Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, February 09, 1910, Image 3
If you had positive; proof that a certain remedy for
female ills had made many remarkable cures, would you
not feel like trying it ?
If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded ia
convincing eveiy fair-minded woman that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou
sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we
long for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence.
Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee
to be genuine and truthful.
Hudson, Ohio.-"J suffered for a lons" time from a weakness,
inflammation, dreadful pains each month an* suppression. I
had been doctoring" and receiving: only temporary relief, when a
friend advised mo to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I did so, and wrote to you for advice. I have faithfully
followed your directions and now, after taking only five bottles
of the Vegetable Compound, ? have every reason to believe I am
a well woman. I give you full permission to use my testimonial."
-Mrs. Lena Carmocino, Hudson, Ohio. R. IjV I>? No. 7?
St. Regis Falls, N. Y.- "Two years ago I was
so bad that I had to take to my bed every month,
and it would last from two to three weeks. I
wrote to you for advice and took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound in dry form. I am
happy to say that I am cured, thanks to your
medicine and good advice. You may uso my
/ li : letter for the good of others?" -Mrs. J. H.
/? ;i5rcyere, St. Regis Falls, N. Y.
There is absolutely no doubt about the
ability of this grand old remedy, made from
the roots and herbs of our'fields, to cure
female diseases. We possessjvolumes of proof of this fact,
enough to convince the most skeptical.
For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit.
{aggjjfepp MTs. Pinkham invites all sick women
EffsSSF to write her for advice. She l?as
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mass.
Trust that man in nothing who has
not a conscience in everything;
Dud Dobie,
The greatest of all horsemen, pays: "In my
40 years' experience with norse* 1 have
fourni Spohn s Distemper Cure the most
successful of all remedies for the horses.
It is the greatest blood purifier.'' Bottle,
50c. and $1.00. Druggists can supply yeii.
or manufacturers. Agents ?'antea. Send
for Free Book. Spohn Medical Co., Spec.
Contagious Diseases. Goshen, Ind.
Style is the dross of thoughts.
In "Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ease.
The antiseptic powder. Your feet feel un
?comfortable, nervous and often cold and
.damp. If you have sweating," sore feet or
]tight shoes, try Allen's Koot-Ease. Sold by
?all druggists and nhbe stores, 25 cents.
iSample sent free. Ad di cs Allen S. Olm
sted, Le Boy, N. Y.
Thc onlv ignorant sro the wise.
Bich in saving common sense.
Doctor yours if when you feel a cold
coniintr, with a few closes of Perry Varis1
Painkiller. Bette r than quinine und siifer.
Lofty designs must close in like of
fne t s.-Bro w n UK.
So. 6-10.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put 'ip
40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate
Btomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated,
tiny granules._
Soft Yarn Spinners Urge Mills to
Continue Present Plan of Curtail
Charlotte, N. : C., Special.=-The
Southern Soft Yarn Spinners' asso
ciation met in annual session herc
Thursday, and the most important
matter to come up was thc annual
election of officers, which resulted as
uer*' care for Cough?. Cronp ||?J!0^: Rident, J. F. Taylor, of
anil JSrotichitit | kinston, N. C.; fir. vice president,
is now found at all drug stores (25c. a bottle) ] J. P. McMillan, of Ta'.adega, Ala.?
former secre
of J McColl.
Cs Taylor's Cherokee- Ucm'ady of Sweet j second .ice president
Gum aud Mullein.' By ?ill m.aas tho best i tarv. Robert Chapman,
xomedy for consumption, whooping cough, io /i
croup, colds. Eomody has boea tested for - ?* v
ouyoarsaadalwiy.- x.V>< * i*j r.u.ioa. j A general discussioi
That happens in a moment which
may not happen in a thousand years.
To Cure a Cold in One Ony
.Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money if it fails to cure.
32.\Y.Grove's signature is on each box. 25e.
No path of flowers leads to glory.
Allen's Lung L'a'sa in will cure.uot only a
fresh cold, but ono of tho>e stubborn
coughs that usually hang on for months.
