Statement of the condition of TfiE UM OF EDGEFIEItD located at Edge field, S. G., at the close of business March 24th, 1910. Resources, .Loans and Discounts .Overdrafts Banking House Furniture and Fixtures .Other Real Estate : Due from Banks and o Bankers Gold ^Silver and other Coin Checks and Cash Items Total Liabilities Capital Stock-Paid inc . . ? Undivided Profits,* less Cur rent Exr^aes- and^TaStes Paid Individual Deposits subject to Check $237,344 96 860 13 4,073 95 1,596 98 434 85 35;6&i8 6,015 00 .1,057 50 -1,727-16 467 97 $288,763 63 $57,400 00 24,^496^22 78.494 48 Time Certificates of Deposit 128,372 93 * . ? Total . $288;763^3 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA^ COUNTY ?F EI?EWELT), Before me came ?. J. MlMS, Cash ier of the above n^ed bank, who; be ing duljrsworn, says .?h?t,'tne aboye and foregoing statement is a true con edition of said bank, as shown by the. books of said bank. E J. MIMS. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 2nd day of April 19?0. B. B. JONES, (L. S.) Not Pub. S. C. Correct Attest, ; J. C. SHEPPARD, 2 W. w. ADAMS J. M. COBB I Lostr ^Saturday, March 26tfc >etween Edgefield and Mr. W. T* Kinnard's a memorandum book; and ? a check, on tiie Bank, of ;Edgefield for $195, drawn by W. W. Adams, s payable to my order. Finder can leave at-The Advertiser office.- I Siill give^uitable^reward? ^ERNEST?. COGB?RN, Kirksey'S. C. Another car load of Pittsburgh : Perfect Fence _just received-=*any. (height you want. Now is the time ; to rebuild your pasture felices. Use 'Pittsburgh whc ancl you will have no more fence troubles. Stewart & Kernaghan. Putout your Dnion sets as^oonJ as th'e ground is iii order. We e?n I pply yon with the best. B.^Timmons. Come soon and select your new I Easter Hat at RIVES BROS., made j )y a comp?tent'Milliner from Balti more.-Ad v. ive yon seenr Siuart's ciippioi hines. Call at our store an d e x amine them-just' Xfoat you b?v?j ?een wanting. Stewart'*1') ,n. Our stock of harness-is thc lar gest that we haye /eVe? carried.'j 'agon and buggy b^rness. siiifi <>r double, light or heavy. We bave I my kind you'want, with "the prioaiff right. : Ramsey & Jones. Rt Hwinut's Toilet Articles. We haye just added a complete line of ; HudnutV c^ebra^ articles such.-as- perfumery, violet^ .water, ?p|? cream talcum-. powder,. ?ail enamel, etc There, is noth-. ing superior to th?se on the>m?i'k?il ' Tre invite the lad^eslo.calL . Penn & ~:Holstein. ? Urd. Wesson's pure cotton;"seed oiNtf : cooking- substitute for lafrd and miter."ISTo greasy food, no dyspep** i'm. Odortess and tasteless. T>?D6*?C? .eakb, pocketbook" and domestic itmospbere. Try ?'eari ?ti?L you will' ilways use it-only '2b cenar? Penn ^Holstein. We are jastlyi^Mroad ?f.oarsto?k of baggies. . W[e c?rjry-, Coin m bus, ;bcock,v Tyson. ; J?nss,: Rock, ckney and Sandford buggies, ae variety of styles, makes-, etc., * viii enable ns to snit every taste and rory purse.; Hundreds ^xf jsatisfiedj ^raers praise the quality of our -vehicles. Ramsey & Jones. ern Railway to Augusta. Account Spring. Masic Festival 8-9, 1910, the Southern Rail way-announces reduced fares .to" Aa-. ,,Ga,, and return.. Tiokets on le April 7th and 8tb with'final imit retaining April 11th, 1910. ildrep half fare. For further in formation, apply to Southern Rail way Ticket Agents, or,. J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Ajex H. Acker, T. P. A. ^ Angosta, Ga ?ff?r-?oT sale a nm?-hors? port le steam engine andshingle mill at my farm near Elmwood. Lu m - ber also for sale, bills. cut to order. JOHN R. BEYAN, Edgefield, S. C. R. F. D. Nov ii. The Edgefield Garage is the Ma?w?l headquarters for Edf e??l? and Aik?n counties Experience has taught us that if want to transact business, have pleasure ami avoid trouble-buy a Maxwell. It - has taught us that you can ojier?te a Maxwell cheaper than you can feed a horse. It^rill carry you" tner? and bri ng you back. .We have two experts in the Firm: Bob Tidwe?l-the young man who drove the Maxwell, winning the En durant rac? from Augusta to Atlanta, and Earnest Scott "on the spot they willoh glad; to giveyoua demonstration. ^Gallon or write them. We want to place oh? of enr "A A" $600 (factory price) Runabouts in in the hands of every business man in Edgefield and Aiken counties. Look at it! Aiiit it a Daisy? ?MODEL E When yon see it ran and its easy operation you'l be astonished. Place your order now so that you will be certain to get one. Our tour ing cars can't be beat-you owe it to your family-so come and get it. Here it is. We will be glad to~see you at our place of business. We will be glad to see you at our pfetce bf business I STROM, SCOTT & TIDWELL Como Billie Islip Pure Breed e?gs fer hatching, $1.50^ per 1^5. ^Youjr^der^l solicited. J?HM R. TOMPKINS WE ARE READY FOR You and the Boy For Spring Clothes $ Don't forget our ladies . Ready-to wear department. When in Augusta, call here, leave