Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, April 11, 1906, Image 2

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AdMti??? ? ?? MIMS. - - - EDITOB TERMS : ONE YEAR $150 SIX MONTHS 75 WEDNESDAY, APRIL ll, 1906. For a tirjQp, interest in the ap proaching municipal election wax ?ed warm but it seems now to have waned somewhat. It is the duty of every registered voter to casi Iris ballot on Saturday for the bost men. Voter?, where you must choose between two men for a given pliiez, ask yourself thi? question, which is the best mao for this place? Let conscieuce an swer; then follow its leading and you will not go wrong. A goodly number of colored peo* pie assembled in Edg^-field on Monday, April the 9th, for the emancipation celebration. The assemblage was addressed by a speaker from Orang^burg, who, so a colored mau told ns. made a '-pretty good, mellow speech." Those who had money spent it freely. One man paid a dollar for a goat aud alter selling M'X dol lars worth had the hide aud tallow, , hoofs and horns, head and tail left. Selling goat ou 'mancipation 'day iv a sure 'nough get-rich quick scheme. Even better than being director in-the state dispel eary or president of a great life insurance company. The Advertiser, heartily com. mends the suggestion made by Mr. S. M. Smith, in this issue, as to the disposition of JSdgpnVd county's porljou of the Alliance Exchange fund; We ti pst that |t will meet with a Yery general . afld fayqrahle response from the former members of the Alliance. Ju view of all the circumstances, tuin?ng this money over to Dr. ;.W. H. Tjmmerman would be the graceful, the generous, the proper |bing io do. We shall be pleated to publish short, tc-the-point cards from farmers who desire !o express their views. cl M S m I cou i Prohibition Does Prohibit Prohibition was given .a severe ?nd practical test in Edgefield on 'Monday last. Hundreds of colored ^Ij?op?egathered here to celebrate V their emancipation, as has been their custom for a .number of ..years. Th? order and deportment . was d?cid?dly the> lpest ever wit- j l ' nessed in our town on such ocoa ^'aions. Even the most casual, ob server noticed the very narked improvement... Instead of ?ve or six - arrests as -'"heretofore, not one was mr.de instead of the police force being increasejd by half dozen menas has been necessary in the past, only one man was added and it was found that' he was not need ed-Instead of dozens of drunken negroes being on the streets, only two men were seen un der the influence of licuor Instead of three or four hundred dollarB being spent ipr liquor as was the case when tlpe dispensary was doing: business, only a emp.Vl amount wasjfiu^ wasted-Instead^ of, a. great, tarong of. farV^ ^a^jfe layipg aside their,. w,qri> ^.t^be. day, tp come tptpwrv to a^dj carouse, fewer, by buz^o^ quit %if work for Mpu^s, celebra.-, j $ tipn. Is .th is not. c?^yjncings7 a^ cju^ive pro?^tjbaA tbenaj ip/ 'ko-mted?' poX meri-t ^P-S^?prmeaar:^ -ibition, as 4eligh.t, tft,aDea>- politicians VT,h? fpr^: ^ ifc ir/jaf^tfyjl*" -US are indisputable, ojjtgp'' j facts, not what we read b^*- - occurred somewhere els-v [ what actually occurs xm,dej our own eyes and at ou?r. very doors. Let us hear.no more..o,? the cant and rant that "Prohibition does not prohibit." Is it. not actually and effectively reduciug and pro hibiting the sale of liquor in Edgefield? Every fair-minded, unprejudiced m:m will answer in the affirmative. Mr.S .M. Smith Slakes a Sugges tion That Should. Sleet With a Hearty Response From All Former Members of The Alliance. Editor Advertiser : I notice that .there is on hand belonging to the disbanded Sub-Alliances of Edge field county something over $900. . 