Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, November 30, 1904, Image 2

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Edsref ield Advert?a .gj. Ii. HIMS. - - - SDIXOK . IM)BMATl??~ Sub>enptiou Pr???~c'^-'- taany address for one y??~ . ~ r for "ix montbe, 75c; fe ti is, 50c, Payable in adv&cce-. Kates for Adveriisiii^-une inch first insertion, $1.00; each subsequent j insertion, 50c. Want Juices, one cent per word, each ii?-^rfic" Other local .lotices, ten cei.ts perlir ! for first m ^artion; five cents pe? !ine for each subsequent insertion. Obituaries and Tribut es of Respect, Notices of Thanks, and all personal notices of a political nature, are charged for as .egular ad vertisements. Liberal contracts made for three, six, and twelve months Write for terms. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 30, 1904. Certain Spartanburg merchants have been indicted for selling paltridge?. Were the game and trespass law's mor^ rigidly en forced in this county, partridges would not be BO scarce. The blanks that have just been isiuf d to the county auditors for returning property for taxatiou contain for the first time the word "automobiles." Wouder how long before "air-ships" will appear upon these blanks ? That far-famed lawmaker from Anderson county, Hon. Josh Ash ley, has gotten into the clutches of the law himself. He was fined $30 a few days ago for disorderly conduct upon thy streets of the quiet town of Hosea Path. .The damage suit for $65,000 against the Southern railway by the attorneys for the family ol the late James L. Andrews, of Greenwood, has been compromis ed. The road offered $10,000 and it was accepted by the plaintiffs. . Ou- 's own inner experiences determine largely his view of the world. We measure the world its feelings and its doings, by our own feelings and actions The man who says : "Watch every mau as a rascal," himself - will b9ar watching for be likely judges the world of his own tnart and ac tion. Judging from the many reports of robberies, burglaries, homicides S and murders that stain the pages of the daily papers, a carnival of . crime is following the wave of prosperity. When the country is prosperous the people seem to lose sight of Him who giveth the in crease and who holds the destinies of men in the. hollow of his baud, trampling the moral as well as civil laws under their feet.- Eras ggf^prjosperity - are'-vvpotablyi-evilj? ~?^serving era*.;. Historv^pfoves the truth of this assertion. Governor Heyward is alarmed over the increasing demand for ^rewards for the arreet of fugitives from-juitice, and entertains the belief that if the Bheriffa dis charged more faithfully their offi cial duties it would not be neces sary for so many rewards to be offered. HegooB a step further by Baying that he will recommend to the legislature that tm? gover nor be given tho power to remove a sheriff who is derelict in his duty. In this Governor Heyward is right. Not a few of the sheriffs .in South Carolina should have their official heads removed. How many of them persue an alleged crimin?J-who has left for "parts ?" Generally the sheriff lietly by and wails for a 'ho is paid by the gover > what he, the sheriff, is o. roHNSTON. cted services cl osedWad ?vening, at which time i were baptized. Our las called Rev. L. A. is pastor and we hope he pt. uther Oxuer is in St. the Fair, and during the I buy a lot of stock, id mules, and we have carload of hogs. Since 3cil prohibited hogs in ing the summer months seep them. o was killed near Mr. bim among the other little chil dren geing to school real 60ou". Mr. George Bu3sey was at home from the S. C. C. I. to spend Thanksgiving. His many friends were glad to see him. Mr. G. W. Busscy is spending seme time at the home of., bis uncle Mr. P. H. Bussey cfter being away for some time. Mr. Oscar Timmerman's hand some new house ?B rapidly grow ing. He hopes to he au it by Christmas. Little Miss Sallie Bussey is on the sick list, but not seriously:ill. Miss Ellie Prince is visiting in Augusta. U this does not reach the waste basket you will hear from me again. Success to the dear old lAdvertiser. WEE. ?VEE. Cold Spring.. A large congregation attended Thanksgiving service here last Thursday. The programme as published last week was carried out. The entire service was very pretty