Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 02, 1908, Image 7

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BE JS?PHIA 1KTTTLE5EN ? HEALTH VERY POOR RESTORED BY PE-RTJ-NA. Catarrh Twenty-five Years - Had a Bad Cough. Miss Sophia Kittlesen, Evanston., Ul., writes: < UI have been troubled with catarrh for nearly twenty-five years and have tried many cures for it, but obtained very little help. Then my brother advised me to try Peruna, and I didv *My health was very poor at the time I began taking Peruna. My throat was very sore and I had a bad cough. 44 Peruna lias cured me. The chronic catarrh itt nunc a nd my health tavery much improved. "I recommend Peruna to all my friends who are troubled as I waa." PERUNA TABLETS :-Some people Dre ier tablets, rather than medicine in a fluid form. Such people can obtain Peruna tab . leta, which represent the medicinal ingre dients of'Peruna. Each tablet equals one . average dose of Peruna. Man-a-lln the Ideal Laxative. Ask your Druggist for a Free Pe nina Almanac for 1000. Peruna is sold by your local drug gist. Buy a bottle today. lASIMOllRFU to matter where yon arc Ii you trap or br y I f nr. write to-day foi our new plan to make es- I froSff fe COBBY HI9EI FUHC0.,C0KRT,P1 JLCIXTS WAXTEP FOK COOP BOOK ANTED. AGENTS to sell our New Book. "Home Doctor, or Koral Road to Health and Happiness." Best commission offered. CH JROulNSON & CO .Charlotte,N.O. < VKE8 PILES BY ABSORPTION 1?1KEK KED CKO>S PILE & FIS TULA CUBE ' and book by mail prepaid. . BEA CO.. Dept. B-4. Minneapolis, Minn. The girl who spends her time mak ing angel cake and potato salad in stead of castles in Spain vdll do bet ter execution in afjter year?. i Hicks* Capudlne Cures Women'* Monthly Pains, Backache, Nervousness, j ?nd Headache. It's Liquid. Effects imme diately. Prescribed by physicians with heat results. 10c. 25c.. and 50c.. at drug store*. Pert Paragraphs. When will is right, law is ban ished.-Danish. v A dog's friendship is better than his hate.-Welsh. SEEMED WORSE EVERE DAT". A Dangerous Case bf Kidney Trouble . and How It Was Checked. Mrs. Lucy Quebeck, Mechanic St, Hope Valley, R. L, says: "Eight years ago I contract ed severe kidney trouble and my back began to ache con tinually. Every day it seemed worse. T-ie least pressure on my back tortured me, and I cou id not stoop without a bad twinge. The kidney secretions passed irregularly ( with pain, and I. bloated badly. My head swam and spots flitted before my -eyes. One doctor Bald I was incurable. However, I found prompt relief when I started uaing Doan's Kidney Pills, .and the troubles I have related grad ually disappeared. " Sold; by all dealers. 5 Oe. a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Some people give you a good handshake, and others forget to add Vthe |and. , So. 49-'08. WLDOUGLWSI 3300 SHOES * 350 W. L. Don pla? maltes and sells more men's ?3.00 and 83.00 shoes than any ; other manufacturer in the world, be ' causo they hold their shape, fit bettor, and wear longer than any other maka. Shoes it All Prices, fer Every Member of th? Family, Men, Boys, Women, Misses & Children 1 W.L.DM?1M $4.00 nd IS.00 eut Idga Eh wu cannot te tauO/tt ai tar pde?. W. L. SoajOM SI.30 ?ad 82.00 ?ho*? ix? tho bett In ii. wo-.ld Fast Color Eyelet* TTeetl JBanlutivelv. tar Take No Hnhatl.Mite. W. U. Do UL-UM name and price la stamped on bottom. Sold everywhere. Shoes malled from factory to any ?crt of toe world. C?talo une ?roe. " W. L DOUGLAS. 157 Spark St.> Brockton, Mets. CURED Sive? Gu I ck. Rel ?of. Removes alT sweltlrg in 8 to 30 days ; e2ect? & permanent cure in30to todays. Trii.ltreatment triren free. Nothlngcaa be fairer ! Write Dr. H. H. Creen's Son?, Specialists. Box B Atlanta. G? tul Use In dme. Sold by drnggtm. THE PULPIT. (k SCHOLARLY SUNDAY (SERMON BY DR. S. EDWARD YOUNG. Subject: Mountain Taught People. . Brooklyn, N. Y.