00. This amount comes from the distribution of the Alliance Ex-, change capital, which has been ordered distributed to the Sub A>lliances subscribing to the Ex . change capital in the- daya when the Alliance waH ' in existence. I 'find from talkjng wi'h ^hose who were members, of the Sub-Allian ces that it will be impossible tu .-?distribute this fund. I doubt if there is au instance in cur county where any r*c .?rd has been kept showing who of the members of |ihe Sub Alliances subscribed to or contributed this stock. For this reason it will be impossible to dis tribute the amount ?omiug to the Sub-Alliances of Edgefield coun ty, I c?psire ta make a guggestior for the dispoaition of this apaouut and would like to have expression? from those who belonged to Sub Alliances of Edgefield county. No mau in all Edgefield county did more for tho furtherauee ot the Alliance, spent more of hie own mouey and time in thie work than our honorable citizen, Dr. W. H. Timmerman. Ile was true to the principles . nf the order aud gave much of 'bis time aud labor to helping along the cause. This he did through motives, patriotic, and for the love of his fellow man. Not only this, but when the old ,ine insurance compauies with drew from the field of country in surance^ and our farmers and al liancemen organized a mutual company for insuring country property, he aljowed his name used as Pr?sident of the company without any compensation. lu this again he chowed his devotion to friends ard fellow citizeus. Through a technicality iu the dis charge of the duties devolving upon bim as President of The Farmers Mutual Fire losurauce Association of. Edgefteld he in curred a loas iu two V"=?8 aggre gating the sum of about $1100.00. This anpuut bo had to pay very unjju6tly, without ever receiviog oLe cent back. I believe that there bas long been a feeling among those who know what this honor able man did for his people, and bow unjust was this burden im posed ou bim, that he .should iu some way be reimbursed. While [ know lhat he will never be re imbursed iu full for this los?, still I now see that our people have an opportunity of partly re imbursing a faithful public ser vant by turning over this?l.iance fund to Dr. W. H. Timmerman. lt can neyer'be returned ta those who contributed it; let us give it to one who has suffered fiuaur oial loss unjustly for the sake of Alliaucemen, I would be glad lo. bave ex pressions from forrper Alliance paen living \n Edgefieid aud Salu* da counties on ibis point, and nope that our papers in th-3*:: oouuties will give space to such expresen n of opioiou as may be offered. S. M. Snith. \ Johnston, S. C., April 4th, 1908 COLD SPRING. Last Thursday death came and claimed Mrs. Prestou Strom, wife of Mr Prestou Strom, of Rehoboth. She had be?n in bad health for several years. While she neyer murmured or.-complained she ex pressed herself as being prepared to die, her only regret was leaving her husbaud. She was - burie'd at Rehoboth ?r?d{ay'l H?V pastor.* Bro. littlejohn, cpud.uc.t'i'ng tr>e f?.uer ?l service." We peli've' s.he is now at rest where lhere is. no, pain or corrow, ior we are Ijolc^ t?tere is .Wnight there." We extep^ o.ur sympathy to t,'he belayed ojpee. Miss Jeuni.e (gi^r^ \hp. popu ar teacher " at I^pb.otb^ clossd ier school, 1JXB\ Thursday, She ?fferecj a$ tfce beginning of tb* icfrppj two, prizes., One for the *eat leeBous aud deportment, rhich prige was won by Master ohu Talbert and Miss Fan-^e oe Strom, the other prize w^s-for he best spelling. Thia sjje was ron by two pretty l&fla giT)sJ lisses Martha ? Strcsu ind BalHi^ luarles. So the te^e^r, h^d. to r et Dur prizes inst^d.of} two*. Mr. Evati. ^inpanel 3fir-r Bob ^esthae.