fEdgefield Advertiser : WEDNESDAY, JULY 20,1904.'. ^Petit Jury Fist Week--August ?. - Tern). )0--..W. J Williams, J W Gilchrist, W K Powell, Sam't Cheatharo, W A ^f?yhnlda, L Y Bryan, it S Black ' we/l,D S Du Bose, T M Dorn, T B S?Beese, J H A Williams, J T Black well, JP Sullivan, E J Barker, Ed ;-Morris, J D Wash, Geo W West, J tf.H Stone. A B Barden, Charlie Strom, LRBrunson, Robt Agnew, J P Nixhn.G A .?.dams, J E Holmes, jj J F Strom, J P Bean, P P Doolittle, L F Dorn, J M Garnett, JPN Elkin, A L Hailing, J M W Glover, M C Clark, J P Ouzts,.E Summerall. PHOTOGRAPHIC--I am again at work and will be glad to see my friends and customers. R. H. MIMS. NOTICE. I have been asked to give notice that there will be no meeting in July, of the Unio:, of th^ first di vision^ the Edgefiolc. association, but wjfll meet with Stevens Creek, church fifth Sunday in October and Saturday before. ? J. E JOHNSTON. -We, have just received a solid ?sar of furniture aud have on dis ply some beautiful Rockers, Bed room4 Sets, Chiffonniers, Tables, etc , at very rearonable prices. We are acknowleged Headquarters for these goods. - RAMSEY & JONES. The Confederate Veterans and the Edgefield Hussars are invited to attend tha picnic of The Edge field Light Dragoons as guests. A formal invitation has been exten ded to the Captaiu of the Hussars for the Company. J. R. BLOCKER. . For Committee. j Just received a car load of "Old Hickory" and "Blue Grass" wagons and two car loads of !,Rock Hill" and "Hackney" buggies. We want to seli-you. RAMSEY & JONES. LOST OR MISLAID, Policy No. 185550 issued by The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Compa ny, on the life of Geo, D. Till man. The find er will please re turn it to the undersigned . Ap plication has been made for ?he issuing of a duplicate. (Sign) MRS. M, J. TILL MAN. (Address) Clark's EUI, S. C. We want the ladies to call and see our Oil Stoves for Cooking. THE EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE CO. Have you tried our syrup? Genuine Georgia Cane 'syiup and all other varieties always on hand. TIMMONS BROS. -. tobacc?sj - and'".of course ; you do c^eto ; THE PENN DRUG STORE. Having purchased the interest of Mr. E. J. Mines in the firm of . Griffin & MiroB, I beg to say that I will continue the Fire and Life Insurance busiuens under the firm name of C. A. Griffin ? Co. Thank ing inj; friends for past kindness es and. soliciting continuance of the same, I, am very truly C. A. GRIFFIN. We^havn reduced the price so low on all Spring and Summer clothing that it will be sold at once. Call early before sizes are broken. J. V.\ PEAK. FOR SALE : Fifty thousand first-class Shingles. J. L. MIMS. Do .you contemplate painting your house. If so, let us euppl) you with the celebrated Heath & Milligan paint, lead, varnish and stains. None better. TIMMONS BROS. There is no. better buggy on the market to-day than the Colum bus Buggy- If you want to know all about them ask Dr. J. T Pattison, Dr. Hammond Carmi chel, Dr. Robert Marsh, Mr- Jas. ?> Holland, Mr. B. E. Nicholson Mr. Hamp Morgan. For sale by RAMSEY $ JONES. Notice to Colored Teachers. The Summer School for Colored Teachers for the Counties of Edge field, Saluda and Aiken will be opened at Edgefield, S. C., on Monday July 18th at M. For full information apply to F. A. PETERS, Principal, Graniteville, S. C. Eye glasses that give you Com fort. Geo. F. Mims, Optician. Prescriptions accurately com pounded. None but freth diugs used at TIMMONS BROS. COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON, CHARLESTON, S. C. :*?E V Vance examinations will be hel? iiafctb?i?ounty Court House on Friday July 8, at 9 a. rn. One scholarship giving free tuition is assigned to each ounty.of South Carolina, Board and nished room in the Domitory, $10 month. All candidates for admis ?? are permitted to compete for ant^Boyce Scholarship s-which pay a year. For