:?r$amzati?n Form? tenons Nature IB ??? Columbia, Special.-The National Association For the Study and Pre vention of Pellagra was formally or ganized Thursday at thc conclusion of a two days' conference 'on pe1 lagra attended by raore than three hundred physicians, the first meeting of national scope held in this country for the study of this disease. Dr. J. W. Babcock, superintendent of the] South Carolina State hospital for the insane, Columbia, was elected] president of the association ; Dr. Wil liam A. White, superintendent of the | United States hospital for the in sane, Washington, 1). C., vice presi dent, and Dr. George A. Zcller, su perintendent of thc State hospital for the insane, Peoria, UL, secretary tresurer. Later a vice president for ?ach State interested in the move ment will be named. An official pellagra congress, to be beld under the auspices of the asso ciation, is scheduled for June, 1910, in Peoria, DI., which city was chosen withoat a contest. The association, following the*pre sentation of forty-odd addresses and j papers by men prominent in the med ical profession, covering a wide rang? of investigation of pellagra in the United States and foreign countries, unanimously adopted the following resolution, presented bj' Dr. J. How ell Way of thc North Carolina Board ?f Health: Dr. Way's Resolution. s: Resolved, That this conference recognizes the widespread existence of pellagra in the United States and .trrgas upon the national government the necessity of bringing its powerful resources to bear upon, the vital ques tions of its cause, prevention and con trol. PEARY ENDORSED BY SCI Washington, Special.-For having reached the North Pole, Commander Robert E. Peary was voted a gold medal by the National Geographic Society. The board of managers of the So ciety acepted unanimously the report -?f its substitute committee of scientists, who had examined the ex plorer's records and" proofs, and found them to- be conclusive of his ?claim that he had reached the Pole. Report of the Committee. "The substitute committee, to which was referred th? task of ex amining the records of Commander Peary in evidence of Bi* 1 having reached the North Polo,'beg to re port they have completed their task. .an five hundred delegates, ?coming from almost every State in ? iVhWh ,fil?tf? JZLJE. GO TC BARLING Before insuring elsewhere ?Oki Line Companies. H?R?flG At Tho Farmer*? 3d io Stu?y Iis Mys and Check Its : I Sweep. f "Resolved, That while sound corn is in no way connected with pellagra, evidences of the relations between the use of spoiled corn and the pre valence of pellagra seem so apparent that we advise continued and syste matic study of the subject, and, in the meantime, we commend to core growers the great importance of full} maturing corn upon the stalk before cutting the same. "Resolved, That the work of thii conference be brought to the atten tion of the various State and Terri torial boards of health and they sev erally be urged to specially investi gate the disease, particularly as re gards its prevalence, and that the.T also see that the proper inspection of corn products sold in. the varioui States be had." In another resolution adopted, Dr. Babcock was recognized "as th? father of the movement for the studj and control of pellagra in America." Disease Attacks All. One of. the most interesting ad dresses of the conference was deliv vered by Dr. Sara A. Castle of Merid ian, Miss., who mad? the somewhat 'startling statement that of the mao3 cases of pellagra which she hal* treated since it was first recognised in Meridian, six of the patients wer? socially prominent in the city, aui fve of these died. It is not neces sarily a disease confined to the poor, according to a prevailing popular im* pression, declared Dr. Castle. Ali ol lier patients were eaters of corn bread and grita. She stated also that several of her hookworm pa tients subsequently developed pel lagra and died. Dr. J. M. Buchanan of the Stat? hospital, Meridian, Miss., addressed the conference on the treatment pf cases in that institution. A number of other addresses were delivered at the closing sessions. ENTIST5 RECEIVES MEDAL,, dition, its complete success and its scientific results reflect the greatest credit on the ability of Commander Robert E. Peary and render him worthy of the highest honors that thc National Geographic Society can be stow "upon him. (Signed) "Henry Gannett, "C. M. Chester. . "0. H. Tittman.." ' Resolutions. The resolutions adopted by the So ciety were as follows: "Whereas, Commander Robert E Peary has reached the North Pole, the goal sought for centuries. "Whereas, this is the greatest geo graphical achievement that this So ciety can kave opportunity to honor, therefore, "Resolved, that a special medaJ be awarded to Commander Peary. "Resolved, that the question of whether or not anyone reached th? North Pole prior to 1909 be referred to the committee on research with in structions to recommend to the board of managers a substitute committee of experts who shall have authoritv to send for papers or to make such journevs as may be necessary to in spect records and that this action of the Society be communicated at onec to those who may have evidence