and impressive. Afte. the service a Thanksgiving- dinner was spread and it was such a nice dinner, all enjoyed .it so much The afternoon was spent in a so cial way, the time passing so fast that night- came before anyone thought of it bsiug late. We a'l went home feeling that it was good for a church and community to meet together in a Thanksgiving service. Last Thursday morning at ten thirty o'clock in thc Baptist church Mr. John F. Pardue and Miss Marie Hammond were mar ried, by the Rev. J. T. Littlejohn. This was the first, .couple to he married in our beautiful church and we hope that the lives ol these two youug people will be brght and bupny: - Judge Bell has sold his home place bore and will at an c-arly date move to Clark's Hill. We ha'e in lose Mr. -Bell and his good wife from our comju.uuity. We all shall miss them in om county, church and Suuday school, and wo pray God's blessing vir them as they shall go io I heir new bo tue. Mr. Wallace Presc-U and Mr. Luk* May from Edgelit-ld attended Thanksgiving bern Just Tbursdn\. Mr. Luke Cu'lbreth of Rehoboth was in town Thursday. Cadet J. M. Bussey visited homefolks last week. Miss Nettie McDaniel of Modcc visited friends in town Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. Pat Parks was on our streets last week shaking hand3 with his many friends... Mr. Tom Brown and J. H. Bus sey are building a wood shop. The 2nd story of- the building will be used as a hall. The Woodman of the world will occupy it. At an. early date Brown and Bussey wiH build a nice dwelling house on^main street. . Ws.leav.Q.?od^y for . Ghes^^^ attend-the Sta'?-Baptist Conven-' tioh. ** ROSE COTTAGE. The Great Train B"*" hery. The realistic exhibit'" of the ceniury and one that is .g feat tin d at the St. Louis ^position nis summer. By special permis sion we have secured the right for a short time to present this exhibi tion throughout the couutry, graph ically portraying the holdup, of a western mail train, showing tbe robbers mount the engine, bind and gag the fireman and engineer, the, searching of all the passengers, breaking open the express and mail car, blowing open the safe and kill-| ing the express messenger, in every detail of a successful train hold up and robbery. Space will not permit a lengthy description of the entire list of spe cial attractions, but the above will give a fair idea of the nature and character of our exhibitions. These and many more will be seen daily during the entire week. ' JONES CARNIVAL CO. Thou, my friend, would like to know Why fair twin roseB blush and blow lu baby's cheeks ? I'll tell thee, They're nourished by ''TEE THINA." See 1 "TEETHINA" (Teething Pow ders^ Overcomes and counteracts the Effect;} of tho Summer's Heat, Aids Digestion, Regulates the -Bowels and relieves much Buffer ing and dread. Trespass Notice ! i All persous are positively warn ed not to hunt, fish or trespass in any manner whatsoever on our lauds or premises, as we will vigorously enforce the law against auyoue found trespassing in dis -e-?wv?-j u t'o-Jxjo^q La*Arj.\?J> n J TRD. GHT, nd aims A. .t>ty, Ified luly d to h to .ned ia ul any iuds jw hp ? oi ?c. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF-EDO?EFIELD. Court of Common Pleas. Martha E. Edwards, as Adm in trat rix and in her own right against Samuel T. Edwards, er. al. Pursuant., to trie decree in this cause I will resell al the risk of the former purchaser, to the highest bidder, be fore the Court House, towri oT Edge field and Sute of ???utb Carolina on salesduy in Ijpcomocr (the same being the 5th day of said month) between the legal hours of sale, the following described rValty to wit: TRACT .NO. 3. All that tractof land, lying, situated and being in Moss Township, Edge field County and Stare of South Caro lina, containing one hundred and nine (109) acres more or less, and adjoining Dunn Creek, Hughe.*, Jackson, Hol loway lands and tract No. 2. of the Edwards hind. TERMS OF S A.LE :^ One third cash, and the balance on a credit of one and two year*, with in terest from the day of sale. Purcha ser to give bond and a mortgage of tte premises sold, to secure the pay ment of the credit portion or all cash at the purchaser's iiptiou-uinrtgage to include ten per cent Attorneys fees if brought suit. Purchaser to pay for papers. IV. F. ROATH Master, E. C., S. C. %Noy. 9th, 19J4. The best- 10 cents Salmon on the market can be had at THE PENN DRUG STOKE. We are the leac Shoes f Shoes f Shoes fo? Shoes for Style tl Qualify Prices tl We CROSSE! Wear a pr ?will wear We can CLOTHE yoi cr iii OF EDGEFI Paid up Capital. Surplus and Undivided Proj Liability of Stockholders-". Protection to Depositors . Wc invite attention of those desiring a sa acts. INTEREST PAID ON DEPO? U.