[ "^?i?lli verti?ir A^fiNESDAY, KdV. 29,19U5: I Lee AL NS Ws. || M r?? Sal I io M urphy, cf A ugus la,was th-' guest bf Mrs. Y. C. .^Addison last week. Al ss Marie Abney wit! return ^f.r?ia^ayaiiuah tc-day, accouu'pa ivjji???i by?^Jrs: Mauer Lawton and her-sweet little dangt ter. l^frs. E. J. Miras and Mrs. S. h Nicholson were guests of Mr. and M ra:. \Y. D. R^ady tm Saturday ; ancfeSuuday last. . Miss Miriam Rice, who resides at-Oia. Barnwell county, Bpent tastweek in Edgefield al the home of her brother; Capt. S. M. Rice. . - _K*?Vy Graves L. " Kuight of ? G ran i te ville bas been called to serve the Baptist church at Tren ton during the ensuing year. Thcs difference between a Jew and a lawyer.is that one- gets his law from the prophets and the other gets his profits from the law. Mr; J.D. Bartley came up from Johnston on Saturday last and carried his mother, Mrs. M. A. I Bartley, who resides with her] daorgbt r,.Mrsf J. H. Reel, back with him to spend Borne time. Mr:-Orlando Sheppard will at tend ? meet?Dg of the board of trustees of Connie Maxwell Or phanage which will be held in Columbia on Friday just prior to th? couvening of the annual state convention. Freeh Buckwheat and New Cro'p ? Syrup ju?t received. G. L. PENN & SON, Wilbur S. Mitchell who killed James Trotter in Columbia during fhe fair bag been granted bail. The .y of the deceassd young man engaged Hon. J. Wm. Thur mond to assist iu the prosecution. Work on Mr. Geo. F. Minis' sub urban bom?, located in North Edgefield, is progressing rapidly, and unless something now un foreseen oceure to retard tb- work men it will be entirely complet by the. first day of th* new* year. L-eggett's Fine Roasted Coffee 15 to 30 cents per pound at TIMMON'S BROS. According to the government report of the cotton that has been funned, there were 24,092 balee ^?SBt?r^ up to November the 14thv JJur?n^4?.e same period last year 23,167 bales had beeb giuned and 16,670 in 1903,- ; .^.^.?f^triend Jahn; Scurry, the ^e^ie^t^steward . of the - Coun ty ? Home^ha,8 een'r us, six and three - p^?aft?ryards of rich,: sweet, juicy, wei l-seasoned ' sanea ge. My, woVt the. Advertiser household have a good, ^old-time Thanksgiving '. breakfast ! . On Sunday afternoon Mrs. N. M. Jones and Mrs. W. A. Hart re turned from the hospital in Au gusta. It gives us pleasure to chronicle.the fact, that both of them are improving rapidly and will soon be well and strong agaiu . We guarantee tires on all Mitch ell. Wagons to run 4 years without shrinking. EDSEPIELD MERCANTILE Co. "7 The band that accompanied the -attraction i'Ten. Ni gb ts in a Bar Room" enlivened things greatly on oar streets Saturday afternoon. All from the piccaninnies -on the streets to the most dignified citi zens, enjo3.ed the- popular airs. v There ie local talent enough in Edgefield .to organizo a good baud By ali meau8 our town should have one. PRESCRIPTIONS our sr ecial ty. We solicit your Prescriptions, dav or night. .". \VE GUARANTEE pure drugs, -accurate compounding, aud rea sonable prices. W," E, LYNCH & CO. We defy, competition OD Rugs ai>d Art fe'quaree, Ours are beauties and are very cheap. RAMSEY & JONES. FOR RENT : The bouse which until recently .was occupied by Mr. O.E. May I Good well, pasture, tenant house and seventeen acres pf land adjoining, Apply to Mr. C. E. May, or H. J. Fom-st, Johnston, S. V. L. & M. Paint. Lead, and ?inc. Wears 10 or 15 years. Sa yes paint L. fr costa about $}.20 per gallon. Suid hy G. L. Penn & Son. Ask Dr. Prescott what his wife thinks of Mack's keafer Stoves. - . ?(?|efip|d Mer?aptjle ?ompauy. - SIL? SAL?): Will close out 36 pieces silk pow on fcaud atN. Y. uost to mafce room fgr n.ew Block silk, JAS. E. HART. Yr Heiutz's Celebrated Mixed Picklra in barrels at our store. G. L. PENN & SON.' The. Gofd8boro, McFarland, ^Taylor, Can nady and Babcock buggies are still going down the road anead of all. others,. ^Edgefield Mercantile Company. -G&lLand soe our . "beaulifuT~as ^|^b?rit of pictures.; before they iMy? been picked over. - P&MSEY & JONES. : ReadtheTadvertisement, of' Mr. G. IX Mime in this issue. It will be "bf especial iuterest;- to-thoF.e' who are in the market for farming implements, etc. Mr. W. H. Durn has received a letter from Mr. T. B. Lanham stating that he will spend the Taanksgiving season with friend? and loved ones in Edg^field. This intelligence will . cause many hearts to rejoin*. The friends, of _Mr. and . Mrs. Ellis Timmerman have the sym-j pathv of our entbe community iu tho death ?