Don't Use "Practically Pure" White Lead There is no other pigment that Is "practically" White .Lead-no other paint that has the properties of Pure White Lead-Paint. Pure White Lead, good paint that it is, cannot carry adulterants without having its efficiency impaired. To get Pure White Lead durability, see to it that every keg bears the Dutch Boy trade mark-a guarantee that the con tents are absolutely Pure White Lead made by the Old Dutch Process. SEND FOR BOOK "A Talk on Paint" gives valuable information on the paint subject Sent free upon request NATIONAL LEAD" COMPANY in whichever of the follow' ino aitit* ia near eli r/ou; New York. Boston, Buffalo. Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago. St. Loulf, Philadel 6his 'John T. Lewin 4 Bros. Co.]; Pittsburgh National Lead d OU Go. j I ' . .'- ? l The horse can draw the \ load without help, if you reduce friction to almost nothing by applying to the wheels. No other lubri cant ever made wears so long and sa ve s so much horse power. Nest time try MICA AXLE GREASE. Standard Oil Co. IjMcrpatmled The anxiety of life may be ballast, &r it may be loadstone upon the spirit ual energies. A WONDERFUL GAIN. A Utan Pioneer Tells a Remarkable Story. J. W. Browning, IOU 22d St., Ogden, Utah, a pioneer who crossad the Plains in 1848, says: "Five years ago the doctors said I had diabetes. My kidneys were all out of order, I had to rise often at night, looked sallow, felt dull and ? listless and Ind lost 40 pounds. My back ached and I had spells of rheumatism and dizzi ness. Doan's Kidney Pills relieve'? me of these troubles and have kept me well for a year past. Though 75 years old, I am in good health." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. DON'T THINK YOU ARE OLD. A certain amount of social life ls absolutely essential to the old as well as to the young. A woman never grows so old that she ceases to enjoy the company of others, and generally the older she grows the more she en joys It It Is always a pity to see a man rall into' a state which he ex plains by saying: "Oh, we're getting old, and don't care for so much va riety in our lives," says Woman's Life. In the pure selfishness of his soul he always speaks of "us",and "we," as If lt naturally follows that because he is getting antiquated his wife must keep pace with him in his decline. Let him keep in touch with the world, and both he and his wife will be the better and the younger for it RUSTY FIRE IRONS. Rusty irons should be well rubbed with sweet oil, left for twenty-four hours, and then scoured with unslak ed lime; if the stains are very deep the lime may be laid on as a paste, and left for a day or two. It must be kept in mind that if the rust has thor oughly eaten into the steel nothing will remove it Prevention in this case is better than cure, and if fire irons, tops of /enders, etc., are rubbed every day with a piece of tissue paper, rust will not make its appearance.-New York Press. Virtue flourishes in misfortune? German. So. 23-'07. CHILDREN SHOWED IT. 'IHScct ot Their Warm Brink in the Morning. "A year ago I was a wreck from coffee drinking and was on the point of giving up my position in the school room because of nervousness. "I was telling a friend about it and she said, 'We drink nothing at meal time but Postum Food Coffee, and it is such a comfort to have something we can enjoy drinking with the chil dren.' "I was astonished that she would allow the children, to drink any kind of coffee, but she said Postum was the most healthful drink in the world for children as well as for older oner:, and that the condition of both the children and adults showed that to be a fact. "My first trial was a failure. The cook boiled it four or five minutes and it tasted so flat that I was in de spair, but determined to give it one more trial. This time we followed the directions and boiled it fifteen minutes after the boiling began. It was a decided success, and I was completely won by its rich, delicious flavour. In a short time I noticed a decided improvement in my condition and'kept growing better and better month after month, until now I am perfectly^ healthy, and do my work in the school room with ease and pleas ure. I would not return to the nerve destroying regular coffee for any money." "There's a Reason." Read the fa mous little "Health Classic," "The Road lo Wellville," in pkga. ^_ PALMETTO AFFAIRS Occurrences pf Interest From ASI Over South Carolina MANY ITEMS OF STATE NEWS 'A. Batch of Live Paragraphs Cover ing a Wide Bange-What is Going On in Our State. Grand Lodge Officers Elected. Anderson,. Special. - The twenty first annual convention of the jgrand lodge Knights-of Pythias, South Car olina domain, adjourned after what was perhaps the most largely attend ed and interesting session in its his tory. While the delegates haye en joyed, the social features