of importance" EAT TIME ifl CHARLESTON station to thc home of Mayor Rhett, where he spent the night, w?s marked by cheers. Mr. Taft is no stranger to Charleston. He has been here five times in recent years and said in Savannah that he "was go ing home to Charleston." His recep tion at-night was a repetition of th* cordial welcomes the President had received elsewhere throughout the South and which have made his stay in this section of the country one of. the pleasantest features of the long presidential trip. SIDENrROOSEVELT FALSE. Mr. Roosevelt's magazine articles, there was some uneasiness until Douglas Robinson, Mr. Roosevelt'? brother-in-law, said emphatically that he took no stock in such reports. Mr. Robinson, branded the first vague re ports of the day as false and when informed that later rumors had it that he (Mr. Robinson) had been ad vised by cable of Mr. Roosevelt '? death, he authorized another vigorous denial. SAM TOBACCO FACTORIES. the Union, enjoyed the junket, which was made on a special train. The visitors were delighted with ?he recep tion griven thc::i everywhere. Ambassador Bryce and Secretary Wilson of Hie Department of Agri culture at Washington, two of thc most remarkable men of tho agc. were in tb not. bc imitated or approached by chemistry. The eoinDany had the enano on exhibit and took pleasure in giving samples in convenient packages to those interested. A mother is satisfied if her daugh tor gots a igood steady man for a j husband, muses the Atchison Globe, j but she demands a princoss for hei , son. SNAPPY ?ND BRIEF (terns Gathered and Told While You Hold Your Breath. SOME EVERY^D?niAPPENINGS Lively and Crisp1 as They Are Gar nered Fron the Fields cf Action at Home and Abroad. _ Thirty students of the Georgia Mii . ltary academy are still sick from the eating of boneless ham that contain ed ptomaine poison. Two of Wilbur Wright's students at College Park made a- fly of 613-1 minutes duration Wednesday, exceed ing all amateur records and coming nearly up to their tutor. Tom L. Johnson for 12 years mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, was defeated in the election Tuesday. It is said that fie'cranberry crop of* Massachusetts is 32 per cent and that of New Jersey is 80 per cent greater this year than last year, mak ing something of an impetus to the turkey Thanksgiving dinner. The "loving cup" presented by Mrs. Lindsey Patterson of Winston, N. C., for the best literary work for the past year was won bv Mr. Clar ence Poe, editor of the Progressive Farmer. It was presented on Thurs day by Ambassador Brice who at tended the farmers' congress at Ra-, leigh. The book on which Editor Poe won the prize is entitled "A South erner in Europe." The Seaboard Air Line Railroad is now restored to the management of it? regular officials, all of who-j arev retained and the policies are to be continued by which the receivership made it a crowning success. A serious situation exists a-t Gass away, W. Va., growing out of an assault by a negro man on a white woman. The supposed guilty party was shot down while running to es cape. Two others said to be accom plices are in jail and mobocracy reigns. Two military companies are . present but in answer to Gov. Glass cox's direct question the captain said his men had voted to do all they could to save the prisoners except to shoot their fellow citizens. William Halloway, of Sioux City, Iowa, had lost his sight. His son Tom had been away for some time and on visiting his father recently, the latter buried his face on Tom's shoulder and wept. When he wiped away his tears he could see his son. The Lakes-to-the-Gulf vraterways association mean to send 5D0 lobby ists to the national capitol at the next session of ccagress to urge ac tion oh the subject. Trespassing on railroad property in violation of law, says the Phila delphia Dispatch, is responsible for 47.416 deaths in the United States within, the last 10 years, and along with these were more than *$50,000 persons injured. Rougier, the French aeroplanist, made a flight Tuesday at Antwerp, in which he attained a height cf 880 feet. The great national Farmers' Con gress met in Raleigh, N. C., Thurs day. Ambassador Brice from the court of St. James was the prin cipal speaker and greatly pleased his audience. Gov. Ansel, of South Carolina, or dered the dispensaries closed Friday and Saturday as a means of preserv ing the best of behavior while Presi dent Taft was the city's guest. The National Association for the study and prevention of pellagra was formed at Columbia, S. C., on Thurs .day night at the close of a two days conference for the study of the dis ease. Otto Muller who murdered Annie Luther in New York State n.ow con fesses to have murdered seven wives. His motive seems always to have been to obtain a few hundred' dollars\. from them. Practicing physicians, heads of medical colleges and prominent edu cators will convene at New Haven. Conn., on the 31th and 12th to con sider means to lessen the mortality of infants. 