r?. -WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28,1904, ; _ ' HORSE STRAYED : Strayed from Edgefield C. H., last Sunday night Deo. 18th inst, ona good looking dark bay horse, hagons or two "w?ite feet, and rob on tight hind leg. Beasonable com pensation t ?party returning him to me. :?- . J. WM. THURMOND. W??ell. the celebrated Blue Ribbon - Springs for beds aod guarantee them for five years. EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE COMPANY. Crest Rugs are something -new in Edgefield call at Mercantile Store and examine them. New and tip to date stationary i lookat display in frout doo C ' ' jost received. Get an : idea bv^rrfl it doojvr . F^/MAY. Hold your- jyrffon for better) price. I wilLnfTlte your insurance- ' cotton on plantation. JASt. MIMS. )A-RDERS WANTED : Two sat lernen can secure board at the borne of Miss Lizzie Do bey. Hew Percales Outings, Cham brays Table - linens Towels etc., jost received. Qet our prices be t?rt you buy. CE; MAY. ThorVcan be no true happiness where comfort does not exist. We can supply the comfort by selling - you one of our up-holetered CD ai rs EDGEFIKLD MERCANTILE COMPANY. New Mackerel-the large fat kind at TH'L PENN DRUG STORE". WANTED: To trade a pair o? plantation mules in good conai tion for a pair of medium weight | horses. W. J. GAINES,' Trenton, S. C. Brighten and beautify your j bornes with new Rugs, Matting, j Pictures. We have them in end less variety at very reasonable j prices. . RAMSEY & JONES. ' ? Now is time to 'buy Blankets Comfort?. We are ihowing the best line we ever handled, and the prices are lower than ever before, j C. E. MAY. Notice. With this issue we begin a . Clearance Sale of our Boys' Knee j Suits and Ladies Skirts. We iu . tend giving i h is . Space in our Store to other linea and open this . Bale at about one half their origi-j ~"5flT-"price8.-.- . .Respectfully-, THE CORNER STORE, W; H. TURNER, Proprietor. v In selecting' Christmas and wedding present dc not fail to see . our stock of Cut Glass, Gold and Silverware, and Jawely of all kinds RAMSEY & JONES. . New dress goods 56 inches wide, j Brown, Navy, Gray,, and Black at j 60c. per yard at G.E.MAY. What will make a more, appro priate Christmas present for any] member of' the household than a beautiful Wicker, Oak or Ma li hogauy Rocking Chair? Our stock of these goods was never larger. BAMBEY & JONES, Do you need a fall suit? Our] new samples are here. Come in and see them. C. E. MAY Just received single Bed Springs and Mattress to fit. EXOEFIELD.MERCANTILE STORE. Ladies you should see J. M. Cobb's beautiful line of DRESS . GOODS before buying. They are j the newest on . the. market. Fresh Shrimp and Lobsters at . THE PENN DRUG STORE. Nrfw Miuce Meat, Jellatiues, Seeded Ba'sins, Currants Ci trou, Figs and Cocoa Nuts at THE PENN DRUG STORE. t: - ? Genuine cow-boy saddle blan kets for Bale * by Edgefield Mer cantile Company. The Blue Ribbon stands at the .. head of all bed springs Edgefield Mercantile Company has exclu*] sive sale of these things. ""Fresh Oatmeal, Quaker Oats| and other kind s at ' THE PENN DRUG STORE. Our furniture stock is complete in every department. See our Bed Rooms'suits, Wardrobes, Chinai Closets Book cases,' Chiffonniers, Tables, and Chairs of all kinds.] Our prices on these goods are in reach of all. - RAMSEY & JONES. 'The Wicker chairs offered by the Mercantile Comp any are the handsomest ever seen in Edgefield. Weare offering 200 beautiful RtiXiS and A BT, SQUABE. at ?J bargain. J. M. COBB. The best 10. cents Salmon on th? market can be had at ~ V THE..PENN DRUG STOR*. There is no ti ?ed to bake cakes flt borne, when you ca nco nt* t o o u r | store and get delightful cakes aud crackers that are fresh. TIM MONS BESS. What about those . $ew Year resolutions, are they re&Jy? Col. Claude E. Sawyer, ef Aiken, ipant Morrday in Edgefield ona risit to his B?aterv.Mrs. L.?B. Jones. Rev. Marvin Auld, accompanied by his mother; Mrs". Emi?a Z. Auld is spending the holidays with rel atives iii'Greenwood'. Heintz's Pickle's and Darkens Salad Dressing at " TI?MONS>^BROS. ~*Hon. J*. Wa>. T^irmond is bei og heartily congrjyfculated over one of his Christm?B presents-1- a bright and be?e-iui?l daughter. May she h^?