J. lu -MIAIS. - - - EDITOR TERMS : ONE YEAR ^jr?O SIX MONTHS 75 WEDNESDAY, WAR. 7, 1906. Kr. ow the value of time; snatch, Mis?? and enjoy every moment .ol it-No idleness; no laziness; no procrastination-never put off till to-morrow what yon can do to day.-CHESTERFIELD. sammsaMsmEaiiaanina ???nam. numani nu Edgefield is justly proud of her young son, Hon. Geo. Bell Tim merman, who fills the office of prosecuting atti rney so ably and well. This is one year that the dis creet, prudeut farmer, who possess es a liberal share of dowu-rigbt ''horse sense," will not put all ol his eggs iu the cottou basket, but will diversify his crops. "Uncle Joe" Cannon having been presented with a South Caro lina-made suit of jeans, galluses, socks, boots and gloves, next io order will be a "night-cap" from the South Caroliua dispensary. With two steaming, snorting, cavorting, mogul engines like Till man and Rrosevelt behind tbe Hepburn rate bill there ought to be no trouble in "railroading" it through Congress. With accustomed wisdom which he d.splays in such matters, Gov ernor Hayward is not acting hasti ly in appointing a state bank ex aminer The position is a very im portant one, and the applicaut who is best qualified for the du ties, instead of the one with the strongest political ''pull", should be appointed. Shame on South Carolina that no adequate provision is made for indigent and disabled Confederate veterans. Only a few days ago ne cessity forced another one of these valiant old heroes lo apply for admission into our County Home where he will pass his few remain ing years along with the common pauper. Mrs Virginia Young's belated request to Governor Heyward to appoint a woman on the James town exposition board suggests the idea of ' peacing a woman or two on the dispensary board. They would doubtless be impervious to i the "chemically pure" free sam-j pockets to "line*' with rebates and perquisites. How would yon "like, to bea' juror in the Gaynor-Greene trial? Nine weeks have already been consumed, and the prosecution's testimony is not all in. There are yet nine weeks for the defense, nine weeks'for the argument and nine weeks of deliberation in the jury room. The jurors must have nine lives if they survive such an over dose as this. In many of the papers that come to our office from every sec tion of the state we see notices published in which persons are warned not to hire or harbor cer tain negroes who have violated labor contracts. The contract breaking evil, which greatly an noys and often entails heavy loss upon farmers, seems to be in creasing. A rigid enforcement of the law, however, is a'never-failing cure and the only remedy for this evil which bas now become wide spread._ The very sharp decline in th price of cotton during the last fe weeks-amounting almost to ten ^.dollars per bale-should cause ?^aimers to reflect very seriousl \ before planting a large acreag. \Thoae who prodnce the cotton ar9 _ now/masters of the situation, but ?^thejr^?an easily lose their point of :^?^aee:by making a crop sufifi -^f?^^rge to. create a surplus. marJyvey^j^nnected wifch growing^cb^e8^i3]^ the yield and price-i^ moderate sized bousp. L. r it o VP with Bucklen's Aruica Sn Iv- nu th** Salve will du th- rpst.?' Q?ici eut cure for luirne, Bojlp, S?.ie? Scalds, Wounds, P?PP, E?ztriii; Salt Rheum, Chapped Hand*, Sn Feet and Sore Eyes. Or. ly 25c ? U. L. Penn & Son W. E. Lyne & Co. L A . ? o-:, -i -:, n i-f:::*" rr-.:-, i Di? n-?