of the ses sion, which have been many, , much business of importance to Pythianism in South Carolina has been disposed of, possibly the most, important thing being the decision ' to establish a monthly Pythian journal. The election of officers for the en suing year was attended with much interest this morning. Following ave the officers fleeted: Mendal L. Sm th,of Camden, grand chancellor. L. S. Mattison, of Columbia, vice grand chancellor. Prof. A. G. Rembert, of Wofford, college, Spartauburg, grand prelate. Dr. J. H. Thornwell, of Fort Mill grand keeper of records and seal. Wilson G. Harvey, of Charleston grand master of exchequer. David King of Columbia, grand inner guard. J. L. Reeves of Branchville, graad outer guard. Mill Operative Shoots Former Sweet heart. Laurens, Special. - A sensational shooting affair occurred at Goldville when John Anderson at close range fired three times upon his erstwhile sister-in-law and foraer sw?ethear Mrs. Will Summers, and it is singu lar that she escaped so lightly, H one ball passed through her brooch of hair and the other two throug ber clothing. Mrs. Summers was Mrs. Anderson until last Sunday when she married Will . Summers John Anderson had been an uusuc cessful suitor for her hand. All par ties are mill operatives and board a the same place. Just at dinner, ac cording to reports telephoned here. Anderson asked Mrs. Summers to go on the piazza, Anderson declared .. Mrs. Summers that he had rather see her dead "than wife of another,' and drew his pistol and shot at her three times in rapid succession. St. Matthews Pats Up Coin. St. Matthews, Special. - The exec utive committee of the proposed new county organization met here last week. A large attendance from all sections was present. In order to silence the rumors and insinuations of opposition newspapers and person al enemies of the cause that the town of St. Matthews would build a mere "shack" and foist it upon the peo ple, the business men and citizens of the town in a short while put up a guarantee of $20,000 minimum sum for court house *n? jail. Certified checks have been deposited covering this amount as a guarantee that the town will fulfill its obligations to the extent of the above amount. Edisto Comity Election. . Columbia, Special. - All of the commissioners for a survey for the proposed new county of Edisto, to be taken from parts of.. Lexington, Aiken and Orangcburg, have been ap pointed. They are as follows: Lexington-For new county, W. 0. Jackson; against new county, N. B. Wannamaker. Aiken-For new county, D. L. Gantt; against new county, M. E. Boylston. Orangeburg-For new county, Rus sell Poole; against new county, I. W. Bowman. The commissioners having been notified that the petition for the elec tion is constitutional", will proceed a: once with thc work as required under the "new county" act. Tar River Navigation. Orangeburg, Special. - In response to a call that had been published about a week ago, a large crowd of representative business men of this city met in the court house for the purpose of considering the means that should be adopted for the further ance of the project for opening up the channel of the Edisto river to nav igation by small craft. Congressman Lever, who had been invited to ad dress the citizens on the occasion, was present and gave them an excellent talk on the subject. New R. F. D. Route for Florence Florence, Special. - Postmaster Wilson has just, received advices from the postoffice department in Washington to the effect that after the 16th of July of this year a sec ond rural free delivery route will be established from Florence, leading through the High Hill creek section of the county. Those living on the proposed new route are delighted at the prospect of quick mails. Edisto "Falls Purchased. Batesburg, Special. - A party of Batesburg capitalists^ consisting of Messrs. M. B. Edwards, T. B. Kerna ghan, L. D. Cullum and John Bell Towili have secured options on the Edisto falls in Aiken county. These falls properly developed will furnish lights for nearly all the towns be tween Columbia and Augusta and is a rare financial investment. It is prob able that plans for the early develop ment of this magnificent property viii be consummated at once. Heavy Fire Losses. The year 19?7 doesn't start off promisingly for the Ore insurance companies. January showed a total ( fire loss of $24,064,900, in comparison wjth $17,723,800 in tine same month of last year, while February's twenty eight days rolled up a loss of $19,- ? 876,600, as compared with $18,249,350 < for the corresponding four weeks of 1906. Thus the two months show an increased loss ot $7,968,350, as com pared with the first two months of last year.