^?osig to mafir? frappy.the home srfnd lives of the fond parents. Past Grard Master Orlando Sheppard accepted an invitation to deliver a iV aeon ic address at Batttsburg last eveuiug, the occa sion being the public installation of officers of the local Masonic lodge. President aud Mrs. A. E. Pad gett complimented the officers of the Farmers Bank and the employ ees of the ' Edgefield Mercantile Company with a delightful din ner ou "ionday. Come to us for Cranberries Mince Meat, Gelatine and all of the season's delicacies. ; TIMMONS BROS. . Time weighs heavily upon the hands of Mr. Jsthes R. Cantelou His estimable wife and their lit tie ones are spending the holidays with Mrs. Cantelou's parents in Cochran, Ga. For some inexplicable -reasou the usual Christmas eve crowd was not as large on Saturday last as during fowner-years. The de portment was/good, only two ar rests being made by the marshals. Miss Mattie Lyon, the beautiful and accomplished daughter^ of Mr. M. D. Lyon, who has been teaching a flourishing school near Wedgefield in Sumter couuty camp to spend the Christmas va cation under the parental roof. Turkeys have almost become extinct in this neck of the wqodjs. So many were slain for Christmas feasts, that eggs will have to be imported from other- regions in order for the supply to be replen ished for the slaughter season of 1905. Fresh candies of all kinds, also Fruitsiu great variety and abun dance at TIMMONS BROS. Barring a few cold mornings, the winter has thus far oeen un usually mild. This scribe Baw wasps flying about on Christmas day as complaoentiy-as if -it were midsummer. However, there is no telling in the matter of weather what a day will bring forth at thin season. Lookout, girls 1 We mean all unmarried girls who have attained ?to a marriageable-age. You have but three days of grace left. Leap year is nearly gone. You'd better "pop the question'' now while that prerogative, so to speak, is yours. Sp? ak quick or forever hold your peace. M?8B Curran Hartley leaves in a few days to visit a friend in Salisbury. N. C. She will return by way of Greenville where she will spend some time with rela tives. This beautiful daughter of Edgefield is the recipient of charm ing social attentions wherever she goes. Fresh Citron, Currants, Seeded Raisins, Figs,. Ku ts, Dates Prunes can be had from us at very reason able prices. .. TIMMONS BROS. mm* M m Don't forget the old man with the fish On his.back. . - . For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and is still traveling,' bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. . .? ,*V. To the consumptive he brings the strength and:J?esit he so much needs. To all .weak and sicldy. children h?."gives, rich and strengthening food; To thin and pale persons Jhe -gives .new >firm-:flesh; and rich red blood.- - - - .. .v. .Children*'who' first saw the old man witk tjjejish are now grown up ?nOave children of their own. ". .. \jf? He stands for Scott's Emul sion of pure cod liver^oil-a delightful food- and a natural tonic for children, for old folks and for:all who'need flesh an? strength. SCOTT ?fe BOWNE. Chemists. '? 409-415 Pearl Street.^ New York. 50c. and $1.00; all druggists- _ A MATTER OF HEALTH Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE Mr. J. W. Hardy and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs J; S. Smith OD Monday. Miss Genie Fair and Miss Em ma Betti's of Trenton were among the visitors to our town ou Sunday last. The dance in tho opera house on Monday evening was probably the largest ever given by the Edgefield Cotillion Club. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dawson Hall of Aiken are on a visit to th? latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A Timmerman. Miss Florence Bush, who num bers her friends in Edgefield by the hundreds, is visiting relatives at Ellenton, her former home. Mr. T. E. Lamb, one of Edge field's prosperous merchants bas recently moved to the place in our northern suburbs where Mr. J. A. Timmel mau formerly resided Capt. J. A. White, who has a lucrative position in Columbia, came home for the holidays. His many friends have greeted bim very cordially. Every place of business was crowded on Saturday last except County Treasurer Williams, office. People are not giviug bim much work to do these days. The talk of the town i? that the eleven o'clock train arrived on time on Monday. Wonder when thia will occur again? Hardly be foreuext Christmas. Mr. Edward Foreman, a very handsome young business man from Macon, Ga., is spending the holidays in Edgefield with his sister&,. Mesdames C. J. Ashley and M. E. Merriman. Capt. Erasmus S. Minis, of Augusta visited his daughter, Mrs. R. IV. Timmons on Sunday laBt. Just twelve months have elapsed Biace his last visit to Edgefieid. Mr. John R; Tompkins could not longer endure the seperation so he betook himself to Hender son, on Saturday last to spend a fortnight with Mrs. Tompkins who is on a prolonged visit to her pa rents. Old Santa Claus purchased lib erally of the holiday goods. Des pite the great volume of holiday merchandise that was brought to Edgefield only traces of it can now be eeen in the stores. Before the new year has far ad vanced'Brother Littlejohn will have all of the young men and young ladies and old bachelors and ord maids of the western half of the county securely bound by the ties of wedlock. So mild has been the weather this Christmas that we would not be surprised to hear that our hand some young friend Patillo Bla lock w?mt to Charleston to enjoy the surf-and, will, we well not say more. . Mr. S. S. Lamb, who was the efficient superintendant of the weave room of the Edgefield cot ton mill several years ago, paid a short visit to his brother in Edge field last week. Mr. Lamb is no? in the employment of a large mill in Birmingham. Wonder why the people did not buy as much "booze" OD Christmas eve this year as they did last? The eales last year amouuted fo $1037, whereas on Saturday last only the sum of $736 fouud its way into the coffers of the dispensary. Many homes were doubtless happier and many stockings fuller by this de crease in the volume of South Carolina's business. While on the train the other day the writer chanced to meet haud Bome young Mr. G. W. Whitlock, the Ben of Mr. J. C. Whitlock who resides in the extieme southern part of the county. It will be re membered by his manv friends in Edgefield that Mr. Whitlock was for several consecutive terms a student of the S. C. C. I. He is now book-keeper for a large mer cantile. c?ncern in southern Geor gia. .There will be fewer chaDges in the county officials of Edgefield on Jauuary the lBt than probably "in a?y other county in the state. Treasurer C. M. Williams volun tarily retires from-public life and Dr. J. T. Pattison will enter upon the duties of county treasurer. Mr. A. A. Edmunds will retire from thd board of county com m?BB?oner8 and Capt John R Blocker will take his place. The preeent supervisors of registration will hold over for a year yet. No-Cure-No-P Miefs Virginia Addison went to Greenwood yesterday to attend a veiswell german. Mr. Wallace Sheppard made a prospecting tour of Florida recent ly and has decided to locate per mauently in Jacksonville. He and Mrs. Sheppard will leave early in January for the "Und of flowers" Mr. Jerome Follette, the plano maker of Augusta, is in Edgefield again doing fine work. If you want .a fine job see Mr. Follette at Mr. Joe Cantelou's or drop him a pos tal at once as his stay is limited to but a few days. .AB au expression of apprecia tion for the very faithful and effi cieut service rendered as organist, "the membeis of our Baptist church presented Mrs. Robert H. Mime with a handpome hand bag con? faining twenty five dollars asa Christmas present. Undaunted by the rain, sleet aud snow of win