-"Every seat on main floor and in the gallery was filled Sunday in the Bedford Presby terian Church, and chairs were placed In every available space to accommo date the large audiences that wished to hear the new pastor, the Rev. Dr. S. Edward Young. His subject was: "Wanted-People Taught on the Mountains of God to Toil in the Low lands of Sin." The texts were from St. Luke 9:33, 37 and 38: "Master; it is good for us to he here;, and let us make three tabernacles. * \ * * When they were come, down from the hill, much people met ^Him. And behold, a man of the' company cried out, saying, 'Master, I beseech Thee, look upon my son.' " Dr. Young said: Wanted-People taught on the mountains of God to toll in the low lands of sin. Our best training, our noblest service, is neither up there altogether, nor down here altogether; but consists in uniting wisely the dreamer and the doer, the mystic and the practical man. Hpw many art reprints cut Raphael's sermon in the middle by showing only the top half of his -Transfiguration!" You may well extol the composition of that portion, its design, its expression, Its grace. Above the adoring trio of disciples see that portraiture of Christ beyond which human genius probably cannot go. Yet with you ought to linger quite as persistently , the scene Raphael crowds at the foot of the mount-.the pitiable lad, the a^jnized father, the eager multitude, the mockers and the sorely harried nine disciples-Raphael's wa. of writing underneath "The upper glory ls needed yflown here." * Let helpers :ome from the highland country. Oft times off the material hills men have dashed into earth's valleys for daring conquests. Their lungs had the ozone and their limbs the litheness and their wills the boldness born of lofty altitudes. Prom Sinaitic plateau I Moses will break into low-lying Egypt ! and redeem his race. From Tabor or Olivet or some other prayer-mount ! Jesus will arrive every morning in spirit renewed. The missionary en terprise is never from dead level to dead level, but always from the heights of God to the quagmires of tuen. To be most useful in the hurry and struggle of our twentieth century life you require a Hermon Summit of the mind, a spiritual sanctuary where urito you again and again resort. No mortal's steady work can be beautiful Dr sublime enough to escape the need of this heavenly retreat. Would you not say that Charles Dickens sank further than some of his characters and remained merely a character sketcher, not a character-builder, be cause he lacked the relief that comes by being away awhile from one's task and one's self? He was buoyed up by the popularity of his books, by the thunder he made, by the money he got, by the cheer of his friends these gone, his cup was empty. Happy are those who find surcease of the world's clamor in reading au thors who uplift and so' shelter in the sanctuary of literature. Blessed are such nature loving spirits as can at tain fine, elevation and a serene out look if only they catch a glimpse of blue sky or feast their eyes upon the luster of the stars. Most blessed are they who, wheresoever placed, have. learned to meet with God, to keep their tryst with Him, to see His face and be filled with His vision for them. No recent religious movement prom ises more, I am persuaded, than the world-wide banding together of a few disciples here and there to observe the morning watch, the first half hour on waking from sleep each new day being devoted to reading the Scrip tures, .to meditation and prayer-a. sort of holy exorcising of the evil spirits and fleshly lusts, a washing out of the fret and soreness ot the heart, the anointing of the inner self with heavenly ideas. I entreat you to establish this morning watch. Keep your Jerusalem windows open. Believe the presence of the Almighty about you and hear Him say: "I will he to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come." ; Shall we not esteem our mountain tbp our castle for refuge? In olden times in Germany or France or Eng land at the morning light through the castle gates issued the people, each to his farming or trading or journeying. When enemies came, or nightfall, into the castle they hied for s?f?ty. Castle-surrounded is my soul while I keep unprofaned a tryst ing place with God. Assaults are made-^-I separate the world by haul ing in across the moat the drawbridge of worldly thought. I let the port cullis call. I hide within the protec tion of Him who ?3 . my fortress. Come hither, tempted men and wom en! Come, any Margaret cast off by any Faust! Come, every Simon Peter who falls! Make haste to the castle! Shall we not consider our mountain top a communion closet? Christ dis closed the first secret of prayer thus: "When thou prayest ?nter into thy closet, and when th?u hast shut the. floor pray." We simply must some times leave the world out there. Grant