further, infoimatiun d catalogue, address ?V&4RRISON RANDOLPH, President. Cotton Wei shea* Elected. On Monday last the County Board of Comir issioners held an election in the office of the board in order to give those who sell colton on the Edgpfield ixarket au opportunity to express their preference as to who should be chosen as public cotton weigher There were, a goodly number of representative farmers iu from every section' whieh made the vote heavier than was at first expected. Two hundred and eighty three votes were cast as follows: J. W. Cheatham, 130; H. C. Watson, 113; M. A. Taylor, 34, and J. W. Reecp, 6. Mr. J. W. Cheatham having received the highest num ber of votes he was declared elec ted. The position of public cotton weigher is not a sinecure. While it pays well (about $400 uet)for the amount of actual work that is done, yet there is a world of un pleasantness conuected with it. The weigher may be conscientious and try.very so hard to please the public* yet if he holds the good will and esteem of seventy five per cent of the people with whom he.d?alsheis fortunate. In this position, as in every other of a public nature, it is impossible to Eatisfy everybody. You may please "Tom" and "Dick" but "Harry" is certain to fall out with you. Mr. Cheatham will have a com modious platform and well balan ced ?cales, ready to weigh your cottou when the season opens. Prayer-meeting Topics. Rev. C. E. Burts bas done everything possible to increase the attendance upon and arouse a deeper iuterest in the Wednesday evening prayer-meetiugs at the Baptist church and his efforts have been crowned with success. For some time he has had topics prin ted on cards aud distributed them amoug tne members, which has been very helpful. The following are the topics for the ensuing three mouths : " 13. Elijah at Carmel, 1st Kings 1S:30-10. . " 20. Elijah and Elisha, 2nd Kings 2:1-13. " 27. M?6sions-A.(Jonirum Judson, Matt. 2S :16-20. A tiff. 3. The Bible, 2nd Tim. 3:10-17. " 10 TJie Church at Ephesus, Rev. 2:1-11. " 17. The Church at Philadelphia, Rev. 3:7-13. " 24. The Church at Laddicea, Rev. 3 :U-22. " 31. Strengthening the Stakes, ' Isa. ?4:2; Acts 1:8. Sept 7. Blessings of Evil, Jas. 1 :l-12. "?." 14. Religion, Pure and Undefiled, Jas. 1:17-27. " 21. Faith and Works, Jas. 2:12-26. " 27. What I owe to my Community Rom. 14:1-23. And let us consider one another to proyo? a unto love and good works: Not forsaking the assembling of our selves together as the manner of some is. Seo. 10:24-25, Union Meetings. . The Union Meeting of the 2nd .Division pf the Edgefield Associa tion TO jil jpPPt. _jgiLK fHflrlrq Hill: 'Baptist.,church op Saturday and Siinday,,\July 30th.and 31st. Missionary sermon by Rev J T Littlejohn. Queries: 1. When a christian sins, where is the spirit of christ at the time Speakers, P R Wates, E G Morgan, Sr. 2. He that endureth to the end.) the shall be saved. What does this scripture teach? Speakers, Rev J T Littlejehn and Rey J P Mealing. 3 The best p'an to collect and manage missionary funds? Speak ers, Rev P B Lanham and Rev B P Mitchell. 4. Do our churches understand the manner of discipline as thhey ought, and is it the duty of one member as much as another? Speakers, W H Nixon and O O Tiramerman. How far can christians indulge in personal pleasures and recrea tion withoul compromising chris tian character? Speakers, D A J Beii and C E Quarbs. L. F. DORN, Mod. T AARRETT TALBERT Cl'k. NOTICE. MR. EDITOR: I desire to give notice through tue columns of your paper that the Macadonia Sunday school convention which wai ap pointed to meet with Simmons' Ridge church ou Friday of ..this week has been postponed and will meet with said church on Friday before the 4th Sunday in Septem ber. I also desire to extend thanks to the white people ot Edgefield aud vicinity for the generous fiuan cial aid that was given us when we recently painted Simmons' Ridge