There arc vicissitudes in all things.
iscussion of prevail
ing yaru conditions was. goue info
and resolutions were adopted urging
spinners not to sell at the present
basis of cones and paper, which has
heretofore been the custom. Invest i
gation disclosed the fact that yarn
stocks have been rapidly reduced and
some mills have practically none on
hand at present. Mills were urged
to continue the present curtailment
until such time as yarns shall ad
vance to a better basis of profit.
For HEADACHE-Hicks' <".\ SPUDINR j Begging
"Whether from Colds. Heat. Stomach or 1
Nervous Troubles, Capndjne will relieve you.
It's Hau id-pleasant io take-act; immedi
ately. Try it. 10c. 2uCi a:ul ?0 cents at drug
This is Cyrus O
Bates, the mau who
advertises Mother"?
Joy and Goose
Grease I?inrmeiit,
two of the greatest
thiucs known to
With $500 on Her Person.
Charlotte, N. C., Special.-Bessie
Wilson, of Rock Hill, S. C., was
taken from the A. T. & 0. passenger
train last Friday and taken to the
police station, for begging, and upon
being searched it was brought to
light that she had on her person
The Supply Comes From Food.
Callous the
bowels with harsh
cathartics, and you* ll need
physic always. Help them
gently, with candy
Cascarets, and you'll need them
rarely. Once learn the difference
and you'll never take a harsher
laxative than these. 856
Vest-pocket box, 10 cents -nt ?rajT-stores.
Bach tablet of thc genuino is marked C C C
A preparation cf tuperu* eaeck for relieving Cough*,
Hoarseness ant Irritation of throitt of creat benefit
Lung Troubler, Bronchitis ar.? Asthma. Free
from opiates ar *prr hanr/ul ingredient.
Prit*. 25 ctaiii 60 cents sud fl.00 jw tax.
Sample euilit? oo request.
?OHN I. BROWN Zz SON, foto-.. Mag.
If we get power from food, why
not strive to get all the power we can.
That is only possible by use of skil
fully selected food that exactly fits
the requirements of the body.
Poor tuel makes a poor fire and a
poor fire is not a good steam pro
"From not knowing how to select
the right food to fit my needs, I suf
fered grievously for a long time from
stomach troubles," writes a lady from
a little town in Missouri.
"It seemed as it I would never be
able to find out the sort of food that
was best for me. Hardly anything
that. I could eat would stay on my
stomach. Every attempt gave me
heart-burn and filled my stomach
with gas. I got thinner and thinner
until I literally became a living skele
ton and in time was compelled to
keep to my bed.
"A few months ago I was persuad
ed to try Grape-Nuts food, and it had
such good effect from the very begin
ning that 1 have kept up its use ever
since. I was surprised at the ease
with which I digested it. It proved
to be just what I needed.
"All my unpleasant symptoms, the
heart-burn, the inflated feeling which
gave me so much pain disappeared.
My weight gradually increased from
98 to 116 lbs., my figure rounded out,
j my strength came back, and I am now
able to do my housework and enjoy
it. Grape-Nuts did it."
A ten days' trial v.* i 11 show anyone
some facts about food.
Look In pkgs. for the little book,
"The Poad to Wellville." "There's a
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They J
are genuine} true, and .full of human
Commissioner of Corporations
Smith's Suggestions.
Cannot Determine How to Eliminate
Evil and Retain Good of the Future
Washington, Special.-A Federal
tax on the transactions carried on
by the exchanges of the country is re
garded by Herbert Knox Smith, com
missioner of corporations, as offering
in some measure a "constitutional
and available means of regulation"
of tlicsc bodies. But in a report sub
mitted to President Taft Friday, Mr.
Smith acknowledged that he is some
what at a loss to determine exactly
how "to eliminate the evil and retain
the good" of the future transactions
of the ex;'aanges.
Information requested by the Pres
ident as to transactions on produce
exchanges and as to certain future
contracts in farm products led to
Mr. Smith's report on the subject.