yourself a little release from our, terrible New York turmoil. Oc casionally shut outside your secret prayer-door even your dearest earthly friends. Depths of divine communion wait in which you can enter only when alone. -An often used prayer cell would be the best possible feature In a Nev/-York offlce building andi would prevent many a tragedy ot] character sad enough to make an' archangel weep. Shall we not seek our mountain top for inspiration? Are not our nar > tures like stagnant waters,?reeding to be.lifted in looms of light and woven into vapors, reborn in the sky, to descend In benedictions on the land? What inspiration, what ex altation, what sense of other worldli ness the- transfiguration brought to Christ and the three disciples! De tached it seemed they were from earth-there in . exhilarance. De tached from time they were-eras ol Moses and Elijah and Jesus merged -there is the atmosphere of eter nity. Detached from fear-even death spoken of. as an exodus, t trans?t out of Egypt into Canaan there is fullness of joy. And what more shall I say?-of that Shekinah light that clothes the Mount? Of the Master's raiment white from the woofs of God? Of His sunlike shin ing face? Of the voice ethereal trumpeting: "This is My beloved Son?" Of the rapture well nigh p?.st endurable? But yonder is an afflicted boy, down in the mountain's shadow-pity that poor lad. Any moment a convulsion takes him, hurls him into fire or water. His body now is rigid, now ls limp. His teeth chatter and-Why does he not speak? Disease has slain his power of speech. No sound hi?ars ....? he. A rlemon tyrannizes over his" spirit. Prom childhood's days, year on year his malady has been to him a living death. Take back your moun tain top words,. Simon Peter, "It is good for us to be here-And let us make three "tabernacles." .Could ye sit and sing yourselvesvaway to ever lasting bliss up there and let this tortured youth go on dying and yet not dyingT^Christ and His three disciples descend the mountain and behold the lad unshackled from his agony! Granted are the mountain top experiences that all may render the lowlands better service. "Freely ye have received; freely e?ve." Have you a kindness shown? Pass it on! Pass it on! Twas hot given for you alone, Pass it on! Pass it on! Let it travel down the years, Let it wipe another's tears. Till in heaven the deed appears. Pass it on! Pass it on!1 Have you found the heavenly light? Pass it on! Pass it on! Souls are gropiDg in the night. .Daylight eone! Daylight gone! Hold" your lighted lamps on high. Se a star ic someone's sky. He may live who else would die, Pass it on! Pass it on! But down there waits a father, dis tressed. His very soul groans itself out for this, his only son. He has tried everything and everybody. He despairs. Stay forever up in those radiant heightB and permit this broken-hearted father to perish in his heroic struggle? Not you who are touched with celestial fire! Christ and the three go dpwn-soon that father's happiness mounts on eagle's wings. Dear church people, by what right call we ourselves Christians, if we desire Jesus 'Christ and tho sanc tuary and spiritual seasons all to ourselves with never a thought of sharing with the yet unblessed? I do not know where that wretched boy of the lowlands is; but I know he is somewhere and that he needs you. I know not the whereabouts of that suffering father yearning for your as sistance. I know he is somewhere. But down there are a multitude of people tossed by doubts, willing to believe on due evidence, ready to re ceive the real living illustration of the Christ spirit incarnate again; still weak and worried till one come with the breath of mountain top to hearten and lead upward. Oh, the .thousands here at hand sb waiting! Yes-^and rise your chivalry now! Down there are nine disciples doing their utmost tc keep the boy and his father and the people; . and these nine are scorned, jeered, taunted by hateful bystanders who more than hint that th? disciples ?nd the Master, too, are fakirs and deceive the unwary. Show me the coward shirker who would everlastingly hang around up here on the mountain top while tbose* brave valley heroes . battle against such odds. Remain exactly long enough on your mountain top to fix in your mind the ideal from God and in your heart the resolve to go down and made the ideal glorious