church. . ' GEO. A. MORGAN, Pustor. We want the housewives to know that they can get Cheese Sand wiches, Butter Thin Bipcuits, Five o'clock Teas, Social Teas, and other nice crackers at THE Pr.y.y DRUG STORE. Have you seen our fine a?sort ment of Toilet Soap, Extracts, Cologne, Toilet Powder, Tooth Brushes ! They aro fine and will please. J. M. COBB. There is no need to bake cakes at homo when you can como to our store and get delightful cakes and crackers, that are fresh. TIMMONS BROS. Handsome Black and Colored "Voilles" Cream and" White Etta mine just in at COBB'S. Fresh supply of "Force", Grap Nuts, Oatmeal, etc., at THE PENN DRUG STORE. The County Executive commit tee are called to meet on the 27th of July ii stead of the 28th all members are requested to be pres* eut or send a representative, as the arrangements for the primary are to be made at thia meeting, THOS. H. RAI?SFORD. Chauman. t ? ? t Lee 4L NGWS. j A. S. Tompkins, Esq., was called to Bat'esburg on Monday ou pro fession al business. Miss Cornelia Joner., accompa nied by Miss Lutile Holstou, has gone tD spend the summer at Try on, N. C. All aboard for Centre Spring to-morrow. The electric cars will leave the monument for the pavil ion at LO o'clock sharp. Mr. H. Forrester Buford, ol Hampton county, is visiting his mother and sister, Mrs. M. E. Bu ford and Miss Mary Buford. Miss Anna Holmes whoreceutly graduated from the S. C. C. I. has been engaged to teach the Hi bier school for the next session. We will sell what we have left in men's low cut shoes regardless of cost. C. E. MAY. If you have not already done so, call at once and secure pome of tho great bargains that Mr. J. E.. Hart is offering. Mr. W. W. Ramsey, the senior member of the progressive firm of Ramsey & Jones, speut Saturday and Sunday last in Edgefield. Mrs. Dr. J. E. Green, of Augus ta, accompanied by her two very beautiful daughters, is visiting at the borne of b^r brother, Mr. A. A.-Glover. MisB Allie Bellanger arrived from Atlanta on Thursday last to spend ten days with her friends in. Edgefield. She is being very cor dially welcomed. 20 yards good soft. Bleaching 1 yard wide $1.00. 20 yards good Sea Island 1 yard wide, for $1,00 Cash only-At Turner's Corner Store. Mrs. P. F. Barling, accompanied by her charming daughter, Miss Daisy, is up from Augusta to spend some time at the hospitable home of her brother Mr. W. H. Turner. Mr. James A. Dozier, the head salesman in the shoe department of the mammoth J. B. White store, was.among the visitors to our pro gressive town last week. Mr. J. K. Allen, one of the faith ful lieutenants of the popular Cor ner Store, is enjoying a vacation this week, spending the time in the Meeting Street section. . Ladies' and Miss -s' Oxfords and strapped slippers at a great reduc tion. C. E.MAY. Dr. A. H. Colley went to White Stone Lithia spriugs on Friday last to appear before the state ex amining board- of the dental as sociation,-, remaining t over Jins week' to;"attend' the annual meet ing of the association. Missus Ruth and Lizzette Ran dall, of Augusta, who are greatly beloved in Edgefield and whose visits are eagerly looked forward to, are among the many visitors to our town, being guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Brunson. A great treat is in store for the people of our towii and vicinity. Dr. E. M. Poteat, the president of Furman University, will make his first visit to Eagefield on the 5th Suuday in July, speaking in the Baptist church in the evening. Mr. R. F. Burford, the popular balesman of Singer sewing ma chines, . spent Wednesday and Thursday last in Augusta on busi ness. He was accompanied by Mrs. Burford and their bright little babe who remained several days with friends. Hon. S. G. Mayfield, who re sides at Denmark, Bamberg coun ty, announces hiB candidacy for Congress, from the second district, in this issue of Advertiser. He has been repeatedly honored by his