ter and the sweltering heat of midsummer, Mrs. Mims ?as for more than f^rty years beeu regu larly at her post an orgauist. Where is auother laborer iu the Lord's vineyard more faithful or another church more fortunate. . It was our good foi tune not many days ago to have a very in teresting conversation with Rev. J. E. Crim who is associated with Rev. B. D. Thames in the manr agementof ? large boarding school at Murphy, N. C. Thia mountain village is located one huudred and twenty miles west of Asheville These young men are doing a splendid work in the cause of Christian education in that hither to undeveloped mountain region. The typesetting of this issue of the Advertiser must be cut short in order to enable the force to enjoy at least a part of the holiday season, therefore we must refrain from doing what we would like, that is, to write at length of the beautiful Christmas tree that was given for the Sunday school ..of the Baptist church on Monday eveuiuglast. It waa indeed a bril liant success from every stand point, and the church and Sunday school owe the pastor and tho committee in charge a lasting debt of gratitude for the splendid manner in which it was managed. Just received a car load of "Old Hickory" and "Blue Grass" wagons and two cr loada of "Kock Hill" aud "Hackney" buggies. We want to sell you. RA MSEY & JONES M iss Lillian Smith is at home from her school at Limestone Miss Sue Collett has laid aside h?r school duties at Meeting Street for the holidays. Miss Hortense Padgett, who teaches the Antioch school, is speudiug the holidays in Edgefield with relatives. Miss Mary Holston is at home from the Colliers school. Miss Mae Walker who teaches the school at Effie is with the home-folks ' near Pleasant Lane for the Chrisimj?:| vacation. Mr. James Harling who teaches a flourishing school in Kershaw county is with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Har ling, near Cleora. Many hearts were made glad at the mill chapel on Saturday even ing last whan^the nice things were taken from the beautiful Christ mas tree and distributed among the Sunday school children. The exercises were opened with pray er by Rev. C. E. Burls, which was followed by appropriate recitations and songs by the pupils of the mill school which is taught by Miss Grace Tompkins. Then Santa Claus, in the person of Mr. C. W. Watson, aud Mrs. Santa Claus who was represented by Mr. Jehu Shiped, appeared upon the scene and distributed the gifts among the children. Everythiug had been provided in great abuu dauce by the committee in charge. After the children had beeu boun tifully helped to nico things enough fruits and confections were left to distribute among the visitors. The officers and teachers are to be commended for their un tiring efforts in so worthy a cause. Let tho Christmas tree at the mill chapel be given regularly every [year. The Tom pk i ns-War re ii Wedding (Contributed) A beautiful marriage at Centre Spring ou December the 22nd was that of M ins Sara Johnson Warren to Mr. Wallacn Elbert BlaDd Tompkins, who proudly bears the name of his distinguished grandfather, too lamented Col. Elbert Bland. When did Sara look moro beautiful and queenly than cn this occasion. She was attired in a gown of handsome blue Bilk trim med with old lace, wearing jewels of pearl and amethyst. The knight ly groom uever looked handsome or more radient thau wheu he bore upon his arm to the altar his beautiful bride. Thus they were made mau aud wifo by tbe Rev. Charles E. Burts, who beau tifully and impressively pro' nounced the ceremouy. The guests were the aristocratic relatives of the bride and groom ! A delightful luncheon was served Jin the spacious diuiDg room that was so beautifully- decorated by the skillful bauds of the hand some Miss Elizabeth Hill. The pre< euts were numerous and very handsome, attesting the uni versal popularity and'love for the bride and groom. The happy pair left immediately after the ceremo uy for the beautiful home of .the groom's parents, where they