- Springfield (Mass.) Union. ROADS MUST POST N0T1CI Important Order Now Before th Commission. The railroad commission has befor it a set of rules for the passenge service in this State and if the ino tion proposed is adooted these rule will be posted in every station b South Carolina. They were brought before the com mission at the meeting Tuesday an< while they are in many instances cop res' of the laws governing railroad the idea ia requiring them to be po ">t ed is to inform the public exactly o the rights in all cases where com plaints are contemplated. The rules applicable to passenge: service as submitted are as follows : "Rule 1. All railroads companies or persons operating in Sooth Caro lina as common carriers, shall be re quired to have printed in large type and kept posted in a conspicou: place in each waiting room a't depots in South Carolina, from and er th< firsi day of--, 1907, the following notice : "NOTICE. "All railroad companies are requir ed under the laws of South Carolina and the rules of the railroad com mission to bulletin passeger trains when late ; to furnish good, wholesome drinking water to passengers; to ke-?j waiting rooms and passenger coaches clean, well lighted, properly ventilat ed and comfortably heated when nec essary. '"The railroad commission of South Carolina would apreciate the prompl reporting to its office at Columbia, S. C., of the failure of any company or its agents to comply with these re quirements. "Rule 2. Railroad companies are required at all stations where passen ger tickets are offered for sale to open their waiting rooms at least 30 min utes before schedule time of the ar rival of all passenger trains or trains carrying passengers. "Rule 4. A separate room for white and colored passengers, sufficient for their comfort and convenience, shall be provided at all stations where passeger tickets aTe offered for sale, and these waiting rooms shall be fur nished with adequate lights, and, when the inclemency of the weather requires, with fire and at all times kept clean and made comfortable for passengers. "A substantial water cooler must be in each waiting room with drink ing vessel conveniently placed. The said cooler to be supplied with whole some water at all hours, to meet the requirements of passengers. There shall be connected with each of these waiting rooms a ladies toilet, and wherever practicable a toilet for men. Such toilets will be considered as con nected with the waiting rooms if the walks thereto are walled up on each side, and open into or near the wait ing rooms, so as to afford a reason able, privacy to passengers. "Rule 4. On all passenger trains or trains carrying passengers in this State the railroad companies shall furnish safe and adequate heating ap pliances and lights, and shall keep reasonably warm and properly venti lated for the comfort of passengers. "Rule 5. All railroad companies shall provide such means or applian ces as may be necessary to secure the careful handling of and to prevent in jury to baggage. At all stations where no proper appliances are sup plied the baggage master shall have such assistance from the train hands or others as may be necessary ?O handle all baggage without injury to same. '.'Rule 6. Whenever any passenger trains or trains carrying passengers on any railroad in this State shall be more than one-half of an hour be hind its schedule time, it shall be the duty of said railroad compauy to bul letin, and to keep posted at every tele graph station along its line in the di rection in which said train is going, the time sueh train is behind its sched ule tme, and the time of its arrival as near as can be ascertained. "Each bulletin board, upon which the foregoing information is to be posted, shall contain the regular schedule of the arrival and departure of all trains carrying passengers "All notices as to trains behind schedule time shall be erased from the bulletin immediately after the depart ure of such trains. "Rule 7. Notice of any change in the schedule time of passenger trains or trains carrying passengers must be^ posted conspicuously at each of the* stations along the line of the road anl notify the commission in writing at least five (5) days before the change is to take effect. Rule 8. Each passenger shall he entitled to baggage not exceeding 200 pounds. "Rule 9. In case of accident at tended with injury to any person, the railroad company upon whose line such accident occured shall cause im mediate notice, with full particulars, to be given to the commission, and in the event of an accident resultng iu the death of, or injury likely to cause death, to any person, notice shall he given of such accident immediately by telegraph, or such other means as to insure the quickest possible deliv ery of said notice ; and the officials of the road upon which such accident occurs are required to furnish when ?o ordered by the commission, without cos* to said commission, immediate transportation by the quickest route over its line, or