>f their'sweet little in fant daughter on Friday last. It-? del cate little form was interred ?>y loving hands at Barr's Chapel on Saturday-morutug Rev. C. E. Burts will leave to morrow io attend the Baptist sta'e convention in Columbia. On ac count of hiaabseuca there will b? .uo preaching in the Edgeheld Baptist church on Sunday next. The officers and .members of j Gilgal are requested to meet Rev. P. P. Blalock at Berea church on ?Sunday next in order to arrange a program./for the next uniou meeting which will meet at Gilgal on the 5th Sunday in December. Just received Fresh CitrOD, Cur rants, and Raisins. G. L. PENN & SON. A steamer arrived at Charleston ! a few days sigo from a Cuban port; I with a cargar of 400,000 cocoanuts [aboard. These figures are almost inconceivable. Certainly ambro I sia and other like delicacies ought |to_abouud during the Thanks giving seasoD. The Advertiser is better equip ped novN;bau ev.er'before for turn-| ing out first-class printing of all kinds. New type, and.ornaments have been initalled, alea a large sup ply of uu-to-date material has just been received. Do not send work out ef town when !it car^ be as cheaply and satisfactorily done right at your door. City council did a good thing when they drew a tight rein on the habit of keeping stores open and selling ou Sunday. Tb its State of affairs had gottou entirely *od common here.-Bamberg Herald. Concerning the matter of selling merchandise on Sunday let a li! tie tighter rein be drawn in Edgefield. I Largest stock of Chairs ever Drought to Edg?fi?dd uow on sale at EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE Co. The farmers of the entire cottoo belt have received great benefit from the efforts that have boen put forth by the Southern Cotton Association and ought cheerfully to aid in defraying the rxpeuses of the work. The farmers of Dar TllugTotrS&?ftt^^ contributed $600, whichis?^fp^ bale., for this purpose. ^Mrj^y should do her share. If buying new buggies and wag ons can be .taken as an evidence of prosperity, the colored people pf this section are/iding upou the crest of the wave of general pros jperity. lt would not surprise us to see some of them discard ol i "Baalam" and come to town on Saturday afternoons in horseless I csirriages. There would be auto ! mobiles galore throughout the county if they could be bought on ?"leens." Just received fresh supply Seed id Raisins, Currants CitroD, Nuts, Spices, etc. W. E. LYNCH & Ca The state, convention of the United daughters of the Confed? eracy will be held at Johnston this week, beginning on Thursday. Th^ people of Johnston, especially the ladies, have made elaborate preparations for the entertainment of the eighty-odd delegates who will be iu attendance from all parts of the state. Rev. P. P. Bla lock has been invited to deliver the address of welcome in behalf I of the local ministers, He and) Mrs. Camilla Blalock will be guests of Mr. and Mrs, Robert furner.. Card FFQIQ Air. Bronson. I wish to say to my friends Jhat I am now with the new firm of Von Camp, Vaughn ecem. I ber, the other January the 1st. I Apply IQ J, Ii, M1MS. Fresh . prune.-?, Figs, Malaga] 1 Grapes,?' Evaporated Peaches and ?Appies, TIMMONS BROS. For your Fruit Cake came to us j for fresh Seeded Raisins, Currants land Citron. / : TIMMONS BROS. It makes no difference what th? merits of a wag?n are.- You can ] find one as good or better. Try a Mitchell or Owens boro. EUGEFIELD^MERCANTILE Co. j. L. & M. Plaint cont only, fj.