will reside. Many wishes to the happy couple for a long and blissful life ilr. W. H. Coburn. &0n Monday morning Mr. W. H. 3ogburn died of congestion of the unga at bis borne three miles ?outheast of Meeting Street. His illness was only of a few lave duration, hencn many of his friends knew nothing of it and vere greatly, shocked by the in telligence of his death. Edgefiuld county bad no better ?tizeu than Will Cogburn, as he "fas familiarly called by his 'riends. He was a thoughtful, dud, generous neighbor, a devoted Husband and an affectionate father. None were more honest, nore reliable, more trustworthy, nore truthful than hs. The bereaved ones have the leep sympathy of many sorrow ng friends. Tho interment took place on Tuesday at Stevens Creek church. Jon fe? derate "Veteran Passes Away. Death is no respecter of persons >r occasions. On Saturday last? Then everybody was merry and ~ay, happy in anticipation and nrepatation tor the holiday fes iivities, one bf the oldest, most louored, most highly esteemed ?tizens of our town was taken, ?es, Major S. S. Kirkland will be teen among us no more. For many -ears he had been a patient suffer ir from a complication of ills and leath must have been a welcomed elief. The deceased was a ^uative of S?rth Carolina, having descended rom an old and prominent family hat for generations made its im press upon the affairs-social >olitical and religious-,?f the >ld north state. He came to Edge ield some eighteen or twenty rears ago, where he has since re eded chiefly at "Edgewood" being i life long friend of the lamented tfrs. Luoy Holcombe Pickens. He oved the people and home of his idoptiou. Major Kirkland was a gallant Confederate soldier, rendering ictive and valuable service upon nany a battle field. To the ?no nent of his death he loved the south-her traditions, her history "ter people. By profession Major Kirkland N&B a civil engineer, in which ield of activity he achieved moro han ordinary distinction. As a .esult of an accident in the moun ,aius of North Carolinahe lost a imb which rendered him physi ?ally unable to louger engage in mgiueering. He it was who sur veyed the route of the present Jharlestion and Western Caroliua railroad, doing similar work ;broughout the entire south. The ast in engineering work of any note that the deceased did was ;he construction of the North Augusta bridge, which is regarded ia a very fine structure. Major Kirklanc. was a typical jouthern gentlemen, having bean reared in a different atmosphere ind uoder . different conditions "r,o.mrrthose which environ the younger' generations. The only surviving member of the immedi ate family is Mr- Jack Kirkland, i son of the deceased, who is a prominent official of the Atlantic [JoastLine railway company. The remains were carried to ?illsboro, N. C., the former home )f tho deceased, on Sunday last "or interment. Master's Sale. 3TATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF EUGEFIELD. Court of Common Pleas. Arthur Harling, against Mamie Collins, et. al. Pursuant to the decree in this cause, [ will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder, before the Court Souse, town of Edgefield and State of South Carolina on salesday January L905, (tb? same being the 2nd day of the said month) between the* legal hours of sale, the following described realty to wit: All that tract of land in Edgefield County South Carolina, containing thirty-eight (38) acres more'or less, on waters of Mountain Creek, as shown by a plat, made by Isaac Bogew, and adjoining lands of Mrs. Williams, Aaron Ouzts, William Street and others, being the Dan Ouzts or Fannie Ouzts place. TERMS OF SALE: One half cash, and the balance on a credit of one year, with interest from the day of sale. Purchaser to give bjnd and a mortgage of the premises sold to secure the payment of the credit portion or all cash at the pur chasers option--te rm s must be com plied with or satisfaction (riven to Master or he is authorized to tesell the same day. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master, E. C., S. C., Dec. 7th, 1904 THE BANK EDGEFIELD, S. C. State and County Depository. DIRECTORS. J. C. SHEPPARD, W. W. ADAMS, J. H. BOUKNIGHT, T. H. RAINSFOHD, J. M. ( ORB, B. 8. HOLLAND, A. t?. TOMPKINS, C. U FULLBK, VV. E. PRESCOTT. OFFICERS. J. C. SHEPPARD, Prenident. W? W. ADAMS, Vice-Prerident. E. J. M IMS, Cashier* J. ll. A I.LEN, AsB't Cashier. Pays interest on deposits by special son tract. Money to loan on liberal termi'. Prompt and polite attention to bias ness. YOUR Account Solicited. Having enjoyed a year ot prof- f j perity, now comes before the pub- ( lie feeling that they are in better '. position than ever to satisfy their i customers both as to quality and prices. We have always kept in stocka full line of Groce- i ries, Wagons and Buggies. Our line of Furniture has not' i been complete for the want of < space. We have overcome this : difficulty by the addition of a 1 second story, aud we now have a . full and up-to-date stock of Fur niture. Mr. A. A. Glover, formerly with Ramsey & Jones has charge of the Vehicle, Furniture and Underlak- i ing Department. i We invite an inspectiou of our All who vis a cordial welc attention. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,; COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. Court of Common Pleas. Walter P. Brunson, against Daniel D. Brunson, Jr.,et. al. ? Pursuant, to the decree in this cause I will resell at the riik of the former] purchaser, to the highest bidder, be fore the Court House, town of Edge field and State of. South Carolina on salesday in January (the same being the 2nd day of said month) between the l?gal hours of sale, the following j described realty to wit :. All and singular that certain parcel or traot of land, situate, lying and be ing in the County of Edgefield, in the I State of South Carolina, containing! one hundred and twenty-live (125) acres more or less, and bounded by lands of Hattie Lanham, Mrs. Dabney Jones, Fannie Dorn and lands former ly owned by W. S. Allen. TERMS OF S ALE :. CaBh. ?g Purchaser to pay for papers.. W. F. ROATH Master, E. C., S. C. Dec. 7th, 1904. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTHC AROLINA, COUNTY OF EDGEFIBLD. Court of Common Pleas. J. M. Betti's, Administrator, et. al, against J. H. Bouknignt, et. al. Pursuant to the decree in this cause, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder before the Court House, town of Edgefield and State of South Caro lina, on salesday in January 1905, (the same being the 2nd day of said month) between toe legal hours of sale, to wit : TRACT NO. L All that traet or parcel of land; situate in the County of Edgefield, State of South Carolina, known.as a part of the Jones tract, containing one hundred and thirty-set en (137) acres, more or less, and bounded by land of Mrs. Lizzie H. Folk, and others. The same being the tract of land conveyed to B. W. Bettis, Jr., by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by deed dated February 1, 1866. (liss twenty-seven acres, which has aince been conveyed to George Dun ton). To be sold as L r.hole or in parcels. TRACT NO. 2 All ot that tract or parcel of land, situate in the said County and State, containing three hundred and eighty two (382) acres, more or less, and ad joining lands of estate of Beersheba Hollingsworth, A. A. Glover, laod of Abner Mims, and others. Being the tract of land conveyed to B. W, Bettis, Jr j by John E, Bacon, by deed, dated December 3, 1879. (Less one hundred an d eight acres of said tract; con veyed by B, W. Bettis, Jr., to M. A. Mims). TRACT NO. 3. All of that tract or parcel of land, situate in the said i-ounty and State, containing three hundred and thirty (330) acres, more or less, being known as "The Red Oak Grove Tract", and bounded on the north by lands for merly belonging to Mary Holston, east by land belonging to E. \V. Thur mond, W. WcDaniel, on the south by the Scotts Ferry Road, and on the west by Big Stevens Creek. TRACT NO. 