Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, October 26, 1904, Image 4

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Ed^efi?ld Advertiser WEDNESDAY. OCT. 26, 1904. JrjBt think, a Toilet Washstand ! at the Mercantile Store for $6 00. KS; Supervisor's Notice. OwiDg to the growing needs of the county the Board of County Commissioners have made the co nun ut at i ob tax $2.00 dollars. D. P. Salf Sup?rvisor J. A. Lott Clerk. rf-:-: FOR SALE: Fifty thousand firi-t-claBS (No. 1) shingles. . J. L. MIMS. SALESMAN WANTED to look after our interest in Edgefield and adjacent counties. Sal ai y or cora m?8B?jti. Address LINCOLN OIL COMPANY, Clevelaud, O. The. latest fad. in furniture ie chairs-and bods with daw feet. Edgefield Mercantile Company has handsome iron beds with huge claw ff et. See them. FOR RENT: A good two-horse farm, gt od Out housos ?nd dwel ling of five rooms. It is situated eight IIMIHP ab >ve Edgefield, ad joining lat.drvof Mr. J. T. Ouzts. A'pplv in "j. T. OUZTS:, E m wood, S. C. Just received a car load of "Old Hickory" pud"BlueGrrass" wagons mil? two car load? of "Rock Hill" and "Hackuey" buggies. We want to sell you. RAMSEY & JONES.' Have you tried our syrup ? Genuine Georgia Cane evi up and al) other varieties always on hand. T1MMON8 BROS. If you waut solid comfort buy one of Mercantile large golden Sim Rockers. NOTICE: BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS Bbould write the COOK-rDORMINY CO., Fitzger ald, tia., for LUMBER and SHINGLES. Your s, COOKVDORMINY CO. When you sei? ct a suit from our .ampies, and we take your, meas ure you can rest assured that you will be pleased with fit, quality, and price. C. E. MAY. The Wicker chairs offered by the Mercantile Company are the handsomest ever seen i:i Edgefield. PHOTOGRAPHIC-I am again at work and will be glad to see my friends and customers. R. H. MIMS. I wish to announce to my nu merous friends (both these I know ' and tbosd ? hope io know) that I have opened an office in Edgefield for the purpose of writing, insur - anea of all kinds. If you want your house, barn, gins, cotton,) plate glacs insured against fire or I cyclone, or your lives insured, or want an accident or health pol ic;., I am now prepared to place you ; risks m.first class'companies. I will be glad at any time to wel come you to my office in the New Tom pa ins building, even if only for a social call. Hoping to have all my friends call on me, I remain Yours Respectfully, . M. F. SHERFESEE. Wheat and Cotton market may fluctuate but if you buy a "Crown" Mattress from the Edgafield Mer cantile Company, our repose will be undisturbed. Do you need a fall suit? Our new samples are here. Come in and see them. C. fi. MAY If you want a buggy and hesi tate because you are not familiar with the strong points of the Tyson $ Jones and Hackney Buggies, just simply ask Dr J. G. Tompkins, W. B. Penn, Rev. P. P. Blalock, Bettis Can telou, J, J. Holland, Jno Block' er, W. T. Kinnard, ,J. W. Thompson. For sale by RAMSEY # JONES. Do you cou template painting your bouse. If so, let us suppl) you with the celebrated. Heath & Milligan paint, lead, varnish and staius. None better. TIMMONS BROS. .Why go to Augusta to buy fur niture when you can buy it from the Mercantile just as cheap and save railroad fare and freight. . If you want the best cigars our tobaccos, and of course you do come to THE PENN DRUG STORE. We have just received a solid car of furniture and have on dis ply acme beautiful Rockers, Bed room Setp, Chiffonniers, Tables, etc., at very rearonable prices. We are acknowleged Headquarters for these goods. RAMSEY & JONES. There ia no need to bake cakes at homo wheo you cauc?me to our store and get delightful cakes and crackers that are fresh. 'TIMMONS BROS. Big line men's pants for fall , wear just recived. Workmanship the best, styles the latest, and prices the?iowest. C.E.MAY. I ll I ll ll I ? ? - - Court will convene on Mo urxt aud will probably b Ressiou for three weeks. Mrs. P. F. Sarling, cf AUK? is visiting at the. home of brother, Mr. W. H. Turner. . Mrs W. S. Cothrau, of A vilie, is the guest of her si Mrs. Susan B. Hill. Mrs. H. A. Smith and Mr W. De Voe are visit "ng Mrs. Dozier Duucan who resides Barnwell. Died, ou Mor day evening, C ter the 24tb, little Marion 1 drum, the infant daughter of and Mrs. J. L. Mims. ; We beg that our readers, reasons too obvious to relate, overlook" the shorti omings o*f ?R8U3 of the Advertiser. Even to the casual observe; is quite evident that the voil of business of Edgefield is n than double what it was erv years ago. ? I The numerous brides and still more numerous hrid"sm> 1 Hr?? creating husmees for the poo ls m'Tobrt'^s. The laffer ? tlrm?n owe Cupid n "set np". V. 