Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, July 21, 1909, Image 5

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EDGEFIELD ADVERTISER Established 1835. WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1909. Local News. The Advertiser's Phones: Office, No. 61 Resident e> No. 17. Mr. B. L. Miras left Tuesday foif a sojourn of ten days in the moun , taiu near Asheville. Misses Pearl and Jessie Ouzts, of Kirksey, are - visitin? relativos in Edgefield. < , Mrs. A. S. Tompkins is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John K. Aull in Newberry. Miss Earline Allen has returned from a visit to her cousin, Mrs. Eva Glover Quattlebaum, who re- j sides at Graniteville. Mrs. J. W. Harris, of Helena Ga., and her daughter, Mrs. James Ryles, of- Araericus,. are guests at the home of Mr. J. ?. Schenk. ' Mr. A. R. .Nicholson attended the meeting of the County Superin tendents of Education that was held in Spartanburg last week. Mr. Arthur S. Tompkins is in Greenville attending the Baptist As sembly that is being held at Furman university. Rev. T. P. : Burgess went to Co-1 lurabia yesterday to attc-nd an im portant meeting of the Executive ' Board of the State Sunday School Association. , Mrs. John R.s Tompkins and her two very bright little sons have re turned from Henderson, N. C., and Mayor Tompkins is now looking ten years younger than he did ten days ago. Mr. W. S." Cogburn. embarked on a three-days journey Monday, hav ing gone to Kansas City in res ponse to a telegram from the home j orhce of his popular life insurance company, the Great Western. Miss Mamie Addison, the young est daughter of the lamented Eldred Addison is enjoying a visit to her j grandmother, Mrs. V. 0. Addison. . This pretty young debutante is rap idly making friends among those of the younger social circle. The Horn's Creek hills are said to be peculiarly adapted to cotton, but they also grow very fine water melons.- Mr. S. L. Roper says they !'have been feasting on melons at his house since the 4th of Jujfy,.and ?i will continue to have a bountiful supply until the season is over. While the Baraca boys did not| * net a very large sum for their treas ,.ury, their entertainment Friday evening afforded the young people a very pleasant time sooi??ly. Dur ing the summer months some social diversion should be provided at j least once a fortnight for the young people. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart and Mr. L. S. Kernaghan united with the Methodist church by letter Sun day afternoon last. The Advertiser is always pleased to see newcomers identify themselves with the reli gious life of the community. We eomme'nd these good people for their very excellent example. We congratulate the patrons of the Red Hill school upon having j secured the services of Prof. C. M. Mellichamp for the session of 1909 10. Prof. Mellichamp ii not only an efficient, painstaking worker in the class room, but enters heartily into the community life, especially the religious life. For Rent: I have several farms for rent, or will let to share crop pers. P. P. Blalock. Mr; C. E. May took a trip through Saulda county last week and brings back an unfavorabe . report concern ing the crops. Large fields of cotton in the Fruit. Hill section were prac tically ruined by the heavy rains, the farmers being unable to check the grass. He says our friend Char lie Davis has a good crop. Charlie is a hostler who is hard to down. Crops in Edgefield county seem to be much better than those in the southern portion of Saluda. The festival given by the ladies of the missionary society of Red Hill church last Saturday was quite a success, land they have planned to give another festival at tile home of j Mrs. Dr. Prescott Friday afternoon, | July 80th, from 5 to 10 o'clock. The good women of Red Hill are indefatigable workers and we trust that all of their efforts will be rich ly rewarded. Summer Goods Going .We never carry over goods from season to season. We always want the newest and freshest" of every thing when the season opens, there fore we have decided to reduce prices very low on Muslin, Ladies' and 'Misses' Oxfords, Ladies and Misses Ready-to-wear Hats and Men's Straw Hats. Now is the time to make your cash count. Nothing | reserved in the lines mentioned everything