?1 d?re?eld Advertiser WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7, 1903. t ? LeenL News The talk of the town last week was the Convention. This weik it is *heBazaar and Chrvsauthemu m Fair. ujVre. HiggiLbclhr-m" ssys that j if Dr. Byrd g'its her artificial teeth ready, sha will carry off all the prizes. The Greenwood ladies realized $400 from their floral fair last week,-, but tbe Edgefield Iadie& will be satisfied with a few dol lars less than that sum. Go to the Bazaar and begin the purchase of your Christmas pres ents. The ladies will have many beautiful articles for sale. "M ?j Boi affon" has a severe Icase - of rheumatism and gout, but Dr. Charlton Lynch has ?romtaed to get him iu good I trim for Friday's Fair. The illimitable Dr. Broughtou daine at last, aud captured aud captivuted the Edgefieid people, holding tnt closest attention of the large audience on Monday evening for nearly two hours. Mr. and Mrs. James. Long of Trenfoii have the deepest sympa thy of their Edgefield J'ri< nds in the death of their swei t* little taught? r whuh occurr d ou Tu 'L lay. Miss Eva Watoe, who id prii.ci >al of the Flat Kock behool bud wards at the home of Mr. [\ H. hussey, was among comers to attend the the li?me couveutiou. Fresh Nuts, Malaga Givspes and ill of the other nice things at Timmohs Bros. Mr. aud Mrs.'W.D. Holland, of [Yenton, and Rev. and Mrs. L. ? Cooper, of Johnstou, attended ie Broughton lecture on Mouday [vening. FOR RENT: The Hotel occu-l fied by Mr. R. T. Scurry. Pos 38S?OU given at once. For terms, |tc, apply to . Jones & Son. Paul Ccgburn says Dr. Brough ton and the other boys can carry :issiug tubes around with tnem if [hey wish but be is willing to fisk the germs and will take kiss es at close range every time. 36 inch Black Taffeta bilk 79c I " The Corner Store. OW "Miss Helen Bloodgood" loes not care how much it pains Friday. She's one of the rise virgins, having gone to Mr. . E. Hart's several days ago and I lurchased the handsomest one o? | Ibis handsome rain coats. If you want the finest Felt Mat ress made, let us 6ell you a "Rex" )r a "Dexter." There is nothing] better. Ramsey & Jones. Even if your chrysanthemums |ir? a little frr??t-bitten bring them jo the Fair. Owing to the early ind extreme cold all of them will [all far short of the expectations ?f the growers, so yours will uot be alone. Tuesday beiug an off-day with tim, Dr. Len G. Broughton, ac companied by Dr. C. E. Hurts, rent down to Johnston and took good, old-fashioned bird hunt 'Uh Rev. L. A. Cooper-the kiud if hunt he used.to lake when as lad ha roamed the fields of (orth Carolina. Dr. Broughton ls a crack 'shot with ri fl) aud inti. For a good 5 cents pmoke, try lD. B. Dom's Favorite Crooke 5old 2 for 5 cents by P. P. Bla ?lock, Jr., Dunovant & Co., J. Hubenstein, of Edgefield, aud S. H. Maisget,-of Trenton. PRESCRIPTIONS our special ty. We solicit your Prescriptions, dav or night. WE GUARANTEE pure drugs, accurate compounding, aud rea sonable prices. " W. E. LYNCH &_CO. A few years ago everybody in tbis section had the pecan c?aze. Oue would have thought that the whole face of tho earth would by this time be covered with pecans, and vet very few have been plant ed. There is no questioning th* fact that the soil aud climate of this eectioti are adapted to pecan culture. Some very fino pecan nuts that were grown n*?ar Augusta were on exhibition at the Geor gia-Carolina Fair last week. Let's revive the pecan craze. Dr. Tompkins, Jule Holstein, Dr. Jones aud others ore Bleeping on National springs. Why don't you. ?dgefield Mercantile Company. Try a 10 cents package of our Buckwheat, fresh 6tock. G. L. Penn & Son. Our leather seat Rockers are the alk of the town. If you waut one urry. Edgefield Mercantile Company, j j;We have just received a beauti ful lot of fancy crockery, consist ing of 2 aud 4 piece sugar and cream sets, water sets, cups and saucers, etc.. We offer at prices lower than same cap be Ijfjught at ju Augusta,' Edgefield Mercantile Co. Dou't you- need a new heav}' Boggy Robe? We