\l:*pc>v ?sion of its charter this bank dministrator and c.xcculoi, and to accepta: A. E. PADGETT, President J. L. CA?GHMAN, Cashier. 720 BROAD ST., New York E WE s?fint a week iii New Yorl of manufacturers to find the latest Come, see our goods, get our prices we succeeded in buying first-clues figures. Our 6tock of ( lotbiug is well 81 suit al!. We guarantee the quality NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, of the new trimmings. Large stock of dependable ahn Try our shoes and you will be eut isl HATS : We have all of the la very low prices. We are headquarters for under Wr'will not be undersold. Wi quantities from headquarters and ! sa vt: you monej'. jet us show vou und we \ Golly Treasurer's Mien. County Treasurer's office. Edgeileld, S. C , Oct. ber 3re?1904 The tax levy for various purposes is as follows : The tax booka will be open for col lecting ?tate, County and School.taxes tor 1904 from October -15, -1904, - to March 1, 1905. No penalties wfli- be added until .January 1st. 1905..^pen alty of one per cent, will be added on nil taxes unpa:d by January 1st, 1905. A penalty of two per cent, oivall^un paid by February 1st, 1905. A penalty of seven per cent will be added^n all unpaid ?larch 1, 1905, For State 5 mills For County . 5 mills For School 3 mills Special Act for 'Jounty Offices^ mills For Shaw R R bonds 1%-raills For FickensR R bonds 3>? mills For Wiee lt K bonds 1% mills For Edgetiel.l hohool bonds 2 mills For Edgeiield K it bonds Wi mills Vor jOd^elielil school .2.mills For .Jo?nston school 3 nulls All male persons living within cor porate limits of cities or towns*.- stu dents attending any college or school of tba State, munsters iu charge of regular congregations, teachers ..em ployed in public schools, school; trus tees during their term of office,"'per sons permanently disabled and: those actually engag?e in the. quarantine service ol* the ?tate are exerj;pt_J[rom the payment of :road tax. All Other male persons between the ages'of 18 and 5U years are required to pay said' road tax, or work not less "thaii six days during the year. The poll lax ts ^1.00. C. M. WILLIAMS, Treasurer Edgeileld County. -0? SHOES ! ! lers in Shoes br Men. of Boys, r Women. Children. ie lamest, thc best. ie lowest.. sell T SHOES. iii and vou i V ' no other, i. too. Call to see ns. ERS BANKJ :ELD.S. C. ?8,00n-09\ Us. 33,00 .? . 6??2J .$12S,00n % fe 'lupo?itorr for their money Ute auu.ve >I7S BY SPECIAL CO. ACT. is authorized to net as trar JO, guardian id e xccute trusts generally. i . II RAIN: KORO, Vice-Prc W. II. HAULING, ABSt.-Cashie ND cary i \ \ ri cf "ind bo vs til - J coats has no ii : $S.oo, $io. 5.00 and up. rs : $2.50, $3. 11 p. ouths: $5.00, mid up. DO guaranteed f latest vogue" )R i, figure and AUGUSTA, GA. ^EEK IS .L WEEK fHE=S~ lacket Store. i ransacking the wholesale houses in s yle and the best in quality, and you will be conduced that nieichandise at. very reasonable ilectnd and is marked at prices to f to bo the beat obiaiuble. SHIRT WAIST GOODS and all PS fof Ladioa, Mon and Children, [led that none better can be nad. test shapes ami colors of hat? at wear. Come and Jet us show you. 3 bought early, bought in large tho New York Hacket Store cai viii sell vuu. N. PEAK. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTHC AEOLINA, COUNTY OP EDGEFIELD. Court of Commou Pleas J. M. bettie, Administrator, et. al, " . against J. H. Bouknignfc, et. al. Parsuant to the decree in this cause, I will ofter for sale to the highes-, bidder before the Court House, towri bf Edgefield and State of South Caro - lina, on salesday in January 19U5, (the same being the 2nd day of said mouth .1 between tue legal hours of sale, to wit : TRACT NO. 1. All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the County of Edgeiieid, State of South Carolina, known as a part of tho Jones traer, containing one hundred and thirty-sei en (137) acres, more or less, and bounded by land of Mrs. Lizzie H. Folk, and others. The saree being the tract of land conveyed to li. W. Bettis, .Ir., by the (Jom.ini?siouers ol' the Sinking Fund, by deed dated February 1,1S?6. (lass twenty-seven acres, which has since been conveyed to George Dun con). To be sold as a whole or in parcels. TRACT NO. 2 All of that tractor parcel of land, situate in the Baid County and State, containing three hundred and eighty two (3S2) acres, more or less, and ad joining lands of estate of Beersheba Hollingsworth, A. A. Glover,-land of Abner M i ms, and others. Being the tract of land conveyed to B. W. Betti.-. Jr., by John E. Bacon, by deed, dated December 3. 1S79. ('.ess ene hundred and eight acres ol' said traer, con "veyed by B. NV. Betti?, Jr., io M. A. Minis). TRACT NO. 3. All of that tract or parcel of land, situate in the said County and Srate, containing three hundred and thirty (3i'0) acres, more or less, bsing known as "The Red Oak Grove? Tract", and bounded on the north by lands for merly belonging tu Mary * Helston, east by land belonging to E, W. Thur mond, \V. Wc Danie!, oi the south by the Scotts Ferry Road, and ou the west by Big Stevens Creek. TRACT NO. 4. All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the said t (vin ty and Slate, containing two Hundred and one (201) acre?, more ur los, known as *'the Horns '(.!re??k place", and bpunp?ri on the north by public road leading lt Horns Creek ch II rei, on the east bj' ?and ol' IV. J. Gaines, on Hie smith hy lands ol' C.. J. Jones..and l'Va^k IVettisi and on the west b\ land ol'Frank bel li*. TEi? S'S OF SALE : One third cash, and I1??? balance in t'w> equal anti uni installments*, vith infer, st l'rom ibu day of sale ar the ratfof$<lo per annum. -Pu rob a ser to (five bund :inil a mortgage ol' ike pre mises sold to ser u re tho payment", of the credit portion tr all caa h at the purchasers option--mortgage to in clude ten per cent attorneys fees if brought to suit. Purchaser to pay for p:t| ers. W. I-'. ROATH. Nov. 23. 1904, Master E. C, S. C. NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE On the 22nd day of December 1904, the undersigned will make application uuto tue Probate Court at Edgefield, South Carolina, for a fiual discharge from his trust as executor of Ihe estute of Mrs. .Sallie 0. McCullough, deceased, nod as guardian of the estate of Horace J. Crouch and G-. Eddie Croiich._ i ~"' ? D'.'M. JOHNSTON. Nov. 19, 1904. Elko, S. C. EDGEFIELD HUSSARS : You are hereby ordered lo meet at Edgefield on Suiurday the 3rd of December at 10.30 o'clock for inspection of carbines by cid -r of N. G. EVAivS. Experience ia fanai h? cleanest labor that It is one solution i f&~\\E ARE NOW OFF JE I Complete Ste cf every formula u?fl gOff-WE ARE SOLE AGE2 IT Y FO?t-^ ?j^MADE OF BLOOD, ] MADE FROM AN. 0FWECAN ALSO SHILL" TON SEED MEAL AS THE BASH ^"FERTILIZERS FOR GK ?grWE WILL HAVE ON OF COTTON SEED MEAL. Haul Fertilizers while tho #grCall on Mr. A. E. PAP Farmers Bunk, or Mr. It. C. PA DO or at your cotton wagon. aS-ALSO A LARGE LOT LOWEST MARKET PHICE. The Edqefield Mc - You won't g Boys' Clothing right kind. Come and you'll find 'em minutest detail Styles and pi Norfolk, Sailors, Boy's overa Augusta, What Does Life Insurance -.' Mean? TO THE WIDOW, mouey prompt. ly in the very hour of need. TO THE_CHIj^RKN, no depriva tion when the provi der is gone TO AN EST A'IE. immediate funds when other in vestments cannot be realized on. Are these not important reasons why you should placo.your Insur ance in THE GERMANIA LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY ? M. Fe SHERFESEE, AGENT Edge-field, S. C. 1 SELL ALL KINDS OF INSUR ANCE, LIFE, FIRE, PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT. Master's Sale. ' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF E?GEFIELO. Court of Common Pleas. B. F. Lewi?, et. al., against Mary Bean Lewis. Pursuant to the decree in this cause, I will oller for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder, before the Court House, town of Edgeiield and State of South Carolina on salesday Decem ber 19?