^Q a gall?u. Seven gallons paints a moderate sige house. Sold by G'. Penn & Son. ? As we g > to preps, Tuesday af' ternoou, The. Episcopal ladies ar? serving turkey aud ham and salads and cakes and bonbons and ices and many otht-r nice things in the Parker build ng for the benefit of their church. " In ppring you hear marvelous fish yarns and in autumn you he*r grea* reports from the markg m? n. '1 he best day's gunning thus lar r ported (and tin's is a fact ) was that of Mr. J. F. Atkti s, who with Dr. Eugene Murphy and some ot her-friend?,-wept out for a day last- week. They bagged. 60 fine partridges. What say Joe Mays and Joe Holland to this? Mr. Charles A. BruuBon has bt-en engaged as salesman by Von Camp, Vaughn & Garald, or Augusta,-and will*be pleased to havo his Edgefi-ld friouds call upon him. He will also give es pecial attention to all mail orders that are sent bim. In serving his friends Mr. BrunBOu wiU extend every accommodation possible. Mr* R. H. Mims-Edgefield's artist aud photographer, who is the peer of any iu the large cities photographed tho elegant mansion of Mrs. Mattie Caughman a few afternoons ago. And it has been many a day since we'saw a finer picture. The architectural beauty of the house is made to stand out clearly and boldly. At this season, when the cr ms have all been co? vet ted into cash, a great number of people have some money left over after paying ail indebtedness. While the ma jority act wisely by depositing this surplus money in bank for safe keeping, some hide it'away iu a stocking, drawer or old trink where the burglar is liable to get i' it or the building burn and destroy it. If you have a few dollars that you do pot need form the habit of depositing itiu the bank. Theie it is absolutely safe-in your home or on your person it is not safe. ? Just received a car each of Rock ! Hill, Hackney and ChaBe City 1 buggies, siso a car of old Hickory ' uragous. We are in a position to 1 make veiy close prices. 1 RAMSEY & JONES. ' i Twice each year- in July and j it the Thanksgiving season-the i members of the Edgefield Baptist shurch, besides their regular con- j ;ributioii8 for benevolence, make ipecial contributions to the Con- ( lie Maxwell Orphanage. There is ( io cause . fostered and sup- ? >orted by the church which ap- | jeals with greater force to every j ?eart, and for this reason these j ipecial collections are always ] generous, and given with a rare | ipoutaneity. The sum of $115.00 ( las been forwarded this week by t ilr. 0. Sheppard, the treasurer of | he ch''*"'i', to the orphanage. ( Rev. Royal Shannonhouse, rec- t or of the Church of Nativity, has ( esigned his rectorate here and } wTftsarike first of December leave L here for Edgefield to which place heihas been assigned, by Bishop Capers who esteems him highly. Many friends made here in bis stay of fifteen months will deeply regret the departure of Mr. Shat g nonhouse, for by his genial man^ nor, kind heart, and devoted work Pe has attached many to him. Edgefield will gain an excellent minister and a good man.-Union Times. Now is the time to buy shoes Get my prices before buying. Ca? save you moiiay. C. E. MAT'S. . Mince-meat in buckets also 10 cents packages at TIMMONS BROS. We have just received the largest stock of Rockers, Dining Chairs and Dining Tables ever brought to this market. RAMSEY & JONES See our new Raye Crepe flan nels for waists before you buy. All of the new shades. C. E. MAY. 4 Gals. JJ. rfc M. Paint and 3 gals, oil cost about $8 50 and will paiut moderate sized house. Sold by G. L. Penn & Son. WARNING: Arthur^ Glover, a boy 16 years old, has left rae with out permission. When a small child he was giveu to me by his mother, Caroline Hood, and I' hereby forbid anyone from hiring bim. Charlie Glover, Prescott, S. C. FOR SALE; Two-horse car riage iu good condition. Too heavy f jr one horse ia why offered for sale. Apply at the college to F. N. K. BAILEY Dou't pay $1.50 a gallon for'oil because'labeled mixed paint. Oil oulv cofrt? ?Qcts. a gallon. Buv L. ri M. Paint, and add oil. It m ikes paint cost $1.20 a gallou. Sold by G. L. Penn & Son. A large assort men > of all widths, colors and styles of Pioture Mold ing just reoeived at TIMMONS BROS. I fay positively that tfcere is no better line of elothing in Edgefield and that I oan not be undersold. Give me an opportunity to