have them that will suit you iu style, quality and price. Ramsey & Jones. "Mrs. Henry Roberson" h just pmchased the most bea tiful bat The Corner Store ha and is now ready for the Fair. . The ladies have at the eleven hour reqursted us to announ that tbo Fair will bpgin at o'clock. All who do n t wish donate their flowers to the Cen tery Association can carry the back to their homes after t Fair is over. Dinner wi?l be serv at 12:30 aud "yaters from 6 p. i The Bazaar wi?l open at 1 o'cloc Mrs. Dr. J. C. Mace, one of ti lending Christian workers Marion, has b^eu in Eeaefield i attendance upou the Missionai Union aod is tarrying fer a se FOU with her au.-.t, Mrs. Orlan( Sheppard. Bright little J. C., Ji is fondled aud petted wborer be gees. "Miss Lula Filkios" is in di d'Stres?. She says sh? could ir Cud'? corW in Edgefield larg enough foriber, and that Ale Watson has sent a wireless me sag? to New York for one. It* w: be impossible for her to wear h< new dress to the Fair unless th indispensible article arrive! .'Miss la" refuses to be ort forted, for she expected to be prizo-winner There ie no nobler professio in all the world than that c journalism, if it be honest, an if it be fiee. Tho privilege to t?l the truth and the privilege to b Kind, the high and unqu^stionei right to be. just, aud the royal jo of championship for all gooi onuses and for all .right thing?. h'?s no superior and scarcely a: . IjU'il among the vocatiot s whici fi-long to man.-John Tempi Graves in the Georgian. The ladies of Edgefield am shopping public generally canuo afford to miss the Bargaius tha 7 will offer in mv Spacial Sale o: Monday next. My advertisemen will g.ve you a few pries. J. Rubenstein. The street fairs and carnival? are public nuisances aud we be lieve the time is not far distan when they will not be allowed ii a"civiliz d town or community There is nothing elevating abou them aud nothing that will brine any money to a town. What are they good for? We hope our city council will not let any carnival companv pitch their tents in St. Matthews.-St. Matthews (S. C.) Advance. The ladie.3 of the Missiou anr Aid Society of Harmony churcl realized about $23.00 from theil oyster supper on Friday evening last. The crowd was comparative!] small but those present had larg? appetites, so the oysters went like "hot calces." These good ladies did not serve plates of soup with one or two little bivalves swim ming around in them, like chipe in a pond, but served well-filled plates that were worth . every cent that was charged . Success to the Harmony ladies in whatever thej undertake. Don't buy a grate cr heater un. til you have seen ours. ' EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE Co. Greenwood had ber Floral Fair last week, and judging from news paper accounts the occasion was the greatest event of the kind ever held in that prosperous town. Owing to the cold, the floral ex hibits were not up to the usual s'audard, but this deficiency was made up by the parade and beau tifully d--cerated floats. No ex pense was spared by those who pnlered the contest. Mr. J. C. Self, cashier of the Bartk of Green wood, wrni the prize for 'he most beautifully decorated automobile The machine was decorated with white and purple satin, represent ing a "Royal Chariot." It is said that thJ decorations alone cost $40. This gives some idea of the splendor of Greenwood's floral fair and parade. FOR SALE: Mv PHOTO GRAPH BUSINESS of thirty six years ?tauding is FOR SALE. Send stamp for particulars. R. H. MIMS. Try our "Coronation" and '.Snowflake" Flour. None better. P. P. Blalock, Jr. Andirons in cast, wrought and brass, also Coal . Tong^, Scuttle and Coal Vases just arrived. EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE Co. Your feet are your be9t friends. Buy your shoes from May & Tompkins and protect them. We have just unloaded a car of Chairs and a car of Furniture. See these goods and get our prices that is all we 8sk. BuyiDg right ena bles us to sell right. Ramsey & Jones. FOR SALE: One-buudredbush els of pure