-I, (tho same being the 5th day ol' the said month) between the legal hours of sale, the following described realty to wit : All thur, tract of land in Edgefield County South Carolina, containing sixty-five (<J5) acres more or less, on waters of Rocky Creek, on I he Long Can'' Rouii, bounded on the west by lands ol' Prince Adams, east hy iatids u J, <;. Lewis, on the north by lands iii Phil Pollard, on the south by lands ol' Prince Adams. TERMS OF Si.LE: One half cash, and the balance on a ci edit ot one year, with interest; from the day of sa?e. Purchaser to give b md and a mortgage of the premises .old to secure th? payment ci the credit portion or all cash nt the pur chasers >.|ition--morlgage tu include ten per cent inr Attorneys lees, it brought to suit for foreclosure. Purchaser to pay for p ipers. W. I?1. KO AT ir, Mai ter, E. C., S. C , Nov. ?Jill, I904 If you want a buggy and ?i?si i t?te because you are not familiar j with the strong points of thc \ Tyson $ Jones and Hackney j Buggies, just simply ask Dr Is/", lr. Tompkins, W: B. Fenn, j Ecu. x'. P, Blalock, Bettis Can telou, ?7, J. Holland, J no Block: er, )V\ T. Kinnard, J. W. Thompson. For sale by RAMSEY'$ JO.XES. If your ,eyes are worth having they are worth saving. Do so with the'right kirid of glasses. . Geo. F. Mims, Optician. tauscht li?t fertilizer is tlf. tile farmer cao lire. if tie lalor scarcity. UNG FOR SALE-> >ck of Guanos ictnre? for sitleni irais. sTS-AT EOG FF I ELD and YIOIN Fer?iSizers ?BONE and TANKAGE IMAL AMMONIA. YOU FERTILIZERS WITH C07T S OP AMMONIA. -AIN A SPECIALTY. HAND AT ALL TIMES A STOCK roads su ? irood. GETT for prices and tenn?: ut Thc ETT, who will be lound at our nflieo, OF SEED OATS FOR SALE, AT ?rcantils Company. ;o broke buying nf you buy thc look at ours; i right to tile I. .ices right; too. $2.00 $5.00 :>ats, $4.50 T Ga, For Fire and Life ??GO TO S EE||?f AUGHMAN HARLING BEFORE INSURING ELSEWHERE. We represent the bist Old Line Companies. AUGHMAN ? B i A?LING * GENTS. AUGHMAN Q?, HAKL1NG AGENTS CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS._ WE have an excellent line of CLOTHING. Let us quote you pi ices: . Boy's Suits $1.50,2.00, 2.50 3.C0, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50,5 00, 5.50. Men's ?nits $7.50, S.00, 9.00,10.00,12.00,15.00. Youth's Suits $5.50,0.50,9.00. - .. Marjie line Panta for Boys and Men. Men's Pants $.?.00, _?25, JJiO, jL7* 2,00, 2.(?0, 3.00, ?.50,4.00,4.50, 5.00. Call and esauine the line befure buyi*f. WE can fit you up in anything you want in CLOTHING, SHOES, HAT? and Furnishing Goods. Our prices are reasonable. ''The Leading Insuranco Company of America" CAPITAL and SURPLUS OVER $' No Fire Insurance Company in the United States has as much CASH Capital or Capital and Surplus Combined., ??^^Lowest rates. E. J, MORRIS, AGENT. r^e-^w Store. ^e-w Stock. I have opened up a first-class stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions and Groceries in one of the stores just across the street from the Edgefield Oil Mill and I invite the Edgefield public to call and inspect my goods, and get my prices. Get the prices of others then call at my store and you will buy from us---ours will be the lowest. Try us on your family groceries and other household necessities. We can save you money. Yours to serve, ISAAC DONEN. ?TaJl Millinei^y. I am now showing my Fall Millinery, consisting of Ready-to-wear Hats, Pattern Hats, Misses and Children's Hats, Boys' and Infants Caps. I wish to call especial attention to my large assortment. Let us show you our LYNCHBURG COMBINA TION PLO WS which have an additional wing for ter racing. EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE CO Winter specialties Celebrated "JANE HOPKIN'S CHILDRENS CLOTHING, ELK BRAND HATS. HAMILTON & BROWN SCHOOL SHOES. LADIES AND MEN'S DRESS S?IOES. LADIES WALKING SKIRTS, guarantee satisfaction in 1I10 above gonds. October Bargains T'S. * One case TAILOR MADE SKIRTS $1.25 to $S.00. Fit, quality ind Workmanship guaranteed. One cn> TAILOR MADE CLOAKS, the Claaks art direct from Manufacturers and the patterns are correct. 200 Dozen Horiery, Ladies, Childs, Misses and Gents 5cts to 50cts pair. One case ELKIN BLANKETS $3 00 to $6.00. One case Cotton and Mixed Blaukets 65 ots to $2.50 pair. 50 Dozen Corsets 50 cts to $1.00. 100 Pieces Teasle Downs, Outings and Flannelette 10 cts yard. One case Shetland Shawls and Fascinators. Yours for business, JAS. E. HART jjJ^?""Qet your Laundry in Tuesdays^ ' ?' . * '. Y