Taking up the various classes of
transactions in farm commodities,
the commissioner holds that "spot"
and "intended delivery" future
transactions are proper; that "bucket
shop" transactions are "unquestion
ably evil and indefensible," and
that "hedging" transactions are nec
essary and proper, being really not
speculation, but an "avoidance of
But as to speculation "where
neither party intends to deliver or
receive, but where the contract is
made on a regular exchange, the rules
of which make delivery and receipts
obligatory, if demanded," Mr. Smith
asserts that this class of future
transactions "presents a difficult
problem. Its existence probably in
volves the existence of the future ex
changes themselves."
Thc trouble with, exchange specula
tion, says Mr. Smith, is not with the
theory but with I lie actual practice.
The commissioner bases his com
ments in. regard to speculation chief
ly on recent investigation of the cot
ton exchanges. The theoretic bene
fits of exchange transactions, he says,
are often nullified by improver con
ditions on the exchanges themselves
and cites thc New York cotton ex
change, thc basic delect of which he
says is its so-called "fixed differ
ence" system. The false quotations,
produced under this system, he says, i
frequently decrease prices cf colton j
received by the farmer.
. i
Negro Confesses That He Killed j
Three White Wemen.
Savannah. Ga., Special.-By his
own stolid confession Bingham Bry
an, a negro, is the man who on De
cember 9 killed three white women.
Mrs. Eliza Gribble, aged 70; Mrs.
Carrie Ohlander, her daughter, and
Mrs. Maggie Hunter, in their home
cn Perry street, in the heart, cf Sa
The negro is a prisoner in Chat
ham county jail here, and has been
in custody since he was arrested De
cember 14 for a. minor crime. Tho
negro's story .tallies to minutest de
tails willi appearances about the
house of murder after the dead wo
men were found. His story, simple !
but terrible, follows as he told it.
He declares his motive in entering
Mis. Cribble's home was robbery
John D. Rockefeller Gives $75,000.
New York, Special. - John D.
Rockefeller has made a conditional
gift of $75.000 towards $.'100,000 to
the Salem College (for women) at
Winston-Salem, N. C., and of $25.000
towards $100,000 to the Georgetown
College, Georgetown, Ky.
Want Money For Cotton.
Washington, Special. - Sen ito?
Overman introduced a bill Friday
providing for the refunding cf $42,*
532 for cotton burned at the close of
the civil war.
Dickinson Succeeds DeArmcnd.
Clinton. Mo., Special.-C. C. Dick
inson. (Dem.) has been elected to
succeed Kop. DeArmond from the
sixth Missouri district.
Representative Levering Dead.
Washington, D. C., Special-l?ep
resentative William C. Levering of
Massachusetts died nt his home in
this city Friday, aged 75. He had
been engaged in cotton manufactur
ing nearly all of his life, and was a
member of the House committee on
To Tect Bread Price Limit.
Louisville. Ky.. Special.-The Nat
ional Association ol' Master Bakers
will'carry " to the Supreme Court a
case to test all city ordinances and
statutes limiting the price of a loaf
of bread.
Tariff War is Averted. _
Washington, Special.-Concessions
by both thc United States and Ger
many have averted a threatened tar
iff war. Negotiations have been con
cluded between the two countries,
which settle the question of minimum
and maximum rates with the excep
tion of the cattle and dressed meat is
sue which Avas eliminated from the
present negotiations and which will
be pursued hereafter in separate
diplomatic representation.
Big Meat Co. Fails.
New York Special.-The Mexican
National Packin*: company, a Nevr
Jersey corporation, controlled hy
English investors and operating a
string of slaughter houses and pack- j
ing houses in the republic of Mexi
co under special concessions from
thc Mexican government, failed
Thursday with liabilities, including
stock, of approximately ?37,000.000.
The assets were not announced, but
it is estimated that they are in ex
cess of tho liabilities. j
Marble and Bronze Monument Un
veiled Over His Grave.
Frankfort, Ky., Speci.il.-Thc un
veiling of a marble and bronze mon
ument above his grave in the State
cemetery here Thursday was the
feature of the observance of the
tenth anniversary of thc death of
William Gocbel, the central figure in
one of thc more exciting chapters in
the latter days of Kentucky's his
If there were any evidences of*
partisan strife connected wit h the
"Goebel troubles" present during thc
ceremonies, which was attended by
the Legislature in a body, they went
unobserved. A large gathering tilled
the space around the monument.