going at bargain prices. J. W. Peak. I Four or five thousand people will al fi tend the Harmony picnic this year. All remember what a delightful oc casion la3t year war. Px v -\ " . Superintendent "Williams has agreed to have the passenger trains stopped at nearest point to Harmony on the 29th, and reduced rates can be" se cured if as many as 50 go on train. Be one of this merry party. . All business licenses for the year beginning: July 15th, 190U, are due now. The business and professional men of the town will confer a-favbr upon the council by calling upon Mr. W. H. Harliug, the secretary and treasurer, and obtaining a li cense at one?'. , Mr. Or?mdo Sheppard,. JV.,"Tias been in Edgefield for several days. He travels for large manufacturers of oil mill machinery. A few days ago he sold the necessary equipment for ? $25,000-r1ant. Mr. Sheppard will- next go to Hurtsville to install some machinery that he recently ?old to the mill at that place. Messrs. Stewart & Kernaghan are selling a patented churn that will contribute much toward curtailing the dairy troubles of the Edgefield housewives. It is1 the simples: and at the same time the most satisfac tory churn of the kind that we have ever seen. They sold six of these churns last Monday. The popularity of the Timmons drug store will now increase im mensely,-especially during these hot days. Mr. Timmons has just install ed a gasolene engine and the most modern fans, which give his store a veritable Isle-of-Palras breeze. Have you yet enjoyed the Timmons sea breeze? Edgefield is growing and en larging along all lines. Mr. J. M. Ouzts is planning to add a fresh meat department to his store, and Mr. A. A. Edmunds has completed arrangements for opening a market in a short time in the Tompkins building tQ the rear of the Bank of Edgefield." For Cotton Weigher. Mr. Will 0. Holmes, a very suc cessful young farmer of the Colliers section, announces this week ?ts a candidate for the position of public ectton weigher at Edgefield. Mr. Holmes is very popular with the people, having made many friends while engaged in the cotton seed business at Edgefield for several seasons. If the cotton growers ?elect him, he will do his, utmost to g ive entire satisfaction. Helo the Ladies With Their Work. The ladies of the Cemetery As sociation willer sell ice crear? and Other refreshments on the lawn.of Mrs. Ida Sheppard Friday after noon and evening next, from 5 to 10 o'clock. The t association is in need of funds to continue the work of properly caring for the cemetery, and has adopted, this means of re plenishing their treasury. Encoar age these good ladies by. your pres ence and your purse. The social feature will be exceedingly pleas ant, Paul Has ''Fought a Good Fight." The home-coming of Edgefield boys is always a season of great re joicing, but the return of Mr. Paul W. Gibson for a stay of ten days with Mr. Geo. F. Minis has afforded his old friend unusual pleasu-'e. Since locating in Atlanta nearly a dozen years ago, Paul has been steadily promoted, his entire career having been one of honor and last ing credit to himself. Unlike some Edgefield. boys who sought their, fortunes elsewhere, he can say, with Caesar," "Veni, vidi, v vici/" Tae only thing we can say against Paul is that he ought to' have brought a Georgia girl along with him. Hurt Her Feet. ' Dinah, crying bitterly, was com ing down the street with her feet baudaged. ''Why what on arti \s the matter?" she was asked. ''How did you hurt your feet, Dinah?" "Dat, good fo' nothin' nigger (snicfle) done hit me on d?; haid wif a club while I was standin' on de hard stone pavement."-Exchange. Ladies and Gentlemen: Do not miss the opportunity of having your nails manicured at Mr. W. H. Tur I ner's store Fridays and Saturdays. Price, 25 and .35 cents. Mrs. W. C. Hatcher. For Sale: One fine milch cow, I fresh to pail, third calf; also one three-year-old donkey broken to harness and saddle. S. Cheatham, Wofford, S. 0. , 4t to make your baby strong and w ?Ii. Atfifty-cent bottle of SCOTT'S EMULSION will change a sickly baby to a plump, romping child in summer as wi ll as in winter. Only one cent a c ay-think of it-and it's as nice as cream. Get a smaQ bottle now. Al! Druggists TH E ST Williams5 Talcum Powder Four reasons for the rap idly growing popularity of Williams' Talcum Powder. 