tOANAND SAYINGS L. C. HAYNER PE?SIDEXT. Chas. C. inward O^RIUKR. y ; RF.3litISCES OY RR 5I.oon,(KK> Ml . 72 EDGEFIELD, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JAN?AKY 9, W07. ?f AUGUSTA, GA. Ii. O. BAYNE, President FRANK O. FOED, ?ashi?. CAPITAL..$250,000 Surplus and Profits. 150,000 Wtdull i? pleasad to har. yon open M aocwurt + With thu Bani. Cuit?me n an d cor reapor,A:n tx BO- * sored of every canrtetj md accommodation po?!- i4> ble andar ccmerra?Te, mod wo Bttfctog ra* thodi X i H i yi i frt M 1111 ii 11111111i? NO. 8. REBATES furl Overrntes Demurrer of Sfandafd Oil Company. STAINED IN TWA INDICTMENTS oration Sustained in Only Two )ut of Ten Pending Indictments These Because pf Technical defects Violation.'.Qf : Elkins Law tr Give Cut Rate to Shipper, Sven . BeaZn-^Dfeectr- -./- - Jhic^go, .Special. -: Judge "Landis lu-. Tidied States District" Court iled ihi: demurrer of the Stand Company to eight ^of the rc bs^d^lm?r?tspending- .agaijist '"" cognition, ?but sustained:, "the. ?rorro r asjiatwo others indictments msc "of technical defects, court ruled" against the de* lant^^Wnte?'tion that the- Elkins'1 j was---enacted- really to prohibit--] employment of indirect methods' [obtain preferential rates, it- be the defendant's con ten timi' that j vak not a violation of the law 'if tr ray/, eorupauy,. -dealiug^.;directly za shipper, give that shipper a -ratcY". ' ' , ho . -court also >ulcd- against the eildontjs<.claim that the provisions the"" Elkins law requiring shippers adhere- .to a published rate was d ns ;being against.- that, provision the,. -ipter-Stat? commerce law, ich . required carriers to transport D?rty for a reasonable rate, the* j holding that carriers and ship s'were: both'required to adhere to published rate until such rato ?"publicly changed in the manner ^scribed bv_law. : Binding oh-. Consignees.- X Che court ruled-against the de ?Lint's .contention that the provis LbfC;the inter-State commerce law "jumng^rm terminai-] [arges- was not , op?r?t i /e upou cou lees,, /h?rding'" that ,'in -?res>ect.;.to \ terminai;,charges, . inasmuch... as ? consigner; would have only little, '.ry,-interest' in the question, the hv^plainly was intended to be . bind - v, on consignees. I .Avier observing that - the Elkins ^and that, "unless that there was ia itv te ?e?piug.. alive "the future ?eeution. ofv^jffenses.. which ? had r: .- : commit ted against the Elkins iyV- prior 'io -its.: ,appeal, the court "Mi! sccti?nv.i3?,/j>f->. the. ..Revised" ^>'thftvLTnit5d States. , "'il^tta-^ ?it?mptjfb^fh?.;. Congress" that-: 1 'Ti- it"; to;-".curtail, -the. authority, iuce?edirig^?^ limiting "iva'nce thtr.effeet'-to be given to th jfctments. It .is'.rather the substi ?iit'on of a new-.rule- to be; observed the. courts in the. construction of ft^ute5-^e.reaite?L.,;tp.. .be.. "ens.c.te.d.. Chat- until such old rula is restored, \a?? sujic^e'[Iiu'4.Con?:ress intends thaU 'l"? /ConrTs'?iEair ^aiflld'^y-'thVl?^ "ejvir?. giving effecl",. .their -.enact: jn;ts,:.iseems, to me b'eyondiquest?on/:j /To Enforce Th?^Law -'.':it:|s the duty of the court, " said JxidgewLandis, "to enforce the will ol ?o^ressv;as exppressedin-^the w&tt?n,. enactment., In^thev.ascer?ttin ms?t pf that will,? am "not at libi?rty tqv?g?pre the ultimate object bf'"the 'law'. That object was the establish j m?nt :of uiiiform railroatl: rates.' rea [sonable in amount. The former law had failed ?to 'acomplish this, and f was therefore strengthened. Instead , )? being w?ped off the books, as have :i?g^;Se?'ed jts purpose, additional and ''^ere|liabilities were created, and ('-ernor? drastic -nd penalties authorized. //"MX opinion is that the so-called saving^clavtse in section 10 will iserte'd^fdr ,the* soie purpose ?of ? defi mtely?iyr?scribi?g the .rule of .proce dure tfcat i>l?bul'd control'th? prosecu'tj tion ofj causes then pending in various sta.'jes^in the courts, thus,'avoiding .' the confusion and controversy which, as experience has shown, must other wise,-, fi?v? resulted. - ? Report oh'Negro Exhibit. AVashmjgton.; Special.-The govern I'meiYt board'i bf' the Jamestown Ex position, .dosisting .'of- Secretaries ;Taft, Skawjrh'd Hetcarf/held ja meet:. ?-f?r the pur^o^ ;of-receiving-? report" '''{rom the Negro?'Development & Ex position C?mrJaViy;1 which" under the! i lav; has c^argo- of the negro exhibit ! .as to the progress that has been made. ^?n'.?.?h'?ir work. Giles B. Jackson, otr ?'Richmond., the head of the company,. ;55ubmitted a v.