Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 09, 1908, Image 5

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I EDG?FIELp ADVERTISER Established 1835. WEDNESDAY. DSC. 9,1908. Local News. Shop Early and Avoid the Rush. ?The Corner' Store's advertisement en page sixteen should be of special interest to, the ladies. Attention is directed to the regu lar quarterly statement of the Bank of Trenton. .... ? y Dr. C. E. Burtsjmd Col. F. N. K. Bailey are attending the state Bap tist convention Which is in session in Union this week. Judge Roath says there was a greater number of public land sales on Monday than on any one salesday before during the last ten years. lMr. Henry W. Powell purposes erecting a repair shop c\ the two lots in the rear, of Trje .Mvertiser and Parker buildings whicl^lie pur . chased on last . Monday. ' The Advertiser has had old Santa Claus phtographed in Mr. Strom's red automobile and presents his pic ture on the front page to the little folks of the county. Mr. George-B.Harris, of Hender son, 2i. C. has been spending sever . al days in Edgefield with his daugh ters, Mrs. Charlton Lynch and Mrs. John H. Tompkins. The S. C. C I. will close for thc holidays on December the 18th, and will re-open on January the 2nd. Class room work will be resumed on Monday, January the 4th. A meeting of the Edgefield Rifles will be held Thursday night D?cern er.17th to arrange for the annual banquet. ; A full attendance is de sired. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to the marriage of Mr. John Abney Boykin. On December 16th he will wed Miss Julian Perdue one of Atlanta's fairest daughters. The Advertiser household is great ly indebted to our kind friend Mr. J. T. Ouzts of Elmwood for a very generous supply of genuine Georgia collards, sweet-potatoes and honey. / Read carefully every line of every advertisement in this special holiday issue. You will not only save mon ey-by reading them all, but you can supply your needs with greater ease and more satisfactorily. \ Mr- John E. Ouzts, who was re cently employed as jailer by sheriff - ' W.,G. Ouzts,- is filling the place very . acceptably. Mr. Ouzts is a good citizen and can be relied upon to do his duty in whatever position he may bo placed. Send us vonr orders for fresh crah berries> B. TIMMONS; In order to close out our millinery goods we have cut the prices in half. J. R?BENSTEIN. ..; We are headquirt?*r? for huj??jy ? ab,d wagon hainesp, both double and sii'gle. Ra nice v A Joli' P. The Edgefield Chapter, D. of C. will hold their monthly meeting Decem ber the 15th,(the 2nd Tuesday of the month, instead of the 3rd Tuesday ~ the usual date for meet ing) the hour for assembly being 3: 30 and the place, the home of Mrs. W. i. Dunovant. The delegate at tending the Abbeville convention will give a full report of same, and the assays on , Gen. Robt. E. Lee written by the pupils of the Edge County schools will be read by the I chapter members and then the best ones selected for the celebration of his birthday-in the contest for a gold medal. /, Mrs. N. G. Evans, Pres. Mrs. Julian Holstein, Sec'y. Perri Walla Tea. A fine tea blended from a choice qualtity of Indian and Ceylon plants. Ask for folders with direc tions for making this delicious bev erage; W. E. Lynch <&X'o. LeggetU's Pan Cake Syrup. ff You need only try it once to pro ? noonee it the most velvety, smooth and exquisite of syrups. ' W. E..Lynch & Co. We ??r?* headquarters for Ham ftton Brown Shoe Company's cele i\ brated America^ Lady and G^uts 'j dregg shoes. Best children's school ?fr sboes and working man's shoes y on the market. Try our "God V mauV wear well phopp, all pol id RIVES BROS. I Delicious new crop Georgia Syr 'v up, direct from Dixie. >> ; May & Prescott. . I,..? PRESCRIPTIONS our special; /ty. We solicit your Prescript ions, * dav or night. \VB GUARANTEE pure drugs, i accurate compounding, und rea *< sonable prices. I . Wj E. LYNCH ? CO. Large stock of stoves, ctovs > pipe utensils, etc., at reasonable prices.. Ramsey & Jones. resh currants, seeded raisins, n and ?gs at PENN <fc HOLSTEIN'S "The Advertiser is going to charge Paul Cogburn big nioney for furnish ingihis sweethearts with his pictures. Numbers of Edgefield girls clipped the cut of the football team from last week's Advertiser because" it con tained Paul's picture. Mr. J. Ransom Timmerman, the county auditor-elect moved his fam ily to Edgefield Tuesday .to reside permanently in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Timmerman made many friends when they lived among us two years ago and they are being warmly wel comed since their return. Since our last issue was published the writer has received & letter from Miss Mary T. Nance, president of the ' State School Improvement Association stating that she will be unable to visit Edgefield county un til after Christmas. The Advertiser issues a special Christmas number this week con- \ taining sixteen seven-column pages, which is the largest paper, ever issu ed in Edgefield. The paper is two days late on account of the indispo sition of a faithful and efficient member of our force. ? Mr. C. E. May, the very alert and active mayor of our town, is be ing very generally commended for waging an aggressive war against the blind tigers. A few more .