prove what I say. CE. MAY. . If you are looking for chai TB that are nicely finished low in price and comfortable, you should by all means call at store of Edgefield Mercantile Compa y. We have just received a fresh shipment of Nunnal'y's Candies by express. G. PENN SON. Ask 'Bob Griffith what he thiukp of th"\_Tavlor Can nady Buergv. Then, (?gl^Hugh Quarlej abQutJtbe Galdsborol EB^EP?E^LD MERCANTILE Co. Farmers Called to Meet. The farmers of Edgefield ccunt'y are hereby requested io meet in their respective t wnships on Saturday, December the 2nd, and elect delegates to the county meeting which is to be held iii the court house on Monday, the 11th of December. This county meeting is a very important one. a id all farmers are urged to at lend. Offi cers will beebcted for the ensuing year. S. T. Williams, President. Edge field's Heavy Cotton Receipts Either more cotton has been produc d iii the county this year than la.- t or the high price that has pie vail ed on the Edgefield market has caufed- cotton to be brought here that in >h- past was c?rried to other placep.. The re c.ipts to dato, according tojhe lecords of Mr. Cheatham, the public cotton weigher, aggrega:e upwards of 7,000 bales, which is more than was received here dur iug the entire season of 1904-05. During the last three seasons the Edgefield buyers ha?e left no stones unturned to make this rank among the leading marke ts of this section, and the steady increase in the amount of the staple that is brought here shows how adm ira bly they have succeeded. Union Thanksgiving Service. The pastors of our town have arranged for au ion thanksgiving service to be held in the Metho dist church ou Thursday morning at eleven o'clock. Instead of a regular sermon the hour will be taken up with prayer, praise and short informal talks from all of the pastors " Unfortunately-be cause business is generally sus pended on" Thanksgiving day mauy rogar! it as a hoi ida}*, when it should rather be observed as a holy day. It is earnestly desired that this special servioe shall be largely attended. Certaiuly every heart should feel prompted to render thanks to the Great Giver af every good and perfect gift. At the close of the servioe a collection will bd taken which will be divi ded amoug the several orphanages that are supported by the denomi nations of our town. Go prepared to give ; liberally . to this very ?vortby cause. . " In Important Blass Meeting. - At its regular meeting on Fri- 1 lay afternoou last the town coun ?i?, after discussing the need of a nore abundant water supply and better lighting facilities for our :own, decided to call amasB meet ng of the entire citizenship of Edgefield, to be bdld iii the court louse on Monday night next. This iccasiou will afford an opportuni ;y to determine what the senti nent is. Whether it be for lights ir water, or both, also whether it )e undertaken by the muuicipali y or whether it is the wish of our : dtixeus to grant a franchise to a mvate corporation. calling this meeting. The gentle men into whose keeping have been committed the affairs of the town stand ready to ear.y out the will of the people if it be in their pow er to do so. After a full and free discussion of these important mat ters by the leading citizens those in authority oan proceed advised ly. 57 inch Suitiug in black, green, navjr, brown and gray at 50c per yard at C. E. MA"?. > Oatmeal, Grape Nuts, Force and Postum just received at TIMMONS BBOS. m mr uti" -That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As a rule we don't use or refer to 'estimonials in addressing the public, but the abovt ^mark and similar exj ssions are made so oftei'. n connec tion with Scott s Emulsion that they are worthy of >ecasional note. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means ' of remedying im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does it does through nourish ment-the kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. We will send you ? sample free* Bc me that thia picture In th? form of a label is on the wrajppc? of CT cry bottle of Emulsion yw buy. S?0TT ? BOWN! Chemists, SOc. and $?; ajjjftk^ F^esh supply of Rowney's Can dies in packages and bulk. TIMMGNS BROS. Go to the planing mill for shin gle*, no. 1 and no. 2. F.u^ipfER $ CATO. Invitation to The Corner Store. You mus I- see for 'yourse'f iu order to fully appreciate.the - ppe ci I t hings we ha v.'1. Therefore we extend lo you a very cordial invitation lo come to th? (Joiner Store at any time. Bring your friend*, too. It will H ff-nd us pl ta PU re lo have you ' om'- whether a.? visit r or buy er. ,'fhe CLr'struHR 'Lings will all be iu shortly, and lo show I hem will be great satisfaction lo us. .We can show you many novel ties along with Reed and Queen Quality shoes f>?r women and Hu ms u-ic for m^n. . Prop. The Corner Store. W. H. '1UR-NER. FOR SALE: Three rru'e< (mv extra larg-),, 1 Jersey cow, 2 fine Jerte;- heifers, mower aud rake (almost new), one mid twc-horfe plows, complete assortment shop tools, corn ifodder an I p?a hay, and two good wagons. Will sell?t very reasonable prices. ' ' G. D. Mims, Faifa, ?. C. 4 10,000 churches painted with L. & M. Paint in 1904. L. & M. costs $1.20 gallon. Sold by G. L. Penn & Son. FOR SALE : 500 bushels of Toole Cottou Seed. They have been carefully ginned and can be relied upon as perfectly pure. D. P. SELF, %s Plum Brauch, S/D^ Have, you seen the large assort ment of Perfumery and Toilet Soap at TIMMONS Bm3. m THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK. . 823 Broad Street. W. B. YOUNG, - - - P'-sidetU J. G. WEIGLE, - - - - Cashier SAVINGS ACCOUTS SOLICITED Interest Paid on Deposits, 'JANUARY AND JULY, Kate 4% For fresh Pruues, Figs arid Dates come, to our store. ? : ' G. L. PENN & SON, We are headquarters for fresh fruits such as Oranges, Apples," Bananas, Cocoanuts etc. " * TIMMONS BROS. Take Penn's Bitters for the liver. Thens is nothing better. G. L. PENN & SON. Our Iron Beds have been ad mired by all who have seen them prices very reasonable. RAMSEY & JONES. ? bhg assortment of blankets an comforts" just received. Letts* make you. prices before you buy CE. MAY. .Don't buy a Buggy until you have seen our "Watertown" to ar rive in a few days. EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE CO. Harris Lithia and Glenn Springs Water al way's on hand at TIMMONS BROS. THOMAS & I Are you daily missing s?ngB of life? Music, we mean! The melody of sounds' treble tones, to tho full s are BO easy to obtain from The days seem brighter life's journey not half ? .be touched with the suns, mow and then. Think of the dividends i be accruing for you from a ithen let us help you decid* We. handle th< STULTZ & BAU STERLING, and other i $185. to ORGANS from 706-708-710 Broad Street, ASK FOR I 111 New Fall Mill I desire to inform the ladi that I have just received my J NERY. I have studied very i have purchased all of the newi My line of PATTERN HATS is very strong. I kno? 1 am constantly adding ne 1 invite you to call. Miss M Opposite Preshv We are daily opening up winter Clothing, Prices never so reasonabl The quality and workman Come and see them befor 6.0? to 18.00, Boys-" from i We-solicit your trade. j ' s " w. 1 . pgpF'N?xt ta pftst-offl?e^ Only 6?//-. Creanrof Tarte Baking Powder ^Food^saac?e wkh alum baling powder carries alum to the ?tomacfi unchanged. ScientisTs have positively demonstrated this and that such food is partly indi gestible and unhealthful. We bave in stock bunal robes made in latest styles for men, women and children $1.00 to $15. 00, ??DGEFIELD MERCANTILE Cc. Have you tried our new 10 cents Salmon. You will like it. G. L. PENN & SON. A solid car of chairs to arrive ?bis week, ranging in price from I? cents to $8.00. Edgefield Mercantile Company. Just received a supply of Red Letter Bibles at very reasonable priceB.' W. E. LYNCH & CO. We want your trade in our line and stand rpady to match any prices in Dry gooda, Clothing, Shoes and Notions. 0. E. MAY. You can't break Mitchell wagon skeins. We guarantee them to be of hest maleable iron. EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE Co. Ju&t arrived, a lot of Auburn one boree wagons. Lfjt us sell you oue. Edgefield Mercantile Company. New dress goods, and new waist lanuels just received at Cl. E. MAY. There is no usa to send to the ;ity stores or mail order house? 