EDGEFIELD ADVERTISER Established 1835. J. L. MIMS .... EDITOR TERM? DJS Jv VEA fi Kl ?O ~?i Al ON Tl te . .75 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2, 1908. The teacher who is attempt. (ins to teach without inspiring > the pupil with a desire to learn S is hammering on cold iron.- ? MANN. The lieiMaw agitation has begun. May it result in the repeal of this iniquitous law5 by the next legisk tnre! The early noliday shoppers get the cream of the merchants' offer ings: Do not be the last to make your Christmas purchases. The fate of the proposed cou-ty fair will be decided by the mass meeting to be held in the court house next Monday. Will you con tribute to the success of the move-.| ment by being preset? Edgefield Opposes Carnivals.; The carnival is here in full blast, gathering np all of the nickles and dimes in the. neighborhood. There seems to be very few worthy at tractions with this aggregation and those who do not attend* will miss . nothing, but on the other hand will doubtless save several dollars that they can't afford to throw away.- | Barnwell Sentinel. The fact that Edgefield's mayor practically refused to license one of these carnival -companies a short time ago by placing the license so high they refused to pay it,has been very generally commended by the citizens of our town. A Third Division of the Edge field Association Formed. Dear Advertiser: A "few lines ? anent the meeting of the Union of the 2nd division of the Edgefield association,which met with the Plum Branch church;' may be of interest to many of your readers. This is always an interesting and instructive meeting to the churches, although they have heretofore many of them scattered and far-apart, in S consequence of which at this meet ing, which took place 5th Saturday and Sunday, November 28th 'and 29th, resolvedr to divide, thereby making another division to be known : as the 3rd division of the Edgefield association. The old or 2nd division - waa. composed of 13 churches, ex . tending from Ebenezer at Trenton , on the C. C. & A. R. R. to Plum Branch on the C. & W. C. R. R, over SO miles apart. The^brothers decided that a better and more efficient work could be done by making two divisions out of the old 2nd division, one of which could contain 6 churches, and the other 7 churches; The meeting of the . union was very harmonious throughout, the subjects were good, the brethren prepared with good speeches, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Sunday morning the Sunday . school exercises were turned over to the union, and Moderator K F Dorn filled the hour with most ex cellent and/inspiring addresses by ^brethren P. B. Lanham, Prof.. Mel lichamp,Brother Haynes from Clyde, N. C., and. the pastor, Rev. L. B. White. N . 'The missionary sermon, which was a most excellent one, was preached by Rev. J. T. Littlejohn, and the collection which amounted to $15.51 for the orphanage. The ^afternoon was given over to B. Y. P. JJ. exercises, which consisted of a most excellent program by the young people on B. T. P. U. work. The union received messengers from B. Y. P. U. organizations at ' Red Hill, Modoc, Plum Branch, Parksville, who were cordially re ceived. The papers presented on B. Y. P. U. work by Misses Self and Banks were magnificent and the address of Prof. Harley called .forth loud words of commendation There was also an address by Dr. DJ^ A. J. BelJ, president of the Parks ville union, and a most excellent paper by Miss Martha Dorn on mis sions, which was a credit to the Parksville union. The new division, just formed, will meet 5th Saturday and Sunday in January with the Parksville church, at which time an organiza tion will be effected and officers elected.- * We feel that the divisions will be a great blessing in that the mother d ivision will not do less for the spread of the Kingdom while the new, with energy and enthusiasm, will push the work, thereby doub ling the work heretofore done by one. ''Multipl?cation by division!" So mote it be, amen. Fraternally, D. A. J. BELL. Christmas Fruit Cake. Now is the time to provide the Christmas fruit cake. We have seeded raisins, currants, citron nuts, figs, extracts, etc. , Dunovant & Co. Edgefield Vict< The much talked of foot ball con test on Thursday last ? between the Granitevillp and Edgefield teams at tracted a large crowd. Besides draw ing out many lovers of out-door sport in our town, Trenton, John ston and the country districts were well represented. From the first kick .of the ball till the close of the sec ond half the contest was exceeding ly interesting