Appier oa's at sixty five cents ner bushel. Apply to B. R. Tillman, Tr. Aiargeand very beautiful as sortment of Gold and Sterling Sil ver Jewelry bas just been received. New designs from the leadine manufacturers. Let us supply your jewelry wants. Ramsy & Jones. Anyone who is in search of a good time piece should see ou Watches before buying. Ingersoll Watches from $1. to $2. G. L. Penn ???Sou. Wc solicit your prescrip tion business. Utmost care is exercised in compounding prescriptions and only pure, fresh' drugs are used. Our prices are very reasonable. G. L. PENN & SON. Wear 5 Star and Red seal shoes. We sell them. May & Tompkins. Our friend abd neighbor, Brooks Dunovant. says that if Pi.-rcy Feltham, Jr., does not. stop thron ing rocks at him as he pass es, he is going to report him to the c ju neil. Mr. :,G. F. A'ozetnan'' has been quite indisposed during the rpcent cc< : m om in gp, but be is now convalescing and bas a rave nous appetite. If the ladies oT the Bnzaar dou't k?ep an eye on him, "Mr. Moz-mau'' will appropriate a large share of their dinner. China Painting*. Miss Eliza Mims has just re ceived from Lycett, of Atlanta, a barrel of fine importpd cbiua for bridal and Christmas presents. Call soon and give orders for painting and decorating. "Mrs. Jerome Jone " ordered h?T Fair gown from abroad. Ir arrived Saturday on the Wife kind. So eure is she that she will "outlook" nil of her competitors that she has already engaged Mr. Robert Mims to take her photo graph after tho Fair with all of her prizes displayed around her. Prof. J. F. Enlzmiuger has bepn working for the Alkahest Lyceum during the past month, having placed th1* course in Oraugeburg, Bamberg, au.d several towns tu the eastern part of the state. The latter part of thia month, Prof. Eutzminger will leave for Wash ington to take a special course in Columbian University. Next fal! he will r. turn t> Edgefield and the S. C. C. I. to remain with us always. This is exceedingly grati fying intelligence. Texas not only grows several millions of bales of cotton every year but also grows cotton pickers of a super-buman variety. A dispatch states that a mau near Waco picked 1,135 pouuda of cot ton in oue day last week, 700 of it being picked in the forenoon. Texas scales eyidentlj1 do not weigh like South Carolina scales. Blankets, Comforts and heavy underwear will soon be in demand and we have them at correct prices. J..E. Hart.. Mr. T. E. Lamb has purchased the Kennerly place in south Edgefield from Mr. W. E. Hol slou. Since he has been in our town, Mr. Lamb has applied him self very closely to his business, making a succ-iss of merchandis ing, and The Advertiser is pleased to announce the fact that he hap purchased a home in Edgefield. All things else being equal, the man who owns his home takes a more active interest in the affairs of a commuuiiy and makes the best citizen. The Chrysanthemum Fair will be held in the court house on Fri day, November the y tb, and in connection with it the Cemetery Association will hold a Bazaar in order to raise funds to improve tho village cemetery. The baby show or parade will ~ take place at 3 o'clock in the alternoon. It is hardly necessary to urge the peo ple to attend the Fair and Bazaar, for it would require a regiment of artillery to keep thom away. When you want the best smoke in town try a -Franklin" or "Cin 3o" cigar. P. P. BJalock, Jr. eonsunpon Salt pork is a famous old fashioned remedy for con sumption. "Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott'sEmulsionisthemod ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most refined of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way, which is often the only way, is half the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is some thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hypophos phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent free upon request. Be sure that this picture io the form cf a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Soc. and ?n -IrugflU? You have been making out