Former Governor J. C. W. Beckham,
who as lieutenant governor, succeed
ed to the executive- chair at William
Goobel's death, acted as master of
Approval is Given the Program as
Arranged by the Leaders.
Washington, Special.-The admin
istration program, as revised by lead
ers of the Senate and House and giv
en the stamp of White House appro
val comprises the following legisla
Statehood for Arizona and New
Mexico in 'the form of the Senate
bill, which provides for ratification
by Congress of the constitutions of
the new States after thc approval by
the President.
Postal savings banks, with safe
guards against (lands being trans
ferred from sections where originally
deposited to thc money centers.
Giving to thc President authority
to withdraw from entry public lands
desired for conservation purposes or
for classification, thc withdrawals
to remain in force until revoked by
him of by acts of Congress.
Federal incorporation open to (he
volutary application of concerns en
gaged in ituerst?te business and will
ing to subscribe to Federal regula
Creating a court of commerce and
amending thc interstate commerce
act as provided by the Townse'nd
Elfcins bill. ?
Creating a legislative council for
Alaska, the members to be appoint
ed by the President.
All of the measures designated are
to bc enacted into law if thc influ
ence of President Taft and Com;ress
leaders, who are in charge of the
machinery of the Senate and House
is powerful enough to cany the pro
gram through.
Cause cf Mine Disaster in Colorado
Primero. Col., Special.-""Cause un
known'' was the verdict reached last
Thursday by the coroner's jury that,
investigated the explosion in thc mino
of the Colorado Fuel Iron Company
Monday afternoon that caused tho
death of at least seventy-three men.
Mine Explosion in Mexico.
Laredo, Tex., Special,-Word reach
ed this city rf rom Las Esperanzas,
Mexico, Thursday, that 75 persons
lost their lives in a minc explosion
there. All reported dead were Jap
anese miners. The explosion was
caused by tho ignition of gas by a
spark from a miner's cigarette;
.Peary Wants to Find South P0I3..
Washington, Special.-Commander
Rober! E. Peary, discoverer of the
north polo, has made a proposition
to thc national georrraphic society
which if accepted, will mean that an
American- expedition will bo on its
way to discover the 'unconquered
south pole next fall.
Paris Relief Fund.
Paris. By Cable.-Up to Friday thc
relief lund from foreign countries
had totalled $700,000, and the re
port was that thc river Seine was
still falling.
To Investigate the Tarin.
Washington, Special.-An exhaus
tive study of the whole subject of
the tariff ls planned by President
Taft.. He has directed the Tariff.
Board that authorized the recent
Tariff act to prepare for such an in
quiry. In order to defray the ex
.penses of thc work the President will
ask for an appropriation ol" $75,000
from Congress.
Mr3. Brokaw Wins Suit.
New York, Special.-Mrs. Blair
Brokaw has been granted a separa
tion from her husband, W. Gould
Brokaw, a rainer, and was awarded
alimony of $15,000 a year. The de
cision was handed down by Justice
Putnam. Thc separation was grant
ed upon the ground of desertion.
Halley's Comet Viable April 1st.
Chicago, Special.-Halley's comet
probably will begin to be visible lo
the naked eye about .April 1, and will
cross the face of the sim at (> p. m..
.May 18, says Prof. Edwin B. Frost,
director of Yerkes Observatory.
Champ Clark Boom.
^Washington, D. t'.. Special.-Rep
resentative Cbamp Clark, minority
leader of the House, has been inform
ed that the first "Champ Clark
for President Club'' has boen
organized in Enid. Oklahoma. An
official notification to that effect lias
just reached him. Telegrams from
Tulsa, Oklahoma, have been received
by the minority leader, nominating
him for Speaker of the next Congress
and then for President.
16 M:n Saved.
Savannah, Ga.. Special. - Frida;.;
forty-six men were saved by the
crow of the Mallory liner "Alamo"
from thc sinking steamship "Ken
tucky" on her way from this port
to ICew York around the Horne to
Seattle, and taken to Key West, Fla.