fact. As Moses saw the tabernacle on Sinai's summit, tabernacle built of mist tim bers away in the dreamy haze, to be reproduced thereafter by solid tim bers on the flat'ground for the peo ple's salvation. The sin country can be bettered only by a life a little elevated above itself in purpose and purity. Be with God some and then go. Sufficient the number of men who look out upon humanity with entire indifference; sufficient the few who see mankind, but to despise them; sufficient the abominable many whose ruling interest in their fellows is to use them for private advantage-Be thou, O, larger souled believer, one to hold thyself and all thou hast in faithful trusteeship for the rest ot our brother humankind to slave for them, if you choose to call it slaving. Our chiefest pleasure should be to serve with loftiest gifts the lowliest -needs of the wretchedest mortals for whom the God-Man came to earth, went td Gethsemane and Golgotha. Ample recompense ls found in the mere doing thereof, ample in our Lord's approval, ample in the long hereafter. "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus; who. being in the form of God, thought it not a prize to be snatched to be equal with God; but made Himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant. . * * Where fore, God also hath highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name." Wanted-Peo ple taught on the mountains of God to toil in the lowlands of sin. Take Time. Let us take time to be pleasant. The small courtesies, which we often omit because they are small, will some day look larger to us tban the wealth which we covet or the fame for which we struggled. Let us take time to get acquainted with our families. The wealth you are accumulating, burdened father, busy mother, can never be a home to the daughter whom you have no time to caress. Let us take time to get acquainted with Christ. The hour is coming swiftly for us all when one touch of His hand in the darkness will mean more than all that ls-written in the day-book and ledger or in the records of our little social world. Since we must all take time to die, why should we pot take time to live -to live in ?he large sense of a life begun here for eternity?-Pittsburg Advocate. Mind Your Own Business. There is no promise of a crown ot righteousness for proficiency in regu lating your neighbors. Don't Give Up. If you have missed the mark, don't give up. Load your gun and try again. GROOMING OF ANIMALS. If the best results to be attained are desired, grooming Is "essential for dairy cows and horses. An every day grooming with a good stiff brush for the horse is well worth all the time and trouble it takes. In cows it is a matter of necessity, if cleanliness is to. be observed. The hind quar ters around the miders of the dairy cow shou'.d be kept free from long hairs. Horses with long hair and thick coats should by all means be clipped, ac they sweat easily, the long hairs will hold the moisture, so that the animal is more than likely to take cold if compelled to* stand still after exertion. Clipping twice a year will keep an ordinary horGe in good condition, clipping once in ' the fall and once in the spring. However, horses that cannot be protected from the cold by warm stables during the late fall and winter should not be clipped in the fall, except on the legs.-W. H. Underwood, in the In diana Farmer. Pankjiivcs aro tempered at 470 do 5 rees. It Covera the .Old Dominion. The Times-Dispatch, of Richmond is well night indespensah^^to al "Virginians who desire 'to keep them selves posted concerning. tho hap penings of both the State and th nation. "With every faciliity io gathering the news while it i? "fresh, and then serving it in a dis criminating manner,- The -Times-Dis patch keeps its readers in touch witl the news of the day in a manner tha is unsurpassed. Besides giving tin news, this splendid daily has an abb conducted editorial, department t< which its readers look for fair and im partial comments on the issues o the day. It contains also much mat ter of interest to.each member of th? household. Its circulation, whili covering the entire State/ is also na tional in scope. The ^ subscriptioi price of the Times-Disp?tch "is re markably low when the character o; the paper is taken into consideration The coming 'season will "be crowdec with incidents to make just such t