'or Wedding Presents. We have i very large assortment of Cut jlasB, Silverware, Cutlery, Jevvel y and Sundry novelties that are oo numerous to mention, all of vhich were purchased from the eading manufacturers of the lountry. Let us supplyjyour needs Ve can save yon. money. ^?SisEY't JONES. 1 WITH Kl LLTHE COUGH AND CURE THE LUNCS1 /CONSUMPTION price FDR I OUGHSand 50c & $1.00 4J0LDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THKOAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK one of the greatest bles the light airy, graceful oulful base notes, which the Everettrpiano. , the tasks lighter and. so serious, when it can hine of beautiful sounds n pleasure which should piano investment, aud e which piano to select. 3 EVERETT ER, BACKARD HARVARD, makes from $1500. 815. to $150. Augusta, Ga. CATALOGS. .mery. es of Edgefield and vicinity FALL STOCK of MILL l clo^ely the new styles and ?st and latest things. and READY-TO-WEAR rv I can please you. :\v goods to my stock. ary Buford. 'terian Church. our large line of fall and e. ship guaranteed, e buying. Men's Suits from i.o o to 7.00. ^, HART & CO, Odd features in Hats. There, are special features in our hal: department be cause, we are not "hampered N by tradition." We are free from the prejudices of the -Exclusiva hat store," there fore you will find an unusual variety here. AUGUSTA, GA. Very Close Prices. I have boueht verv heavily of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and DRY GOODS and am too crowded. Need more room in my store'. In order to move the .goods I am offering some especially LOW PRICES on STAPLE MERCHANDISE. Now is your opportunity tp^make your hard-earned cash go a long ways. We will not be undersold. We b?y.close and sell close. Do you need.a SUIT, HAT or PAIR of SHOES? If so, come, to us. Our goods and prices are right. The Jad}* folks are Hocking to our store to get our bar gains in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, SKIRTS and CLOAKS. Try us once and you will always come tof our store to supply your needs. , -, [J^^Come and let us show you what we have. . . J. RUBEfc'STIEN, ADVERTISER BUILDING, - - EDGEFIELD, S. C. Now Ready OTJR FAIvIv STOCK is about complete, and we invite interested buyers to call and in spect this array ci Merceadise. Our prices., styles and qualities are correct. Satisfaction given or your money back. . | Yours for business, ??. E. HAR? We come ! Welcome ! ! We welcome you to our store to.inspect our NEW FALL GOODS. Every department is now full. SHOES : No better line of Shoes has ever been shown in Idge Seid, all grades and prices. CLOTHING: Before buying p.e? our great values in Men's and Boys' Clothing. They can't be beat. DRY GOODS : This department is up to our usual high itand ird. DRESS GOODS AND WAISTINGS: We have all of tht ntw ?veaveB in these goods, also all of the popular colors. See our Laces, Embroideries and dress Trimmings of all kmdt. A Supurb line of Silks for Waists. Underwear from 25 cents up to the finest. l?fir-Coni? to see us. The New York Racket Store will not be undersold. J. W. PEAK. Made-to-Order Garments Moderate Prices Servicable Stylish Delay WE GUARANTEE EVERY GARMENT TO GIVE ALL AROUND SATISFACTION IN WEAR, SERVICE AND STYLE Examine our several hundred samples of Cheviots, Wor steds, Cassimeres, etc.-none better. Overcoats and suits made from heavy-weights thet will protect your body from chilling winds and your pocket book from high prices. You will never fully appreciate the convincing wor.h of our garments until you have worn ont of them-they retain their shape and appearance of new ness during au entire season's wear-and longer if you use them. Ever since we started in business vra have made standards and prices^Standardi higher and Prices lower. It will be a pleasure to convince you that what we say is right. Better give w this opportunity-it will pay you. e. E. MAY. Stood The Test 25 Years No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 rate.