'gpfiMld wi!' i*end a lnree < gation lo 'hefai* this weiifr, ar*- uo?li!? t,-> chmnic'e the -jni of ?ll who have hied ?way to capital city. Maj. Ralph D. Epos del ive a verv interesting address bef the B. Y. P. U. at the Bap church on Sunday aftornoo.i 1 on "Religious Conditions in Philipines." Wanted; Lady or gentleman fair education to travel for a fi of $250,000 capital. Salary $1,< per year and expenses ; paid wei Iv. Addi ess M. Percival, Ed field S. C. The friends of Mr. J. B. W ker aud they are legion in Edj field, have beeu greeting him ve cordially upon his visit, af beiug ou the road for seve: mouths, to the-homcfolks. The stockholders of the ba of Saluda have just held their fi] anuual meeting. The affairs the bank are in a flourishing cc ditiou, an eight per cent divide: beiug paid to the stockholders. Tt will'be of interest to sor throughout our county who a collecting Indian relics to knc that Cot. D. B. Dyer, of August has a collection of these reli valued at $200,000 which ho h presented to Kansas City. Have you. soen the beaiitif -pofrshed dakidinere at the .'. EEGEFIELD MERCANTILE STORE Mrs. F. N. K. Bailey, accomp nied by Miss Lillie May Baile left on Wednesday last for ll ^rent St, Louis exposition,- goir by way of Bamberg where si joined her father and mother D aud Mrs. J. B. Black. We have been informed that th architect's plans and Bpecifici tioue for the rericdelliug of th Wardlaw house by Hou. Tboi H, Rainsford have been placed i th? bauds of competent contracl ors who will bid Ou the work. Half of the wells are dry-wit the other half threatening t "etrikev-aud the town is kne deep in duBt. Who said Edgefiel waeu't a dry town? She is nc alone, however, for the water farr iue is even greater iu some placet Mrs. J. A. Mays returned oi Saturday last after spending tw weeks iu Augusta at the borneo her brother, Mrs. R. G. Luud) where she was under medica treatment by a specialist. Th many friends of Mrs.. Mays wil be happy to know that she hs been greatly benefitted. Iudee. she looks to be the junior of he husbaud by twenty years and h is still a young mau. Jack Frost has put in his ap peara?ce in spite of the predict ions of mauy who were of th< opinion that there would be n( frost till it rained. However, ther< is but little vegetation that car be damaged by cold. The uuua tured cottou bolls will probably open aud make white cotton as they are so dry there is scarcely enough moisture in them to make what is commonly called "yellow cottou" Mr. C. E. May aud Mr. W. S, Cogburn are to be congratulated upon the great success of theil firstjycenm attraction. Dr. Geo. Waverly Briggs proved himself tc I be all that was claimed for him in the numerous criticisms upon his lecture. Not ou* whose good .fort uue it was to hear Dr. Briggs went away without being highly enter tained and greatly edified by his discourse, 'lhe holders of the ly ceum tickets will eagerly look forward to the next number which will be at no distant day. Theie have been fires iu almost every section of the county with iii the last few weeks, but the heavi est lose was that of Mr. Mark Toney, who resides one mile south of Johnston. Oo Saturday morning last about nine o'clock bis gin house caught on fire, resulting in a loss of something like $3,000. About 22 bales of cotton and a great quautity of cotton seod be sides buildings aud machinery were destroyed. Unfortunately he bad not a dollar of insurance upon the property. The friends of Mr. Toney deeply sympathize with him iu the heavy loss which he has sustained. There has been a general moving among the county officials. The clerk of court occupies the first floor of the new office buildiug; the supervisor's office is the front room on the second floor, and