daily almost a household necessity ir every well-ordered and einteiligen! family. Those desiring to keep post ed can do no better than subscrib? for and read this great journal. Living in Hopes. "I noticte that Susie.is going witt the big, blond German." "Yes; they seem to be very fonc of each other." "Are they engaged?" "She doesn't know, but she hopes they are. You see, she can not under stand him very well, but so as* nol to take chances she answers 'Yes to every question he asks." KEEP TOUR SKIN HEALTHY. TETTKBIXB has doao wonders for suffer, ers from ei'zoma, tatter, ground itch, ery >lpola?, infant sort? hoad, chaps, chafo? and other forms of skin diseases. In aggravat ed oases ot ecaema its cures'havo been mar velous and thousands of people sing Its praises. Mo. ar lrugglsts or by mail from J. T. SHUPT' .i-. a, Dept. A, Savannah. Ga. _!_ ' Pert Paragraphs.' Kindness and courtesy need elbow room and are smothered to death in a crowd. . . r The man who makes a great deal of his failures" doesn't make much of a success. . . 8100 Reward. 9100. The readers of this paper will bepleasedto learn that there is at least one dreaded dis; COHO that science has been abl? to cure in ni: it? stages.and that isCntarrh.' Hall'i?Catarrh Cure in the only positive care now known to the medical fraternity. CV .a rr h being a con stitutional disease, requires ? constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the Wood and rau cous surfaces of the svstera, thereby destroy ing the foundation of* the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tbe con stitution and oRHisting nature in doing its worlc The proprietors have so much faith in ita curative powers that they offer One llimdred Dollars for any!??se that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. ?. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo, 0. Sold nv DntnriRtu. 75c. Toke BaH's Family Pilli tor constipation. Words of. Wisdom. Women don't have to swear to show how mad they are. There are other ways. A new broom sweeps clean, but, alas, it stays a newr broom such a little while. .Industry is the parent to success, and the success belongs to . the man who wons the industry. Most women are fond of men, but so many of them are so particular as to what men. It is extremely trying to he obliged to associate with people who always and invariably would rather not. The clocks in some households suf fer so much from congestion of the face that it seems impossible for any members of the household ever to be on time. When a woman says, "And that's nil there is about it," let no man be deceived in thinking that an end has been made to much talking. 1 Knob mother thinks, she has the dearest baby in the world, and, as a matter of fact, nono is cheap. The fires of resentment are only too apt to be the precursors of Ibo ashes cf repentance. There may be some way of falling in love and escaping dire results, but if so, the* average man has never found it out. It is generally best to ? keep -on good terms with yourself,.even if yo?? have to fall out with people you don't like to do it. LIVING ADVERTISEMENT. Glow of Health S peak? For Postum. It requires no scientific training to discover whether coffee disagrees or not. Simply stop lt for a time ?Dd cse Postum In place of it, then note the beneficial effects. The truth will op pear. "Six years ago I was In a very bod condition," writes a Tenn, lady, "I suffered from indigestion, nervous ness and insomnia. "I was then an inveterate coffee drinker, but lt was long before I could be persuaded that lt was coffee that hurt me. Finally I decided to leave it eff a few days and find out the truth. "The first morning { left off coffee I had a raging headache, so I decided I must have something to take the place ?f coffee." (The headache waa caused by the reaction of the coffee drug-caffeine).. . . "Having heard of Postum through a friend who used it, I bought a pack age and tried .it. I did not like lt at flrct, but after I learned how to make it right, according to directions on pkg., I would not change back to cof fee for anything. "When I began to use Postum I weighed only 117 lbs. Now I weigh T70, and as I have not taken any tonic in that time I can only attribute my recovery of good health to the use of Postum In place of coffee. "My husband says I am a living ad vertisement for Postum. I am glad to