11 A monument to the Confederate veterans of Granville N. C., county was unveiled at Oxford last Satur day. Kentucky farmers not in the com pact are again uneasy and are ann ing against the outrageous barnburn ing night riders. Nine lives were lost in a burning banh) building at Johnsburg, Vt., on last Saturday. Forty-five fine horses and mules were burned in a livery stable fire at Pelham, Ga., on Monday. Two men were killed md one was sariously scalded in a freight wreck at Hannastown, Pa.@. Saturday. Milton Mullen, an old man living near Rolfe, Logan county, W. "Va., believing that he was a;oing to die re vealed to his grand son the hiding place in thc ground of $7,000 which he had accumulated. It was first thought that his mind was wander ing. The New York to Atlanta autoists reached Charlotte, N. C., Saturday evening and left there Monday morn ing. A. J. Denton was instantly kiPed and William Can-oil was seriously in jured by a boiler explosion at Pur cell, Lee county, Va., Monday. - Bad political blood is again at the boiling point in Jackson and Breath- j itt counties, Ky. John Stewart Kennedv, . financier and philanthropist, died in New York Sunday of whooping cough at the age cf 80 years, less two months. Cadet Eugene Byrne died at West Point. N. Y.. Sunday from injuries received in a game of foot ball. / THE LAW'S New Huies Needed to lessen Chances o Leads to Changes at Conference tc to Saye Game or Abolish It-Ex DEATH LIST IN THREE GREAT SPORTS. The following table gives the comparative number of deaths in baseball, football and automobil ing since '1905: Base- Foot Year, ball. ball. Auto. Tot. 1905..... ll 21 - 33 1906. 19 16 3 38 1907..... 13 13 7 33 1908. 42 21 8 71 1909. 39 ll 16 53 Totals... 115 S2 34 227 New York City.-The unfortunate and untimely death of Cadet Byrne has focussed American attention on football as it is played to-day and given to it the worst black eye it aas had in many a year. For coupled with the West Point fatality is the case of Midshipman Earl Wilson, the Navy quarterback, who was probably mortally injured in a flying tackle in the Annapolis-VIllanova game. The unfortunate accidents have ex cited interest all over th? country, and the' question that is being asked: "Are such accidents avoidable?" is being answered in the negative. As a result of the death of Cadet Byrne, of West Point, and the dan gerous injury to Midshipman Wilson, of Annapolis, in games of football, it is likely some action will be taken by the college football conference as sociation to eliminate certain rough features of the present game. Four years ago, after the death of Harold Moore, of Union College, who was injured in a game with New York University on Ohio Field, a con ference ol universities and ?ollee es was called by Chancellor MacCrackon, of New York University, which prac tically revolutionized the game. Mass plays have given way for the greater part to more scientific methods and greater stress has been laid, experts say, on speed than on weight. It was thought the new rules of open play, the forward pass and the out side kick would minimize the danger of the sport. It has been said that the greatest of injuries come from the bruising mass plays, but it is pointed out in a very significant manner by those op posed to even the so-called new game, that Villanova has a lighter team than the Navy, and that the weight question, therefore, can hardly entsr into the present discussion. The opinion was general among all the ex-college players seen that the trouble lies not in the differences of weight, not in the differences in meth ods of training-for it is pointed out that the best conditioned under-grad uate bodies in the world are the corps of cadets at West Point, and the brigade of midshipmen at Annapolis -not in inferior football knowledge, not in any of the usually accepted theories, but in the rules themselves. There never was a harder player, a more difficult man to stop, or one who knew more of the ins and outs of mass playing under the old rules than Robert P. Kernan, of Harvard. In discussing the new game, as op posed to the old, with particular r2 gard as to whether the rules had been really revised, he said: "They say they've opened the game. Maybe they think they have. But just look carefully at the penal ties that surround an incompleted forward pass. On the first and second downs an incompleted forward pasts entails thc loss of fifteen yards. Well, a team's hardly going to take a chance on that play; then, when lt has, it is backed up somewhere near its own goal line or even in its own territory anywhere when it's playing against an opponent of nearly equal strength. It would indeed be too haz ardous. "Again, on the third down, if .a team tries to pull off the forward Dass and it falls to the ground, the Cornell Scientist Compares Football to Bull-Raiting and Prize Fighting. Ithaca, N. Y.