The vessel went down mera I lian a
hundred mile off tb" South Carolina
coast. The signal of distress was
.riven by wireless telegraph from this
pori to the ere1.', cf thc liner "Ala
Why is it that when a superb of
fice building is erected in Atlanta, or
a magnificent tourist hotel in Florida,
that we speak of it as "the finest in
the South"?
There arc colleges and universities
in thc Southern States with money
enough .behind them and brains
enough inside of them to make them
equal to thc best, but when a South
ern woman gets rich enough she sends
her sons to Harvard or Yale, because,
well, why ? We heard it said the oth-1
er day that a certain denominational
college in North Carolina has the
highest standard of all the colleges
south of Mason and Dixon's line.
Did anybody ever hear anything
spoken of as the best "north of
Mason and Dixon's line."
This ingrown belief in our own
limitations is a "curse and a snare."
Let's cut the-habit out of our speech
and our thought, and when we have
anything good or grand call it at least
"thc best in the land."
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion Never fails. At dntjnrirt*
.Fair and softly goes far.
'Tis Sad, But True.
Many sorely afflicted people wait until
they get one foot in the grue before tlt?y
take the proper treatment for rheumatism. |
Rheumacidc cures rheumatism to stay ]
cured, lthcumacidc g\>es rijzht to thc scat j
of the disease and removes ?ts cause. It is
put up in liquid form, also tablets. Hold in
25c and 50c bottles by druggists generally.
Tablets by mai!. 25e. Bobbitt Chemical
Co., Baltimore, Md.
Conscience has no more to clo with
gallantry than it has with politics.
Piles Curfd in fl to 14 Days.
Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any
Piles in 0 to 14 days or mon ey refunded. 50c
It matters not how a man dies, but
how he lives.-Johnson. So. G-'IO.
Rheumatism Cured in a Pay.
Dr. Detchon's Relief for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action is remarkable. Removes t'.ie cause
and disease quickly disappears. First dose
greatly benclits. 7?c. and $1. AU druggists.
My home, my mother's breast.
For < Oi.sts und CiiC???
Hick's CAPuniXE ls tht> host remedj-re
lieves thc achine and feverishness-cares tho
Cold and restores normal conditions. It's
liuuld-efrects immediately, 10c, 20c and 50c.
st drug; stores.
The Tenderfoot Farmer
It waa ene of these experimental formers, who put green
spectacles on his cow and fed her shavings. His theory
v/as that it didn't.raattcr what the cow atc so long cs shs
was f=d. Thc questions of digestion and nourishment had
not entered into K.r. calculations.
It's only a "tenderfoot" farmer that would try such
cn experiment with a cov.-. Bat many c farmer feeds kim*
self regardless o? digestion end nutrition. He mi?ht -.dniost cs weil cat shav
ings for ell thc good he gct3 out ci his food. Thc result is that the stomach
grows "week" thc action cf thc organs ol dirjcsHon cad nutrition ere impaired
ead thc man suffers thc miseries ci dyspepsia aaj tho cronies of nervousness.
To strengthen tho stomach, r-csioro tho activity of the cr*
?ans cf digestion and nutrition and b?=co crp thc nerves,
cse Dr. Pierce's Golden R'edlcal Discovery, it is an eas?
failing remedy, and lias tho confidence of physicians C3
xyell as tho praise cf thousands healed by ita cse.
In the strictest cense "Golden Medical Discover/" is a temperance mcdi
cine. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcotics, ard is c free from alcohol
ns from opium, cocaine and other dangerous dn:?s. AU ingredients printed on
its outside wrapper. i
Dent let a dealer delude you for his own profit. Ti ere is no medicine foi
ctosxach, liver and hlcod "just os good" cs "Golden Medical Discovery."
"I am a good example," writes Mrs. R. L. Bell, cf
McAlester, Okla,, "cf what Cardui will do for suffering
"I suffered with my head and back, for over six years,
and although I tried everything, I never could get any
thing to do me any good, until I began to take Ca rc .ii.