home people and now solicits the support of the people of Edgefield for the high position Lo which he aspires. Up to date line men's negligee shirts and summer underwear at the very lowest prices. CE. MAY. Of course, all of tho candidates are Sunday school workers. Every one of them-were the roll called not a one would be missing-is in attendance to-day upon the Bap tist Sunday school convent iou at. Red Oak Grove. To-morrow 1 hey will march in a body to Centre Spring picnic. Now is the time to call on Lom bard of Augusta for Engines. Boilers, Pipes, FittingB and Gin Repairs for ginning season. They bav? the largest, shop and found ry of its kind in the south, work ing over 200 hands. Their prices are reasonable and work is guaran teed, Rev. P. B. Grant, the Baptist pastor at Johnston, and Rev. C. .E. BurtB exchanged pulnits on Sunday last. The former preached a very earnest and forceful sermon in Ihe Edgefield Baptist environ in the forenoon, and the latter filled the Baptist pulpit at Johnston in the morning and afternoon. Rev. P. P. Blalock returned on Thursday last after an absence of ten days, during which time ho rendered very valuable assistance to Rev. G. H. Burton in conduct ing a revival meeting in one of his churches at Greenwood. The meeting was a great success, much lasting good heing accomplished. Big liue of Puritan Corsets just received. Wear them thirty dayB and if they are not satisfactory we will cheerfully refund tho mouey. C. E. MAY [ We aie very . grateful' to our j I kind-friend. Mr. W. J. Gaines, of Trenton, for a large crate of de lightful peaches. We have never seen finer fruit; Mr Paul W. Gibson arrived on Sunday la?t to fspend a part of his vac/itiou in Edgefield, He and Mr. George F* Minas are rus ticating this week at the Lan drum place above Meeting Street. The August term of court, with Hon. R. C. Watta as presiding judgo, will convenu on the first Monday which ia the first de.y. Read the new advertisements this week of Mr. J. M. Cobb, Miss Mai y Buford, Messrs. Dorn & Mima, and the new locals of Mr. C. E. May. Miss Sophie Abney bas joined ber friend, Mies Queen Morris, in Atlauta. In a few days they will depart for the mountains wbere they wil' ppend the heated term. The regular quarterly conference of the Edgefield circuit was held n our Methodist church on Satu. day last. Rev. J. S. .Beasley, the presiding elder, was present and preached two very able Bermous on Sunday morning and eveniug. Hon. J. 0. Patterson, who is an able lawyer and one of theleadiug citizens of Baruwelljcounty, an nounces in this issue of the Ad vertiser that he is a candidate for Congress from the second district. Mr. Patterson is well qualified to discharge the duties that devolve upon one who occupies this high position. Mr. A. D. Timmerman, who formerly resided at Pleasant Lauu but now lives near DyBou, Greenwood cuui:ly, has announced himself as a candidate for the legislature. While he is not a sil ver-tongued orator yet he will make the people a useful member of the House, their interests being safe in his hands. Mr. S. T. Williams inf >rmed us on Monday that his section was visited on Saturday afternoou last by the hardest wind-accompa nied by hail and heavy rain-that he has seen in twent}' five years, besides washing the laud very badly, but little damage was done. Several miles above Mr. Williams' farm the ciops wore greatly dam-, aged by hail. The cry for water, more water, comes from every section of the couuty, and slate, too. Hundreds of wells are dry, springs that never failed before have ceased to run, branches in many pastures are aB dry an Sahara. The very limited rainfall which has extended overi a period of two years has caused it all. However, it.will turn out| all right. What is needed now is more patience and more faith. : FOR SALE : All kinds and grades of lumber. Send me youij orders. D. B. HOLLINGSWORTH. A report to the