-Burt G. Wilder, the Cornell scientist, attacked football again, advocating its abolishment:. While he declared that the recent casualty had no particular influence on his mind, he hoped the views of other men might be changed. He said he would rather encourage bull-baiting and prize fighting than football on the ground that resultant deaths would help the community. He used one of his favorite terms, calling football a relic of barbarism. The Field of Sports. Jack Johnson is f? feet *4 inch in height. James J. Corbett is 6 feet 1 inch tall. The Detroit Baseball Club will net a profit of $200,000 on the season just closed. The sixteenth annual relay races of the University of Pennsylvania will be held on Franklin Field, Philadel phia, on April CO next. Arthur Irwin, who studies baseball closely, pays the Detroits lost the world's championship because the Pltrsburgs mads a dead set for Cobb and Cranford. _ . ." DELAY OR thc Rod. ? G. Williams, in the Indianapolis Newa. OT-DAY FOOTBALL GAME? f Fatal Injuries-Death of Cadet Byrne t Be Held-Hp to Rules Committee pressions From College Centres. ball goes to the opponents on the Spot where the hall was put in play for that third down. Who's going to try a forward pass under such condi tions? Naturally enough, sjnce they are hampered by such a rule, a team in its own territory has simply got to. stick to line bucking on .the first two downs and punting on the third." Asked how he would remedy this difficulty, Mr. Kernan said: "Easy and simple. Let' them re move these penalties, or else modify them." No Remedy, Says Coach Warner. Carlisle, Pa. - Glenn S. Warner, the Carlisle Indian football coach, said: "Of course football is a rough game and there is an element of danger in it, probably but little more so that in other branches of athletics. It is sim ply an unfortunate coincident that these accidents have happened. They are not due to any radical fault in the game, and I don't see any way to rem edy the rules to make football less rough, although I think changes can be made in the rules to make it a bet ter game." Principal Wants to Stop the Game. Brooklyn, N. Y:-*-Dr. William Fair ley, at Commercial High School, Brooklyn, said: "t thoroughly disapprove of foot ball, and I wish I could stop it imme diately. It is rough and brutal and should be abolished. I am writing to the parents of the football players in my school, hoping that enough will prohibit their sons from playing so that the team will break up. I am also demanding a signed statement from the family physicians declaring the candidates to be physically fit to Play." j . Fighting Safer Than Football. "* Pittsburg. Pa.-Because of the ro? cent football fatalities, Samuel An drews, superintendent of,the public schools of Tittsburg, took a decided stand against the game, and it is probable that every influence will be brought to bear for the suppression of football here. "I think fighting is a better sport,'* said Superintendent Andrews. "Too many young men are killed and seri ously injured in football, and the game should be done away with." No Remedy, Says Referee Sharpe. Philadelphia.-Dr. A. L. C. Sharpe, the famous Yale player of the '90's.i, now acting as athletic director at the William Penn Charter School in Phil adelphia, who served as referee of the Harvard-West Point game, stated that the fatality was due to an "unfortu nate accident as distressing as un avoidable." ' "There was no fault of the coaches that contributed to Eyrne's death. I noted that he was in fine physical shape, in perfect health, I might say. I was behind the Harvard line at the time of the accident. Just as soon as the ball was snapped back Byrne dove in between left tackle and guard. The Harvard players moved right on and Byrne was stretched on the field. The whole thing-occurred so quickly that no one will ever know just how it did actually occur. It was not due to the roughness of the game, for I have sel dom officiated in a footoall game' which was so cleanly and fairly played. There was not the faintest indication of unnecessary violence, and no uncalled for piling upon the player after he had been trrown." "Can you su-j^st any modification of the rules v/hich might insure more safety to the players?" was asked. "No," was Dr. Sharpe's emphatic reply. "Most of the injuries in foot ball to-day resulted from tackles, and if you were to eliminate tackling you could not play football. Personally I think that all the criticism of football and present football rules is unde served. Football is too firmly estab lished as a sport of the colleges to be abolished because of fatal injuries in rare instances." Yale M.m to Be Carefully Watched For Signs, of Exhaustion. New Haven. - Although no Yaie football officials admit need of foot ball reform, two strict innovations will mark Yale's remaining g?raes of the season. No diving tackles will be allowed, and Mack, the trainer, will promptly remove any player who shows signs of exhaustion. .'. It'is certain that the Yale faculty will hold a protracted discussion on football, but will not act until they note how many players are injured in the remaining games. Items of Interest. Unionists are hopeful of victory In Great Britain. The United States Pacific fleet ar rived ac Manila. Cases of champagne to the number of 150,000 were released from bond at the New York Customs House. Four British warships have arrived at Phalerum, near the Piraeus after the revolt in the Greek navy had ended. Leading physicians and pilanthro pic workers decided to meet in New Haven to consider means of prevent ing Infant mortality. LABOR LEADERS LOSE Gompers, Morrison and Mitch el] Not Sustained in Appeal. ONE APPEAL YET FOR THEM. Penalty of Imprisonment by Lower . Court, For Contempt to be Fought to the End. "Washington, Special.