that of other rail roads to and from the place of such accident. "Rule 10 No station or depot sholl be discontinued before 30 days' no tice, at least, has been given the com mission and not until written permis sion from the commission is given fer such action. "Rule ll. On all railroads a half fare of not more than one and a halt cents per mile for children under 12 years old or over six yeas of age shall be charged. "Rule 12. No railroad compauy shall be. allowed to charge more than 5 cents as a minimum full or half rate between regular stations, when thc fare would be less than that amount. "Rule 13. The fare shall always be equal to the distance in miles multi plied by three. "Rule 14. Upon a corpse the regu l?r passenger fare may be charged. If not in good condition, or improperly packed, or not accompanied by a per son in charge, the railroad compauy may decline to receive it. "Rule 15. There shall be no unjust discrimination as to passeger rates in favor or against any individual or locality: Provided however, That this rule shall not be so r nstrued as to prevent railroad compa^. .s from is suing commutation, excursion or 1,000 mile ticket? as the same are now is sued." To Keep Meat Hot If cooked meat is ready for the ta ble before lt is required, place it oa a dish ready, to be served, and set this over a pan of boiling water. Put a dish over the meat and a cloth over all. The steam keep the meat hot fer a long time and does not draw the gravy out or dry lt up as would hap pen if it were set in an oven. ii: I Washing Boards. A^ washing board Is of great assist ance, preferably a wooden one, with fluted board, generally made of zinc, sometimes of wood, against which the clothes are rubbed. A brush will be found valuable es pecially for collars, curls, bands 'and all firmer articles. After the work is done, the board should be washed and dried with a dry cloth, and put away In a clean, dry place. - Stains on Waxed Floors. To remove stain from waxen floors, wipe the spots with turpentine to re move the wax; then pour a little strong solution of oxalic acid on Btains and let remain until the stain disappears. It may need two appli cations of acid, wipe dry and wax. If the floor was colored, the color must be restored as the acid not only takes the stains out, but the coloring as well. To remove oil stains, soak the spots In benzine and dry. Yellow stains left on white cloth by machine oil can be removed by rubbing the spots with a cloth wet with ammonia before washing with soap. Laundering Table Linen. The best laundresses give their table linen little, if any, starch, but iron it while it is quite damp, which makes it just stiff enough. Hot water should never be used in laundering fine table linen or embroidered "doilies. Cold water and pure white soap containing borax will preserve their whiteness and beauty. Linen will not turn yel low when packed away if lt is rough dried in the beginning. It must not bo starched, and should be folded. If this method is followed, it can be kept for years in good condition. Cotton may be . distinguished from linen by moistening the tip of, the finger and pressing the fabric. If it wets through at once it ls linen, but if there is' any cotton in ?he material lt will tak9 several seconds to wet through the threads.-New York Post Recipes. from lower part of round or flank, chop sometimes insipid taste of. crabapple Jelly, cook a small bag of mixed spice in the juice. It will give a fine flavor and is a delightful change to serve with meat Dixie Egg Dish. Cut hard boiled eggs into'thin slices; place in well buttered chafing dish with alternate layers of grated cheese ; season with a shake or two of red pepper; a salt spoon of salt and a dash of nutmeg. Cover and cook for ten minutes. Serve on square of hot toast. . Beef Loaf. Take 2 pounds beef from lower part"of round or fink, chci> fine, add 1-2. cup stale bread crumbs, 1-2 cup milk, 1 egg beaten, 1-2 tea spoonful each of salt and -pepper, 1 medium sized onion, chopped fine. Mould into an oblong loaf, and place in a greas?d shallow pan, and lay over it thin slices of salt pork. Bake in a hot even one hour, basting often. Mixed Eggs and Bacon.-Take a nice rasher of mild bacon; cut it into squares no larger than-dice; fry it quickly until nicely browned, but on no account burn them. Break half a dozen eggs into a basin, strain and season i .em with pepper, add them to the bacon; stir the whole about and when sufficiently firm, turn it out into a dish. Decorate with hot pickles. Ham Muffins.