with that old broken-up stove long enough,. Let us sell you a firet claBS cook stove for a small sum of money. A largo assortment to select from. Ramsey & Jouos. All Wool Red Flannel 15c to 35c at The Corner Store. Fresh shipment of Pickles and Olives just received. P. P. Blalock, Jr. Some Mothers, unce 'effects of Alum, are Children by the u Baking Powder. What Mother would < Alum's Worst W influence on the ct Positively Never, sh< years be required to Secure your Chil their food. ROYAL is made fron Cream of Tartar 11M ra. 0. P. Bas pro m'Bed to furnish tbij Fair, will sing ," having music foi eral soios. The crowd lhat was iu town ou Munday woe u.uifually Email for salesday. The Bruce land was the only public sale. This was pur chased by Mr. Silas Bruce for $4,700. Rev. G. T. Asbill epent Satur day last in Edgefield. He is great ly pleased with bis work at B&\h. The members of his fleck ?re de voted to him aud hold up his hands in every possible way. He has just closed a revival meetiug which added fifteen to his church. Notwithstanding the fact that Horse Creek Valley has the repu tation of being a sickly place. Mr. Asbill says that he and his fami ly hr-ve-been at Bath sinc9 fae middle uf August and have not spent a single sick day. Prises to be Awarded at The Chrysanthemum Fair to be Held on November the 9th. The Chrysanthemum Fair will be held in Edgefield on Friday, November the 9th. Premiums ure aa follows: -For the largest of any variety, one ton of guano, presea ted by W. W. Adams. Largest white, one ton of guano, presented by Geu'. Thomas Car wile. Largest pink, a diver loving cup, presented by Ramsey & Jones. Largest-yellow, one rocking chair, presented by the Edgefield Mercantile Company'. Largest dark red, a rug, pre sented by Jas. E. Hart. Largest two on one stem, one Largest bronze, large potted palm, presented by Senator B. R. Tillman. Largest number on one stalk, potted fern, presented by Senator B. R. Tillman. bolt of cloth, presented by Edge field M'f'g. Co. prettiest mixf. d CGIIPC?OU, one nair of vases, presented by Penn Drug Store. Prettiest collection of red, one jardinier, presented by Lynch Drug store. Prettiest coll' dion of pink, one Marseilles counterpane, presented by J. Rubnnstein. Prettiest collection of white, a rug, preseuted by T. G. Talbert Prettiest collection of yellow, one box of soap, presented by May & Pi escott. Prettiest design, one silk para sol, presented by W. H. Turner. Finest collection of potted niants, one piclurp, presented by Timmons Bros. Prettiest decorated baby car riage, a BPt of baby pius. Jndgt'B fe r thu cbrysanthomumn will be: Mrs. Charles Pescbman, Johnston, Mrs. John Millar,Tren ton, Mrs. Stpphen Hughes, Tren ton, Col. Ed Folk and some others who will be mentioned later. The committee on arrangement will be Mrs. J. H. Tillman, Mrs. Walter Adams, Mrs. McG. Sim kiup, Mrs. Robert Minos, Mrs. C. E. BUNR, Mies Kate Tompkins. Executive Committee: Mrs. W. B. Cogburn,Mrs. A. S. Tompkins, Mrs, M. A. Taylor, Mrs. Maggie Hill, Miss Gracn Tompkins, Mis" Ethel DeLoacb, Mrs. CE. May. Those exhibiting Chrysanthe mums are requested to bring flow ers as early as possible on Friday morning. The ladies on arrange ment will not decide which prize the flowers will be exhibited for. All persons must read list of pre miums carefully, and decide for which prize they will compete, and bring their flowers arranged accord in gi v. All pprsons may compote, for aa many prizes Mo tbey desire. Fresh Force, Oatmeal. Postum. G rv pu Nut s and Buckwheat at Timm.ma Bros. Just received delightful Roast ed Coffee, 15 tQ25 cents per pound. Timmons Bros. Justrrcehel a large sbipuie it oc stn e?. See them b fore buying May & Tompkins. Our customers say they have never seen a bed spring to beat the National and Blu9 Ri I ton and they never will. Edgefield Mercantile Company mscious of the injurious daily giving it. to their se of so-called Cheap io so if she only knew? rork is its early harmful lild's digestive organs. Duld Children of tender eat it ih their food, dren, against