your packages with us to send to th? train and make oui* store your headquarters while in' Augusta. Augusta's largest clothing store. The J. Willie Levy Company 824 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. To the People of the RED HILL COMMUNITY and surrounding district Quarles & Melliehamp are in a position to offer you close prices on [ Dry goods?, heavy and fancy groceries, Planta tion supplies and general merchandise. We are steadily growing and so is Red Hill. Werappreci?te your former patronage. Sp?nd your money in the country, thereby working for the general good of all. SEE OUR 5c and 10c BARGAINS Quarles and Melliehamp Laundryl Laundryl! Laundry?l Cold Spring, - - S. C We are offering the followi the year of 1910: . 2400 pounds of high grade g The only condition is that y GEORGIA CHEM] PALM ? Noone exclnded, old and y< what we South Carolinians gro This idea was gotterr-up to one acre of each, cotton and co exhibit. (See catalogue.) B cost to enter the race. Write use. We want each exhibito parties in your section see the < .The Tri-County M. E. RUTLAND, Preside! W^m^W^. Wt >:?.,: "wi"! Cleaning and Pressing I respctftilly notify the Edge field public that I have , moved my dying, cleaning and pressing room to the ground floor of the Corner Store's annex, and solicit a contin uance of your patronage. We guar antee satisfaction on every piece of work we send out. Wallace Harris. Insurance I represent a strong line of Fire In suranee Companies and can insure your property. Your patronage will be appreciated. H. A. Smith. For Sale. Pony suitable for a child, at a bargain. J. H. Cantelou. Full line of Levering's celebrated roasted coffees, 15, 20 and 25 cents per pound; also Leggett^ fancy parched coffee. > B. Timmons. Ready made glassed, such as you select for yourself over the counter, are always alike on both eyes. Now then if you have eyes of different focus, requiring glasses of different focus to make them balance prop erly, what are you going to do about it? Will you take chances on getting one eye right and have the other one wrong, producing muscular trouble which you find out too late, or will you have your eyes carefully tested, each eye?, separate ly, and glasses fitted accordingly? This method is far safer and costs no more. , GEORGE F. MIMS, Edgefield, - - - - S. C. Every farm should be equipped with a good Bell. Shipment just re ceived and marked at yery reason able prices. , Stewart Sc Kernaghan. Fresh from Buist's seed farm-a full assortment of garden seeds. Buist's never fail to germinate well. Nothing better on the market. B. Timmons. JAS. S. BYRD. SURGEON DENTIST, EDGEFIELD, S. C. ?^"Office over Post-0 See. Beautiful iron and enameled beds just what you need. Ramsey &? Jones. LAUNDRY NOTICE. Our Steam Laundry work will go on as formerly and will ask our old patrons to leave work at my old( stand, where Messrs. Abney Parks: and Edgar Hart will look after, same. Jas. E. Hart. Come to us for your valentines beautiful and comic, sublime and , ridiculous-from 1 cent to'$2.50 B. Timmons. Rent contracts, mortgages of per sonal property, titles to real eetate and mortgages of real estate for sale at this office. The legal blanks that The Advertiser sells will stand the test of the courts. We will tell you in our next issue when RIVES BROS., will show their pattern Hat and when they will have their regular Spring Mil linery opening. Rives Bros. - | i i TRI-CO To the farmers of Aiken and Lexingt ng'prizes for the best one acre of cotton ruano, 1st prize. 1600 pounds 2nd prize ou use any of the following fertilizers ar [CAL WORKS, Augusta, Ga. VIRGIE ETTO FERTILIZER CO., Columbia, S. ( >ung, rich and poof, white and colored h where in this Southland, by the use of g< try to improve our farming interests as tn, and win the prize. This is in additioi esides you can enter the contest for both the secretary a postal and tell him to en r to be able to tell how the crop was cul :otton and corn weighed. Fair Association, nt W. J. McCART mm tr w AUG HOUi E are grateful to the pe< us in the past and shall and better values in fur fe With the coming large store and are pre Do you need a Bed Rc China Closet. Dining T it mattel s not what you Ali we ask of you let us show you throng quality and price, We buy direct fro when you buy of us yoi Come to see us. E. M And 972 Broad Street," / NOTICE. All persons owing mo are re-.j quested to come and, make settle ment, and save me the unpleasant task of placing these accounts in the hands of my attorneys for col lection. Respectfully, Jas. E.