-Cream one-fourth cupful of butter, add gradually nearly three-fourths of a cupful of cold boil ed ham, chopped fine, also a well beat en egg; then alternately one cupful of graham flour and one cupful of white flour, sifted, with three tea spoon' ds of baking powder and a cup ful of milk. Bake<\in a hot, well-but tered muffin pan about twenty-five minutes. A Harmless Vice. There has been bitter trouble at Hanwell Asylum of late. Over and over again, the telephone bell has rung, and this question has been put: "Can I speak to the chief lunatic?" These absurd inquiries annoyed the authorities, who took the necessary steps to locate the seeker for infor mation. He turned out to be a page boy at a club in Piccadilly, whose hob by it was, in his spare moments, to ring up all sorts of persons and insti tutions and put to them grotesque queries. The boy has been dismissed. But, as vices go, his was a compara tively harmless one.-Pall Mall Ga? Bette. Supplying the Explanation. The valet one morning was brushing his master's clothes. He introduced Into the procedure a startling innova tion. He made a careful- search of all the pockets. In the pocket of a new waistcoat the valet found a sov ereign. Thereupon he took out his penknife, sighed, and said: "For the waistcoat's sake it's a thousand pities, but there's nothing else to be done. I must make a hole in this pocket large enough for the sovereign to slip through."-Tit-Bits "' A Terse Answer. Not only a soft answer turneth away wrath, but a terse answer squelcheth, as was once learned by Professor Sile of Stanford University. Enrolled in one of his classes was a young lady named Greene, and on reaching her name the professor spelled lt out and asked "Do you pronounce that 'Green' or Green-y?'" "S-i-l-e," promptly answered tho young woman, "do you pronounce that .Sile' or 'Sill-y?'"-Kansas City Star, No Means of Support. "Well, my little man, what's your complaint?" asked the passer-by. "Hungry, sir. Haven't had anything to eat today," replied the little fellow. "Have you no parents?" "Yes, slr! but father's a poet and mother plays bridge whist."-Yonkers? Statesman. Japan exported last year over ?11,. 100,000 worth of refined copper, "SPRING CLEANING" NEEDED Tho Body Requires it Just as Much aa the House Does. "You look sick thia morning.' "Yea. I woke up with a dull headache, a coated tongue and that dark brown taste in the mouth." "Didn't you have pains in the joints and muscles?" _ "Yea. AB my old negro mammy used to say, 'I have m?8e?y in my joints. " "Better get a bottle of Rheumacide and take it, ola man." "What does Rheumacide do?" -,r\Vhy, Rheumacide ia the most powerful and effective blood purifier in the world. It sweeps all thc genna and poisons out of the blood and 'makes you we ll all over. "Ever try it yourself?" "Sure. I take a couple of bottles of it before spring begins. Give my blood a spring cleaning. And Rheumacide puts me in such fine snape that I never have that tired feeling." "Well, I'm going to try this Rheumacide you say ia the best ever." "That'a right. All the druggists sell it. Better get a bottle today. You start to get well with the firat doae. The pro prietors say that Rheumacide 'gets at the joints from the inside' and 'makes you well all over.' And that'a the truth, old man." God's covenant is simply His, in tegrity, _ Cures Woman's Weaknesses. Wo refer to that boon to weak, nervous, suffering worden known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Dr. John Fyfe one of the Editorial Staff of THE ECLECTIC MEDICAL REVIEW says of Unicorn root (Helonlas Dioica) which is ono of tho chief ingredients of tho "Fa vorite Prescription " : "A remedy which Invariably acts as a uter ine invlgorator * * * makes for normal ac tivity of the entire reproductive system." He continues "In Helonlas we have a medica ment which more fully answers the above purposes than any other drug with which I am acquainted. In tho treatment of diseases pe-, cullar to women it is seldom that a case is seen which does not present some indication for this remedial agent" Dr. Fyfe further says: "The following are among tho leading indications for Helonlas (Unicorn root).. Pain or aching in the back, with lcucorrboea : atonic (weak) condition^ of the reproductive organs of %omcn. mentax depression and ir ritability, associated wit?chronic diseases of the reproductive organs of women: constant sensation ct heat in the region ot the kid; neys; menfirrbagla (flooding), due to a weak ened con/ltlon of/the reproductive system: amenor/bo&n[s)ir/rcsse? or absent monthly perlody.y&^ing^rom or accompanying an abhorail condition of the digestive organs and Auomlc ( thin blood ) habit: dragging sensftjnons in the extremo lower part of the abdomen." If more or less of the above symptoms ffi-prfts.-.u, no ?nvano 155555 .fxrTU? better tuan _take Dr. Fierce^ Favorite rrefcnptiQn.'one ui~ine ie?uinir increm ents of wnicu is Unicorn root,'or Helonlas, and tho medical properties of which it most faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "It Is an important remedy in disorders of tho womb. In all catarrhal conditions * . and general enfeeblement, lt ls useful." Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says o' Golden Seal root : "In relation to its general effects on the system. ?ierc is no medicine in use about which there is such general unanimity of opinion. It is un?rersa?/y regarded as Ute tonic useful in all debilitated states." . _ . , ? ' Prof. R. Rartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says of Golden Seal : "Valuable lu uterino hemorrhago. menor rhagla (flooding) and congestive dysmcnor rheca (painful menstruation)." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith fully represents all the above named In gredients and cures th? diseases for which they aro recommended. Silence is golden-often; but some times it is wooden._ HOME WEEK IN BOST?N. Sons and Daughters of New England Capital to Visit Scenes of Youth. The greatest event for Boston and for ali New England this season will be the home-coming week in Boston. This will occur at the end of July, and Mill attract "thousands of persons from every part of the country to the city and the section of the country where their ancestors lived and where their affections are centered. The citizens of Boston have made liberal preparations for a grand cele bration of the history and achieve ments of Boston and the Common wealth of Massachusetts. There will be a week of midsummer reunions of families and of public festivities. The time selected is from July 28 to Au gust 3. The home-coming week In Ken tucky attracted half a million visit ors to Louisville and the home-com ing for Georgia was likewise "grate fully accepted. There is no doubt of the attraction to Boston of a far great er number of sons ?nd daughters who cherish the traditions and the suc cesses of the people and who venerate the history of the famous city which ls the leader In the literature, art and the civilization of America. Buyers are esteemed; good men dross are deemed.-Chinese. SORES AS BIG AS PENNIE! Whole Head and Neck Covered-Hail All Came Out-Suffered C Months -Cured in 3 Weeks by Cnticura. "After having the measles my whole head and neck were covered with scaly sores about aa large aa a penny. They were juat aa thick aa they could be. My hair all came out. 'I let the trouble run along, taking the doctor'8 blood remedies and rubbing on salve, but it did not seem to get any better, lt stayed that way for about six months; then I got a set of the Cuticura Remedies, and in about a week I noticed a big difference, and in three weeks it was well entirely and I have not had the trouble any more, and as thia vas aeren years ago, I consider myself cured. Mrs. H ?my Porter, Albion, Neb., Aug. 25, '08." Some people never talk religion ex cept in a thunder storm. PUTNAM Color moro goods brighter and faster colors than any < Oyo any garment without ripping apart. Write for THIS LINIMENT ] CURB A J. Arthur Brubeck of Simeon, LINIMENT thc best ho ever u it entirely, end it is also a su has used it for, he says it is A PA I Mr. "W. E. Bruner of Rlchmc brnisc, which he got from ric friend recommended YAGER'; less than a bottle cured lt enti TAKE NO SUBSTIT SULPHUR BRINGS HEALTH. Purifies the Blood and Clears Up the Complexion. Everybody needs to take Sulphur at thia season. Nothing like it to purify the blood, clear up the complexion and remove "that tired feeling." But the only way to take it is in liquid form. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur taken internally is thc best Spring tonic. Applied" Hancock's Liquid Sulphur quickly cures Eczema, Tetter, and all Skin Diseases. Hancock's, the only Liquid Sulphur Ointment, removes Pim ples, Blackheads and Sores, and gives a beautiful soft, velvety skin. Your druggist sells it. It cured Edward D. Herring, of Frederick, Md., of a bad case of Eczema, and he writes: "My face_ia as smooth as an infant's." ' All-about-Sulphur Booklet free, if you write Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Balti more._ How foolish is the toil of trifliug cares.-Martial._ WORDS CF WISDOM To Housewives and Mothers. In these days of sharp competition it ia well and wise to notice what you are get ting when you go to thc store to buy n bot tle of some Bunple family remedy or flavor ing extract, and see that you get only pure and wholesome goods, put up by some manufacturer whom you know to be relia ble, and who will not put their name on the label of anything but absolutely pure goods. Thia policy is followed by the well known firm of Gilbert Bros. & Co., wholesale druggists and manufacturing chemists of Baltimore, Md., who for the past quarter century has made a specialty of absolutely pure and full strength family-remedies and flavoring extracts, and the fact is well es tablished the country over that their name on a label insures the consumer against impurities in their medicines and extracts, as they will not use in their manufactures any