Edenfield' Advertiser J. Xi. M IMS, - - - EDITOR TERMS: ONE YEAR ll.SO SIX MONTHS 75 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 8, 1907. There never was any heart n truly gi eat and generous, tliat ? J was net also tender and com? I I passionate.-SOUTH J If Batesburg can have a tri? county fair, it "does 6eem that Edgefeld should try to have a county fair. Eeports state that Standard Oil stock is "going down." It has been punctured by the Federal courts and the water ie now ooziDgout, hence the shrinkage. . The jury for the second week of court will be drawn to-day and will be pnhshed next week. Hon. George Johnstone will probahly preside at the October term ol lu spite of having received numerous knocks recently, the railroads are yet very generous, a rate of oue fare for the round trip having been granted to the State Fair. The latest decree of fashion ie the hipless woman. If the decree were for a headless woman, sDme of.the fair sex are such slaves ol fashion that doubtleps they would straightway betake themselves tc the guillotine. For several years there has beer much talk of manufacturing papei fromj cottou stalks. Let us bopf that some relief will soon come from that Bource. Unless it does the exorbitant ^prices of the pape: trust will soon swamp many o the newspapers. Has the advanced price of dia monde caused the shortage in th ? Y October crop of brides? br is i Sjthe high dry goods, meat, coal anti breadstuffs? Some of the bache lors are evidently afraid that tw( cannot live as cheaply SR oue. Burbank, the plant wizzard whi is the marvel of the entire world has developed seedless blackber ries, seedless apples^and oranges Now, the cotton s?ed?rushera hac better be good or Burbank wil _bringjForth a seedless cotton ant Seven-eighTs~cTthe whoi<3 terri tory of the south, says ^"fcjffifflTI town Times, ianoj^sf^WlorgiP bition l&^JfSf^^ndev prohi BpWaJJP^Tc-day there are fewer g^rTOonsin all the thirteen south ern states combined than there are ID the one city of Greater New York. And these southern states have about eight times the popu lation. .^yThe Piedmont politicians are a long-winded set. Notwithstand ing the fact that the next prima ry is eleven months in the future, Senator Latimer and "Uncle" Josh Ashley have about started upon their races. They evidently believe, as an exchange says, that the early bird gets the grub. More than 1,000 unmarried wo men from abroad arrived in New York last week to cast their lot in America. If these young spinsters are comely and Industrious, capa ble of supporting husbands, Com missioner of Immigration Watson would have no trouble in placing the eutite cargo in South Carolina, A few willing men could poss ibly be found in Edgefield county. The Gaffney Ledger is contend ing for a town clock. The Ledger is on the right line. Busy people want to hear the hour sounded, so they can pull together.-Evening Piedmont. If a town clock will help the people of a town get together and pull together, Edgefield needs.one with a face as large as a full moon. 'Not less than a dozen families haye moved to this city within the mouth for the express purpose of educating the children. Good schools are among the city's most valuable assets.-Greenville Even ing Piedmont. Our Greenville contemporary is right. The great benefit that this community has derived from the splendid institution that is loca ted in Edgefield forces our people to endorse the statement that Mgood schools are among a city's most valuable assets." Will Keach Santa Clans' Pocket. The very sharp advance in the price of caudies will cause old man Santa Claus as well as the "?weet-6!xteeners" to feel the wave of high prices that is sweeping the country along all lines of mer chandise. The advance in finecau dies is said to be du? to the short age and higb cost of the cacao bean, from which chocolate can dies are made. The shortage has been caused by la-ge purchases of cacao beans by the government for supplying the army aud navy with chocolate lo drink. What aro Farmai'S J?a?iinji? Au Atlanta 6'ove factory hap declared a dividend of 100 per ceDt ; one of the express corn pa mes has made a dividend of 200 per ceut; the Standard Oil Com pany netted 900 per cent ; a cotton mill in this state made a dividend last year of 42 per cent. Now, will somebody tell us what divideud the . farmers are making, whether any at all or not? About all of the meagre profit that there was in their colton bas been taken from them by the spinners and speculators. The staple is now sell ing for $10 per bale less than it was a month ago, but we have not heard of any decline in the price o:' cotton goods. National Government Should Aid. An