"Cardui has surely helped me and built me up and I
am so thankful that I have found something that will do
me good. I feel so itauch stronger and better than I have
in a long time."
lt is well to make up your mind before you are sick
what medicine you will take when you are sick.
You will be glad to take it when you are tired, mis
erable and when life seems a weary grind. It wiil_ put
new thoughts into your head,' fresh courage into your mind.
If not sick now, at least burn Cardui on to the'pages
of your memory, so that when you are sick you will ask
for it without thinking.
If sick or weak, get a bottle today. At ail druggists.
Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ciallannaoga. Tenn.,
for Special Jnstructiom. and 64-page book. "Home Treatment Lr Women." sent free.
Profit, not Necessity, is the Test
Why did you buy fine farm machinery, improved
live stock and seed, and thc best varieties of fruit?
Because thc man who sold them to you convinced you
that they would poy. Proceed on the same basis when
you buy fertilizer. Get die improved fertilizer-the
kind with enoudi Potash in it to make a balanced
plant ration. Your dealer would eel it for you if he
knew that you wasted it. For crain, use (>: fr r rom.
S: and for roots.fmit and truck. 10 percent.of JV.te.sh.
in the fertilizer. If > -mr dealer has not such brands. Bel him to
buy some Polosh salt ic you and pur it in thc (roods yourself.
To increase thc Potash one per cent, add two pounds of
muriate or sulfate of Potash, or eight pounds of Kainit to every
100 pounds of fertilizer.
15 . L P-"? TTr^n your fertilizer d<\n?or rn carry Vni.-.?li Salt? Ia
tota jil rays novlc. Bo will have no trouble In buying t h-.-nt ii ho
will trritc to a? about it.
ff rile io Sales Ofice :
Continental Betiding Beltimore, Md.
Our plants are grown in the open ilc-ld
from tho host seeds obtainable and will give
the best possible results.
Wo n:ako good all short counts, and
guarantee delivery, In good condition lo
your express office.
Prices ?. o. b. Meggetl:
1 to 3.000 at Sl.f.O per l.tOu.
4 to 8.000 at $1.25 perl.Ou).
0 to 14.CC0 at $1.00 per 1,000.
Special prices on lar?o orders. Prompt
attention Riven all orders and Inquiries.
Folderon Cabbage Culture mailed free.
Box 2, Mewett- S. C. _
responsible locnl manager: easy, ?.- nu' tine:
f plcudld opportunity: <-xel??ire territory Riven good
mon. SAI'OXOL. KW Hernie Stree:. New york.
GOWAN'S PREPARATION ls absolute pro
tection against pneumonia, colds, croup,
coughs, pains and soreness in lungs and
throat. Relieves at once by destroying the
inflammation and congestion. External
and penetrating. $1.00. Mte, 25c. AU
Birds particularly Wild Turkeys, Heaver,
Otters, niue and White- Ci apes. Pox Squirrels.
I Albinos Ftc. Address DB, CECIL FRENCH.
Zooloslst. Washington-. D. c.
Wo Buy
Kidcs and
wool ?
Feather?, Tallow, Beeswax, Ginseng,
Golden Seal,' Yellow Reel), May Apple,
Wild Ginscr, etc. Wo arc d color?;
etublithed io 1056-"Ovtr ball a century ia
Louisville"-md cia do b itter for you than
Bgu'j or commission merchaats. Reference,
any Bink ia Loui?viL'e. Write for weekly
price lilt ind shipping tag'
Ri. Sabs! & Sons,
227 P.. Market St. LOUISVILLE, KY.
Color more goods brighter and foster colors thuu any other dye. One l'Jc. package coloro r?l flbcrr. Thc
tan dye uny garment without ripping apart? Write for free booklet-How to l>y&, Bicoca and stix Col
For Asthma, Bronchitis and
all Throat Troubles Take
The relief is as quick cs it is certain.
Pleasant to take and guaranteed
absolutely free from opiates. ( j .
AH Drcssicta, 25 cents.