and at times very ex citing. Had the teams been more evenly matched, the game would have been snappy1 and spirited throughout, and enthusiasm would have run high. As it was, the fact developed early in the first half that the Gn niteville boys were too light, besides being worully deficient??in skill, to combat'. successfully with our boys. Mr. Joe G.. Holland, who is one of the foremost, athletes in the state and is thoroughly familiar with the intricacies of the game, coached his team well for two weeks prior to the contest, and their splendid play ing on the gridiron Thanksgiving day showed how they responded to Ins instruction. The very skillful manner in which Mr. Holland han dled his men while in action, direct ing this or that end to make a play, according to the point of vantage held by each,repeatedly called forth admiration and applause from the enthused spectators. Mr. Holland was the /star of the team but was ably assisted by Messrs. Horace and Paul Cogburn and Mr. Arnoldus Lewis. In fact, all of them played News From the College Cam pus. Thanksgiving Day was one of much pleasure and one -which had be?n greatly looked forward to and anticipated by all the students of the S. C. C. I. After breakfast gen eral leave was granted to the corps and those wishing to attend service were at liberty to do so. The young ladies and most of the cadets at tended service at the Baptist church. After coming back the exciting game of footrball between Edgefield and Graniteville was witnessed. Roll call took place at 1:30 and im mediately after lunch was served. Then from 3:30 to 5 :30 the rules of college were suspended between the young ladies and men who enjoyed a social afternoon. After "retreat" the famous Thanksgiving dinner was held. Col. Bailey set a high standard for these annual feasts years ago but the dinner of 1908 surpassed all others. Hot a hotel in South Carolina, not to mention other colleges, served any more elaborate Thanksgiving dinner ^for its guests, than "did Col. Bailey for his stu dents. The menu was too lengthy to begin to mention. Several person al friends of the President were present. Mr. J. U. Rives, Mr. E. S. Rives and family, Rev. P. P. Bla lock and wife, Mr. J. L. Mims and wife, Misses Fannie, Effie and Lucile Sheppard and others. At 9:30 p. m. the students returned to "their respect ive quarters, thus ending a pleasant and greatly enjoyed* Thanksgiving Day. The three literary societies of the college are going to publish a monthly magazine entitled "The Co-Ed." This magazine is to be pub lished entirely by students and for the benefit and pleasure of ?patrons, students and every one in general. The officers of s "The Co-Ed" were elected last week and are as follows: President, W. White; Business manager, T. W. Bingham; Editor in-chief, 5i L., Taylor; Associate editors, Miss Burns, Miss Bussey, .Miss Ouzts, H. Mathis and H. Cook, Athletics, R. F. Keels, and L. I>. Holmes; Exchange, Miss Attaway, Miss Rainsford and E. H. Arring ton; Locals, Miss Gr?ce Frier, Dav onport and Roper; Alumni-alumnae, Miss Fuller and J. B. Knotts; Y. M. C. A., Miss McTierand B. T. Burk h alter. We hope to make this maga zine a grand success. For all infor- j mation address' T. W. Bingham. . I STUDENT. I White Pearl and ee\eral other: varieties of Onion Sets just ro I ceived. ' PENN & HOLSTEIN, . Succesosrs to G L P-no ?fe Sou j Get our prices on shoes before buying. We can plea RP you. May . RIVF?S i'.RO^, Cobb's Oui Maud Go i?? R ye* Bmp\ fur M""i?bTs hji ud?fUii- Wh?3' HI>IM T>I) or ft) WaistUPHD *1 00 io $3 50. ??W beautiful iitckwHiir and collar*. This is WortH Reading. Leo- Zelinski, of (58 Gibson St., Buffalo, "K". Y., says: "I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklen's Arnica ?Salve. I applied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold .nd- r guarantee at W E Lynch it 'o., Benn ct Holstein, successors to r L Penn ?fe Son drug stores. 25c. Master's Sale. S'at- of Smith Carolina, Eda fi-dd Count v. Court of Common Pl^ap, W. W. Hendrix et al Plaintiffs Against E L Posey as administrator of estate ol Nancy Hendrix deceased Defendants. Pursuant to th* decree in this cans?', T will offer for sal?-, at pub lic euicry to th? highest bidder before, th? court house, town ot Edgefield, S. C., on salepday in Dpcumher, 1908, tre SHine being the. 7th day of said months b?-J tween the legal hours of nal**, the J following described property to I wit : . . ? . AM tbat. lot or parcel of land situate IVjivS and heiigin the town of Trenton, and in Hw coun ty and stat* af<>r~fi md, c luUining one and oi e-half hores riv-re ?