Alum in.. ALVM AKIM i Pure Refined Grape -Aids Digestion. Col. Bailey took "the entire stu dent body io the Georgia-Carolina Fair on Friday last. The trip waB thoiougbly enjoyed. . Mr. CE. May has eeut "Col. D. Appleton's" best shirt to the laundry nod if it doesn't return in time for the Fair on Friday, this old gentleman will be iu a peck of trouMe. Lonsdale Cambric 10c yard at The Corner Store. Did you notice the great nunc ber of men woariDg rose bud eon their coats on yesterday? MaDy of the Edgefii ld wives have been trying Dr. Broughtons remedy for non-kissing husbands. The Advertiser is informed tbat Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kinnaird contemplate moving to Edgefield to make their home. Scores ot their friends here hope that noth ing will occur to cause a change in their present plans. Rev. and MrB. T. P. Burgess had a very pleasant stay in Lau rens last week in atiendance upon the Synod. Mr. Burgess was elect ed permanent secretary of the body. While en route to Laurens. Rev. and Mrs. Burgess spent a Sunday in Ninety Six with his former flock, by whom he was very cordially greeted. The Berea school opened on Monday last with Miss Faunie Lanham as teacher. The patrons of the school could not have made a better selection. Miss Lanham will not only develop the minds of her pupils but;train their hearts and rightly mould their characters as well. She is boarding at the home of Mr. T. E. Byrd. For colds and coughs try Dr. King's New Discovery Foley's Honey and Tar, White Pine and Tar. Nothing better. Timmons Bros. Large assortment of beautiful Glassware and Chi na of all kinds at very reasonable prices. I invite the ladies to call. R. T. Scurry. Just received a car of the cele brated ''Old Hickory" Wagons and Rock Hill Buggies. Everybody knows what they are. Ramsey & Jonep. J. B WHI Men's Handsome, tailored, well n Blue, Gray, Blacksand mixti Particularly well finishe< shoulders, hand laid fronts a Would be special at $25. Boy9? - A thoroughly well made Cheviot, full lined, long and velvet collar. This is a coat that no boy and it will carry enough wai Actually worth $5, ourpri ? Range of raincoats values : mit of almost everyone owni ted materials, in Blacks, Gra} also mixtures. A particularly handsome tailored, is priced tor $25. Broad Street, Has Stood The f No-Cure-No-P Death of Sirs. Martha Cochran Reynolds. Bot litt'e more than four montbs'ago, loving hands laid to rest the /mortal body of that es teemed citizen and gallant vetor an, Ebb Reynolds, and on Thurs day last his widow, Mrs. Martha Reynolds, w^s placed by his side in the Gilgal cemetery, she having died of pneumonia on Wednesday morning at the homo of Ler daugh ter, Mrs. Bertha Seigler. This good woman was iu her 68th year at the time of her death. This ouce large family is DOW entirely broken up. The kind and affectionate father and mother have beeu taken but the surviving children-five daughters aud five son8,all of whom are grown-have a rich heritage in their lives and example. Mrs. Reynolds was for many years an active member of Gilgal church. We are now showing the largest and best selected lot of rugs, lace curtains, table covers and couch covers ever brought to this market. Edgefield Mercantile Company. The Mitchell and Owensboro wagons have been struck, by storm and sunshine but are still in the road, and they always will be. EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE Co. Has Stood the Test 25 Years The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking, lt is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 60c. Very large assortment of Al lan's Perfumery in all of the deli late and popular odors. There is nothing better on the market. Timmous Bros. Something nice : Martin's Cream Cheese and Imported Macaroni. G. L. Peuu & Soi?. JAS. S. BYRD, SURGEON DENTIST, EDGEFIELD, S. C. J0^Offlce over Post-Office. TB & CO. lade suit of Worsteds, in ares, all the plaids. 