the master and superintendant of education will occupy the two back rooms on the second floor. The auditor has moved into the front office formerly occupied* by the clerk of court and the treasur er occupies the rear room on the right of the ball on the first floor of che court house. The redoubtable sheriff and the capable judge ,of probate are the only officials who have not had to change their pla ces of abode. We are offering 200 beautiful RUGS and ART SQUARE at a bargain. J. M. COBB. Having occupied an office in fbe Advertiser building, Judge Wi F. .Roath, that "just man made perfect/' has been our nearest n -igbbor in the past, and now he has removed to the county office building we shall miss him greatly. His precepts, his example, bia daily walk and conversation, his life, have all been a sweet benediction to us as well as thousands of others who have felt the hearty grasp of his band and have had life's pathway pmoothfd and brightened by hi.-? hallowed.cullie and encouraging words. However, we are not ui?>r Iv ca*t down. Our friend's mw quarters are ijo' I H r d iola n I ?nd we fcha.ll pay lum frequent visitf. Thu young I ad ie? of our !.>vm who aie ii?lerettied iu UHMUM tying the streets and public sqiinrej have order d rome li?es tu le planted in the enclosure around! the well. The (own council willi co-operate with tr.et?c young iadies! in every way possible. Ti.e young ladies will also plant rutes and evergreens around the monument. We are glad that the city fathers are interested in iucreasiug the number of shade trees and other wise improving the appearance of the town. A reasonable sum of money could not be spent mor wisely. We congratulate the "City Beautiful" young -ladies upon what they have already achieved in providing the necessary funds to commence the work iu hand. The highest test of a wagon is niue years wear. The Mitchell Wagon has been used that length of time without repairs right in Edgefield counly. Sold by EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE Co. The Southern railway is im proving its roadbed between Co lumbia and Augusta by replacing light rails with the heaviest rails that are in use. Next it will be in order for an improvement in the schedule between tho places above named. A passonger leaves Edgefield in the morning for a business trip, to Augusta bopi?g to have several hours in the city but as the train that is boarded at Trenton is a mixed train (freight and passenger) there is no certainty at what hour he will arrive at his destination. The Southern is generally very con siderate of the public interests and we believe-that if the matter were properly presented to the officials a change could be effected. The oo-called schedule on the Gap road is also far from being what it Bhould be. Cotton Mill A iain ia Operation.. The deep-bass whistle of the cotton mill which bas been silent for four or five months was a glad sound to the people of our town ou Monday morning, its peals carry ing good liding? to many, especi ally those who have been out of employment and eagerly awaited the day when the mill would again be operated. The force of hands bad become scattered and greatly demoralized by being out of work but they are moving in and doubtless a full force will soon be on baud. Many of tbo^e who moved away to other mills are glad to get their places back for they say they enjoy better health here, can live cheaper and that th-* moral atmosphere of Edgefield is far above that of most mill towns. The pay roll of our mill also means much to those who have couutry produce to sell and to the mercbauts of our town. We trust that the price cf cotton goods will warrant the operation of the mill uninterruptedly iu future. Section of Ideal farmers. The farmers who reside in the Trenton section say that their crop? have been good this year, the yield being much better than was expected when they first begau gathering in the early fall. There is probably not another section in the state in which resides more successful farmers than are those who live in and around Trenton. They are men who ""?ave made a study of ? their business-just as does the successful lawyer or doctor-and do not farm in a haphazard manner. Besides using commercial