>r lees, bounded on the nore'h b\ ri tr ti t of way of the Cumberland Gap railroad, on the Wi-l by lot? . Mrs. I.?eretia Wlmtak?r et ,,1 plainnffs against, C B Gray, et al D-feudant. Pursuant t, ? ihe dieren in this cause, 1 wil' i ff-r (or *ale at pub lic outcry.to inn highest bidder before 'no court hour-e, town of Edgefield softie of South Carolina, on paleaday. in December,1908, th? same being tie 7!h dav of said month between the hgal hours of sale the following def cri I Vi ?e.i! ty. to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the cor porate limits of thu town of Edge field, iu the county of EdgefHd, in the state of South Carolina, containing 30 acres, more or lese, and bounded ou tba north bv H H Sandere, couuty jail lot, Mrs. Emeline Cartlidge" and W H Tur ner, ou tb? east by lands of Dr. .1 TPattison 3nd the public street leading from Edgefield coart I house to augusta. Ga., south by a public street iu tbe town of Edge field Jrnowu as Grav street, aud west by lauds of W W Sheppard Joe Butler and others. ThiB land will be cut into suita ble lots and sold that way. Plate exhibited day of saje. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master Edgefield Coun'y. But it's an Old Establish ed Business. The Oldest Furniture House in Au gusta. ESTABLISHED 1S78. INCORPORATED 1903. Known for a long number of years as Fleming tfc Bowles, and later, J. L. Bowles Furniture Co. this concern will now be known as the Georgia-Carolina Furniture Co. We have added greatly to the appearance of our stock, and made it complete in every detail; cheap and medium grades, then the latest styles and patterns too. All made right, and prices right. Georgia-Carolina Furniture Co., 904' Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Formerly J. L. Bowles Furniture Co I Business Notice-. \I desiri' to notify' thc public that I pay thc highest market price for colton-sced, and that I sell cut ton seed nVal and hulls. Will ex change Hulls and Meal for Seed. Halls.delivered anywhere in ridge field for 5 cents per hundred extra. I. will i|>e at my scales near the old depot every clay. .1. \V. CllhlATHAM. Tax Notice. ' The County Treasurer's office will be open for the purpose of receiving taxes from the 15th day of Oct. 1908 to the 15th of March 1909 inclusive. . A penalty of one per cent will be added to all unpaid taxes after the 1st day of Jan. to the 31st of Jan.' 1909. of .two per cent, from the 1st day of Feb. to the last day of Feb. 1909 and penalty five per cent from the first day of Maacn to the 15th day March 1909. The tax levies for the year 1908 are as follows: ' For State purposes 5h mills. " Ord. County " 5 '' Cons. School tax 3 " Special County tax H " " Bacon S. D. Special 2 " Edgefield S. D. " 2 " " Long Cane S. D.' " 3 " Liberty Hill S D " 3 " Johnston S. D. " 3 " Plum Branch S D No 1 3 " White Town SD 3 " R. R Bonds Pickens Ts'p 3 R R Bonds Wise Ts'p li " R R " Johnston Ts'p 3 " " " Pine Grove Ts'p 5 " "'"Town Edgefield h School Bonds ? . ,, Corporation Purposes 2h ." All male citizens between the ages of 21 years and 60 years except those exempt by law are liable to a poll tax of one dollar each.' A capitation tax of 50 cents each is to be p?id on all dogs. A commutation road tax of $2,00 each must ,be paid by able bodied ' male citizens between the ages of 18 and 50 years. No checks or drafts will be accepted in payment of taxes unless the party giving same can be held personally re sponsible for its payment. J. T. PATTISON, Co. Treas. E. C, 742 Broad, "The Good The time has c Must Ha and we are ready kinds except the p< We do not keep shoddy ble makes. The leading lines bei Brown Shoe Co. St. Loi Shoe Co., Lynchburg? to $4.00 Ladies Shoes fr dren's Shoes at all prices shoe for children. We are realb this Season. 'Tis not a I we want every lady to s Dress Goods that are va pie dry goods at right p Let us show you our 1 real values from 35cts ti Counterpanes, Sheetin prices. Get our prices kinds. Full stock of Une kerchiefs, Ties and all th for a complete stock of We appreciate all busi: ready to refund money transaction. IL Master's Sale. Slat.*'of South Carolina, Evlgefi WI Ooun'y, Court of Common Plea*. .1 A Hollnml und R S Holland M ?1 II? 111 i f*l TM.I . >r - of I'tiH H(*(HIH (li J .1 H<>| hind dMvjisMd, mu? in ihn ir bvAn righi |>ljii'>lilis :iLr!ini-t Mr.