& &Wj Dr. Earl S. Sloan EDcGlonriassU.S.A. You can't break Mitchell . wagon skeins. Wo guaran tee: tnem to be of he8t maleable iron, j EDQEFIELD MEflC.UTTlLS':C0. , ? ' :M?? / A. .A. Wells, M. P. Weil ls, J. M. Mays, P. B. May-, J. UHart, 8. W. Williams and Hamp Bm [Vb ar ; now usiug Mitchell aud 0 weh s boro" Wagons. Afk them -about' their weak point before buyi??;; EDGEFIELD MERC.fofc&C?. . Wtii Worm Trying. W. Ii. Br^wu, the pupuU'r pen .-:on attorney, of Pftf??ekl, Vf.., says: "Next to a pension, the? b^i thing to get ?B Dr. King's New Life Pills.'' He writes: "they keep, my family in splendid health."I Quick cure for Headache, Con?sri-? patiot) and BilliuueuHSir. 25J ?iii G. L Penn & Son W. fi^iy'jVc'u fe Co. Always JCtsei 8 C! umberlai^)*. Cough Remedy in Hid l?ou?u j "We would nut UH wji&iiVj Chamberlain's Cough R nn-dy. lil is kept on hand cuiiiitiurilly, i'v uu.rJ Dome," b:iys W. W. ' fy.-artroy,; -ditor of tho lude|.M.s?dei.-tf'IVvvvr.v; City, M>- That is ju:l what ev^ry, family Hhuuld Ju- vVheii-;.kept op: QI nd ready for instant n&>., a cJ-d .nay ne checked al ire uulstta.il JU red in much h:ss time! 'than ?iter it has become bellied .'JJ tbt, iysteai. This remedy id H^tof?t??? jut u peer fur croup yihildr^n, ind will prevent the atfjjck xyh'-iu *iveii a?? soon as the uhii'd-bectn (a toarse, or even ? fte.r tiVe cru!p_? ccugh appear?, which ciiu only b Ramsey r^Jouee. . Stock Raisers, Attention! A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. See Monte Cristo, tile beau tiful black Stallion, before ar ranging to breed ycur mares. . CANTELOU & CARMICHAEL. Edgefield,, S. C. W & CORLEY, SURGEON DENTISTS, Appointments at Trenton on Wednesdays. Crown and Bridge Work a Special ty. B mmm TREES Are na good as the best 50 years in business is oar guarantee. Catalog Free. P. J. EERCKMANS CO., (Inc.) Fruitlattd Nurseries. AUGUSTA. GA. 490 acres in Trees and Shrubs. Established 1856. You are banking other fertilizer is so w harvest. Don't take crop. It is the leadir It has been prove Fish and Animal ma for growing cotton. 1885 1890 I895-I? 1900-5? 905-13C R. S. ROYSTI W?rfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C. New ?dditiot s .to our Cut Price pru broidery eales reade weekly '5, 7 abc1. 10 cute.: J. M. Cobb. imported macavo-?i and best ! cream cheese./-^"^ * /?. P. Blalock, Jr. J. ? ? rt "Picture Easels and Firescreens in all colors and deeigus: -, ?5dge,f?eld Mercantile Company. . Very^ aT^dsT^^ stered iii pariesote at $11 per B?.t. EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE CO. ; THE AUGUSTA SAYINGS BANK. 828 Broad Street. . W. B. YOytth:;,'. - - ..-P'ssideut )., lr. .= :-;S-:V. - .. ? . . .?ar??l?. HI .' ?i?;?^--'i Z'i??'~?rn\ Depo.s?s, '.\?\ H ^3^?^?:- A^'j-tiT/' ji ll ? Kate 4% ANTED-Buyers for Gasoline En gines, Steam En gines, Saw Mills. Cotton Gins-, Presses^etc;.-" -.es x ired-Ant; ?c Unable to Cope with t, rs and Soldier" ..T - *p the 'n?* " 5" Chili Tonic. You know \vliaT"yoTr-r..^ taking! lt is ?ron anil quinine inVa tasteless form, is;u cure, ri?) p iv. '..Cc. jAfcD ??