be the means ?f inducing my many friends to use Postum, too." .Name given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Rea son." Ever read thc above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuino, true and full of ha man interest. - * HAD BAD ITCHING HUMOR. , Limbs Below, the Knees Were Raw Feet Swollen-Sleep Broken Coreel in 2 Days by Cu ti cur a. "Some two months, ago I had a humor break out on my Umba below my knees. They came to look like raw beefsteak, all red, and no ene know? how they itched and burned. The/ were.so awollen'that I could not get my shoes on for a week or more. I usad fire or six different remedies and got no help, only wh?n npplying them the burning was worsa and the itching less. For two or three weeks the suffering was intense and during that time I did not sleep an hour at a time. Then one morn ing !? tried a bit of Cuticura. From fhe moment it touched me the itching was gone and I have not felt a bit of it since. The swelling went down and in two days I had roy shoes on and was about as usual. George B. Farley, 60 Bouth State St.. Con cord, N. H., May 14, 1907." The squirrel slaughter of Rusria amounts to 25,000,000 a year. ANTIDOT? * OJ! SKIN DISEASES i That's what TXTTSMMS is; and it is more. It is an absolute cure for eczema, tetter, ringworm, erysipelas and all other Itching cutaneous diseases. In oggra7rtted coses ot these afflictions Us oures have been phe nomenal. It gives instant relief and effects permanent cures. 5-?c. at druggists or by mall from J. T. SHOPTBIXS, Dept. A, Sa vane ah, Ga. / Corruption wins not more than honesty.-Shakespeare. Hicks* Capudine Cures Headache, Whether from colds, heat, stomach or nervous troubles. No Acce tani lid or dan gerous drugs, lt's liquid and acts imme ci lately. Trial bottle 10c. Regular sizes 25c. and 50c. at all druggists. A handful of might is better than a sackful of right.-German. To Drive Out Malaria and Build Up the System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHIIX TOXIC. YOU know what you are taking. Tho formula ia plainly printed on every bottle, showing iz is simply Qui nine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown people and children, 50c. Experience purchased by suffering | teaches wisdom.-Latin. Itch cured in .H> minute* by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion Never fails. At druggists. But for the mistakes made by great men, history would be awfully unin teresting. . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softena thc gums, reduces innainm? tiun.allayspain, eurea wind colic.25c a bottle Envy sets thc stronger seal on de sert.-Ben Jonson. This woman says that sick women should not fail to try Lydia ?. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as she did. Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrence St., Denver, CoL, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: "J was practically an invalid for ?x fears, on account bf female troubles, underwent an operation by the doctor's advice, but in a few months I was worse than before. A friend ad vised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it restorea meto perfect health, such as I have not enjoyed in many years. Any woman suffering as I did with backache, bearing-down pains, and periodic pains,should not fail to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousand) of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregutorities; periodic pains, backache, tnat bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Oldest American Author. Prof. William Matthews, who has just passed his ninetieth birthday an niversary, and who is still engaged in literary work, comes very near to be ing the oldest living American author. That distinction belongs to Hon. John Bigelow, who was 90 last November. Next comes Mrs. Juba Ward Howe, tvho was 89 in May. Other American authors whose minds are still bright and active in old age are Dr. S. Weir Mitchell and Dr. Edward Everett Hale, who are both 86; Col. Went worth Higginson, who is 84; Mrs. Juba C. R. Dorr, who is 83, and John T. Trowbridge and Prof. Charles Eliot Norton, who are 80. Easy Road. k fellow has to work like sin And never stop for play . 