^tfid aplan? jU-from lr. P. ?? Doolittle thi&r ear ^j ^ddie Stroro. > huildi ^co,t^k?"h.l3:^jther'8 .nlace. fifa says that A* 01ll a b ouse. But whc,ferj0W8? Y iawT Mr. Ch?u?liio ?;.trom> j has . lasedUaew ouggy. Mi Seo-ge Whatley aud Miss .wy ?O'.ston were married today .ffc * JCh churc^ by Rev. J. T,. We'john. Thev left imrnedi^eJy ? Joluoibja ?"nd Carlisle w&pce <?ey will v'iSi. the brid?'a.pother, ness yjUDg people are vary, -pope-. * *"aiong.tbeir friend^wio- wish \them much hap^iu.eBS in. Hilfe . And uow it ha^euoma topar .s that Evau Cochosa., is givia$ lr,is neighbors muej^trouble at lairght by his loucV singing-''Roc-t-a-by baby, dacUft i\aa gone a hmating." tt is a frj.yl. ap a\ requires mach and loud aipgjpg to soothe it to sleep. There, will be a mee-ting of Col lies. Alliance lodge-. No. 719 in their hall next Saturday morning it,9 o'clock. Mr. Marceiius.Talbert Las plant ad some colton, seed. Our larmer? are plauting com. Fext ?f?day is "Good Friday". Let eveny body work and plant the gar&?Eii that day if they want to m aie vegetables. ROSE COTTAGE. _ Kuy Wood at a Wood Yard. Don't pay 8 c?nts per pound for wood. If you buy 100 pounds of White Leud in kegs you get 88 pounds of White Lead and 12 pounds of Wood. When you buy L. & M. Paint you get a full gallen of paint thal svou't wear off for 10 or 15 yearn, b cause L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes L. &. M. paint wear like iron. 4 gallous L. & M. mixed wi?h i gallons Linseed Oil will paint i moderate &iz?d house. L. & M. costs only $1.2? per gallon. Sold in the north,, er^ so*jtb md weat. O? S. Andrews, F^Jtaytwr., j)a>j jury, Coun. Writesl "Paints my bou*? 19 ^ars ago wi?h J^.k Hi Lr.^k.s Wu o-day." Sold bjjG. L. Ppnxi &S?oi. Ti y my Snow i1e\e Flour >ores of tbs bast p' opln i?? th** oyn au I vicinity., have bsrea ising this flour more than a yea*.., ?Aty barrels just receiiiedi dtrtfd'd rom the 10??9. j P. P. Blaloe-k. Ji^ W???. COUK?Y BUPE?VISOK. F respect fully-, announce mysel a candidate fdr re-election to tin office of County Supervisor o Edgefield County ; and if electro will iii 1 hf* future, ns in tbVpa??l give my faithful mid imdivHoi attention to the dinies of the said iffice. I pledge my self to abide-lh< result and to support the nominee! of the Democratic party? D. P. SELF. -I hereby aauounce myself ? candidate for the office of Super visor ot Edg?field county and pledge .myBalf to. abide the rmill of the D?mocratie, primar}* and tc support the nomiuees of the same. R. J. MOULTRIE. Bright Little Velma Girl Enter, tai rs With Quilting Party. On Thursday last preity. Iti'Je Miss Mattie Lou Lowry, of Velma, entertained a number of her friends at her Grat quilting. Among these were Misses Lillie May and Marie Owdom, Leora and Julia Ouzts. Corine and Rema McDowell, Alene and Lizzie Low ry. Ruby Logue and Azilee Bryan. They all worked very faitbfully until about one o'clock. Then they were led by the father of tue little hostess to a loug table spread with spotless lineo, deoorated with two sweet bouquets aud bountifully supplied with food whioh had been prepared for the "little quilters" by the fond mother, A short time after dinner the quilt was completed" au! takei. from the frames and soon the hap py 'ittle girls were Wi down iii a beautiful meadow where tue} ^pout the n-'inainder nf the da} playing various games. About six Volock ibo -'Jjule cmi'ters" re-? turned to. their homes with glad hearts and, sore fingers, "Blue Eyes." Rheuma!ism Makes Life Misera ble. A happy homf is the most valua ble possession that is within the reach of mankiu I, but you cannot in joy its comforts if you are puft\;r ing from rheumatism. Yon throw asid; business carps when you -mtfir your home and you can be relieved from tho^o rheumatic pains also by applying Chamber lain's Pai ? Balm. One application will give you relief and its,con tinued