$75 fines or thirty-day sentences on the county chaingang will stop them.. . Mr. J. W. Reese, who possesses very decided mechanical talent, re cently invented an attachment for an ordinary monkey-wrench which when applied converts it into a pipe wrench. The attachment is very simple, yet it does the work of a pipe-wrench prfectly. Mr. Reese has made application for a patent for his device, which should sell very readily when placed on the market. As Dr. D. A. J. Bell says in his letter from Parksville this week, The Advertiser has not yet gone to the 4 poor house" because it refuses to advertise intoxicating liquor. On the contrary, this newspaper is en joying a fuller measure of prosperity now than at any former time since the present editor assumed its man agement nearly seven years ago. The advertising patronage is larger and our subscription list is steadily growing. Mr. Geo. F. Mims is Edgefield's most enterprising citizen. He has already placed, 1909 calendars on the market that are beautifully adorned with photographs of local views. These dainty little calendars are real works of art, and sell for OnljT fifteen cents. Mr. Minis also has a large assortmet of? post cards con taining local views. His cards containing the monument recently erected by the IT. D. C's are partic ularly good. Every Daughter and every veteran should ^have one of these cards displayed on their man tel. > PHONOGRAPHS. First class at reasonable prices. A fine lot of fashionable cards and holders just received. R. H. MIMS. In their large advertisement this week on our second page, J. B. White & Co. of Augusta, announ ce that they dre now giving the famous "S. & H" Green trading stamps with every purchase of ten cents or over. All mail orders will be awarded stamps just as if the pnrchase was made in person. This large and popular store also, pays railroad fare for out of town custo mers. Read their advertisement and see what, great inducements they are offering: for a share of your business. "Iris" the finest patent flower. May <& Prescott. Spanish peppers and Old Vir ginia fish roe. May & Prescott. New Crop Georgia Hyrup just re ca? ved at Dunovant & Co. Don't fail to visit our 10 cents counter. We have some startling values for the money. W. E. Lynch & Co. Does the BabyThrive If not, something must be wrong with its food. If the mother's milk doesn't nourish it;ihe needs Scott's Emulsion. It supplies the elements of fat required for the baby. If baby is not nourished by its artificial food, then it requires SCOTT'S EMULSION Half a teaspoonful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired effect. It ? seems to have a magical effect upon babies and children. A fifty-cent bottle will prove the truth of our statements. Send this advertisement, together with name of paper in which it appears, your address and four cents to cover postase, and we will send yon a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World.' SCOTT & BOWNE; 409 Pearl St. New York Western Marriage Ceremony. Witt thou take her for thy pard, , For better or for worse; To have', to hold, to fondly guard, Till hauled off in a hearse? Wilt thou let her have her way, Consult her many wishes; Make the fire every day And help her wash the dishes? -Ex. Death of Mr. Talbert After being sick for some months with Bright's Disease Mr. W. L. Talbert passed away at his home near Rehoboth early Monday mbrn ing. His remains were interred in the Rehoboth cemetery Tuesday afternoon. The death of Mr. Tal bert makes another break in the ranks of the gallant Confederate veterans. The deceased was a mem ber of Rehoboth church. He is a survived by two daughters Mrs. Dora Lomax and Mrs. Kate Moultrie, and three sons, Messrs. J. L., W. A.; and J. D. Talbert. Series of Losses. Lightning may never strike twice in the same place, but one misfor tune is usually followed by another misfortune. A very striking instance of repeated misfortune is found in the experience of Mr. F. A. Walker who resides in the "Old Wells" sec tion of the county. Early in the fall Mr. Walker had two bales of cotton destroyed by fire when the gin nery of Mr. E. M. Padgett burned. The balance of his crop