1 tv get a hero medal in TJie regulation way, 3o round the pawnshop door I" wait And get ene at a bargain rate. Pimp!? Cures Through the Blood PU TN A Color moro nooda brighter and faHter colors than any o caa dye any garment without ripping apart. Wriuj : e The Old Standard GROVE'S T system. You know what you are is simply Quinine and Iron in a ta writes Mrs. E. Founder of Lake Charles, La., -"I used to suffer from headache, backache, side ache, pressing-4own pains, and could hardily walk.. At last I took Cax4ui, and now I feel good all the time. It Will Help You Cardui is a medicine that has been found to act upon the cause bf most women's pains, strengthen ing the weakened womanly organs, that suffer be-| cause their work is too hard for them. ... It is not a pain "killer," but a true female ?remedy, composed of purely vegetable'ingredients, perfectly harmless and recommended for all sick wo men, ola or young. Try Cardui Women's Belief. AT ALL DRUG- STORES THE J. R. WATKINS MEDICAL CO. WINONA. MINNESOTA. Mnke? ?0 Different Article: HouaehoM Kern-.ile?, Flavoring Ext mci? all Kinda; Toilet Prepiirutloii?, Fine Houp?. Kit. 'Canvasser* Wanted jn E>H)ery County. 40 Years Experience. flUt.OOO.OOO Output. BEST PROPOSITION EY*2 DIFFERED AGENTS Ll NI M EN Nothing New or Mysterious. "ASK YOUR GRAND? MOTHER." For many generations Goude brease ha* tuon .reoognlfed aa a wonderful remodlat medium In treating and carin? Pneumonia. Grippe, Rheumatism and Neuralcia. RICE'S GOOS! GREASE LINIMENT Is nade from pure goose grease, with other valuable ouratlve ingre* dien ts added. Try it. 25e- At all Druggists and Dealers-25m. SOOSE GREASE COMPANY, ^j^?"? UCI D Inalit on Havlne "FOR DP. MARTEL'S Preparation ?iAiat-M Standard Kemedy. WOSV?b?M AT DBOOOISTS. ?ead lor book, "Itellel lor Women. FRENCH DRUG C0" 30 W. 32d SL, N. Y. City. We Buy ?FURS) Hides and Wool Feathers, Tallow, Beeswax, Ginseng, Golden S-tl, (Yellow Root), May Apple, Wild Ginger, e ;c. We are dealers; ettabEihed in I856--"Orer half a oratory in Louisville"-and caa do better f or you than asent? or commits OD mer cha CU. Reference, any Bank in Loa?riHe. Write for weekly price lilt and ihippit g tags. HI. Sabel & Sons, 227 E. Market St LOUISVILLE, KY. So. 49-'0S. AI.WAT.i MENTION, THIS PAPER uhr :i urlliui; AclvcrtUor?, and In baytnc Articles advertised In thea* rolnmni take only ilie GENl'IAEand DECLINE ALI. SUBSTITUTES I FOB MEN Many people crowd their feet into shoes in an attempt to make their feet fit the shoes. Don't choke your feet in thatway : wear SKREEMERS. They fit your feet. Look for the label, and, if you don't find these shoes readily, write the makers for directions how to secure them. FRED. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, Mass. NAOIsfl? Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and "bruises. . It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest part without hurting because it doesn't need to be rubbed-all you have to do is to lay it on ?Sji lightly. It is a powerful preparation and penetrates ' instantly - relieves any inflammation and congestion, and reduces the swelling. Sloan's iniment is an excellent antiseptic and germ killer - heals cuts, burns, wounds and contusions, and will draw the poison from sting of poisonous insects. Price, 25c, 50c, and $1.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mas?., UJ5.A. Sloan's book on hones, cattle, sheep and poultry sent frc?. B5 lood 36, [Itching Humors, Rheumatism, B Poison, Eczema, Bone Pains, l. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is the only Klood remedy that kills the poison in ) blood and then purifies it-sending a flood of pure, rich blood direct to the ?kin pince, Bones, Joints, and wherever the disease ls located. In this way all Sores, i?ra, Pimples, Eruptions are healed and cured, pains and aches of Rheumatism ?se, swellings subside. B. B. B. completely changes the body into clean, healthy idltion, giving the skin the rich, red hue of perfect health. B. B. B. cures tht rsl old cases. Try lt. 81.00 per largo bottle At all Drug 8rr>ree with directions . home cure. SAMPLE Flt EE by writing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Gu. TADELESS DYES thor tiyo. Ono Ute. packago colors all libers. They dyo In cold water better than any othrr dye. Toa for freo booklot-How to Uyo. Bleach anil Mix Colors. ?tlOURUE DRUG CO.. Oaincy. Illinois. aus@s L@s ASTELESS CHILL, TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it steless, and the most effectual form. For adults and children. 50c.