1. The finest Talc the world affords. 2. The sweetest, dain tiest perfumes. 3. Most artistic boxes. 4. The Hinged Top that prevents sticking, leaking and loss of per fume. The price of this powder is 25 cents, but in order to intro duce it we will seil for 15 cents for a limited time. PENN & HOLSTEIN. What are you going to exhibit at the County Fair? The Edgefield Rifles will give al ball in the Opera House on Tuesday j night next. The open air meeting on the lawn of the Baptist church Sunday evening last was quite a delightful innovation, and was heartily ap proved of by all present. The great annual Hussar picnic?.! will be held at Lanham Spring to morrow. Nothing has been left undone that will adel to thc comfort and pleasure of thc teeming hun dreds who will attend. Mr. Trapp McManus has an acre of the h'uest young corn that the writer has seen in many fears. It was ''laid hy" jus t one- month anil nine days from the day it was plant ed, and the total expense of work and manure has amounted to only ?14. 87. This corn is worth going| out to sec. . "What's that you call your mule?" "I call him 'Corporation'" answer the old colored man. ' How did you come to give him such a name?" F'um studyin' dc animal an? rcadin' de papers. Dat''mule gits mo' blame an' abuse dan anything else in de township an' goes ahead havin' li is own way, jes' de same."-Washing ton Star. Capt. John R. Blocker and his j co-workers have laid'thcir plans well for the Centre Spring picnic to bc held next Tuesday. It is; their pur pose to maintain the same high stand ard that was set by the company more than a dozen years ago. Thousands of people will attend from Aiken, Saluda, Greenwood and Edgell eld counties. Ladies, Attention! The ladies of Harmony, Trenton, Johnston, Phillippi and Ed geh" eld communities are requested and urged to carry baskets of picnic dinner to Harmony, Thursday, . July 29th. The committee yu refreshments Avili provide the barbecue hash and meat. Let the ladies bear in mind that there will be about 5,000 enormous appetites to satisfy, and fill their baskets accordingly. When Her Back Aches. A Woraah Finds all Her Energy and Ambition Slipping Away. Edgefield women know how the aches and .pains that come when the kidneys fail make life a burdon. Backache, hip pains, headaches, dizzy spells, distressing urinary troubles, all tell of sick kidneys and warn you bf the stealthy approach of diabetes. dropsy'van'd Bright's disease. Dean's kidney pills per manently H'ure all these disorders. Here's proof of it in an Edgefield woman's words Mrs. E P Jackson, formerly of. Cedar R?w, Edgefield,?S. C., says: Although 1 have not used Doan's kidney pills very long, they have helped me so much that I can en dorse them as a reliable remedy. I niffered so intensely from pains in my back, sides and hips that I could not sleep well and felt little like doing my work. Upon learning of Doan's kidney pills, I procured a supply and began taking them. I have received so much benefit that I am going to continue their use, knowing that they will" not fail to help me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. V. sole agents for the United States.. Remember the name-Doan's and take no other. We sell Studebaker buggy and wagon harness-nothing better on ?be market. Prices very reasonable. Edgefield*Mercantile Co. Centre Springs Picnic Will Be Held on July 27th. The:v. following Committees ap pointed:-Floor Committee: L. W. Che?tham, Roger T. Hill, O. W. Allen, R. H. Nicholson, Ai R. Nicholson, Jr. Table Committee: S. B. Niohol < , J. R. Tompkins, A. T.' Davis. B. L. Stevens, B. E. Nicholson, W. A. Byrd. Pit Committee: C. W. Davis, R. TV. Powell, and Z. L. Boone. Badge Committee: J. F. Pavne, S.'T. Bronson. Refreshment Conr.nittee:' G. Bi Timmerman, J. S. Stevens. Marshals: R. N. Broadwater, 0% T. Timmerman. W. O. Allen, and S. A. Holstein..- ;-. A meeting will be held at the of fice of B. E. Nicholson, ., at Edge field, at 3 p. m. on Saturday after noon, July ?4th to purchase meats. All members having sheep, .hogs and beeves to sell will submit bids at this meeting. _ The Line He Was On. Two telephone girls were talking over the wire. Both were, discussing what they should wear. In the midst of this important conversation a masculine * voice . interrupted asking humblv for a number. . One of the girls became indignant and scornfully asked: What line do you think you are on, anyhow?" ' Well" said the m??i,< I am not sure but judging from what I have heard, I should say J was on a doili es line."