druga or chemicals of a deleterious character; and when you buy goods you want to know that they are pure if you expect to get proper results from their usage. In oases of sickness it is often necessary to procure the aid of some simple remedy to afford temporary relief until the services of a physician can be procured; in fact these simple remedies have saved many a life >efore the physician arrived^ and it is absolutely necessary tnat you get such rem edies pure; therefore when you go or send to the store for a bottle of Castor Oil, Laudanum, Paregoric, Spts. Camphor, Ip ecac, Squills, Nitre, Golden Tincture, or any other of the many simple family reme dies or Extracts of Lemon or Vanilla, etc., tell the dealer you want Gilbert's make, because you are sure they are pure, and in sist upon having Gilbert's, and nothing else. If one dealer does not have them, the next one will, as the Gilbert's No. 10 Family Remedies and Flavoring Extracts are kept by all reliable dealers; if your regular merchant does not have them, in sist upon his getting them; do not allow him to force some other make on you sim ply because he can buy them a little cheap er ?nd make an extra profit, for he cnn get tho Gilbert's Romedies and sell them at ten cents per bottle (large bottles, too), and still make his profit, and give the con sumer better and purer goods than are put up by any other manufacturer; therefore insist upon hia giving you such goods as you know to be reliable, those bearing the label of Gilbert Bros. & Co., Baltimore, Md.; the label that insures purity and full strength; they co6t no more than many others that are not so reliable. Learn to say "Gilbert's" when you go to the store for Flavoring Extracts, or a medicinal preparation, and insist upon "Gilbert's Branda." Bear patient what thou sufferest by thine own fault.-Dutch. FITS.St. Vitus'Dance ?Nervons Disoases per manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,931 ArchSt., Phila., Pa. He who abandons his poor kindred, God forsake him.-Spanish. Itch cured In SO minutes by Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion. Nover fails. At druggist?, Sincerity means sine-cera-ty-with ut wax. AAAAAAAAAAA Thc Ordinal "Break Plug" To iised Brand" of North Carol Showing a GAIN EVER.Y Y M f y VTVT v v ? v v ww VTYT VVVWTVV F ADEL i Mhevrfye. Ono 10c. package colors all fibers. Tlicy dye Ireo booklet-How to Dye, Bleach and Mis Colors, ttl U KILLS PAIN-AND SHOULD ] ND SCRATCHES.v Va., writes : I have tried lt, and find YACES.'3 scd. Ons cf his horses had a curb and it removed re cure for scratches, and many other ailments ho the best of all liniments and recommends it. NFUL BRUISE. md, Va., writes: I had been troubled with a severe ling a horso bareback and could not cure It, a 3 LINIMENT, one application relieved him, and i irely, he says it ls the best liniment he ever used, i UTE-ALL MERCHANTS AND ] Wine of Cardui has be ful power, demonstrated in the pains, distress and ills, Mrs. Emma Carrier, of did me more good than all four doc female trouble, but got no better: ur woman's medicine in the world. A WRITE US A LETTER QTHERHOOD The first requisite o? a gxxx motlier is good health, and the ex perience of maternity should not b< approached without careful physica preparation, as a woman wno is ii good physical condition transmits ta her children the blessings of a goo< constitution. Preparation for healthy mater nity is accomplished by Lydia. E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound which ls made from native roots an< herbs, more successfully than by an; other medicine because it gives ton and. strength to the entire feminin organism, curing displacements, ul ceration and inflammation, and th result is less suffering acd more c than thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's^ has been the standby of American NotewhatMrs JamesChester,of4 letter:-Dear Airs. Pinkham:-"Iwis Lydia E. Pinkham's V table Com ot its great "?alue at UL?, irying per it and I did so, and I cannot say en I recovered quickly and am in the 1 Lyd... E. Pinkham's Vegetable remedy for the peculiar weakness! It has cured almost every form o: tions, Weak Back. Falling and Di tiona and Organic Diseases of Worn Childbirth and during the Change < Mrs. Pinkham's Stand Women suffering from any forn write Mrs. Pinkham, at LjTin, Mi Wise and Otherwise. A coal wagon is throne enough for , man of God, if he keeps tke-coal .ust out of his heart. It is easy to win a reputation for loquence by tickling the ears of emp y heads with a large noise about lothing. Many a church would get as much irospel and save enough money to feed ll its poor, if it would put a phono raph in the pulpit. HICKS" CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES Breaks up COLDS IN O TO 12 HOURS Trill Bettie 10c. Ac Oruigza OFFERED WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE NO matter bow limited your means or educa tion, it you wish a vt^~?