official in one of the depart ments of the national government recently%made the statement that twelve per cent of the deaths of persons of all ages in America are due to consumption, and that in the vast majority of cases the in fection of' tuberculosis is commu nicated to people through impure milk. The accuracy of these state ments we cannot affirm or deny but the most casual observer can see that this dread disease is be coming alarmingly provaleut. The national government lends very material aid in stamping out yel low fever and other diseases, and there seems to be no good reason why the same efforts, or even greater efforts, should not be put forth to check the ravages of con sumption. Ruling* at> to Automobiles. The ho^se of a citizen of Green ville county was frightened by au automobile some months ago and ran away, the driver sustaining personal injury. The owner of the hors? brought suit against the owner of the automobile for dama ges, and wae awarded a verdict of $450. The case was carried to the supreme court on au appeal, and the latter tribunal sustained the verdict of the lower court, laying down the principle iu the decision that the driver of an automobile on a country road must use every reasonable precaution against frightening horses and mules. The court has said that in cases of danger the driver of aD automo bile must not only stop his ma chine, but cut off the motor. . Schedule of Appointments for W. C. T. U. Organiser. Miss Roena Shaner of Missou [j??R^ow_j2iaking_ a_to.ur_jiL-Onr ance. She is a young woman of rH21l1,<"'^?ftg- and nnnt8 per pound. Timmons Bros. I wish to inform my friends :bat I am in the cottou seed mar iel and will always pay the high est price for seed. My scales aro ocatod on the 6treet bptweeu Main street and the Methodist ?burch-not far from the public quare. Your eeed solicited. J. W, Cheatham. Seventeen* of the S. Will Be The A Year in It Providence dealt kindly with Edgefield in sending the South Carolina Co-Educational Insti tute to this place nine years ago. From the day thiB splendid in stitution first opened its doors in our midst there has been a very perceptible improvement and de velopment of the town along all lines-intellectually, socially, re ligiously, materially. The town has beeu b nefitted intellectually hy the new impetus that the institution has given .to the cause of education in our midst. The conscientious and efficient corps of teachers have BO aroused the latent forces in many of the young people and quicken ed their ambitions, as well as the ambitions of the parents for their children, that the intellectual life of the community bas beeu#raised to a higher place. Through the in fluence of this institution the literary tastes of the people of the community have been gp atlj' elevated. This can beat be illus :rated by the attendance upon public entertainments and the character ot the entertainments that are now given in oui town. Seme years ago it was WPJI nigh impossible for a lecturer, however gifted and magnetic be might be, to attract an audience in Edge field of a respectable size. High class entertainments such as ly ceum entertainments were slimly attended and were looked upon ns. being dry and boring. But under tho new orde'r of things, lecturers, even when comnaratively un known, draw larg? crowds, and the lyceum entertainments are well patronized and are thorough ly appreciated and enjoyed. The tow:- hus brien benefitt'-d socially by the example and high ideals that are set by President Bailey and hie faculty ol Chris tan men and women ; also the very excellent deportment, in private and in public, of the stu dents of the college has had a wholesome and*refining influence upon the voung people of Edge field. The town bas been beuefitted religiously by the moral and re ligious atmosphere that surrounds the college life, and that emanates from the South Carolina Co Educational Institute. Further more, the daily walk and conver sation of the Godly men and wo men who compose the faculty, as :a?hnr,-rfrt? fth^T?Spirati?n to the people of the community. The re ligious instruction in the insti the Young Women's Christian As sociation have a wholesome in fluence upon the day students as well as the boarding students of I ; the college. ? j The town has been benefitted materially or commercially by the increase in the volume of busi ness that has come both directly and indirectly through the col legp. During the school term the students themselves, ae do all col lege boys and girls, spenctacon fliderable sum in our town. One of the greatest benefits, however, accruing iu a material way, has beeu the increase in population Many good substantial