effect that Mr. R. E. Morgan has decided not to make the race for treasurer has been circulated in some sections of the county, and he desires to correct that false rumor by assur ing bis friends that he is in the race to the finish. Owing to very grievous misfortunes he has not been and will not be able to make as thorough canvass as he would like. Mr. H. G. Arthur drove in town ou Saturday in a buggy that was purchased by his uucle, the late Capt. H. B. Gallman, thirty-three years ago. The vehicle was built "by hand" of selected material and can stand more "wear and tear" to-day than many buggies that are just out of the factory. The beau tiful new coat of paint, the handi work of_Mr6. Arthur, hes given it a new lease of life. Some of my friends persuuded me to make the race for Couuty Commissioner, which I did not de cide to do until a few days ago. I will say to my frieudB and voters that it will be impossible for me to make a thorough canvass of the county but will try to attend ail campaign meetiugs and if you see fit to elect me as mo of the board J will try to attend to the duties of the office to tlie best of my ability and to the interest of Edgefield Couuty. I thank you for your support two years ago, and in advance for same in coming election. Resnectfully. J. 0. SCOTT. A few .in asl ins, au I mercerized white goods left. Yours at Cost. C. E. MAY. In this idsue of the Adveitiser Mr. W. D. Holland, one of the leading citizens of Trenton, an nounces his candidacy for the office of Superintendent of Educa tion. Mr. Holland is well fitted, both intallectually , and in ac tual experience as a teacher, for this important office. He is a full graduate of Furman University and was for several years superin tendent of the Johnston Institute, which Fchool he managed very successfully. Mr. Holland is an aggressive young man of high ideals and exalted character, and if elected will make a good officer. We like best to call SCOTT'S EMULSION a food because it stands so em- 5 piratically for perfect nutrition. ? And yet in the matter of reston ? ing appetite, of giving nev? $ strength to the tissues, especially to, the nerves, its action \s that of a medicine. Send for free sample, SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 pearl Street, Ney? York. 50c. and J i.00; all druggists. -A Word to the Wise."?tc Apiano is a very mystifying instrument, especially to . those who know nothing of i s con struction or the scieotific princi ples involved in producing a per fect piano. This is the reason KO many of our citizens and best class of farmers ere humbugged into buying a cheap piano and very, frequently at nu exorbitant price. Some finns have a method of sending out flaming literature with a lot of testimoni?is from people who know absolutely noth ing about a piano. This class of stuff is priced from $500.00 to $1,000.00, but can be bought for almost nothing, for it is worthless io a musical education. Then the retail dealer cornes along and pushes the cheapest pianos he can get for the biggest price. Don't get picked up by these fakes. You want the best and cac got it. Your children deserv-o a good piano aud au artistic piano. We note thal, our greatest col leges usejthe Stiert1 piano. Elizabeth College, Charlotte, uses it exclusively and has twenty. Converse College, Spartanburg, S. Cuses it exclusively and has thirty-six. Brenau Conservatory of Music, Gainesville, Ga., USCB it exclusively and has fifty. The Baptist Female College, Raleigh, has placed an order for thirty-one and will use it exclusively. Old Salem Academy at Salem, N. C., has adopted the Stieff. It is med in many colleges all over the South and East. When the heads of such colle ges select the Stieff piano, wouldn't it be well for you to profit by their knowledge and ex perience? Besides, the Stieff piano is a Southern product manufactu red by a Southern man and is sold direct from