-. .Manio *.V(-i.ih ti ni defeifd HUtM. PuT'iianl lo ideer-? in tb it? C?UHM, I will . fl>r for mle nt piib .ho outer** t-? th? high-st ljidd-r. Iv-t'dr- itu' court hous? ,< iowii of EdtJ^liHld Ki'il.Hittt" uf S-uth Onr olio?, on sdlppday in December 1908, iliPP?niH bn 8alpsd*v iu'Decm hpr 1908 th? PHinp being the 7*h day of paid month hetwppn thp Ipoal hours of th? following dpt-cribed rfaltv to wit: AU that tract of laud situate in] said ounty ano" stute containing 395 acr-s mor? or Inss. adj ?iniog lauds of the Hunt f-8ffltoHud o'h?r lai ds of the said J J Ho.loud aud other land? of the said testator. This tract, of land will be.cot into three tracts of land and sold that way. Plats of\the laud ex hibited on the day of sale. Terms nf sale : One-third cn'sh and th?* balance on a crpdit of one] and two years, with1 interest- from day of sale,purcba8er to give bond and mortgage of the premisps told mortgage and bood to include ten p*.r ceut for attorneys fees il brought to suit, or all cash at pur] chaser's option te*ms must be complied with or satisfaction givJ en to Master or he is authorized tc ra-seil the sams day or some sub? sequent salesday tierpafter at tht risK of the forma? purchaser. . Purchaser to pay for napers. W. F ROATH, Master Edgefield Couufy. VvWVWWVWV.V>( Master's Sale, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY, Court of Common Pleas. Milton Parker, Admr. of Estate of Horace Parker, dec'd, et. al:, against Fred L Parker, et. al., Pursuant to the decree in this cause, I I will offer for sale at Public outcry toi the highest bidder before the court! house, town of Edgefield and state of] South Carolina, on salesday in Decem ber 1908, the same being the 7th daj of said month between the legal hoi of sale, the following described to wit: Lot A. The store lot, whereon is situated the Parker building facing- -the public square a distance of thirty. feet and 8 inches about, and which store runs back seventy-five feet having behind it a lot running back about twenty-two feet, making in all ninety-seven, feet in depth and bounded'; on the north by the public square, on the east by the Advertiser building on the south ".by ! other Parker land and on' the west by alley lot. LotB. . The alley lot facing the public square seventeen and a half 17* feet and run ning back ninety seven (97) feet more [ or less and bounded on the north by the Eublic square on the east by tile Parker uilding, on the south by other Parker lands and on the west by Ryan hotel lot Lot C. A lot of land facing Norris avenue I on the south about forty three feet and I eight inches and running back about one hundred and twenty two feet and bounded on the north by the Adverti ser lot and Parker building and on the east by other Parker lands, on the south by Norris avenue and west by the Ryan lot. Lot D. A lot of land facing Norris avenue about forty three feet and eight in ches and running back one hundred and twenty two feet about and bound ed on the north by the lands of the I Advertiser lot, on the : east by the lot of the Mercantile Company, on the south by the Norris avenue and on the west by the Parker lot Terms of sale: One. half cash, and the balance on credit of one year, with interest from the day of sale. Pur chaser to give bond and a mortgage of the premises sold, to Secure the pay ment of the credit portion, mortgage to include ten per cent, for attorney's fees if foreclosed, or all cash at pur chaser's option. Terms must be com plied with or Master is authorized to resell same day or on future sale day. Purchasers to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH. Master E. C. Notice of Special Master. In the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of South , Carolina. Fourth Circuit. IN EQUITY. D. A. Tompkins and D. A. < Tomp kins company, on behalf of them selves and all other creditors of the Edgefield Manufacturing Company,.. Complainants. ' VS. Edgefield Manufacturing Company Defendants. To all and singular the creditors of the Edgefield Manufacturing Company: Pursuant to the order of the Hon. J. C. Pritchard, Judge of the cir cuit court of the United States of America for the fourth judicial cir cuit, dated at Asheville, North Caro lina, on the 15th day of October, 1908, you and each of vou are here by NOTIFIED AND REQUIRED To present and prove .before me, at Edgefield court house, South Carolina, beJore the 1st day of De cember, 1908, your claims against the Edgefield Manufacturing Com pany, the defendant above named. If you shall fail to present and prove your claims before me by the above stated time, you will be bar red and excluded from participation in the distribution of the assets of said defendant company. <. J. D. ALLEN,. Special Master. Dr. King's NewiifePilis The best in the world.