- Hart. A Excursion Rates Via Southern! Railway. Account South Atlantic States Music Festival, Spartanburg, S. C., April 13, 14, 15, 1910, the South ern Railway announces reduced rates to Spartanburg and return. Tick ets on sale April 12, 13 and 14 and for train scheduled to arrive Spar tanburg before noon April 15, 1910, with final limit returning not later than midnight April 16, 1910. Children half fare. For further information, call on Southern Railway Ticket Agents or, Alex. H. Acker, T. P. A., Au gusta, Ga. ; J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Excursion Rates Via Southern Railway to Atlanta, Ga. Account of Atlanta Music Festi val, Atlanta,* Ga. May 1st to 9th, the Southern Railway announce re duced rates to Atlanta and return. Tickets on sale May 1st to 7th in clusive with final limit returning not later than midnight May 9th, 1910. 'Children half fare. For further information, call on Southern Railway Ticket Agents or, Alex. H. Acker, T, P. A., Augusta, Ga. J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. -JUST PUBLISHED Webster's NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary, (G. &C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass.) surpasses the old International as ranch ts that book exceeded ?ts predecessor. On the old foundation a new soperstrnctnre has been bnilt. The reconstruction has been carried on through many year? by a large force of trained workers, nader the supervision of Dr. W. T. Harris, former United States Commissioner of Educa tion, and reenforced by many eminent special ?ats. The definitions have been rearranged and amplified. Tbe number of terms defined has been more than doubled. The etymology, synonyms, pronunciation, have received un sparing scholarly labor. The language of English literature for over seven centuries, the terminology of the arts and sciences, and the every-dsy speech of street, shop, and house hold, are presented with fullness and clearness. Io size of vocabulary, in richness of general information, and ia convenience of consulta tion, the book sets a new mark in lexicography. 400,000 words and phrases. 6000 illustrations. 2700 pages. Vi mt to tlie pobBibtrt for Specimen Patts. UNTY Edgefield, Saluda, on counties :-: and one acre of corn in each of the above counties to be given away >: 1000 pounds 3rd prize. id make an exhibit at the fair in October at Batesburg: IIA-CAROLINA PEOPLE, Columbia, S.-C. 3. ASHEPOO FERTILIZER CO., Charleston, S. C. ave the same showing. Everybody get busy and show the. people )od fertilizers, and progressive ideas in farming, i well as improve the fair. So don't fail to take an interest and try i to the $50.00 cash prize the Fair Association offers for the best farm the State and county prize acre of corn with this same acre. iter your name as a winner ?nd tell him the kind of fertilizer you will tivated and amount of fertilizer used, and have three disinterested HA, Secretary Batesburg-, S. C. J. M. MALPASS, Treasurer. LTSTA'S LEADING _ 3E FURNISHERS sple of Edgefield county tor the patronage that they h?.ve accorded ' [ endeavor to show our appreciation by giving them better service niture of I9IO we replenished every department of our pared to furnish your house at a very small cost om Suit, Parlor Suit, Enameled Bed, Wardrobe, able, Dining chairs, Mattresses, Rockers. In fact, need we have it. when you come to Augusta is to cal! at our store and h. our large stock. We ean please you in variety, m th?. leading factories in large quantities, therefore .iget the advantage of these large factory purchases. rews Furniture Company Augusta, Ga The Farmers Bank * ' . Of ??Edgefield" begins the New Year with much appreciation to the public for the liberal patronage extended to it in the past. For the New Tear, 1910, it wishes its custo mers and patrons a prosperons^season, and asks a continuance of their 1 patronage. . ^ ' Combined Capital Surphis - - ^l??.OOO.OO Interest paid on.deposits by special agreement. - We are ant^ri2e?s -4V to act as guardian, administrator, trustee and accept trusts generally un der our charter. A General banking business transacted on reasonable terms. Prompt attention given to all business in our line. We Solicit Your Deposit Account. STAR PIANOS The Starr Piano Co., are the larg est manufacturers of strictly high grade pianos in the world. Raro eleven acres of floor space in their factory. Thirty acres in their lum ber yards. Several millions of feet of choice piano lumber always on hand. Over five thousand pianos are under construction at all times. Thin company has a large num ber of medals and other awards for the highest merit. Took the gold medal last year at the Seattle Ex position. We are expecting several of these instruments in this week. (Jail and see them next door to the postoftice. HollanD Brothers Next Door to Postoffice CORTRIGHI METAL ARE FIRE PROOF" npiIEY will not burn. Will not split or curl like wood shingles. A Will not crack and roll off like slate. Will not rip at the seams like plain tin. Neither will they rattle during high wind storms. They never need repairs and last as long as the building. And last of all, they make the handsomest roof and are not expensive. STEWART & KE WAG SAN, Edge Add S. C. tX-- ' Vf .rW