-San Francisco Call. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. I hereby announce my candidacy for the position of Cotton Weigher j at Edgeticld for the year beginning | Sept. 1, 1909. I solicifthe support. of my friends, and pledge.to them the best and most satisfactory ser vice. ' . -1 WILL O? HOLMES. Doubtful of the Fruit Business. "If you would keep healthy in the smnmer time," some one said to brother Dickes, 'yon should liv.' on fruit." '1 dunno bout dat sith," was the reply. "De fust man dat ever lived tried it. an' one apple put him out er business. Hnwsomever, I makes no doubt but dat it was mighty good eatin'." Making The Best of it. When the young husband reach ed home from the office he' .found his wife in tears. *'Oh, John!" she sobbed on, his shoulder. "I had baked avloyely cake1, and I put it out on the back porch for the frosting to dry, and the dog ate it!" "Well, don't cry ? bunt it, sweet-] heart," he consoled, patting the pretty, flushed cheek. "I know a man vrho will give us another dog!" Postum, Cream of wheat and Grape Nuts at B. Timmons. Full assortment o? fresh fancy crackers and cakes. B. Timmons. ^^^^^^^ Try one dozen fruit jars willi glass tops, purely sanitary. May ct Prescott. Large stock of trunks, suit cases and traveling bags. . Prices very reasonable. RiilSEY ct JONES. Swift's Premium Hams and Geor gia Cane svrup at ' I I rt rn ri. 1 mimons. Beautiful lot of suit cases, travel ing bags and trunks. Ramsey & Jones. Large assortment of clocks-oak clocks and beautiful parlor clocks. RAMSKY ct .TONKS. /- \ X'.. ' / Early amber cane seed for sowing with peas. May ct Prescott. Try Timmons Bitters for the liver, kidneys, and stomach troub les. .. B. Timmons. . 'Lightning" ice cream freezers at reasonable prices. May ct Prescott. A fresh line of Black and Green Teas, just what you need forjee tea. ?May ct Prescott. Fly nets in leather or cotton for horses. RAMSEY ct JUNKS. Do you not need a cook stove? We have a large assortment of all sizes and prices. Come in to see them. ?Edyefield Mercantile Co Try the new Talcum Powder Williams'Carnation Pink.- . Penn ct Holstein. Corner Store's July Offerings. Many items of Summer wear at Eclipse Prices. We ask you to come investigate, and if you don't think the values are good we will be pleas ed to have you say so. Ladies Hats worth up to $7.50 to go at $2.39 other styles at 50 75c and $1. Ladies Oxfords Tans only, our regular $3.00 and $3.50 quality to go at $2.39. Men's Oxfords Tans and Ox-blood a few of the $4.00 cuts left to go at $2.50. This S?le goes right on through the pretty Silks, Poplins, Reps, etc. . 20 yards io the $1.00, just a tew pieces left of this elegant bleached muslin, full 36 inches wide. Undermuslins Ladies Plain, Tucked and Lace trimmed Petticoats, Gowns, Drawers-etc. t t Underwear for Men. Shirts, short and long sleeves; Drawers, Knee ankle lengths all go in this sale. j Embroideries and Laces, This has always been our strong line. You should see todays Specials from 5c. yard and up. 'Tis our Pleasure to serve you. Respectfully, The Corner Store, W. H. Turner, Proprietor. 1 m i SOUTH CAROLINA CO-EDUCATIGNAL INSTITUTE Will begin its nineteenth session, on Thursday, Sep tember 30th, 1909. If you wish to place your son or daughter in one of the best institutions in the state, write for applica tion blank and catalogue at once. F. N. K. BAILEY. President. 7 EDGEFIELD, S. C. ?a Pianos ! Pianos ! ! Free Fire and Life Insurance The value of any indebtedness on instrument included with each piano sold. Our Present Contract Covers One Hundred Pianos From One Factory Alone. We are factory distributors for this section for seme of the" strongest piano concerns in the country. ' 1 Our Prices cannot be beat anywhere, when quality is considered. Various grades to suit various taste. We are prepared to give the most liberal terms. See us or write and be convinced for yourself. Don't buy without giving us a chance to serve you. Holland Brothers, 1;; 1 In Masonic Temple - GLEENWOOD, S. C.