citizens have moved to Edgefield to edu cate their sons and daughters who would have gone elsewhere had not our town through the South Caro lina Co-Educational Institute offered Buperior oducational ad vantages. Finally, in the development of the hitherto dormant musical tal ent of the community, the college has been a great boon to Edge field. Before the S. C. C. I. was established here the ladies, young or old, who could perform suffi ciently well upon tho piano to ap pear in public could almost be counted upon one's fingers, while now, even in so short a time as nine yoars. girls and young ladies who perform exceedingly well can be counted by the scores. So price lees are such benefits to a com muuity that they cannot be esti mated in dollars and cents. The coming of the 8. C. C. I. ?I to Edgefield has not benefitted the town alone, but the couuty at large has profited also. During the past nine years a number of youug men and young women many of whom are now teaching-|] have been educated in thie insti tution. Even now, for the session af 1907-08, there are twenty-Bix ?tudente boarding in the college from this couuty, many of whom were financially unable to go a zreat distance from home to in itiations witb higher rates but which do no bettei work than our institution. We have just received a freph ihipment of. Buist's celebrated urnip seed. We have the Seven Top, Cow Hom, Golden Ball, Yel ow Abberdeeu, Purple Top and ?uta Baga B. Timmons. -Full stock of shoes and rubbers, f you want the best give us a ,11. May & Tom pit ins. Ginnery Notice. I am 'now ready to gin your ottou. Good sample, teed well leaned. My pricejis 30 centi per uudred. I pay the highest m irket rice for see I at my giu.J Your. atfouagH solicited D. B. Hollingsworth. th Session C? Ce it lost Successful s History. The seventeenth session of the South Carolina Co-Educatiorl?l Institute opened with appropriate fxercises in the college cbapel-cn Thursday morning last. Besides the day student* and visitors, there were one huudrpd and eleven boarding students present, having come from all parts of this and three or four other states. A dozen or more students arrived on the following day. After scripture reading and prayer bv President Bailey, Mr. Orlando Sheppard in appropriate wcrds welcomed the studente to Edgefield. The speak er very truly said: "Such an array of youth and beauty of this state is an inspiring sight." He com mended the old students who had returned for their splendid de portment in the pa3t, and admon ished the new students to respect and obey the rules of the college, that no success could be achieved without it. In closing Mr. Shep pard said : 4;Let Duty be your motto, Application your watch word and your efforts will be crowned with succoss." The following are the names of the girls who biard iu the col lege: Miases Minnie Ayer, Ehrhardt ; Tibbie Palgett, Lodge ; Annie Laurie Attaway, Port Roy al ; Roselle Burns, Bepsemar, Ala bama ; Jesse Hamrick, Columbia ; Lizzie Coleman, Shelton; Helen 'McKnight. HenderBonville. N. C; Rosa Whittle, Sp-ingfhld ; Grace Frier, Socnim, Florida; Clara Fri^r, Moorum, Flori la; Nan Mel lei r, Wedgefield ; Heh-n Troutman, Wedgefield; Emma Var ii, Ruffiu; Bessie McTeer, Y*rrt?ss., G L P.m. & S. ii. I? L RB ER URE* I have a ma-hine for reselting-your old ?ire? oi putting ou DfW oses. Be-' rubbur tires carried in stock. A'l work guaran t?ed. \V. H. Powell. Notice. Onl l?e IS h day of October 1907 the undirsigned will make application unto i lie Probate Court, at kdgefield, C. II. South Carolina, for a On al dis charge from hi< trust as executor of the estate o' Dr. J. H.-Jennings, de ceased. W.J. Holloway. it i S If Money talks you ness and we know tl So right from thc c perior value giving, lots but of new fres ample quantities oj io pieces far ings for wah dren's dress* 25 cen'.s per for this weet 5 pieces 72 i ised table ( value $r.oo 1,500 yards spun 7c valu 20 pieces S best material al value 10c this week, Iii 25 dozen me dress shirts 1 50 Pairs of long, hand plete and Advert WP tlifi famniip Lipton ard Di hid par'cB&d coffee, gre ii nd. and ungrriund. B. Tiuimoup. We. have a full assortment cf ibf? celebrated Hawkes' Spi ctacles und Ey -Glasees. Thpy have hepn sold in Edgefield for more than twenty years fud everybody knows what they are. B. Timmons. Tax Notice. The County Treasurer's] office w?]| be open for the purpose of receiving taxes from the loth day of Oct. 1907 to 1 i he 15th day ot March IDOS inclusive. .A penalty of one Der cent will be added lo all unpaid taxes after the 1st day ot Jan.to the 31st of Jan, 190S of two per cent, from the 1st day of Feb. to the last day of Feb. 190S and penalty of five per 'cent from the first day of March to the 15, of Marh, 190S. . The tax levies for the year 1907 are aa follows: For state purposes, 4l{ mills - for school purposes, 3 mills; for ordinary county purposes 5 mills: for special purposes, % ir? 11s; for K R bonds, Pickens towoship. 