factory to friendn, saves middleman's profits in your home and you secure the finest pia^o made. Also have a fine line of medium grade and second-hand pianos. A letter or card addressed to the Southern Worerooms of CHAS. M. STIEFF, 211-213 N. Tryon St., CHARLOTTE, N. C., will receive a prompt reply. J*Lt and Be M ? In order to clo! Millinery, consisting c trimmed Hats, Miss Hats and all kinds of inaugurated a BONA '. In fact many gee LOW COST. I must make r FALL STOCK. C G. E. MAY Bargains ir For OC |WE will sell you cheap fo jthree new JSTO. 9 Wheele: iBall Bearing Sewing Macr cond hand machines. Let us sell you a Co< .are reasonzble for cash or ?CHRIST IN Tufe CAMP? "\Y/M EV J> WM. JONES, CHAP LAIN. , -^SRJfATEST BOOK OF THE MTJ *lrx{??.)T COMMENDATIONS BY >? HOB IR.. JMOST EMINENT 40UTMERN MEN il,LY ILLUiTBATED. ?l* PAw ito "YO unJORO ER WS tQ H'^Ti R RITO (TY We are headquarters for Teas and Ccffees. Try us. THE PENN DRUG STORE. TO BE GIVEN AWAY Till Handictne Embroidery Outfit, stamped cn ec?i ma terial, win 1? maOtU ibsoiutely fn-c of charlo, lt cewMl oil Crycamlicmiim Centerpiece ( 11^1? ?r?.) ?Rh 6 Dollie: (ead! 5x5 In.). 2 iliinty CotUr?, s /Voili'Unfor sailor suit, 1 Duokmark, 2 Iliittcrilicr; f fm .i.fl.vj. ? Autumn Leaves and 2 Conventional Pe^ii; fw ahiri-waist ornainentatioa. READ OFFER BELOW &/:,c NEW IDEA Woman's Mafjfa?:?2t- . mywher? in liic ni*"axine woiW. Ifvnu wish tn tires* ??'j .:t ..- inmlcnie CS-?:IM?. the MEW IURA WOMAN'S M AI: A.. t ?.1XK !.; a p.'?'ive ri~t>?;itv. Kaili tate romain? ll?cii?i tifias in culto. I' traits ?iMnfall sn U-ti Iti;rri?!v Ui .'?>'. '? thr?t '?fe. Kemi your nant |?u!a ' ??til f". ' nun --e ? '?I ei.'rr ymir vtm rii,t!. ii f r ooeyear, Iii.- I in n.l'erv ili.tl'.t tl',11. r; aUu-e. ! ? SHIV In ii.rnilun u*|ir-r ?hen jim ?rio. " r;?A tur::.T?Z"'B i>o., 02c BroAdr-?.* ? Col. F. N. K. Bailey arrived in Edgefield on Monday and is to-day in attendance upon the Sunday Behool convention at Red Oak Grove. Sojn affer reaching Edge fi?-ld he received a telegram fn>m Prof. Entzminger, who was at Kershaw, stating that he had, within the last few days, secured eight ni'w students for the col lege. The only troubla will . b? iii fiud ing room for all who apply for ad mission. Bishop Joseph S. Key, Southern M. E. Church, writes . "We gave Dr. Moff ett's "TEETHINA" (Teething Pow ders) to our little grandchild with the happiest results. The effects were al most magical, and certainly more sat isfactory than from anything we ever used." "TEETH I N'A" (Teething Tow ders) Counteracts and Overcomes the Effects of the Summer's Heat. Saved From Terrible Death. The family pf Mrs. M. L. Bob bilt of Bargerton, Tenn, saw her dying and were powerless to save her. The most, skillful physicians aud every remedy used, faned, while consumption was slowly but surely taking her life. In this ter rible hour Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption turned despair into joy. The firBt bottle brought immediate relief and its continued use completely cured her. It's the moat certain cure in the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed Botlles 50c and $1.00. Trial Bottlee Free at Th6 Penn Drug Store. We have made a big cut in the prices of all Spring and Summer goods in order to make room for a large fall stock. This means money in the pockets of the shop pers. J. W.PEAK. Stock Raisers. I have a thorough-bred Jeisey bull. Send your cows to my lot. A. fee of $2.00 will bo charged to ii sure. A.B. CO VAR, Edgefield, S. C. low Cost BM-^ se out all Summer )f Trimmed and Un es' and Children's Trimmings, I have FI DE COST SALE. ids will be sold BE oom for my large all f,t once. T n S STORE. B"w Store. you to come and see our goods before lowing and up-to-date line of Shoes, Jollars, Neckwear, Suspenders, Hosiery, ys Suits. Well everything in the Shoe rnishings. :MER UNDERWEAR. ''ORD SHOES SPECIALTY. the NORRIS Building