*-Tbe decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia adjudging President Samuel Gompers, Secretary Frank Morrison and Vice President John Mitchell of the American Federation of Labor guilty of contempt of court in the Buck's Stove and Range case was affirmed Tuesday by the court of appeals of the District of Columbia. The case will now be taken to the Su preme Court of the United States. Chief Justice Sheppard dissented from the opinion of the court on con? stitutional grounds. The court held that the fundament* al issue was whether the constitution" al agencies of the government should, be obeyed or defied. The mere fact; that the defendants were the officer of organized labor in America, sauft the court, lent importance to tb* ?muse and added to the gravity of th? situation, but it should not be per mitted to influence the result. Court's Decision. "If the organization of citizens, however large," the court held, "may disobey the mandates of the eourt, the same reasoning would render them subject to individual defiance. BotI* are subject to the law and neither is above it. If a citizen, though he may honestly believe that his rights have' been invaded, may elect who and te what extent he will obey the man dates of the court and the require ments of the law ss interpreted by the court, instead of pursuing the or derly course of appeal, not only the courts but government itself would become powerless aud surely would be reduced to a state of anarchy." The action of the Supreme Court v of the District of Columbia in sen tencing Samuel Gompers, John Mitch ell and FranTc Morrison of the Ameri can Federation of Labor to 12, 9 and G months' imprisonment in jail re sepctively, was the result of the fail ure of these three defendants to obey the order of tho court directing them to desist from placing the Buck's Stove & Range Company of St. Louis, Mo., on their unfair list in the prosecution of their boycott against the corporation. . "While the name of the corporation was romeved from the unfair list of I he federation, Messrs. Gompers and MitcLeN continued to keep alive the boycott by frequent r?fr?n?es to it in The Federationist, the official or gan of the federation. Mr. Mitchell was involved in the trouble by reason of his membership on the executive board of tile federation and because it was alleged he had made no effort .to prevent the adoptioa of a resolu tion at the convention of the United Mine Workers of America in antag onism to the Buck's Stove & Range Company. The result of the boycottv it was said was to cause a decline in the business of the stove and ranga company of 50 per cent. The boycott placed br the federa tion against the prodact? of the Buck's Stove & Range Company grew out of a fight made by the metal pol-? ishers' union and supported by the federation for an eight instead of a nine hour day. This was resisted by the company and The Federationist published the name of Bucks Stove & Range Company under the caption of "We Don't Patronize." Gomper's Comment on Decision. New York, Special.-President Samuel Gompers cf the American Federation of Labor, issued a state ment in regard to? the decision. . "With all due respect to the major ity of the court I cannot surrender , constitutionally guaranteed rights be cause a judge will issue an injunction invading and denying thefee' rights. Chief Justice Sheppard's dissenting opinion is in defense of the constitu tional and inherent rights. Minority opinions of courts in the past in which human rights have been invad ed have ultimately prevailed, become the law of the land and the generally accepted rule of life, and I have an abiding faith that the rule in this case will prove no exception. "If I must go to jail I shall have the consciousness of the fact that other men have in the past been com pelled to suffer, in defense of justice and right in the cause of humanity: and for the maintenance of human liberty. "I intend to stay ov?r here Wed nesday to finish my report for the an nual^convention at Toronto and also to attend the wedding of the daugh ter of a very dear friend of mine, but I am going to change my plans and shall leave so I can gel into Washington as soon as I can. I want to be within the jurisdiction of the court whatever disposal is made of the case." Mr. Van Cleave's Comment. St. Louis. Special.-J. W. Van Cleve, president .of the Buck's Stove and Range Company, Tuesday in a statement concerning the decision in the case of Gompers, Morrison and Mitchell, said : "The assault upon me by the Am erican Federation of Labor in 3906 was plotted in cold blood. I was as saulted not as an individual but ns president of the National Association of Manufacturers. The federation did this in order to s>ow its power. It aimed to strike terror into every body outside its own ranks-workers, employers and the irenoral public alike, and to coerce the President of thc United States, the Congress and the courts, Federal and State, to do its bidding. "It must be remembered that these men arc not convicted because of their attempt to destrov tue business of the Buck's Stove and Range Com pany but because they openly defied tlie order of the Fed ?ira 1 court."