*i^.^8zzisiA thorough business raining aud good position, write today for )ur Great Half-Rate Offer. Success, indc enclenco and probable FORTUNE guaran teed. Don't delny-write today, i \ .-Ai.A. BUS. COLLEGE/MA?ON, GA. Food Products! Libby's Yeal Loaf With Beef and Pork Do you like Veal Loaf? You will surely be delighted with Libby's kind, made from choice fresh meats, in Libby's spotless kitchens. It is pure, wholesome and delicious in flavor. Ready for Serving At Once.-Simply garnished with sauce it is an appetizing entree for luncheon or dinner, Ask your grocer for Libby'? sad twist upon cc tl inc Libby's. Libby, McNeill * Libby Chiccfjo bacco. The OnIy; *'Advcr ina. Flue-Cured .Tobacco ? EAR since introduced;; ? I ?VVVVWVVYV\fVWVTYVv*V*Tv'Y YES In cold water better than any other dye. You can iiROK 5)Iii;Ci CO.. Unionville, Missouri BE FOUND IN EVERY H( CURES SWEENY AND Mr. Thos. G. Price, stockman fortheMonongs W. Va., writes :-They use 125 to 150 horses and LINIMENT in their stables for years post, and il several months a veterinary worked on a horse with no results, when threo bottles of YAGI Price was laid up for clcvon months with i bed; two bottles o? YAGER'S LINIMENT put his V.hcn you need a liniment buy YAGER'S and j lu your home and stable, it will bo the best inv '.t ready for emergencies. DRUGGISTS SELL IT-LARG en called "Woman'sTtelief," actual experience, during m from which women are so p Emmett Tenn., writes: ? :tors who treated my case. I went itil I took Cardul, which brought me re A druggists, in $1.00 bottles with full d 'rite today for a free copy of valuable 64-page Illustr?t Jvice, describe your symptoms, stating ase, and i ld ress: Ladies Advisory Dept.. Trte.Oiattanooga t MRS, JAMES CHESTER ?hildren healthy at birth. For more Vegetable Compound mothers in preparing for childbirth. 27 W. 35th St., New York says in thia h every expectant mother knew about pound. ' A neighbor who had learned iod of a woman's life urged me to try ou gh in regard to the good it did me. best of health now." Compound is certainly a successful ;8 and ailments of women, f Female Complaints. Dragging Sen6a isplacements. Inflammation, ttl ce ra en and is invaluable in preparing for [>f Life. lng Invitation to Women i of male weakness are invited to L8S. lier advice is free. HARNESS COLLARS And Saddlery Hardware We Tan Our Own Leather and Have Been Manufacturers and Tanners For Forty Yrtrs and Know How to Make GOOD GOODS -AND SELL CHEAP Write Today For Prices If Your Uealer Does Not Sell ??SHAW HARNESS." If Hewon'CSupply You We Will. * _Look For " I fe HAW'S HAR N ESS' I bumped on Trace*. SHAW HARNESS CO., CHARLO! TE, N. C MAKERS OF LEATHER THAT LAS F Side md Cent? Crank Engines LOMBARD LARGE STOCK Fouodry, Machins end Boiler Works ai Softly Stem, AUGUSTA, GA. Light SAW MILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES, SAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM ANO GASOLINE ENGINES. Try LOMBARD, A?gSfXA* FREE To convince any woman thattEa*^ tine Antiseptic Will Improve her health and do all wa claim for lt. We. will send her absolutely free a larga trial box of Pax tino with book o' Instruc tion 3 and genuine testimonials, ?end . your namo and address on a postal, card, j Hi cleanses and-heiUs , fections, such as nasal ratap&??Mft catarrh and inflammation caused by,fcmi- i niuo ills ; sore eyes, sore tbrc&jH58 mouth, hy direct local trcatmeni; Itp C?LT atlve power over theso troubles U?&ds&A ordin?r: and gives immediate : relief, f Thousands of women are using andree ommending lt every day: 60 coota at d rupglsts or by mall- Remember, however, \ IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO TRY IT. THE E. PAXTON CO., Boston. ] THE LICI CHICKENS ?a PRUSSIAN LICE POWDER Sure Death lo Lies and Var?la I Ti ey can't Ihre woore it U. Easy to njply. Dost it ia j "Killed every lome in my flock of 250 hens."-D.Perry, Monroe,WU. Price 25 and 50c a Pkg. By matt, 40 and Tte IPnuaauN Rowtor Co., 8r. P.UL. MINN. CURED Gives Qa lok Relist. Kcmovea all ?welllag Ia 8 to M dava ; effect? a permanent eur? in jo to 6o dara. Trial treatm tat .iveo free. Nothlarean bc fairer Writ? Dr.H.H.Gre?n's! ffMetallata. Bai e Atlanta. SO. 23-W. DME AND STABLE RHEUMATISM. iii Cool and Coke Co., Mononsah; '. mules, and havo use! YAGER'S t has never foiled to erro. For" i with a severe case of sweeny si's LumcEifT cured lt. Mr. rheumatism; seven months in a on his feet ?ou set tho best-keep a bottle' estment you ever made.-Have E BOTTLES, 25 CTS. because of its wonder ore than 50 years, over rone to suffer. , through several operations for lief. It ls tho most Wonderful irections for use) ed Book fen- Women. If you fleed Medical -eply will he sent In plain sealed envelope, ifedidne Co, Qutunoofa. Tenn. B 9