next door to , A, HART, i Machines^ > Days r CASH or on easy terms r & Wilson Drop Head lines, also three good se eking Stove. Our prices on easy terms. WE are o merdai Fertiliz mour Fertilizer Chemical Wor the Royster Bi the GUARAN' Soda and other WE are ni Meal, Corn, Fl and Plantation co-Chewing ? usual. ?STSee c WE are r< ing and Heat Points etc. WE carry Vehicleu of all Coffins and Ur Agents fo OSTCall ; Wholes; By its combined therapeutic action upon the blood and the mucosa * . XV membrane, Hancock's Liquid \J\ . Sulphur positively and sorely Cures GERMICIDE Catarrh fattn'i IrulM bnMk Catarrh is a constitutional dis . ease, and local treatment alone y// will not cure it. Sulphur is the greatest germicide known, anda baralessbutpowerful constitution builder. Its value has been recog nized for ages,but all its curative effects were never obtainable till the discovery of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. So posi tive is its action that we guarantee it to cure Catarrh, Eczema, Acne. Itch, Dan druff, Ringworm, Prickly Heat, Diphthe ria, Sore Mouth and Throat, Granulated Eyelids, and all diseases of the Scalp. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR OINTMENT. Prepared especially for Burn?, 8 cal di, Op? a Borea, Chafed Parts, Raw Surfaces, Bolls, Plica, Roughness of Face and Hand*, an4 all Skin Diseases. S ol J at all reliable ira cs tores. Write for free booklst on the eura tire and toilet nae of sulp tar. HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR CO* fi Baltimore. Md. THE FARMERS BANK OF EDGEFIELDS.c. STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST BANK IN EDQEF N Paid up Capital.f 58,000.00 Surplus and UndividedlProfits. 22,00i\0Q Liability of Stockholders. 58,00X00 Protection to Depositors.$188,000.00 "We invite attention of those desiring a safe depositorylfor their money to the auvve acts. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS BY SPECIAL CONTRACT. Un lat prov ??ion of its cha rter this bank is authorized to act as trastee, guardian dministrator and executor, and to accsptand o xecnte trusts generally. A. E. PADGETT, President T. H RAINfcFORO, Vice-Pre W. H. HARLIXG, Asst.>Cuhis J. L. CAUGHMAN, Cashier. AT COST Our Summer Goods WILL BE SOLD AT COST, FOR CASH Until July 31st, 1904 WE HAVE a good lot of Summer Goods yet, and Positively they must go in order to make room for Fall Goods, In every line'of our immense stock will be found BARGAINS worth coming miles to obtain. All we ask is a look through our prices, and we know you will buy. Don't wait until the choicest goods are all gone, but come and be among the first. Remember the days-from July nth to 31st, Positively no Goods Charged at These Cost Prices JAS. E. HART Get your Laundry in Tuesdays. REACHING OUT WE are reaching out for yor patronage, and if first class goods, low prices, and fair dealing will secure it we will, not have reached in vain. In order not to carry over any Summer Goods we will sell everything in that line re gardless of cost. It will pay all prospective buyers to get . our prices before making their purchases. C. E. MAY. r the Year 1904. ffering to the Farmers a full Line of Com ers. We sell Goods Manufactured by Ar . Works, Navassa Guano Company, Georgia ks, and Columbia Guano's Goods known as ?ands. These goods have analyzed ABOVE TEE. We also sell Muriate of Potash,Nitrate of ? ingredients for Home Mixing of Fertilizers, ow offering at low prices in any quanity Meat, our, Molasses, Rice Meal, Fine Feed, Hay Supplies of every kind. Our Stock of Tobac ind Smoking--is large and Prices Lower than mr Stock of Case Goods, and Can Goods. eady to supply you with your Stoves,-Cook ing-Hardware, Nails, Plowstocks, Plow a full line of Furniture, Wagons, Buggies and kinds, Harness Leather, also a full line of id?rtaker's Goods, r Babcock Buggies. and inspect our Stock and you will buy. ale and K. et ail