fertilizers very largely they seldom or never sell their cotton 3eed but return them to thc land which has increased its ferti'itv from year to year. They also diversify and rotate their crops, not being all-cotton farm eis. Cereale of every kind are grown in great abuudanoe. Mr. J. W. Miller will gather three or four hundred bushels of peas this year aud Mr. Albert Miller will makf six or seven hundred bushels. There are others whose yieM will also run into the hun dreds of bushels. There is no letter buggy on the market to-day than the Colum bus Buggy- If you want to hnoiv all about them- ash Dr. J. T Pattison, Br. Hammond Carmi chel, Dr. Robert Marsh, Mr- Jas. A. Holland, Mr. B. E. Nicholson Mr. Hamp Morgan. For sale b RAMSEY $? JONES. A MATTER OF HEALTH ER Absolutely Pure HAS NO SUBSTITUTE EDGEFIELD ^BAPTIST CHURCH^ PRAYER MEETING TOPICS. Oct 26th. Extending the Kingdom; Lk. 24:36-53. Nov. 2nd. Christian Fellowship; Acts 2 :41-47. Nov. 91 h. Work and Worship; Lk. 10:38-42. Nov. 16th. Zichins; Lk. 19:1-10. Nov. 23rd, Cornelius-Thc Honest " Heart: Acts 10:17-33 Nov. 3 ?Iii. Who is mj neighbor? Lk 10:25 37. Dec 7th. Christ and the II- nie; Matt, . 8:14-16; Mark 5:1S-19. ! Dec. 14?1). Christ and His Friends; .1 ii ii 15 :1- IIS * Otc 21st. Christ and Social Life; .John 2:1-U. Dec. 2Sth. The Talents: Valt.25:14-30 I had rather be a th orke^per in the house of in y God, than to dwell i\ the tents of wickedness. Psalm S4:10. FRKE TO M OTHERS.- A box of Dr. Moffitt's "TEETHINA" (Teething Powders) will be s<?i?t without chaige to any mother writing Dr. C. J. Moffelt, St Louis, Mc, giving the name of her druggist not keeping it. "TEETHINA*' Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, O/ercomes and .Counteracts the Effects of Summer's H^at, and makes Teeth mg Easy. Letter to Jiutfire Aile?. EDGEFIICLD, S. C. Dear Sir: Lead-and-oil, is not good paiut; don't we-ar; the rule is, as every-one knows, repaint in three years. Davoe lasts six, in the same way-allow wide margin in all such statements. What does it mean, to last? It means the same with both. As to covering; that's another. Here's an iustauce. Mr. J. J. Hall, Sheffield. Pa, paiuted two houses, lead-acd-oil ; took 40 gal'ons. Last summer bought 40 gallons Devoe for the same two Louses; returned 10 gallons. The paint, that covers, lasts; it's all paint, true paiut, and full measure. Load-and-oil is all paint but not good paint; the lead wants zinc. Better paiut Devoe. Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & Co., The Edgefleld Mercantile Company sells our paint. 14 THE 29th OF OCTOBER. All of our Institutions for or phans have agreed to ask the good people of the State to devote one day in October to the orphans. Youug and old, rich and poor alike are asked to .give the pro ceeds of one day's work to their little fatherless brothers and sis ters. The day lor the Thornwell Orphanage, Clinton, is the 29th of October. There 200 orphaus io the Juf-titutiou. Send your gilt j for those orphans to Rev. Wm. P. Jacobs, Chntou, S. C. If you waut a nice stick seat Surry for your wife. One that is not a boree killer; go to EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE Co. Shylock was the man who) wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convales cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it-take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens .the digestive organs and they! feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple ci ounces free. SCOTT & DOWNE. Chemists. 409-415 Pearl'Street. NewYorfc. joe. and f LOO ; all druggists. PFOF. P. M. WHITMAN, 20P 7th Street - Augusta, Qa. (GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all de jfftots of sight. Grinds the proper, 'glasses end WARRANT^-thom, [Lenses cut Into your frame while yon walt. FREE OF CHARGE , medicine or glasses *4*4+4+4+4+4++4+++4++++44* Petit Jury, First Week. . W. A. Crawford, E. C. Bussey, B. F. Glantou, 0. M. Barnett, R. E. Overstreet, F. P. Wells, Jr., Jno. R. Corley, W B. Williams, J. L McKinney' A. J. Mobley, J. W. Shaffer, D. T. Oazts, J. R. Tompkius, J. W. Stevens, G. M. Dorn, C. H. Stone, J. L. Hart, D. T. Mathie, James B. Adams, N. L. Broadwater, Walter Marsh, JamcB R. White, J. F. Robertson, S. J. Reynolds, Alvin Derrick, J. L. -Reynolds, T. W. Glanton, J.L. Miller, H. D. Strom, B. J. Harri son, P. B. Carpenter, J. T. Mims, T. A. Williams, C. M. Glanton, M. A. Watson, Jr., J. T. Giiffis. A satisfied Customer is the bett advertisement. We have been taking measures for men's suits for five years, aud have never bad a complaint. G. E. MAY. Petit Jury, Second Week. G. W. Medlock, B. L. Stevens, G. G. Cheathara, ;J. W. Dorn, W. J. Talbert, J. F. 3ettin, J. A. Thurmond, J. B. Scott, E. L Posey, J. P. Timmerman, J. P. Strom, J.