Your Medicine Closet Should Contain
an emergency remedy for neut?'jndlsestloa, food:
poisoning or plain gripes. For any'sU>niaol?'<,
a liberal dose of
promptly administered, will afford relief, anil by
cleansing thc system rf-niovc a cause for Hine?.
Palatal ls tasty, safe and effective. Thc Ideal cathar
tic, l?c, ilru&jlats or Jlurr.-iy Drus Co., Columbia., S.O. .
Dccause lt mixes the (mano with the soil close
under thc seed so that the cotton ls nourished
from the Hmo lt sprouts and ?rom oft
Sirona: and Tliriliy. A farmer says "100
pound" of cunno applied wu li Hie
Cole Planler Lt equal to 200 pound*
putout In tho nftiinl way."
One man anti one horse at one trip prepares
thc seed-bed, puts in the cunno, opens aaraln,
drops and covers thc seed, all in just the rljrht
way for either Corn, Cotton. Peas, Sorghum,
Peanuts. Etc. Thc COLE FLATTER, beal?
thc world In cc? tl us a quick, even ????d.
It puts ono seed after another in a ?trn?eht
linc. Ulick or thin, so that it ?ave? meed,
COMS ion to linn, and l< MN (O cultivate.
Mr. II carn of Georcia writes "I woura) NOT
)T MEANS MO!>EY TO YOU. write atonce
for III li li calalccue and nameof merchant
who sells and guarantees Cole Planters.
Sloan's Liniment is the best
remedy for sprains and bruises.
It quiets the pain at once, and
can bc applied to the tenderest
part without hurting because it
doesn't need to be rubbed-all
you have to do is to lay it on
lightly; It is a powerful prepa
ration and penetrates instantly
relieves any inflammation and con
gestion, and reduces the swelling.
Here's ike Proof.
Mr. L. ROLAND, Bishop of Scran
ton, Ta. says:-"On the 7th of
this present month, as I wai leaving
the building at noon for lunch, 1
slipped and fell, spraining my wrist
1 returned in the afternoon, and at
four o'clock I could not hold a pen
cil in my hand. I returned home
later and purchased a bot?c of
and used it five or six times before
I went lo beti, and Hie next day I
was able to go to work and use my
hand as usual."
Sloan's Liniment
is an excellent anti?
septic and germ
killer-heals cuts,
burns, wounds and
contusions, and will
draw the poi sc a
from sting of poi?
sonous insects, i'
26c, 50c. and $1.00
Sloan's book on'
hone?, cattle, ??ie rp
mid poultry son?
free. Ad dre?)
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, '
Boston, Mass., U.S.A.
Nal ure bas done ber utmost to make
this tbe Gorden Soot of the World.
The riebest soil-the most ddigbtfuf;
climate-close to the best markets-?
direct express sod freight conaectione.
Fruit sad vegetables zr ow abundantly,
two and three crops a year.
Handsome booklet in two colors
written by a western msn fully de
scribes in detail-absolutely free.'
Write for it now. Address :
B J. W. WHITE, Gen'l Ind. AgL,
Efc SKboard/Jr-LeeRdhrar. NORfOIQA. ;
To Richmond, Virginia.
Pays Market Prices and neals Fair
Mink $7.00 each. Grey Fox ?1.35 each
Raccoon 1.70 " Opossum .80 *'
Skunk 3.2."? " .Muskrat, .55 "
Rabbits Mc i>onnd.
We stand express charcos on all shipment*
of Pur whose value exceeds SlC.OO.
Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color'
InvicflrateF and prevents thc hair from falling off.
Tor Sale by Druggists, or 8ent Dirac! by
XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia
.vc? Si Per Bottle: Sampl? Ootll? 3$e. Send lor Circuler
R?noves all swelling ia 8 to 2?
dais ; effects a permanent cure
in 30 to 6odavs. Trial treatment
given free. Nbthir.pcari bc fairer
write Dr. H. H. Green's Sont, :
^Specialists, Box Q Atlanta, Qa.
r dye lu cola irater hitter tlua any other dye. TOO
ons. OlorUlOtt imVG CO., Qninoy, Illino!*