ive for a short tim,e W'H briug about a permanent cute... For ?ole by G. L Penn & Son,.. Sick headache results: fVo^ o j lerangrmentof the stomach s cured, by Chamberlain's ich and Liver Tablets. A~ 3. L. P. nu &Son. " 1 by bO YOI};-?8T m " ~ WITHAU .ME BACK? adney Iro^ |g? ev^V Ay who reads the news to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. ll Kilmer's Swamp-Root, . I the great kidney, liver \? and bladder remedy.' lt is the great medi . cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back,, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of.kidney trouble. Dr..Kilmer's S'^-amp-Root is not rec ommendedifor ev ?ry thing but if you have kid ney, liver or bia dder trouble it will be found lust the remedy . you need. lt has been tested Inso many way s, in hospital work, in private practice, arno1 .ig the helpless too poor to pur gase relief t nd has proved sc successful in ?very case V .iat a special arrangement has jeen mada by which all .readers of this paper vho have 7 jot already tried it, may have a ample.be ,ttle sent free by mail, also a book oiling n .ore about Swamp-Root and how to tnd?Qfi* if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Wt?r? writing mention reading this generous rffer in this paper and lend your address to i ta".' Kilmer&Co.,Bing-1 tar nton, N. Y. The t* gular fifty cent and Homo of swamp-noou .dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.. Don't make auy mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the "address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. The- Gold8boro, McFarland, Taylor, Can nady and Babcock Buggies are still going down the road anead of all others. Edge?eld Mercantile Company. A Young Mother at 70. "My mother has suddeuly b"eii coade young at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from dyspep sia bad entirely disabled her, un til six months ago, when she be gan taking Electric Bitters, which nave completely cured her and restored the strength and activity isbn had in the prime of life,"' .writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick, ' T>anworthT Me. Greatest rest' J tive medicine on the globs. Stomach, Liver, and right, purifies the bl JVdUP.v! cures Malaria, Billie ?Od' ?UiC Weaknesses. Woo' f1?e3SXTanc Tonic Price 50c. ' /*rTful p*erv; Son W. E.Lync> ?*n L' leUtt& J i & Co. It makes nr , , merits of a' difference what th? find ones- 'v(im &!e- YT^T Mitchell J g?0^ ?ur better- rry f or Owensboro. -?G-EFIELT) MERCANTILE Co. cruaranteed Cure for Piels Itching, Blind, Bteedmgor I'rotru iding Piles, Druggists refund munej it RAZO OOfTMKNT Jails to cure in ? to 14 days 50c. i If your eyes are worth having they are worth saving. Do so with the right kind of glasses. Geo. P. Mims. Optician. SB i . - - ._y. : .. ? i .: ,-~\ rT^EW . \ V 1 1 L' K i ^:Wf ^ ' - I- s ? Iteln??ilMtlc \ Price 23?3Qf&? WO W;?M S-Sio^nBosionMassllSA.! Low Rates to New Orleans and Return on Account United Veterans Reunion April 25th 27th, 1908. 'J be Southern Railway will s il rickets to New 0rleau6, La., and return at extremely low ra'es from prominent poin s. (A fHwofwhic" ire nam^d below) as follows: Barnwell $14.05 Cn uLleii 14.35 Gbarleitrii 1-5.75 Columbia M.7Q - Chester $ ?-4 70 Rock. Hill 15.15 Orangeburrr 1475 Yorkville 34.55 Equally kw rateg from other poii.is. Tickets will le ou sile'l April 22ud, 28rd, and. 24th, limit ed feood to retarn April 30th. By depositing tickets willi. Spacial Afc(in in'New Orleans, and upon paympnt of 1 h-j sum of fifty; cei?s, au e xtension of limit io ir?'av 21sl' ?Aili I-f granad. For tl\4..vc.co:r)mo Jation of the delega':ea.from South Caro! i no, the Solfeen .ftr.ihvay will op?rate ihxou&H cars.; from C?H.mbiii, S. G, leavjrg/ A'nri'i ?3rd ?i 7:?8i?? m., and nrt?v'ti -xi New ?r-jean? n?