^V. Minick, G. A. Young blood, G. W. Sharptou, L. S. Ridlehoover, Loney Crouch, W. L Holson; J. D. White. J. L. Craf tou, W. J. White, J. 0. Atkinson, J. E. Bledsoe,, J. D. Quarlee, H.. L. Bunch, M, W. Clark, C. T. Mathis, S. A. Bruoson, W. D. Holland, T. G. Talb<rt, J. L. Stone, T. B. Bailey, R. H. Scott, P. 0. Thurmond, C. M. Railton, W. T, Brown, N. D. Robertson. We want the housewives to know that they can get Cheese Sand wiches, Butter Thin Biscuits, Five o'clock Teas, Social Teas and other nice crackers at THE PENN DRUG STORE. HANCOCK'S Liquid Sulphur Niton's grtilul Scralcfdo. A ftffact sutPttoa 5PPTNQ i? UM T. Ctn Bf tcuiu. Acr.K tut. , R:c<worra, Pim pw, ITUklr lHul, cartis.ru, Ciirft. SOT. limit \?sd rt ret Oniiitud ir-Mi uv \emud emlttm% Om, fn*i \tli Mala, Vutantt MU Wfew? sf IM ??.> /-' i PR ic? . ? oo 53RS . tuauMciuat o tv {Hancock UqtM s-i^ur .Ht. I I ?. A poiitire, tunan leed cure for ail diicuet o? thc BLOOD? SKIN and SCALP Tor nie in hoi or cold bathi. For ex tentai application, for internal uie. Nature's Greatest Garmlei* e and comtitntional remedy. For BATH and TOILET Beautifiei the complexion, renewi the growth of the nair and pre vent! it turning tray. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur Ointment Prepared eipecially ?or Barn*, Scald?, Open Sorei, Chafed Parti. Raw Surfacer Boili, Pilei, Rouihneu O? Pace and Hindi and all Skin DttCIICK Fir kilto HlDrafgiifi Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co? Baltimore, Blc?. If you can't dodge the fall overcoat question, come here and look over a superb line of the latest in top coats and long coats. $io to $30. Fall hats and furnishings that will bear inspection too. Augusta, Ga. if -THE- ? New York Racket Store is now ready with full shelves, full counters, full tables to supply the wants and needs of the Edgefield public. WE spent a week in New York ransacking the wholesale houses )f manufacturers to find the latest in sfyle and the best in quality. Come, see our goods, get our prices and you will be convinced that we succeeded in buying first-class merchandise at very reasonable Sgures. Our stock of clothing is well selected and is marked at prices to mit all. We guarantee the quality to be tbe best obtaiable. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, SHIRT WAIST GOODS and all of the new trimmings. Large stock of dependable shoes for Ladies, Men and Children. Try our shoes and you will be satisfied that none better can be had. HATS : We have all of the latest shapes aud colora of hats at very low prices. We are headquarters for underwear. Come and let us show you. We will not be undersold. We bought early, bought iu large quantities from headquarters and the New York Racket Store can save you money. jg?T'Let us show you and we will sell you. J. W. PEAK. Citation STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. BY J. D. ALLEN Esq.,. Probate Judge. WHEREAS, Dr. W. E. Prescott made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of Mrs. Ellen Prescott, de ceased. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors pf the said Mrs. Ellen Prescott dece?sed, that they be and appear before me. in the Court of Probate, to be held at Edge field C. H., S. C., on the 4th day of November next, after publication thereof, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, to sh JW cause, if any they have why said Administration should uot be granted. GIVEN under my Hand, this 15th day of October 1904. J. D. ALLEN, J. P. E. C. R. J. PARK'S WAGON YARD, COR. GREEN AND 15TH STS. AUGUSTA, GA. The largest and best stables in,City. Large wagon shed and good rooms for wagoners, good feed boxes. DggTSee Sign, R. J. Park's Wagon Yard on Hawk's