3 mills; R. R. b:>nds, Wise township, ?\& mills* R R. bond?, ?haw township \% mills; R. R. bond.j, Johnston townships mills; R. R. bonds, Pine Orovp, 5 mills; K. li bonds, Town of Edgefield. % milli; School bonds town pf .Edgefield, I'm ill; Corpo-ation nur. po-es town of Edgefield, '2% mills; necial school, Bacon, a. D 2 mills; especial schools, Johns'.on. 8. D 3 mills; special school Edgefield, 2 mills; specia'i school, White Town 3 mills. All male citizens between theages of 21 years.and 60 y?ars except those exempt by law are li . ble toa poll tax of one doll ir each. A capitation tax of 50 cents each is to 02 paid on all dogs. A commutation road tax of ?2.00 each mu ,f be paid by able bodied male citizens between the ages of IS and 50/j ears. No checks or drafts will be accept ed ?n payment of tax^s unless the party givi'ig, sa? e can be held perron ally resi'ons'ble for its paymei t, J. T. PATTISON, Co 'I'reas. E. C. Are You Oat of a Job? If you are, and cnn furnish g< od rete rei c^s, and want tu n a*o more moupy than you cnn make otherwise without capital, then write to the Carolina Mutual Fire In surance Company, Spartanburg, 5. C. for an Ag-'ury. We have thir ty rigood aleuts in the state making big money for them erlve?, why not you? mmr-n-nnn?rii'M* w - trnx run'.i-i i II IT' i 'iii wi ?-i ? 11 ia ? can make some noisy Saving iat the giving of the best ob ta mtset of the season we have be These sales will continue eat ih, wanted merchandise, carefu f everything advertised and m? icy plaid suit its and chil is, real value yard, special : at i?c. inch mercer la m ask real at 49c. white home e at. 5c muthern Silk i for shirts re : special for nited, at 7c. n's 50 cents it 32c. 500 yards dr all good path ue at i,500 yards outing io an special this wei m 50 doz. gray sox 10c ited at BLANKET* blankets soo can save m will cost you cial $7.50 all ets in pink, \ checks at Lace Curtain! Millinery Deg we invite th< liser Building, PIANOS ORGANS Thomas & Barton Co. There Isn't a Rainbow Every Day Neither can wp offer a bar gain like this every day-A ?330 00 Harvard Piano fur $185.00. Thif j)iaur- ba* .been rented for a short time, and H SM handsome ?nd correct in every way, we can't help tell ing you, who may be interest ed in M bargain*that here is. the very thing. Fine Mahog any Ca?? '-"tweet Umging To: e. All fheisted improve ' men ts. Three Pedals, inclu ding the practical Pedal .Up ?ghi: Of course-and in such superh?''ondition Ih it no one can tell i? from new. This is a fine opprtunity to possess a splendid piano as we ever remember oliering. The chances are that the first person who sees it will buy it-Will you be too Jate? Payments may be made to suit your convenienoi-'ty th? m nth. q urterly or ithjr.vise. Organs, Farrand, Packard, and Needham-The leading manufacturers of the world. Cases in oak and walnut, Handsome in design, Beauti ful in tone-and prices ranging from $50,00 to SI85.00. Chapel Organs a specialty, 'including the fa mous FARRBND PIPE TONE ORGAN, the nearest approach to Pipe Organ ever made. Furniture-Everything that makes the house pleasant and attractive. 'The substantial as well as the Ornamental. The largest stock ever shown in Augusta. - When in the city call and make yourself at home at THOMAS & BARTON CO 708-10-12 BROADWAY, AUGUSTA, GA. Headquarters Headquarters We are Headquarters for JERSEY, BUTTER, FRUITS, CANDIES, Cl-GARS, TOBACCO, FANCY GROCER IES and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. T. P. Lyon & Co. s on the prices below. We are after your busi .inable values is the only sure way of getting it. igun a series of sales that will be marked by Su ch week, and they will not be of old or broken illy bought and economically priced. Wc-hav? inv bargains not mentioned here. ess gingham ?rns 12-?cval 8c. best quality id. I2c value sk at 8c. j $5.50 all wool blankets for $2.98 Heavy cotton blankets $2.00 value at $1.19 en's heavy quality lim 6c. 5 : Buy your n and you oney, later more. Spe wool blank vhite and $4-25 5 doz. Gent's $3.00 and $3.50 Hopkins brand hats in all shapes special for this week at $1.98 25 pieces Fiannelettes'ali beautiful patterns io and i2|c values at 8c. 150 yards black and blue Voil, handsome quality, sells everywhere at$1.5o per yard special for this week at 79c. s three and a half yards only 98c. jerimbut is wow corn Ladies to call. Edgefield, S. C.