-x. ??oViua? :*i 7:15 ri., ai. Fo;- full infer'oalina applv-Vi any &.Q?tbjwn Rallr.av Tv?t ?-Agent,. o* \\\ E." ft ?GM, Tsar., :g?6s. A^nt^Varj,^, Ga., IL W. ttwsti Ikv.; |v ? AfrfM)li charles. p^y\^v J>-'Ook6 Morgrik Asst. ^V,,, Allant,, Ga. manger From Thc Plague. Tl.f-re's grave dangar from i-he dagun of Cough? and Colds inst ire^so prevalent unl-ss you tal e Dr. KingV New Di c ve t v 'or Consumption, Coughs and Cr.ld . Mrs. G"o. Wa!l.j, of Forest City Me., writes: lkI?'s a Go's nd 1 people jiving in cl .ma'! s v.here con g bs and olds prevail. 1 lind it quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia, currs LaGrippe, gj/e wonderful relief in Asthma ainV Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward 9ff Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed l-y G. L. Penn & Son W. E. Lynch & Co. For reliable, high-grade hnni-s of all kinds-buggy or tv.? j? ?MI double or single-come lou?. Wi 'my direct from the best makers m th? country. Ramsey & Jon's. Solid car of Chairs. If you want! that "tired feeling" relieved bvyrj chairs from us. Edg? field. Mercantile Comply ? Notice on Hie 5th day of M iy?;1900?.t*e na der signed will make applicator* unto rhe Probate ?ourt for-' Kdgt?rti?l'J Comity, '-?ontli C'a rn) i na fora final tlrs cli?rgu from their trust as Executor. of thc estate of E. LL. S'tevene de cease!). Mrs.. lida E. Stevens. W. g. Stevens. 4 t X A. Wells, M. P.Weils, J. M. Mays, P. B. Mays, J. L. Hart, S. W. Williams r.nd Hamp Smith aro now*usiug Mitchell and Owensboro Wagen?. A pk them about their weak point before buying. EIAVEFIELD MERCANTILE CO. You are banking other fertilizer is so w harvest. Don't take crop. It is the leadii It has been prov? .Fish and Animal mi for growing cotton. ITS SALES f GROW/ ,8S0 1895-1 1900-5 1905-13( F. S.ROYST Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C. You can't.break Mitchell wagpD vikein?. We guarantee thena tg be of best malearble iron. -^?Atmvinyi.u ^pppAK'ntE Co. Imports iV?abaf?'ui ami best cream, ckw?;.-. P. P. Blalock, Jr. Pict HIV Easels ami Fire Sc re?us iii all colors and designs. Edgefidd AJercautiie Company. Very Handsome! Diners uphol stered in p??eV?i? at $11 per sot. EDGEFIELD M'fiBCAXTILE Co. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BKOMO QUIN" t.N'K Tablets. All druggist refund? cbe money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. When you want the best Fmoke in town, try u "Franklin" or ' Cin co" cignr. P. P. Bialock, Jr. Freeh stock of Art Squares and RUJ?S just received. Edijefield Mercar.'jil? Company. JAS. S. BYRD, SURGEON" DENTIST, %> DGEFIEiL D, S. C. ?^Office over Post-Office. ?Badly Burned Girl pr boy, mau or woman is quick ly out of pain if Bu ck len's Arnica Salvo is applied promptly. G. J. Welch, of Tckousha, M job.,.says: "I URe it in my family -for cutp, sores and all skin injuries, and ?ud it petfect." Quickest Pile cure known. Best. Pealing naive made. 25c G. L. Penn & Son W. E. Lynch & Co. Kein ry/H Pickles, Olives Mus tard and Salad Dressing always on hand. Tiinnit;n's Fros. Nic";.lrne nf Tru iks ii fid Suit Cases from tho cheajg'Bt io the best. Edgfffield Mercantile Company. Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipa tion, which is quickly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life au! vigor; cure sour stomach, nau sea, headache, dizziness and colic, without griping or discomfort. 25c. G. L. Pduu & SOD W. E. Lynch & Co. EDGEFIELD, S. C. 'State and County Depository. ! DIRECTORS. .f. C . StlF.l'l'AliD. W. W. AJ>A."*?, J.T.I. BOUKXIOUT, T. ki RA?H?VOUDJ ?T. M.