was carried to Mr. S T Huhgesxgin, three miles below Trenton, this being the near est gin to him after Mr. Padgett's was burned. About a fortnight ago Mr. Hughes' ginnery was burned and in this fire Mr. Walker lost an other bale of cotton. This was in deed a very unusual chain or series of misfortunes. The Baraca Entertainment A very beautiful entertainment will be given in the opera, house Fri day evening, November 11th, for the benefit of the Baraca class. "The Happy Pair" by Miss Maxcie Shep pard ?ind J. G. Holland. "Married Bachelors", Misses Rhett Sheppard and Virginia Simkins, L. R. Jones B. L. Mims and Paul Cogburn. A bevy of beautiful girls will appear in "A Dream of Fair Women". The entertainment will be enhanced by the singing of Miss Ruth Coon er. Be sure to attend. Tickets on sale at the store of Messrs. May & Tompins. I Fresh shipment of Harris Litbia Wateir $1 50 for 5 gallons; Gleun Spnugs Water $1.75 for 5 gallons. B. TimuQonfl. Order some ?f that delightful new crop Georgia Syrup from Dunovant & Company for breakfast to-morrow. Many prefer it to maple syrup. . ' \ Leggett'sfresh oatmeal and corn flakes. B. Timmons. - Beautiful imported decorated ware. Yon can either buy a com plete dinner set or any single piece trat you need. Ramsey & Jones. Seeded raisins and cleaned cur rants. Full pound packages 12l-2< cents per pound. W. E. Lynch <fc Co. Fresh shipmentof Nunnally's fine candies j ust received by express. PENN & HOLSTEIN, Successors to G L Penn & Son. Olive oil, olives-stuffed and queen-Tobasco ketchup, Heinz sweet mixed pickles and mince meat. May & Prescott Coffees: Grant Cabin, 3-pound can for $1.00; French Breakfast, 25c per pound; Luzian, Matchless, Argon and green coffees. May & Prescott. Swift Premium, White Dove,, Gold Band and picnic hams. May & Prescott. Leggett's Premier cheese, sea shell macaroni 15c, 2 pounds for 25c. May <fc Prescott. Shoes Going at Ten Per Cent Reduction For Cash. We have a large, well selected stock of shoes for -Ladies, Men and Boys that we are offering very cheap FOR CASH. We can shoe you with heavy everyday foot-wear or stylish dress' shoes. Better come while your size is here. Great Bar gains FOR CASH. Dunovant & Co. Just received a fine line of French candies, also a superior quality of stick candy. Dunovant & Co. Seeded raisins, London laryer raisins, citron, new crop prunes and figs. B. Timmons. For Sale: One Pointer Pup about 8 months old, intelligent and beauti fully marked, liver and white color. Just the right age to hunt this season. E. J. Mims. Just received 100 gallons of Floor Paint) Let us supply your naeds. fi. Timmons. Fresh Honey can be found at the store of the ?dgefield Mercarj til3 Company. S. Cbeatham. Attending Grand Lodge. Concordia Lodge A. F. M. wa? represented at the Grand Lodge in Charleston this week by Past Grand Master Orlando Sheppard, Master W. W. Adams and Deputy Grand Master B. E. Nicholson. Col. J. P. Hagood is represnting the Pleasant Lane lodge, Rev. J. E. Johnstone, the Kirksey lodge, and Mr. Pat Parks, the Parksville lodge. Our Christmas Jug. Setting near our desk is our Christ mas jug, which was sent us bj' a | I very thoughtful friend, Mr. Howard Walker, but instead of containing 'tangle foot" or "pop-skull", as j some Christmas jugs will contain, The Advertiser's j?g contains a gal lon of good apple vinegar, the best that ever graced a table. Mr. Walk er has a very large apple orchard and presses enough apples every year to make from 150 to 200 gallons of vin egar, which he sells very readily. People who know and appreciate the superior quality of home-made vine gar, the kind that our grandmothers used to make, send for miles to pur chase some of Mr. Walker's vinegar. Medicine That is Medicine. "f have suffered a good deal with malaria and stomach complaints, but I have now found a remedy that^keeps me well, and that reme dy is Electric Bitters; a medicine that is medicine for stomach and liver troubles, and for run down con ditions" says W C Kiestler, of Hal iday* Ark., Electric Bitters purify nd enrich the blood, tone up the erves and impart vigor and oner gy o the weak. Your money will be re unded if it fails to help you. 50c at W E Lynch & Co., Penn & Hol stein, successors to G L Penn & S on drug stores. CITATION. State of South Carolina, County of Edgefield, By J. D. Allen, Probate Judge. Whereas Anna Johnson made | suit to me, to grant her letters of administration of the estate and effects of Arthur Johnson, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and creditors of the said Ar-1 thur Johnson, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the | Court of Probate, to be held at Edgefield, S. G. on the 28th of | December, next, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not | be granted. Given under my hand this 5th day of December, 1908. J. D. ALLEN, J. P. E. C. "Statement of the condition of The Bank of Trenton located at Trenton, S. C., at the close of busings Nov. 27th, 1908. Resources, Loans and Discounts $28,771 34 Overdrafts 1,697 81 Banking House . 