the boat capsized with two young ladies "who had intrusted themselves to two strong young men who proved themselves gallant heroes, by assisting the young ladies to land none the worse .by their n<fvel experience. Miss Ida Miller, of Colliers, is spending quit? awhile with lier sis ter, Mrs. T. B; Gilchrist. Last Friday night quite a num ber'of our young people enjoyed a sociable given by Mrs. R. D. Seifr ier in honor of her niece, Miss Mat tie Stain aker *Miss Fannie Lou Cheat-ham, of Cleora, spent several days with her sister, M rsv--Walter Strom, last week. ^ Miss Mamie Seigler, who has ] been teaching a flourishing school near McRae, Ga., will return home this week. Mrs. J. D. Seigler, who has bean , quite sick for several. weeks is con valescing. Mr. Mitchell Reynolds of your \ town, visited his father, Mr. E. .8. , Reynolds, last Sunday. i Mr. E. E. Reynolds, of Green- ; wood, accompanied by Miss Beau- ( fort Reynolds visited relatives u , this community last week. \ SUBSCRIBER, j ? Mi- IT"1 ?'??TYTT- .^-...-i-jg NOTICE OF ELECTION. Collier school district No 5. Spe cial tax. Pursuant to an order of the County Board of Education art elec tion will be held at Mathis' store, in the county of Edgefield, state of South Carolina,on Saturday the 23rd day of April,1910,for the purpose of toting on the question of levying and collecting a special tax of three (s) mills on the dollar of the taxable property of Collier school district No. 5. In holding said election the terms of the above order of the county board of education will be strictly enforced. J. L. Miller, J. N- Crafton, G. D. Mims. Board of trustees of Collier school district Vo. ?. Edgefield Co. S., C. State of South Carolina, County of Edgefield. - ^r^rea8,tuere kas ?een filed with tbe-county board of education, of Edgefield county, a petition of more than one-third of the resident elec tors and a like proportion of the resident freeholders of the age of 21 years of the Colliers school dis trict No. 5 in the county and state aforesaid asking an election in said district for. the purpose of voting upon the question of levying and collecting a special tax of three mills on the dollar, of all taxable property of said distriot to supple ment the school fund of said dis trict. It is ordered that Dr. J N Craf ton, J L Miller and G D Mims, as board of trustees of said school dis tricVare hereby ordered to.bold an election at Mathis' store in said dis trict on the k23rd day of April, A. D.~ 1910, .after giving notice of the time.3nd place of said election in some newspaper published within the said county and ,by posting no tices thereof in at least three public places in the said -district for two weeks before the said election. At this election only such electors as re turn real or personal property for, taxation and who exhibit their tax receipts and registration certificates as required in general election shall be allowed to vote. The board of trustees shall act as managers and the election shall be conducted as provided by law for general elec tions. At said election each elector favoring the proposed levy shall east a ballot containing the word "Yes" printed or written thereon and each elector opposed to said levy shall cast a ballot containing the word "No" printed or written there on; Within 10 days.after such elec tion^ majority of those voting shall vote for such levy, the board of trustees shall furnish the county auditor with a statement of the amount so levied... The polls shall open at eight o'clock, a. m. and close at 4 o'clock p. m. and in all respects comply with section 1208 of the code -of laws of South Caro? j^<190S.y^oh 1.. _____ A. R. Nicholson, Supt. G. F. Long,-Jr. . . Edwin H. Folk. County board of education pf Edge field-County S.JC. JOHNSTON "LETTER (Continued from page l.)y> ton and Mr. Orlando Sheppard. - The D. of C. attended in a body and'placed a large laurel wreath upon the casket. The floral designs were numerous and beautiful. and the mound of flowers covering the grave stood as a symbol of affection in which he was field by friends. Dr. LaGrone leaves a large^ fami ly connection to mourn bim, besides seven children who have ever been so loving and attentive during all his illness: Mrs. James Hart, of Edgefield, Misses Ly ki, Rosalou and Pet LaGrone and.x essrs. D. J., W. E. , anil James LaGrone. s Mr. A. J. Mobley, bas returned from a visit to Florida. Among those from Edgefield who attended the burial of Dr. jLaGrone were, Mr. and Mrs. Milton J ones, Dr. and Mrs. J. G^Edwards, Mr. \V. B. Cogburn, Mrs. Missouri Lott, Mr. Orlando Sheppard, Dr. J. G. Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. J. 5*u?25_li^^ . Sudden Deaths. There ?foo disease prevailing in this coon try most dangerous because so decep CZJ H? IL MTT?? t"re* Many sudden *S rjlj|?i |?^jSi?-~*~ deaths are caused ?^?^^V^^? ly it"~beart dis qtfL?r >intr ease? Pneumonia, i lga iTJl <y??Mg heart ^ failure or JJ Sn "YrTv^D r aP?plexy are often 5 Hi \ v? e resnlt of ^d fen fl 11' S \ nev ?^ease- H S ES L\ ft 63 . ^dney trouble is ?K^*V Sx| ra HP'-- allowed to advance >Mk'* thekidney-poison ^B??J_3S^?. ed blood ati * tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, brick-dust or sediment in the urine, head ache, back ache, lame back, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervous ness, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell-by cell. Bladder troubles almost always resnlt from a derangement of the kidneys and better health in that organ is-obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kid neys: Swamp-Root corrects inability tc hold mine and scalding pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled jp. go often through the day, and to get up nany times during the night. Thc mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Foot, thc.great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest be cause cf its remarkable health restoring properties. A trial will convince anyone. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. Yon may have a ! sample bottle and a book that tells all ?bout it, both sent free .by mail. Address, 1 Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this gen* erons offer in this, paper. Don't make my mistake, but remember the name. , Swamp-Root, and' don't let a dealer self Sou something in place of Swamp-Root- : ' yro do yon. will be disappointed. Announcements. House, of Representatives. ? respectfully, announce myself a can didate for re-election to the House of Representatives, pledging myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary and to support the nomine?s of the same. S. McG. SIMKINS. Superintendent of Education. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Superintendent of Education of Edge field county, subject to the rules of the Democratic , primary, and solicit the support of the voters of Edgefield county. If elected, I pledge myself to a conscientious discharge of the duties of the office. A. R. NICHOLSON. I am candidate for Superintendent of Education, s?bjct,to rules and regula tions of Democratic Primaries. I nave taught about ten y ? ars in the public schools, am deeply interested in them, and feel that lam familiar with their needs. If elected, I pledge an earnest discharge of the dudes of the office. W. WALTON FULLER. Judge of Probate. Thanking the voters of this County for their support in the past, I offer for re-election to the Office of Judge of Probate of Edgefield County, subject to the rules . and regulations, of the Democratic Primary.. J. D. ALLEN. County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candi-, date for Treasurer of Edgefield County subject to the rules pf the Democratic party. If elected I pledge my best ef fort to give the people a satisfactory administration. THOMAS E. BYRD. I herewith respectfully announce myself for election to the office of Treasurer of Edgefield county, 'trusting that my past record in said position ? will warrant the support of all Demo cratic voters, and am pledged to abide by all rules and regulations of the August primary. t JAMES T. MIMS. I hereby * announce myself a candi date for the office^ of Treasurer of Edgefield County, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic pri mary, pledging myself, if elected, to serve the pedple to the best of my ability. C. M. WILLIAMS. For Auditor. I respectfully announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Auditor of Edgefield county and solicit the support of the people, pledging my self to abide the result of the Demo cratic primary. J. RANSOM TJMMERMAN. County Supervisor. I respectfully announce that I am a, candidate for re-election to the .office Of4, Supervisor of Edgefield County sub ject to the rules of the Democratic pri- [ mary, and pledge myself if'elected to i cbntinueHxro^cnarge-the-duties of saiui office with the same faithfulness' arid fidelity that I have in the past. , Ri. J. MOULTRIE. ....... I thereby announce myself for the of fice of Supervisor of Edgefield county, and pledge my friends and the people as a whole, faithful and competent service. I know the work of the office i thoroughly, and solicit , your support, promising to abide by the result of the | Democratic p?rty. , WILEY