-OOBB, J I. S. lk>L?.tND, A?S. TO-VI-K?NS, C. C PITU.KR, IV. E. PRESCOTT. . j OFFICERS. kf. C. SHEPPARD, Presi?teii?; I W. W. ADAMS, Vice-Preritfe-ror. E. f. M IMS, Cashier J. ll. ALLEN, Ass't Cas-bier. Pays interest on deposits by special contract'. Money to loan on liberal terras'. Promptand polP;eatrenci->;i to bus ness. YOUR Account Solicited. Caught (Vd \Uile Hunting a Burglar. Mr. Win. Thon. L norgan, pro vincial Constable ?. c Chaplean, Ontario, says : "I caught a severe cold while hunting a burglar ?D the forest swamp last fall. Hear ing of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I tried it, and after using two small bottles, I was completely- cured.*' This remtdy is intended especially for coughs and colds. Itv will loosen and re lieve asevere cold in less time I han hy any olber treatment and is u favorita wherever its superior excellence has become known. For sale by G. L. Penu & Son. BUILDING MATERIAL. ! SEND US YOUR OJtf.DEJfcS FOR BRICK, MIBE CgBEJfT, ffjlft SHIITES. V.Y ca . nt;-ply your ue"(& at tl ie New IV pot. 100 Bushels Seed PEAS for sale. |?S?P*Price8 reasonable. Jackson & Johnson FOR Will interest you. "AMERICAN GETLEMAN" Ojrforri Ties, "AMERICAN LADY" Oxford Ties, White CANVASS- Oxfords, Misses" and Children's White, Tan and Black Slippers. These goods are all first class andi we stand be hind to make any thing good we se?l. Don't, miss our 5 and 10 cents conifers ANO! We handle; Southern States Phosphate & Fertilizer Co.'s goods. P. & F. A.D. Bonp, Augusta High Grade? Acid of Al[ Grados. These goods are now in warehouse ready for delivery* tlie Best Fertilizer of Twenty Years' Success on experience when you fertilize with Farmers' Bone-. Kto 'ell balanced in the plant food supplied from sowing: time-to a substitute. Farmers' Bone has no equalfor any/kind, of,' in- fertilizer of the South. m by over twenty-one years of successive use that itter is superior to any other known ammoniate Farmers' Bone is the fertilizer MADE WITH FISH 5-250 TONS -1,500 TONS 2,000 TONS 8,455 TONS 3,091 TONS BECAUSE HT GROWS CROPS ER GUANO CO. Tarboro, N. C. Macon, Ca. The Edgefield Mercantile Company. THE FARMERS BANK OF EDGEFIELD.S. C. STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST BANK IN EDGE O COUN Y. Paid ap Capital.. $58,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 28,000 00 Liability of Stockholders..'. 58,000.00 Protection to Depositors ..- $1%4,000.00 We invite attention of those desiring a safe deposiiory for their money *o tue uuu?? fact?. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS BY SPECIAL CONTRACT. Under provision of its cha rter tine bank ih authorized to act at, trustee, guardian dminUtrator and executor, and to accept and execute trust? generally, A. E. PADGETT, President r, H RAItfbFORD, Vics-Pref. 1 VV. H. H AR LING, Cashier. W. A. BYRD, Asst.-Cashier. The CORNER STORE'S PERSONAL BUYING AND JiCn eidetic Selling: ? istl:e main spring bf our always low prie i offerings, Bargains ar th?9 store are neither occasional or spasmodic. It'a the rule, of tue (70RNER STORE. Hence those who buy of us regularly do so to the.r satisfaction and profit. Thc appointment of correct styl? in our Dress Goods Crej e .. Corrall, Old Ro?e, Honey Moon Blue and Grass Green. Of course, white being: no coi or.will hold first place in the spring and summer outfit. ' Our ^wliil:^ goodia department is brim full. 40 and 45 inch French lawn, Winch India Linen,. White Madras Waisting. 