4. All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the -aid County and State, containing two hundred and ene (201) ?acres, more or less, known as "the Horns Creek placa", and bounped on the north oy public road leading to Horns Cr?ek church, on the east by land of W. J. Gaines, on the south by lauds of B. ?j. Jones and Frank Bettis, d on the west by land of Frank Bet TSKMSOF SALE: One third cash, and the balance m two equal annual installments, with interest from the day of sale at the rate of 8% per annum. Purchaser to give bond and a mortgage of the pre mises sold to secure the payment of tha credit portion or all cash at the purchasers option--mortgage to in clude ten per cent Attorneys fees if brought to suit. Purchaser to pay for pacers. W. F. ROATH, Nov. 23. 1904, Master E. .C, S. C. THE AUGUSTA SAYINGS BANK. ||) J 805 Broad Street. IW. B. YOUNG, - - - President J. G. WEIGLE, - - - - Cashier J SAVINGS ACCOUTS SOLICITED 1 Interest Faid on Deposits. II L, Tf your eyes are worth having they are worth saving. Do so with the right kind of glasses. Geo. F. Mims, Optician. goods and*a comparison of price. ? \ Our stock of vehicles include the ( King of Buggies. Babcock, The Columbia, McFarlan,- Brown, t Wrenn and Jewell. We sell the I Mitchell, Owensborro, Piedmont g and Russell wagons. We have the c best line of Cook and Heating Stoves ever brought the Edgefield. Our Steel Ranger are unexcelled in style finish and durability. Three sizes. We offer also the Iron King, Macks Leader, Cresent 1 Leader, Globe Leader and Stunner. ^ All sizes and prices to suit the } purchaser. Tu Furniture we have hand- \ some Oak Suits, Bureaus, Wash- s Btt-uds with or without Toilet a Chiffoniers, Table?, China Closets, 1 it our store w; ome and will : 5000 Paper Shell Pecans grown from native nuts average 37 to the pound. We know of uone finer 25 cents each 12 for $2.00 100 for $10.00. 300 Jap walnuts 25 cents each 12 for $2.00. ' i Peaches 10 c?uts oach or 12 for $1.00, apples tested varietiec. Golden May, Red June and j Watson's September, 10 cents } eaoh or 12 for $1 00. i Keefer pears 2 to 3 feet $1.50 . per dozen. Japan plums 25 cents or 12 for j $3.00, Roses $3.00 per dozen. i " P. N. LOTT, Johnston, S. C. INSURA NCEAaeNCY When placing your Insur ance give me a call. I rep resent a very strong line of FIRE: Insurance Companies; also Agent for the New York XvII^E> - - - Insurance Co. I will appre preciate a stare of your bus iness. 1 can be found at my office-Office No. a-orer.Bank of Edgefield. Janies T. MIMS R. J. PARKS, WAGON YARD. COB. GREEN AND 15TH STS. AUGUSTA, GA. The best in City. Large Stalls - and Good Feed Boxes. ^erSee Sign-R. J. Parks, Wagon Yard on Hawk's Gully Bridge. Good Rooms for Wagoners. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber, haul wood from, or trespass in any manner whatsoever upon the lands of the undersigned. Those who ?o so must suffer the penalty of the law. P. P. BLALOCK. The highest test of a wagon is nine years wear. The Mitchell Wagon has been used that length of time without repairs right in Edgefield county. Sold by EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE CO. . C. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist, EDQ-EFIBLD. S.O Teeth Extracted without Pain. Fourte?n Years Experience. Office over Post Office Notice of Final Discharge. On the 24th day of Januai y 1905 the undersigned will make application unto the Probate Court at Edgefield, Court House, South Carolina, for a final discbarge from their trust as Executors of the estate of Dr. J. Wi Hill, deceased. J, H. CANTELOU, J. WALTER PEARCE. NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE On the 22ud day of December 1904, the undersigned will make application unto toe Probate Court at Edgefield, South Carolina, for a final discharge from his trust as executor of the estate of Mrs. Sallie O. McCullough, deceased, and as guardian of the estate of Horace J. Crouch and G. Eddie Crouch. D. M. JOHNSTON. Nov. 19, 1904. Elko, S. C. Seasonab COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, COAL