1,100 00 Furniture and Fixtures 1,539 71 Due from Banks and Trust 468 71 Companies Currency 193 001 Gold 5 00 Silver, and Coin ~ 612 991 vhecks and Cash Items 32 57 Total $34,421 131 , Liabilities, Capital Stock Paid in $12,500 001 Surplus Fund 1,000 00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid 2,072 30 Dbe to Banks and Trust Com panies 1,450 00 Individual Deposits subject to Check 8,965 14 I Time Certificates of Deposit 8,433 69 Total $34,421 13 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD, Before . me came A. J. DAY, Cashier bf the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true con dition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. A. J. DAY. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 7th day of Dec, 1908. WALLACE W. WISE, (L. s.) Magistrate, .E. C. S. C. Correct Attest, S. T. HUGHES, J. F. BETTIS, J. C. LONG. Fruit cake ingredients: Citron', seeded raisins, currantst/ figs, al monds, nut meg and all spices. 31 ay & Prescott. Celery every Saturday at May <fc Prescott's. Cranberries, fresh English wal nuts, Brazil nuts, pecans and al monds. May <fc Prescott. COMFORT HS ECONOMY MOA* ANO ?irria a tn ai*. er?ONO. HOH.BUiriMC. UMIKEAKAtlLI FART!. ?ND* ANO bUTTOM.MOLBI THAT WONT BXtAK Ol PULL OUT. ENADLE US TO rotrrrvBLY OUAIUKTII THAT BULLDOG SUSPENDERS OUTWEAR THREE ORDINARY K?NDS MADS UGH? AMO i-f AW V.'r ir. HT ( KX TUA LOMO. If OKSI?CO>. IN A VAEIETY cr .OAT. PLSAIING ?TVLKS 50 CENTS HEWES & POTTER WOT nvmti. HIT ut unii UK? m in na , OUT. UNCOll ST.. BOSTON, MASS. Largest assortaient of Rockers ever shown in Edgefield, willow, oak and mahogany. Beautiful de signe substantially made. Ramley & Jones* Haxdsome line of colors in 50 inch Broadcloth, and popular shades in dress goods. See our prices. RIVES BROS, Cobb's Old StaDd. Fresh ebipment of Armour's 'Gold Band" and Swift's "Pre mium" hams. B. Timmone. Spectacles made up to snit your particular need at lowest possible price. Geo . F. Mims, Edgefield, S C Leggett's Premier Cheese. It is just the one thing needful a after hearty meal. If you can't obtain the hearty meal, Premier Cheese is the next thing to it. W. E. Lynch & Co. Mince meat.and .ill of the- deli ca'-i es of the season at PENN & HOLSTEIN'S. Do vou want a stvlish, up-to date lari iee' hal? Call on RIVES BROS. Chic. Chic. Chic. Wc have just received a new pprfurie called "Unie'' that we are selling in bulk. Can fill any Biz-* bottle vou want. All we ask for" it is a trial. PENN' & HOLSTEIN, Successors to G L Penn & Son. Important Notice. Weare glad to announce to o ur customers that we -have again re ceived a shipment of the celebrated "White Star" coffee, which has been so popular among our patrons. PENN ct HOLSTEIN, Successors to G L Penn & Son. Five pound bucket of fine roasted coffee for $1.00. China cup and sau cer with each bucket. B., Ti mmons. We always carry complete as sortment of fresh drugs and give especial attention to all prescrip tions sent us. A share of your patronage solicited. B. Timmons. Ready For Christmas. Do your Christmas shopping ear ly. The gift you want may be gone later. W. E. Lynch & Co. Leggett's Premier oat meal, also Quaker oats. May (fe; Prescott. Cinco, Franklin and Astoretts cigars. May cfc Prescott. We have a 1 Depai ? money by J tion FOR CAS Our stock of Hes in Quality. A tria Can supply you with Cranberries, Nuts, Raisi; Santa Ola welc RIVES BROS. Holiday Goods Valuable Things fop Xmas Presents. Red Cross & Hamil ton Brown Co's. Celebrated Shoes. American Lady Corsets all lengths and shapes. Our Dress Goods and Xmas- Novelties coming in tfaily-many beautiful things for Xmas shoppers. Don't fail to call on us when you want fine milli nery goods at cut prices. Guaranteed kid gi oves for $1.00. We are Headquarters for RELIABLE MERCHANDISE Coal Grates Coal Heaters, Cook Stoves in all sizes. We also carry stove pipe, full as sortments of cooking utensils, etc. \ We lia ve many things in our store suit? able for Christmas Gifts. Jones k Son very large stock and every 'tment is well filled. Shoes!! Special Attention is call ed to our Shoes. We are overstocked and must convert our shoes into an. 1st. 10 per cent redue SH. ivy and Fancy Groceries is second to none tl order will convince you. Fresh Mince Meat in package or bulk, Gelatine, ns, Fancy and plain Candy, fresh Fruits of all kinds, us will receive a cordial ome at the store of iva nt & Co*j x