38 inch pure linen lawn, shirt waist a id Suit. Linen's, 90 inch Irish Linen Suiting, Double Width Organdiesaud dain ty uilk finish Eolienne all at popular and attractive prices. The popular white costume calls for hose, and the white hose must be aocompanied with white Oxford?, of which our lines are complete from the Queenly French white beels, to the Elegant 2 in 1 (Comfort style) low heel The great prestige ineritec bv our Edging an d Ribbon Sale continue and fresh surprises await you (Come see them) We have in our Hosiery department children stockings fast black com bed Yarn, double knee, high spliced heels and seamless feet (positively worth much more) at IO and IO cents, We will tell you of our great Millinery and Bojs Pants opening in our naxt advertisement. Remember Easter comes early April loth. Lo not wait too long for that dress. The public by its liberality has made the .Corner Store not only a pos sibility but a prosperous real i cy, and we would thank yon to give us am opportunity to right all wrongs as 'tis our aim to gain, retain, and mer ir. the confidence of mankind. THC CORNER STORE, W. H. TURNER, Our spring stock of merchandise which has b^en carefully bought of the largest .manufacturers aud deakr 's now on display, ready for the Spring Shoppers. Dress Goods in great variety of patterus and styles. White Mercerized Liuent from 15 to 25 ceute, White Mercerized Madras, Mercerized P. K.. aud Beautiful White Batiste. Persian L-awu from 10 to 25 cents:: 40 inch lawn 10c, India Liueu Lawn from 10 to 35 cents. - Irish* Liueu Lawu 50ceuts. Dotted and figured Swies. Beatiful ^W^aistiiigs We have all of the late materials and colors for Waists, See....woY* Soie Glac?e, Fleur de Soie, Augorita Cloth, Marceluie Silk.-Aifrofr. the delicate colors of Silirs, Henriettas! Mohairs. Voile, Albatros), etc. We can please the most fastidious. Hats, Hats Very Large stock of Men's and Boys Hats at very low prices, bpttn ,n Straw and Felt. Our styles, prides and quality are right. " Clothing*. See our stock of Ready-made Cloth iug for Men and Boy e._W<r diejy* all competition. All of the late fabrics that aro made to fit wall! and wear well. Shoes and. Oxfords. Beautiful Oxfords for Ladies aDd Misses. Large stock to select from . Latest styles and best quality. Also full line of dress shoes for Metu aud Boys at prices tbat are very low. Give us a cell. We eau save you money on your Spring goods. J W. PEAK. EAST ITor JVIen and .Boys EASTER HATS, I EASTER SHOES, EASTER SHIRTS, EASTER HOSIERY, EASTER OXFORDS, EASTER CRAVATS, EASTER CLOTHING. If it comes from our store the STYLE and QUALITY are RIGHT. DORN & MIIHS Extra April Offerings. Commencing Friday will ba great bargain days and we- will ?? our utmost to m ike it profitable for shoppers, We will offer oueof tltofbent lines of men's and boys' clothing to b seen any where. You will find from a work suit toa fltjp mannish blue Serge and all guaranteed to give emfcLre satisfaction. SO tine men's suits neat patten.s regular $7.OJ values only f4.75 25.all wool ; suits in scotch mixture regular $S.50 value at {5 98. io suits all wool Worsted ; lOoO value at 56,98 35 extra fine thibits also in Serge, single and double breasted $18,00 value at $10,00 We also have one of th? most complete lines of children suits eyer beenj ,hown from 39c to $5,00 "W\fciit? Goods 40 inch White Lawn 15c \aluc at lCc 40 inch French White Lawn worth 35c at ISo .32 inch Madras waisting won h 15c at 9c 36 iBch biack Taite'ta silk waar guaranteed worth 1,25 per yard rt 84c A large asfortinent of White and all colorssilk 60c value at 39c Dress Goods 54 inch Bla-k. YaAyaud Brown Brilliantine worth 75c at 47j<ic KTew Shirts AU Ihe new styles in sup?rate skirts will now be shown all material Pana ma cloth Voiles, Serges, Brilliantines and fancy material in Black, Navy, Gray and Cream Prices range from 1,25 lo 5,50 Lace Curtains 75c i er | air 3 yards long 38 inches wide also 56 inches wide 3)? yards long at f?,50 value at 1,43 36 inches wide '?% yarda long 1,00 value at 49^ Ribbons 100 pieces of Taffeta siik Ribbon at 124?c value at 7o 50 pieces of extra fine Ribbon at 40c value in all colors at 18c J. RUBENSTEIN, ADVERTISER BUILDING, -. - EDGEFIELD, S. C,