-ritren report, and ad journment was taken until next Mon day. In the meantime Jackson's re .port will be examined by the hoard Fire Loss \Over- Half ^Million. New York, Special-Fire 'destroy ed the big furniture store of Cowper^ Th waite & Sons, at Third avenue and 121 strecs, entailing : a'lossx of hali' million dollars and causing the iu riury of four firemen,-none seriously. Tbe-Wazer which started a few minu tes after G o 'clock quickly develop ed into the mest * spectacular xfire seen in Harlem in a long time. " } -Eoad:IFrom Atlanta to Macon. Macon, GU3pt?c?al^D?re?r0rs. ahd| Btoekholders of the Macon, Dublin :.&< Sayaniiali. Railroad held a meetik he!;c and authorized the issue of - ab $3^000,000 mortgage 'bonds.- A road will be built from Atlanta to: Mn on tc'''.connect with . the Macon. Di;'i in ' gen?r?l: r?solution passed by .Confess in' the last session providing for an inquiry into the operation on . tbs block system on the " railroad*: throughout the country; It is the'pur -pose-of the -eoniinission''to'"determi?e'' whether the responsibility for these two wrecks should ;be . placed jon th? 'w?rk?njgs1 bf. th?b lock- system or the carelessness of the 'ra?r?ads^emp??y --?-<; stationed at the block statical.- . -*Conrinissi?n?r "ClemenTs1 is conduct' ing the inquiry, a?d. the railroads are represented by attc leys. It is under stood, if the block system is found tc be unreliable, some immediate legisla tive remedy ih?y be urged upon Cpi^ gr?ss by the commission.; . . The Terra Cotia Wreck-. The Terra Cotta wreck w?s first takeh up. Chief' Dispatcher T; F Dent, of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail road, testified that the whereabouts of trains are of ten unknown to'him for 5 or 10 minutes because, of th;; 'failure or inability of operators at thc block stations to t??mmurticat? with him when a train passes their stations, Engineer Hilderbrand, pf the "dead*' equipment' train, I whick crashed into the Frederick (Md;)"Iocal vat ' Terra Cotta" testified that " the "double green" light was displayed at Silver Jlr???*sjmd University, station_If.. there was any "danger light" at Ta ,kpma.j?tatiou,..; the witness...deelares. ;he-did' not lsee if.' H? testified-thal -between'' Friday evening' " af" 6:30' o'clock and Sunday evening at 6:30. when" the wreck 'occurred, a period of.4S hours, he-had had only eight hours sleep. He said, however, that when he. was-called .to make: the-fatal j run he did not feel' a :lact off sleepy* but was in good trim: > Three Times 'Suspended. Hilderbrand admitted he had- been suspendede. on. at. least, three, occur. sions, once for allowing the\:enginc where ' engm?ers have passed .by a red signal, bqt he could not give any. specific instances. He admitted he_ sometimes _to.ok a. drink when off duty^ but that on the day of -the wreck he had not-touched^ Prepared Special^ct?t?on of Presi ': dent's panania Message. Washington, Special.-To meet a great public demand for the recent mesage of the President to- Congress narrating the events' of his- trip & .the .fsthmus of Panama^ lasf'fall? the Gove'fnment Priiifing'Office lias.Jpre'; pared an edition, with seven appen : dices and 26 ^full-page - illustrations making, what is 'denominated a ' text book on the subject of - the canal, \vhich_wil he sold fe. th? public by .thc Superintendent, of Documents -'ripon' application for 50 cents per; copy. Abandons Reconstruction. New ' Orleans", Special.-A telgram from Washington states that the -United/Stetcs*;goverament;has''aban dpned ats ^rjecostructiph "pf Fort St Philiy, near the mouth of the Mis sissippi, riv.eiy and that ^contractors amounting to nearly $100,000 will be abrogated. One of the contractor* said that he had received a request -asking on what-terms he Ari? -abr? -gate--his-contract.-During-the~gulf hurricane,, last,, fall Fort .St.. Jhilip was badly damaged. % - ? :\ 'j ': . ''.i . i s -Serious' ?loods?;in ^Arkansas. % Little rRoclc, - Ark;., P Speci?l.4-The floods through central Arkansas are the worst known in 20'y?aTsrv'' Little Rock and Hot Springs arep radi cally isolated. No trains have ibeen operated to or' from Hot Spring? since Wednesday afternoon. Not' uh: til Thursday eveninar. was. ,the Rock Island able to operate'trains out o? Little Rock,-and all through trains on the lion Mountain are detoiued :via/.Texarkana- and -Camden. ' Tributes to Mrs. Jefferson Davis. .Montgomery, Ala;, . Special-Tri butes to Mrs. Jefferson Davis, in imanui?/ipt," or other 'eligible form, brought forth by her recent death, wilt be. sent to the Ladies' Memorial Association, to be kept at Montgom ery, "the cradle of the Confeder acy;" This is given out by Mrs. Margaret Davis Hayes, only surviv ing child of Mrs. Davis, in compli ment io the neighbors: of'her mother during-thoreariv davs of the wary. ' >'.-.