G. WELLS; I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Supervisor of I Edgefield county and solicit the sup port of the people, pledging myself to abide the result of the primary elec-1 tion. I' J. W. CRIM. For Magistrate. * V I respectfully ?nnounce my candida cy for re-election to the office of magis trate of the 5th judicial district bf Edgefield county subject to the Demo cratic primary. Will endeavor if elec ted to do my full duty in future as I have in the past. JOHN R. BLACKWELL. I respectfully announce myself a can didate for the office of magistrate of the 6th Judicial District of Edgefield County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party, pledging myself to a faithful discharge of duty if elected. R. M. JOHNSON. I respectfully announce myself a can didate tor re-election to the "Office of Magistrate for the 8th judicial district of "Edgefield county, pledging myself to abide the rejult of the Democratic pri mary. A. C. OUZTS. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election as Magistrate of the 4th judicial district of Edge field county, pledging myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary election.' WALTER W. MILLER. I respectfully announce myself a can didate for magistrate of the 8th judi cial district of Edgefield county subject to the rules arid regulations of the Democratic party. If the people see fit to elect me I will render faithful service. T. J. MCDOWELL. We hereby announce Mr. J.' W. Bai ley a candidate for magistrate of the 6th judicial district of Edgefield county pledging him to abide the result of the primary election and to support the nominees of the Democratic party. FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. County Commissioner. I am before the people as a candi date for County Commissioner, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. If elected, I shall look to the best in terests of the people and of the county^ N. L. BROADWATER. I hereby announce to the voters of Edgefield county that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of County Commissioner Subject to the regulations of tile Democratic primary, I pledge myself, if elected, to honest service, safeguarding the people's interest in every possible way. JNO. 0. HERIN. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of County Com missioner aud pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary. JAMES DEVORE. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for re-election to the office of County' Commissioner of Edgefield I county, pledging myself to abide the I result of the primary election and to support the nominees of the Democrat ic primary. :J. NICK GRIFFIS For Coroner. Through the solicitation of my friends, I announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner, subject to the Demo cratic primary, soliciting the support of the people. GIP H. SEIGLER. Supervisor of Registration. I hereby announce myself a candi date for. Supervisor ot Registration subject tc the rules of the Democratic party, and solicit the support of the people. C. H. WHATLEY. ' I herewith respectfully^announce myself a candidate for re-election for Supervisor of Registration of Edge field county, pledging myself to abide the result of the primary election and to support the nominees of the party. GEORGE W. QUARLES. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for Supervisor of Registra tion and-pledge myself to abide the re sult of the Democratic primary. As I must stay at my post, making meal for the people, will be unable to make a complete canvass. N. R. BARTLEY. I resp ectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Supervisor of Registration, and pledge inys?lf to abide the result of the Democratic primary and to sup port?e nominees of the same. , j _ CHARLES STROM. Statement of the condition of The Bank of Trenton located at Trenton, S. C., at the close of business' Mareh 24th 1910. Resources, Loans and Discounts Overdrafts " Banking House . Furniture and Fixtures Due from B anks and . Bankers . Currency Gold ' Silvei and other Coin Checks and Cash Items Total, Liabilities, Capital Stock Paid in Surplus Fund Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid Due to Banks and Bankers Individual Deposits subject to Check Time Certificates of Deposit . Total v STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD, _ Before'me came H. W. Hughes Cash ier'bf 'the above named'hank, who, be ing; duly sworn,, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true con dition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. H. W. HUGHES. Sw om'to and