-K? THE; LliliC? .5 S?3> If lp OKSUIKPT'OH OUGHS and 'OLDS - ? ?Ulli ? I PMBgf ?u THROAT and LOTG TSOITB^ [NSrjBANCEASEN0V! When placing your (nsur anc-; give me a call. ? rep-j resent a verj strong line jf; FMRIS Insurance Companies;, our1 Agent for the largest; iviirn: . . . insurance Co. I will ap-' preciat? a share of yourbusi \ ness. I can be found at my| otlice-OiTice No 2--.ovcr B;uik of ii d gc ti cl il. \jc>. me? X. JSij % Mm No-Carr-Ste-? ou experience when you fertilize wit ell balanced in the plant food supplie a substitute. Farmers' Bone lias no ig fertilizer of the South. :n by over twenty-one years of succ< tter is superior to any other kuov Farmers' Bone is the fertilizer MADE WITH FiSH ./;??? BUILDING MATERIAL, SEND U"S YOUR Qi! DE RS;'-TO B??ICK, Ii?lHE CEMENT, 1| ' We can . supply ;y?uT-uoe4f--! f " ..'??. * ~\[ th? New Depol. good ^-irTfulI.40 and 45 inch French lawn, 40 inch Indii Linen, /?^~Vv*a.isr.iM?T. 36 inch pure linen lawp, shirt vraist and Suit ?^rtnoh l.-ish .'Oinen Suiting, Double, Width Organdiii a:i l d tin ..-iKunish Eolienne all at popular and attractive pnces, i rie popular white costume, calls for hos?, and the white hose must be accompanied with white Oxford?, of which our lines are complete rrorn the Queenly french white hewls, to the fc>iranb2 in I (Comfortsr,yle) low heel. The great prestige m?rit?e" bv our EJsringand continu0 and fresh surprisesawaii you (Com? see them) We have in our Hosiery department children s'ockings last black combed. Yarn, double ktipe, high spliced heels and seamless "feet (positively worth much'morn) at 10 and 15 cents, . . We will tell you of our urear. Millinery and Boys Pants opening sn our paxt advertisement. Remember Easter co.nes early April loth. Pu not wait tori loni: for that drei?s. The oublie by its liberality has made th* Corner Store not ^njy a po* ??bi'?r.v but a prosperous reaMoy, and we would thank you to give m aa opportunity to ritrht ?.ll wrongs as 't.is our aim to gain, retain, andern ?nt the confidence of mankind. ^jiiMi H i muli ii, i mn sEBSBaamMmmwBMti^ i ? - Fertilizers Fertilizers. V"" WE ARE OFFERING TO THE TRADE THIS YEAR THE MOST COMPLETE LINE AND THE LARGEST I V\PJE.TY OF FERTILIZERS AND FERTILIZING MA h ? JIIAL? EVER OFFERED IN EDGEFIELD ruvj?.?V?AN GUANO. Made iu nature's'factory iu the Pc Rr/- IsLayds. lar i.?^-^;S CELEBRATED BRANDS. Tho most, popu ^u^pnS^SLOOD AND BONE MANURES^ Have no Q% for merit.-. - . - '. trad2?;RG?A CHEMICAL WORKS. Well, known ? to our oid.-8t maiiufacturnrs iu the Fertilizer Tm^ineBt? ' LEE'S PREPABED 'AGRICULTURAL LIME. For the'" prevention of rust and shedding in cotton. COTTON SEED' M BAL, GERMAN KAINIT, ' NITRATE OF SODA, MURIATE OF POTASH AND BLOOD. We thank our farmer friends for the liberal patrouage given' for the past two years. We solicit their patronage for the year 1906. The Edgefled Mercantile Company. Have you seen the beautiful PICTURES that we ore giv> mg away ABSOLUTELY FREE. We invite 3 ou to call and see them, also a DINNER SET that we. - will award free. We have just received a large shipment of Shirts, The STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICE ARE Absolutely Correct. ?A^Call and inspect then:. Now is the time to secure great in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS J and scores of other things too numerous to mention. j Our great Sale is no w ?oingon,call atonceand secure the bargains ALL PRICES ARE CUT IN TWO DURING THIS SPECIAL SALE. JpS^BETTER COME AT ONCE. STE ADVERTISER BUILDING, - - EDGEFIELD, sj