Gul ly Bridge. Havi?g enjoyed a y<*ar of pros perity, now comes befo e the pub lic feeling that they are in be;ter position than ever to satisfy their customers both as to quality and prices. We have always kept iu stock a full line of Groce ries, Wagous and Buggies. Our line of Furniture has not been complete for the want of space. We have overcome this difficulty by tho addition of a second Btory, and we now have a full and up -to-date stock of Fur niture. Mr. A. A. Glover, formerly with Ramsey & Jouea has charge of the Vehicle, Furniture and Undertak ing Department. We invite an inspection of our All who vis a cordial welc attention. -N2 THE FARMERB BANK OF EDGEFIEL?S. c.. STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST BANK IN EDGEF - N Paid up Capital.f 58,000.00 Surplus and UndividedlProfits. ' 22,00\\Q0 Liability of Stockholders. 58,00X00 Protection to Depositors......$138,00%00 fgj . We invite attention of those desiring a safe depository for their money to the auure acts. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS BY SPECIAL CONTRACT. Unlit prov ?sion of its charter this bank is authorized to act as trustee, guardian dminiatrator and executor, and to accept and e xecute trusts generally. A. E. PADGETT, President T. H RAINhFJRO, Vice-Pre J. L. CAUGHMAN, Cashier. W. H. HARLING, Asst.'Cashi e October Bargains ft-? HTS. Ono case TAILOR MADE SKIRTS $1.25 to $3.00. Fit, qMalily ?md Woi kinunahip guaranteed. One Cf.8i TAILOR MADE CLOAKS, the Claaks are direct from Manufacturers and the patterns are correct. . # . 200 Doz^u Hoi-iery, LadieB, Childs, Misses and Gents osts to 50cts pair. One case EbKIN BLANKETS $3 00 to $6.00. One casu Cnttou and Mixed Blankets 65 ota to $2.50 pair. , 50 Dozen Corsets 50 cts to $1.00. 100 Pieces Teasle Dowus, Outings and Flannelet's 10 cts yard. One case Shetland Shawls and Fascinators. Yours for business, JAS. E. HART ?W^Get your Laundry in Tuesdays^ Stoves Ranges Mantels TILING AND GRATES. LARGEST STOCK. , LOWEST PRICES Tin Plate, Galvanized and Black Sheet Iron, Solder, Copper, Zinc, Etc., Tar Roofing and Sheathing Paper. Tin Roof and Galvanizod Sheet. Metal Work a Specialty. DAVID SLUSKY, REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. 1009 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. "'"s?'^W.. ITail Millinery. lam now showing my Fall Millinery, consisting of Ready-to-wear Hats, Pattern Hats, Misses and Children's Hats, Boys' and Infants Caps. I'wish to call especial attention to my large assortment, of plumes and ribbons. jfWCall to see me at Mr, C E. May's Store. MISS MARY BUFORD. Oall at Our Store ? And let us show you through the largest stock of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings ever brought to Edgefield. WE buy only from the largest and mos*, reliable manufacturers in the country, consequently our goods are' he best in quality with prices very reasonable. For the latest and best of everything in men's and boy's wear call at DORN & MIMS. goods aud a comparison of price. Our stock of vehicles include the King of Buggies. Babcock. The Columbia, McFarlan, Brown, Wrenn and Jewe" We sell the Mitchell, Owensoo ro, Piedmont and ^ussell ivagous. We have the bps!, line of Cook aud Heating Stoves e^er brought the Edgefield. Our Steel Ranger are unexcelled iu style fiuish and durability. Three sizes. We offer also the Iron Kiog, Macks Leader, Cresent Leader, Globe Leader and Stunner. All sizes and prices to suit t: purchaser. In Furniture we have baud some Oak Suits, Bureaus, Wash stands with or without Toilet Chiflouiers, Tables, China Closets, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Hat Racks Chairs, Lounges,Iron Bedsprings We have the best line of Mat tresses ever brought to Edgefield. Rugs and Mattings we have in all grades. We have also a full line of Art squares. . Our Dew Hearse arrived and we are uow ready to respond to calls at reasonable prices. Our Undertaking Department is complete, we have a full line of Co?iDB?f all kiuds from cheap varnished goods to best Metalic. Our stock Draped Cloth aud White Plush Caskets are as baud some as ever broughtjo town. We also keep iu stock a nice lim? Burial Robes. ?it our store will meet with ?onie and will receive polite