subscribed before me] tlus^hg-ls^'ay of April, 1910. WrB. Po^* (L. s.) Magistrate, ' * E. C. S. C. $58,709 50 1,527 26 1,100 00 1,884 ll 3,397 23 859 001 20 00 353 46 j ' 114 51 $67,965 07 j $12,500 00 1,000 00 4,665 36 5,796 25 28,057 52 15,945 94 $67,965 07 Correct Attest, J. C. bONG. S/T. HUGHES, J. D. MATHIS, Directors. STATEMENT OF TheFARMERS BANK of Edgefield, S. C. At the close of business March 30th, 1910 RESOURCES * Loans and Discount ?254,904.11 Bank building and ' Fixtures 4,040.00 Cash in Banks 34,541.18 Cash in Vault ^ 12,003.01 ?J < 6305,488.30 LIABILITIES Paid up Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Deposits 858,000.00 35,'000.00 16,708.87 195,779.43 $305,488.30 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA jj . County of Edgefield ( ^ I, W. H. HARLING, Cashier of The Farmers Bank of Edgefield, S. C., do solemnly swear that the above is a true and correct state ment to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. H. HARLING Sworn to before me this 31st day of Marcb,"A. D., 1910. EDWIN H. FOLK, [L. B] Notary Public S. C. Bake ?2u and sai and nea' \ Let us 'help y paint for your ho the paint is just We can help you for your home; I J you will save ?no? jiiot the pe?- gallo?. W W. 1 Statement of the Condition of The Bank of Edgefield At the Close of Business on March 29th, 1910 Resources Loans and Diacounts Overdrafts Real Estate and Banking: House Furniture and Fixtures Due from Banks and Bankers Cash in Vault . $238,482.90 355.24 4,508.80 1,596.98 31,519.06 8,737.41 8285,200.39 Liabilities ? Capital Stock Undivided Profits Deposits .857,400.00 25,413.48 202,386.9] $285,200.39 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I \. County of Edgefield. i I, E. J. MI MS, Cashier of the Bank of Edgefield, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. x E. J. MIMS Sworn to before me this 2*9th day of March, 1910. B. B. JONES, [L. S.] ' Notary Public S. C. Correct Attest: J. C. SHEPPARD, ) W. W. ADAMS, > Directors J. M. COBB, ). Let us supply your table with new crop (Georgia syrup, Blue Rib bon, Silver Drip, Silver Leaf syrup or Cuba molasses. Can please the most fastidious taste. B. Timmons. CAKE, holt biscuit, hot breads, ?Hf pastry, arc W lessen 2d In cost %*Land in creased In quality and wholesomeness, * by nf Fainer i food af home e money 1th m ou, with some experienced paint advice, to select thc right me. It requires experience and paint knowledge, because as important as the Jumber, hardware and furnishings. . Also let us show you some tasteful color combinations et us explain why, if you ask your painter to use HOUSE PAINT tey and get better paint. The real test of paint value t cost, but the yards of surface it will cover and the years it will last. Acme Quality House Paint costs less because it takes less and lasts longer. L Come in and get an Acme Quality Painting W Guide Book and some color suggestions. If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. Ldams & Company Deere Implements OSEES?'-'; ?"' We have no hesitancy in recommending any implements made by the Deere factory. In quality of material, construction, and:results obtained from actual operation, they represent the highest degree^ excellence iri? farming implements. DEERE PLANTER We present to the farmers this week the Deere combination planter and fertilizer distributor. It can be used to plant any crop .from - mus tard seed to cornfield beans. The distance apart and the quantity of seed dropped can be quickly regulated. If the s>?d are sound, a" farmer who uses a Deere pl?nter can have a definite idea as to* the stand of the crop when the seed are put in the ground. Nothing superior'on tho market. Another strong "feature is that the quantity of fertilizer can not only be regulated, but it is mixed with the soil by the distributor, in stead of being in a, stream, which might prevent gemination ehould tifie ?eed fall directly upon the guano. Deere Diverse Cultivator Another Implement which we strongly recommend is the Diverse Cul* ivator which is easily adjusted to any width TOWS. Where rows are ir-' egular in w: Jth this cultivator can be adjusted without stopping the *-ara. The centre tooth can also be removed if desired. The Diverse Cultivator is a labor ?aving implement that every farmer in Edgefield. \_ iounty should own. It is not only labor saving but does the work in a lighly satisfactory manner. We-study the farmers needs and carry an .ssortment of the most improved implements to meet their needs. Call to dee us-if we haven't what you want, will order it for you. STEWART S KERNAGHAN. Enter The Br's Corn Contest!