3, carefully hand-padded .nd hand finished collar. Jur price $20. Coats Coat for school boys, in well tailored j finished with would be ashamed to wear, ?mth for the most fragile, ice $3.50. coats from $10 to $30, will per :ng one; splendid cravenet rs, Herringbone stripes, etc, one, lined with silk, well Augusta, Ga Test 25 Years ay. 50 cents* Master's Sale. STATE Ol? SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY, Court Common Plea9. T. M, Dorn, et. al-against-L. F. Dorn. PURSUANT to the Decree in this case,.Twill offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder before the Court House, Town of Edgefield, and State of South Carolina, on sales day in December 1906 (the same being th ? 3rd day of said month) between the legal hours of sale, the following described realty, to wit: All that tract of land in Edgefield County and State of South Carolina, bounded as follows, north by lands of T. M. Dorn, east by lands of G. M. Dorn, south by lands of E, B. Dorn and Margaret Tillman and west by lands of P. P. Doolittle and the waters of Stevens' Creek containing two hun dred (200) acre; more or less and known as Mrs. Martha Dom's home stead. Terms of Sale:-One half cash and the balance on a credit of one year with ?nteres!; from the day of sale. Purchaser to give bond and a mort gage bf the premises sold to secure the payment of the credit portion OP all ca6h at the purchaser's opiion (mortgage to include ten per cent for attorneys f ees if brought to foreclose) Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master E. C.S. C. Nov, 7th, '06. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY, Court Common Pleas. George R. Lombard, et, al. against-F. M. Hendrix, et. al. PURSUANT to the Decree in this case, I will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder before the Court House, To7.rn of Edgefield, and State of South Carolina, on sales day in December 1906 (the same being the 3rd day of said month) between the legal hours of sale, the following described realty, to wit : All that certain tract or parcel of land containing fifty two (52) acres, situate, lying and being in Edgetield County, in the State of South Caroli na, and bounded by lands of F. M. Hendrix, Mrs. Julia Talbert, Mrs. Adeline blackwell and others and known as the Rogue Shoals Mill Tract. Terms of Sale :-One half cash and the balance on a credit of one year, with interest from the day of sale. Purchaser to give bond and a mort gage of the premises sold to secure that payment of the credit portion or all cash at the purchasers option. Purchaser to pav for pipers. W. F. ROATH. Nov. 7th, '06, Master E. C. S. C. Chapped Hands. Wash your hands with warm water, dry with a to\, '1 and apply Chamberlain's Salve just b?fore going to bed, aud a speedy cure is certain. This salve is also unequal ed for shin diseases For sale by G. L. Penn & Son. Spectacles made up to suit your particular need at lowest possible price. Geo. F. Mima, Edgefield. S. C. Very large assortment of tablets and box paper. Full line of Sta tionery of all kinds. G. L? Peun & Son Allan's Cascafet Tablets at Timmons Bros. Women's heavy Jersey ribbed fleece linad Pants and Vests, regu lar sizes 4 to 6, 25c each. Tho Corner Store. See our Dress goods?, Outing Waisting, and cotton fabrics of all kinds. J. E. Hart. See the Kenyon Rain coats, Furs and wraps of all kinds just opened at J. E. Hart. COLUMBIA PE Give Smooth, Clear ] Band Music, Orchestral Music i Music. Having just closed with NO GRAPH CO. a deal h JOBBERS AND *WH( TORS of their goods for 1 in a position to furnish PHONOGRAPH SUPP PRICES. Will have a complete li chines on hand constantly This makes us the large Phonograp this side of Atlanta. Can fill all orders at O] der Machines and records Machines $1 io inch Disc Records 6oc 7 " " " 35c 4 t;< Cylinder .Records fi u a a Catalog o: We also handle Piano Furniture, Sewing Machii THO ?fl QB & TOO. 70S, 710 Broai NEW AI "We are now showing the largest am and Gents furnishing ever shown in ] We can please you in price, quality at JglpNext to post-office, f The Ad office is b than ever i of all kin Type, New New Ornaments, Ne' .^