STOVES, SHEET IRON STOVES, KEROSENE STOVES. -FOR SA JONES Vardrobes, Sideboards, Hat Racks Jhairs, LouDges, Iron Bed Springs We have the best line of Mat? resse8 ever brought to Edge field, lugs and Mattings we have ?ri all rades. We have also a full line if Art squares. Our new Hearse arrived and we re now ready to respond to calls .t reasonable prices. Our Undertaking Department ? comp?lete, we have a full line of Coffins of all kinds from cheap famished goods to best Metalic. Our 6tock Draped Cloth and Vhite Plush Caskets are as hand ome as ever brought lo town. We .Iso keep in stock a nice ?De iurial Robes. Lil meet with receive polite Cinty Treasurer's Mee. County Treasurer's office. Edgefield, S. C., October 3re, 190 4. The tax levy for various purposes is is follows : The tax books will be open for col ecting State, County and School taxes or 1904 from October 15, 1904, to March 1, 1905. No penalties will be idded until January 1st, 1905. A p?n ilty of one per cent, will be added on ill taxes unpaid by January 1st, 1905. A penalty of iwo per cenu on all un paid by February 1st, 1905. A penalty Df seven percent will be added on ail iinDaid March 1, 1905. For State 5 mills. For County 6 mills For School 3 mills Bpecial Act for County Offices}? mills For Shaw R R bonds . 1% mills For Pickens R R bonds mills For Wife R R bonds 1>? mills For Edgetleld Sohool bonds 2 mills For Edgefield R R bonds 1% mills^ For Edgefield school 2 mills For Johnston school 3 mills All male persons living within cor porate limits of cities or towns, stu dents attending any college or school, of tho State, ministers in charge-of' regular con?rregaiions, teachers em ployed in public schools, school trus tees during their term of office, per sons permanently disabled and those actually engag?e in the quarantine service of the State are exempt .from the payment of ;road tax. All other male persons between the ages of 18 and 50 years are required to pay aaid road tax, or work not less than six days during the year. The poll tax is $1.00. C. M. WILLIAMS, Treasurer Edgefield'County, 4. J.J. J.J. J. .1. J. J.J..1.J..1..I.J. J. J.J.J. J.J. J-1-.1~1.JU CT . TTTV'i'T f VV . ??TTT'l ?V?TT7 ? PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th Street - Augusta, Oa. (JIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all de foots of sight. Grinds tho proper glasses and WARRANTS them. Lenses cut into your frame while yon wait. FREE OF CHARGE, Engines, Boilers, aw dus GET OUR PRICES. Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil and Fertilizer Mill Outfits, Gin, Press Cane Mill,and Shingle Outfits. Building,Bridge, Factory, Furib and Railroad Castings, Railroad, Mil Machinists'an'1 factory Supplies. j Beltiuj, Packing, Injectors, Pip Fittings,Saws, Files, Oilers, eic. W cant 9 aery day. Work 150 Hands. Fouudry, Machine, Boiler, Press and Gin Work $L?" ReDa '2 Promptly Done Lombard Iron forte & Supply AUGUSTA, GA Executor's Sale. BY virtue of tbs power vested i me, in and by the last Will and Test ment of Mrs. Adaline A. DeVore-an unless sold before at private sate, I will proceed to sell at public out-cry, at Edgefield Court House, bouth Caro- . lina-during the usual hour? of sales, on the first Monday in January 1905, all that tract of land, situate in tbe County of Edgefielc and State of South Carolina-known as the home stead of the late Mrs. Adaline A. De Vore, and cot.taining two hundred and forty (240) acres, more or less, ad joinig lands of James T. Ouzts, Mrs, Alice Norris, John R. Blocker, the McGee place and others. ... Terms one half cash, and the balance on a credit of one year, with interest from date of salt, or for ali cash at the purchasers option; the credit por tion-if any-to be secured by the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of tne premises, which bond and mort gage shall include ten per cent attor neys fees, if collected through attor neys. Papers Extra. WM. L. DANIEL, Dec 9th, 1904. Executor. le GroocLs .LE BY